Performance, quality and reliability of technology are becoming more and more important for the emerging photovoltaic markets worldwide. In this experiment the monitoring of climatic factors like, solar radiation, Ambient Temperature, Module Temperature, Relative Humidity and Wind Speed was carried out on daily basis for six months, between 7:00 A.M to 6:00 P.M. Data was measured with SCADA system. This analysis was carried out by monitoring the fluctuation in power output of the system with climatic factors. From the results, there is direct proportionality between the power output of the system and the climatic factors. The correlation between ambient air temperature, PV module temperature and CUF is strongly positive. The other climatic factor like wind speed is does not have much significant effect on CUF. The Relative humidity is negatively correlated with CUF. The correlation between solar radiation and the CUF is strongly positive.