CWE/1421/2019 当前世界环境 0973-4929 2320-8031 Enviro Research Publishers CWE--64-00 Thermal Requirements and Heat Use Efficiency of Pea Cultivars under Varying Environments 1 , Department of Environmental Science, Dr. YSP University of Horticulture and Forestry, Solan, 173 220, India. 10.12944/CWE.14.3.06 Volume 14 Volume 14 376-382 Abstract

A study was conducted in mid hills of Himachal Pradesh during the Rabi seasons of 2017-18 and 2018-19 on a sandy loam to assess the thermal requirements and heat use efficiency of Pea cultivars under varying sowing environments & row orientations. The duration of phenological stages and accumulation of agro-climatic indices (GDD, PTU and HTU) were greatly abridged with delay in crop sowing. Among the dates of sowing, the utmost agro-climatic indices accretion was perceived in 1st December as compared to 15th December sown crop. Earlier crop sown had significantly highest heat use efficiency. Among the cultivars, PB-89 was observed highly efficient in heat use as compared to Azad-p1 and ESP-111 cultivars. Among the row orientations, the highest heat use efficiency was observed in crop sown on NS orientation. The study concluded that alterations in sowing time and row orientation are highly effective in improving heat use efficiency of Pea cultivars under changing climatic scenarios in mid hills of Himachal Pradesh.

柯ywords Pea Sowing Date Orientation 农业气候指标 Heat Use Efficiency