CWE/928/2017 当前的世界在vironment 0973-4929 2320-8031 Enviro Research Publishers CWE--50-00 How to Build a Geodesic Dome An Overview and Introduction for Construction of Geodesic Domes in a Simple Word in Addition With Studding a Case and Designing a Research Center with this Structure - 10.12944 / CWE.11.Special-Issue1.08 Volume 11 Volume 11 54-65 Abstract

Geodesic dome is a spherical structures that is formed of five Platonic geometry used in construction, although apparently the dome has complex geometry, they have quick and easy way for constructing. In this paper, how to build a simple dome Geodesic is described in a simple word, which says the possibility of holding it in any space and with any little materials is possible. Geodesic domes offer us much architectural features, at the end of this article, a research center within this volume is designed by the author and the described manufacturing method -described in the paper- has been used for its construction.

Keywords Geodesic Dome Fast Construction Methods Features Case Study