CWE/503/2017 当前磨破ld Environment 0973-4929 2320-8031 Enviro Research Publishers CWE--28-00 The Perception of the Langkawi Community on Solid Waste Management 1 , Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities, 马来西亚国民大学, Malaysia. 2014-08-31 10.12944/CWE.9.2.02 Volume 9 Volume 9 237 - 243 Abstract

The process of disposing solid wastes should be systematic and efficient. Various pollution may occur if solid wastes are not properly disposed. Pollution would not only affect the naturalenvironment but also exposed the community to various diseases. Therefore the community should be given exposure to practice efficient solid waste disposalfor their own benefits.Given the signficance of proper waste disposal issues for tourism locations, this study investigated the management of solid waste disposal at the renown Langkawi Island. The focus was on the understanding and awareness of the community of the locals, business people and tourists on the island.The findings indicated that thecommunity inPulau Langkawi was aware of the importance of efficient solid waste management. Yet, theirpractices differed in terms of propriety or impropriety of the method in the perspectives of solid waste management. These practices were found to be influenced by their level of knowledge on waste management issues and their educational background.

Keywords Pollution Solid waste Management of solid waste Community of island