The Presence of Mercury Resistant Bacteria in Sediment of Gold Processing Plant at Waekerta Village of Buru District, Maluku Province and their Activity in Reducing Mercury
Sarmawaty Kotala1*, Retno Kawuri2and Ida Bagus Wayan Gunam3
Mercury was one of the heavy metal polute in environment and had the toxic characteristic to the living creatures. Golden mining in Waeapo subdistrict used mercury to extract the gold and exile the waste to the environment freely. Several precedented research showed that waste sediment of gold processing contains mercury resistance bacteria. Mercury resistance bacteria can be used as bioremediation agent because those bacteria can reduce mercury. Mercury resistance bacteria hasmer operonwhich contained in plasmid. The goal of this research is to isolate mercury resistance bacteria which is able to grow on medium nutrient agar (NA) containing 500 ppm of HgCl2and to analyze the capability in HgCl2reduction in nutrient broth (NB) medium. Bacteria isolation was done by platting method on Nutrient Agar containing 10 ppm of HgCl2. Bacteria identification was done by kit Microgen TM GnA + B-ID System and to know bacteria capability in reducing mercury was done by CV-AAS (Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). Result showed, that the bacteria found in this research wereBacillussp andAeromonas hydrophila. Both of these bacteria were able to reduce HgCl2in the amount of 98,7% forBacillussp and 98,33% forAeromonas hydrophila. In the future those bacteria can be use as bioremediation agent.
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Kotala S, Kawuri R, Gunam I. B. W. The Presence of Mercury Resistant Bacteria in Sediment of Gold Processing Plant at Waekerta Village of Buru District, Maluku Province and their Activity in Reducing Mercury. Curr World Environ 2014;9 (2) DOI:
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Kotala S, Kawuri R, Gunam I. B. W. The Presence of Mercury Resistant Bacteria in Sediment of Gold Processing Plant at Waekerta Village of Buru District, Maluku Province and their Activity in Reducing Mercury. Curr World Environ 2014;9(2). Available from://
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Received: | 2014-04-21 |
Accepted: | 2014-05-17 |
Mercury utilizing in golden mining could produce waste, which contains mercury and causes environment pollution. Mercury belongs to heavy metal which is toxic to living creatures. Mercury can attack the arrangement of central nervous and causes memory loss, tremors and decreases motion capability. Poisoning causing destruction of a fetus has been detected. Minimata desease in Japan is the example of mercury poisoning.1,2
Mercury as a pollutant in the environment need attention and problem solving. Mercurydetoxificationcan be donechemicallybyprecipitation, coagulation, reverseosmosis, ionexchangeresinsandadsorptionusingactivated carbon.3,4However, thisprocessis relativelyexpensiveandcould causenew problems, namelythe accumulation ofthese compoundsinsedimentandaquatic organisms.4
Mercury detoxification can be done by using mercury resistance bacteria which have mercury resistance gen, calledmer operon,.4,5There is gold mining at Waekerta village, Subdistrict Waeapo, Maluku Province, Indonesia,where theprocessing ofgoldusingmercuryandthe wasteis discharged intothe environmentwithout regard tothecontaminationoccurred(Figure 1).Based on this background, it is necessary to isolate mercury resistance bacteria from sediment of gold processing which able to grow on NA medium containing 500 ppm of HgCl2and to analize the capability of reduction of HgCl2.
Figure 1: Gold mining in Waekerta village (a) Gold |
Material and Methods
Research Materials
This study used asample ofsedimenttakenfroma waste disposal siteof gold processing in Waekerta Village, Maluku. Materials usedin this study were Nutrient Agar (Merck),Nutrient Broth (Merck), and HgCl2.
Research Instrument
The instrument used in this research is a hot plate, autoclave, vortex, incubator, kit Microgen TM GnA + B-ID System, microscopes, spectrophotometers, CV-AAS, and laminar air flow cabinet.
