CWE/246/2017 当前世界环境 0973-4929 2320-8031 Enviro Research Publishers CWE——4 00 Physico-chemical and inorganic contaminants examination in food grains for high yield and yield stability 2 , M.H. College of Home Science and Science for Women, Jabalpur, India. 2010-06-30 10.12944/CWE.5.1.10 Volume 5 Volume 5 73-77 Abstract

< p > < span style="font-size:14px">Food grain quality components like visual quality, nutritional quality, including digestibility and big-availability of nutrients, anti-nutritional factors, milling characteristics, cooking quality, consumer acceptability, and storage stability deserves an important place in evaluation of new varieties as high yield and yield stability. Grain produced in a farmer’s field passes through several transformations before it is consumed in the form of food. As it ensure that these transformations which are accomplished efficiently and with minimum nutrient loss, better interactions between different disciplines are needed, and an understanding of various aspects of food grain quality becomes vital. The present study reveals the characteristics of some components of grain quality in sorghum and oat. The findings observed during the study period suggested the regular check up the quality of the farmer’s inputs and food grains. The quality assessment should be done regularly and it may also concluded from the study that the crop and food grains variety had the great influence on the Physico chemical, and nutritional characteristics of different food varieties for high yield and yield stability. The present investigations is mainly concerned with the Physico-chemical profiling of grains with special reference to the nutritional potential of the food grains and free from the microbial contamination which confirms grain stability against the moisture content percent in the selected species.

Keywords Food Grains Quality Components