CWE/1011/2017 Current World Environment 0973-4929 2320-8031 Enviro Research Publishers CWE--51-00 Climate Simulation Using RCM Data for Jamnagar District 2 Junagadh Agricultural University, AICRP on Irrigation Water Management, Junagadh, India. 2017-08-31 10.12944/CWE.12.2.25 Volume 12 Volume 12 411-420 Abstract

< p > <跨风格= "字体类型:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">Scarcity of water resources and pollution will be the major emerging issues in the current and next century. Climate change is also one of the threats among several other impacting on water resources. GCMs are fundamental tools for predicting future climate and RCMs are outstanding tools for studying the mechanisms of climate at scales that are not yet resolved by GCM. The meteorological data (precipitation and temperature) simulated by CGCM2.3.2 RCM for the control period (1961-2000) as well as future periods (2046-64 & 1981-2100) were analyzed for the bias corrections. It was analyzed to assess how well the important statistics (Coefficient of Variation and Mean) of the bias corrected for four grid points of RCM simulated data match those of the observations. The bias corrected RCM simulated rainfall and temperature were found increasing from 1961 to 2100 and noticed that the warming will be more due to increase in minimum temperature rather than maximum temperature.

Keywords Bias correction Climate Change Jamnagar district Rainfall RCM Simulation Warming Temperature