Samples were takenas much as 20% from42gold processingsites inWaekerta Village, so that9locations were choose to get the sediment samples. Samples taken from each location on 5 different points were then mixed into one. Land sample from mining land was used as comparative so that total of all samples become ten.Locationof sampling sitesin the villageof Waekertaas shown in Figure2.
Figure 2:Map of Sampling Location: |
Bacteria Isolation
Mercury resistance bacteria isolation was done by spread plate method.6Sedimen and soil sample were diluted in a series(10-1, 10-2and10-3) with saline solution(0.85% NaCl). From the 10-3dilution were taken0,1 ml and spread on petri dishes containing selective media namely nutrient agar (NA) containing10ppm of HgCl2. Then incubatedat room temperaturefor 3 days. Grown bacterial isolates with different colonies morphological characterswere reisolated aga into a new mediumin order to get pure cultures and stored in an agar slant for further testing.
Mercury Recistance Bacteria Selections
Bacteria selection is based on the ability of bacteria lisolatesgro wninmedium with various HgCl2concentrations. Bacterial isolateswere grownbystreaking method on NA medium which contain 25ppmof HgCl2and incubatedat room temperature for 24hours. If the isolatesgrow, then chese bacteria lisolates were re-grown by streaking method on the Name diumadded with HgCl2with a higher concentration of 50ppm, 100ppm, 250ppm, 400ppm, 500ppmin order to obtain superior isolates,which were able to live in the highest HgCl2concentration. Purified isolates was storedin nutrient agar slant medium with a temperature of-20°C.
Mercury Resistance Bacteria Identification
Parameters observed for identification of mercury-resistant bacteria are colony form on NA medium, Gramstaining, andcharacterphysiology (biochemical test). Physiological characteristicswere tested using Microgen™ kitGNA+B-ID System Identification (Microgen Bioproduct, UK).
Determination of Optimum Temperature on the Growth of Mercury Resistant Bacteria
确定最适生长温度,bacterial isolates were grown on nutrient broth medium and incubated a variety of temperature is: 25°C, 30°C, 37°C, and 45°C. Cultures were incubated at this temperature for 24 hours. Further growth of the isolates was measured degree of turbidity with a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 620 nm. Absorbance values of bacterial cells can be observed at a wavelength of 620 nm, each treatment was repeated 3 times.
Determination of Optimum pH on Mercury Resistant Bacteria Growth
To determine the optimum pH of growth, the bacteria lisolates were grown innurient broth with a pH of 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9. Cultures were incubatedat the optimum temperature for 24 hours. Growth of isolates was measured with a spectro photo meter at a wavelength of 620 nmand each treatment was repeated 3 times.
Determination of Bacterial Growth Curve
无菌优越的细菌隔离大阪证交所之一at the age of 24 hours (isolates were rejuvenated on NA medium containing 10 ppm of HgCl2) was inoculated in 100 ml of NB medium in erlenmeyer flask, incubated at room temperature on a rotary shaker (100 rpm). 24-hour-old culture was washed using saline solution, then 5ml of the culture was taken and inoculated into 45 ml of NB mediumat a concentration of 10 pp mHgCl2 andin cubatedat room temperature on arotary shaker(100 rpm). Suspension culture absorbance values were measured at a wave length of 620 nm. Absorbance measurements were started from 0 hour up to 72 hours with an interval of 4 hours. Obtained absorbance data was then conversed into the growth curve. On the x-axis is time and and on the y-axis is absorbance. The growth curve will be compared with the growth curve of bacteria in NB medium without HgCl2.
