CWE/101/2017 Current World Environment 0973-4929 2320-8031 Enviro Research Publishers CWE--8-00 Evaluation of borewell water of various places located in and around industrial area of Aurangabad district of maharashtra 1 , Depatment of Chemistry, J.E.S. College, Jalna, 431 203, India. 2008-07-05 10.12944/CWE.3.1.15 Volume 3 Volume 3 115-118 Abstract

< p > <跨风格= "字体类型:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Present investigation deals with the study of borewell water samples in and around the industrial area of Aurangabad district of Maharashtra, used for various domestic uses. Physico-chemical parameters of selected borewell waters were evaluated indicates that water samples are polluted, maximum of samples have E.C., TDS, Hardness, Ca++, Mg++ and COD values exceeding the permissible limits for drinking purpose. It is observed that the main sources of pollution are due to industrial waste water, municipal sewage, lack of sanitation and presence of inorganic constituents in the waste water.

Keywords Borewell Water Physico-Chemical Parameter