Due to pressure of human activity, urbanization and industrialization, the ground water sources are degraded gradually; therefore pure, safe, healthy and odorless drinking water is a matter in deep concern. There are many pollutants in ground water due to sewage viz., organic and inorganic pollutants, heavy metals, pesticides, fluoride etc; the purpose was to ascertain the quality of water from these sources. Samples were taken from 25 sampling points and analyzed for pH, EC, TDS, TH, F-, Ca, Mg, Cl-, D.O, and Alkalinity using standard techniques in laboratory (APHA 1985)1. The data showed the variation of the investigated parameters in samples as follows pH: 6.8-8, EC: 233.4-3426 µmhos/cm, TDS: 113.6-981.5 mg/L, Alkalinity: 70-477.5mg/L, D.O:2.4-24.8mg/L, Mg-H: 2.92-33.21 mg/L, Ca-H: 26.4-313.6mg/L, TH: 82.8-1210mg/L, Cl- : 40-1265 mg/L, F- : 0.4-2.65 ppm. The result revealed that the quality of drinking water of Chittur is very poor which can be used for drinking and cooking only after prior treatment.