MercuryReducing BacteriaActivity Test
Mercury reducing bacteria activity test was carried out to look at the ability of superior isolates inreducing Hg. In this testing phase bacterial isolates were grown in NB medium for 24 hours in 250 ml erlenmeyer, then isolated cells were washed using saline solution and the absorbance was measured using a spectrophotometer at a wavelength of 620 nm. Culture with absorbance value of 2 was taken 0.1 ml and grown in 50 ml NB medium containing a concentration of 100 ppm HgCl2,then incubated for 7 days on top shaker (100 rpm). Furthermore, bacterial cells were separated from the medium by using a membran filter with the size of 0.2 µm. Hg concentration remaining in the medium was measured by Cold Vapour NB Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (CV - AAS). In addition, NB medium containing 100 ppm of HgCl2without inoculated with bacteria resistant to mercury was used as a positive control and NB medium without HgCl2and mercury resistant bacteria was used as negative control. The principle of CV-AAS working is to change the mercury dioxide compounds into the mercury ion, mercury ion subsequently reduced to metallic mercury and the cold vapor atomic absorption of it was analyzed at a wavelength of 253.7 nm. Reagents used were SnCl2 reductant, H2SO4 + HCl acid solution ( Rondonuwu, 2011).To determine the levels of mercury removal efficiency, this formula was used
Whereas: C1 = First concentration (ppm);C2 = Final concentration (ppm); Eff = Efficiency
Data Analysis
The data were analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitatively is by describing the results of the characterization and identification of mercury-resistant bacterial isolates were able to reduce mercury. Quantitatively, on the pH test and growth curve measurement was done by measuring the number of bacterial cells through the absorbance. The data obtained was made in the form of a bar graph, but the growth curve in the form of a line graph using Microsoft Excel program.
Results and Discussion
Two isolates of mercury resistant bacteria capable of living NA medium containing 500 ppmof HgCl2was found ingold processing sediment samples. The isolates were L.10bandL.10c. After identification, these isolates were identified asBacillusspandAeromonashydrophyla. Both macroscopic and microscopic forms of the isolatescan be seenin Figure3 and Figure 4 as well as the character of each isolate are shown in Table1.
Tabel 1: Characteristic of L.10b and L.10c |
Figure 3: (a)Bacillussp, (b) microscopic, |
Figure 4: (a)Aeromonas hydrophila, (b) microscopic, |
Bacillussp was found as a mercury resistant bacteria in Japan and India.7In addition,Bacillussp was also found in the Tondano river, Indonesia.8Bacillus cereusandBacillussubtilisfound in the Kalimas river Surabaya are also resistant tomercury.9Bacillusspis moreoften found as mercury resistant bacteria compared toAeromonashydrophila.Aeromonashydrophylahas been found in gold mining sediment contaminated by HginBandung, West Javaandable to grow at 550mg/LHgCl2.10In addition, some strains ofA.hydrophilais found in seawater, fish, and waste water contaminated by heavy metalsinTunisia.11Temperature is one of the environmental factors that influence the growth of bacteria.Bacillussp. has the highest absorbance value (0.216) at 25ËšC and the lowest (0.118) at a temperature of 45ËšC.Aeromonas hydropila具有很高的吸光度值(0.404)在37 ešC the lowest (0.224) at a temperature of 45ËšC (Figure 5). Temperature effect on bacterial growth because temperature affects the activity of enzymes in metabolism. The temperature affect the chemical reactions in the process of bacterial growth, growth rate, and the total amount of the growth of micro organisms.12Although the absorbance values of different bacteria are categorized both mesophilic bacteria. Mesophilic bacteria is a group of bacteria that can grow at a temperature of 20-45ËšC.13
Figure 5: Graph the effect of incubation |
Bacterial growth can be affected by various environmental factors, one of which is the pH of the medium. The degree of acidity of the medium affects the growth ofBacillussp andA. hydro phyla.Bacillussp grows optimally at pH 6 with a absorbance value of 0.106 and the absorbance values decreased when the pH of the medium increased (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Graph ofthe effect of pHon the |
