Empirical studies that use household farmers as unit of analysis to examine the relative influence of education on risk perceptions of large scale mining projects in Ghana are virtually absent. This study combined evidence from literature, mixed methods, Pearson’s Chi square (X2) and correlation analyses. Systematic random sampling was used in selecting farmers. Data obtained from 725 households was analyzed using SPSS. The hypothesis “education has no relationship with farmers’ risk perceptions of large-scale mining projects in Ghana” was tested. Results revealed that large-scale mining has both positive and negative image in the minds of farmers. Farmers’ education strongly correlated with their knowledge of the state of the environment and natural resources before the arrival of the mining project [Pearson’s (X2) = 26.743; p = 0.024; Pearson's (r) = 0.791; p = 0.010]. Statistical evidence exists to support the claim that local communities protested against the mining project due to their ability to anticipate adverse effects of the project on environmental quality. Education significantly influenced farmers’ ability to link sources of livelihood to environmental and resource protection [Pearson's (X2) = 25.516, p = 0.043; Pearson's (r) = 0.640; p = 0.036]. Farmers’ risk perceptions of large scale mining as a threat to: community’s natural capital; traditional systems; environmental and social protection regime; established administrative procedures and good conducts of public officials; as well as being a threat to rural livelihood have serious implications for achieving the goals of sustainable mining in Ghana. Nonetheless, farmers associated mining as agent of economic development, and education significantly influenced this assessment [Pearson’s (X2) = 28.093, p = 0.021; Pearson’s (r) = 0.077; p = 0.041]. This paper concludes that education is a significant predictor in risk perception assessment. Robust environmental and social protection regimes, strong public institutions and improved socio-economic status are good predictors of farmers’ risk perceptions of mining.