Air is the most important factor of environment. Without air no body can survive. But today the polluted or degraded air quality is a big problem because pollution of air has affected the health of people or causing many diseases. Air pollution raises Blood Pressure according to the study of Sherry Baker.¹ Pollution problem cannot deal only technology. Hon’ble Justice Niley Chowdhary said that enormous pollution control problem can be dealt with isolation. It should be integrated with total over all national planning schemes as also with the vibration of Judicial process² and Justice Krishana Iyer has pointed out that if development programs are extensive and extraordinary as they are bound to be, are delinked from the legal process, the decline and fall of democracy may certainly begin.³ It means that without economists, sociologists, scientists and lawyers, the pollution can not be solved. Law is regulator of human conduct. There are about 200 major laws directly related to environmental protection. The number of minor legislation directly or indirectly related to control pollution is closed to 3000. M.P. Government also has formed and passed various Acts and Rules to control pollution. Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Rule 1983 is direct force to control of air pollution of the state but some other Acts and Rules of M.P., are also participated to control the air pollution. We must be aware of these Acts and Rules because we control the pollution origin place or complaint to proper authority for necessary action.