Zahedan city is located in the dry and semidry area in the Iran and close to Pakistan boarder. At this region fresh drinking water is limited to groundwater resource. Because of main role of water in the transmission several type of disease and assess the risks of adverse health effect on human exposure to lead influenced by human activities and geological survey in Zahedan we decide to test water sample from 10 well in separate places in zahedan for measuring quantity of lead. We have measured lead concentration by flame atomic absorption spectroscopy. The concentration of lead in sampling wells was the range of 1.47 to 1.68 ppm. Comparing the amounts of measured lead concentration of lead are more than standard limit (0.01ppm) in all the wells. In order to determine contaminated regions and direction of pollution diffusions, we have down isoconcentration counters on the geological map of the area. By the obtaining information about industrial, agricultural, animal husbandry activities, geological and geochemistry of the region we have defind the origin of grand water pollution of the region.