In contrast toBacillussp,A. hydrophilahas the highest absorbance value (0.192 ) at pH 7 and the lowest (0.11) at pH 5 (Figure 6). The degree of acidity affects the growth of bacteria because the pH affects the enzymes in the metabolism of bacteria. Enzyme activity will decrease if the pH is not appropriate, this is because the enzyme will be active in a proper state of ionization. The appropriate ionization conditions for different enzymes are also differ but generally ranges at pH 6-8.14The enzyme can be denatured due to changes in pH. The enzyme works at neutral pH and will become inactive when the environment becomes very acidic or very alkaline.15Based on the growth ability in that pH range,Bacillussp, andA. hydrophilacan be classified into the neutrophils bacteria. Neutrophil is a bacterial groups were able to grow at pH 6-8.14,15The growth ofBacillussp andAeromonas hydrophilain NB medium containing 10 ppm of HgCl2and incubated for 3 days has not reached the stationary phase. The results obtained were different with controlBacillussp, which reached stationary phase at 37th andA. hydrophila达到固定相在第44任和death phase in the 68th hour (Figure 7). During the period of incubation with medium containing 10 ppm HgCl2, both of these bacteria were only able to reach the exponential phase.Bacillussp achieve exponential phase at 68th andA. hydrophilaat 48th hours (Figure 7). This is because the adaptation phase is long enough. This is due to HgCl2in the medium.In the adaptation phase the synthesis of the new enzymes occurs, according to the media and the increase of cell numbers not found.14The length of the adaptation phase in medium containing HgCl2occur in bacteriaOchrobactrumsp S79 and L6T2 isolates, wherein the second stationary phase of these bacteria occurs on day 4 to day 9 of incubation time.16
Figure 7:The growth curveof bacteriain |
Aeromonash ydrophilaandBacilluss presistantandable to reduce mercury levels of 100 ppm to 1.67ppm forA.hydro philaand 1.33ppm forBacilluss pafterincubated for 7days. The results of mercury content remainingin the medium, were used to determine the efficiency of both bacteriain reducing mercury.Bacillusspable to reduce mercury by 98.7%, where asA. hydro philawas 98.33% (Tabel 2). The ability ofBacillusspandA.hydrophilain reducing mercury levels associated with acharacter that is resistant tomercury. Bacterial resistance to mercury due to themer operoncontained in the plasmid.4,5
Table 2: The Test Results in Reducing Mercury |
Mer operonconsists of a wide variety of mergenes. Each bacteriumhasits own mergene variations in themer operon.3But the mechanism of bacterial resistance to inorganic mercuryis almost the samein different bacteria species. This is due to the reduction of mercury from Hg2+to Hg0induced by mercuric ion reducta seen zymeen coded by themer operongenesMerA.2Mercuric ion reductase forms a bond with Hg2+and reduction occurs by the transfer of electrons through the flav in bond from NADPH in to NADP, so that reduced Hg was formed, ieHg0.5The reduction of Hg2+to Hg0is away to remove oxidized mercury and to reduce mercury dissolved in a medium.17Some bacteria of the Genus Bacillus are known to have a gene variationinmeroperon.BacillusmegateriumandBacillusmacroidesis abroad-spectrum mercury-resistant bacteria, where asBacillus cereusandBacilluslicheniformisare an arrow-spectrum mercury-resistant bacteria.18Bacteria which only has mercury reducta seprotein(MerA) is called by a narrow spectrum mercury-resistant bacteria, while broad-spectrum mercury-resistant bacteria are bacteria that have mercury reduct as eprote in (MerA) and protein organ omerkurily ase (MerB). MerB functionsin catalyzing thetermination of the mercury-carbon bond to produce organic compound sandionic Hgin the form of saltthiols.20Bacilluss pandA. hydrophilafound in this study are not known the extent of the spectrum which is owned in reducing mercury. Until now there has been no reports ofmergenevariations that are owned byAeromonas hydrophila. Howeverother species of the Genus Aeromonasare known variations in themer operongenes.Aeromonassalmonicidah as somemergenes in themer operon, namely Me r A, Mer P, MerR, MerE, MerT, MerD, and MerB.19Aeromonas hydro phila可以改变细胞的形状,从杆into a round shape after mercury exposure.11
The authors would like to express their aprreciation to the Head of Magister Biology Science and Udayana University Bali Indonesia for supporting this study. Appreciation is also send toGovernor of Maluku province, Indonesia for the supportin carrying out this research work.
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