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Studies on the compatibility of Trichoderma viride with certain Agro-chemicals

Kranthi Gampala1*and Rajasekhar Pinnamaneni2


Trichodermavirideis a biocontrol agent which shows antagonistic activity toward a broad spectrum of phytopathogens. Trichodermaviridewas more compatible with fertilizers and pesticides, and can be safely used with chemical fertilizers that give major nutrients for any crop. The latest insecticide,Lambda cyhalothrin(second-generation synthetic pyrethroid), was morecompatibilethan conventional pesticides. If the fungus is mixed with these chemicals, the resultant efficacy may not be severe. However, fungicides did not show compatibility. It would not be advisable to mix the fungus with inorganic fungicides as the latter may nullify the effect of the microbial agent.

Trichoderma Viride; Agro-Chemicals; Compatibility

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Gampala K, Pinnamaneni R。Studies on the compatibility of Trichoderma viride with certain Agro-chemicals. Curr World Environ 2010;5(1):155-158 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.5.1.25

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Gampala K, Pinnamaneni R。Studies on the compatibility of Trichoderma viride with certain Agro-chemicals. Curr World Environ 2010;5(1):155-158. Available from://www.a-i-l-s-a.com/?p=1134

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Received: 2010-01-29
Accepted: 2010-03-10


Biocontrol agents are safe and environmental friendly alternatives for pesticides in agriculture application.Trichoderma virideperformed a high level of antagonistic activity toward a broad spectrum of phytopathogens and was determined as a biocontrol agent.Trichodermavirideis a filamentous fungus that is widelydistributed in the soil, plant material, decaying vegetation, and wood that can be used as a bio fungicide1,2. It is used for seed and soil treatment for suppression of various diseases caused by fungal pathogens. Colonies ofTrichoderma viridegrow rapidly and mature in 5 days. At 25°C and on potato dextrose agar, the colonies are wooly and become compact in time. From the front, the color is white. As the conidia formed, scattered blue-green or yellow-green patches become visible3,4.

The choice of activeTrichodermastrains is important in designing effective and safe biocontrol strategies. Many species ofTrichodermahave multiple strategies for fungal antagonism, and indirect effects on plant health (such as plant growth promotion effects and fertility improvements) also vary. Some strains are potent antibiotic producers, and their suitability for use in biocontrol systems must be carefully assessed. However, many other active strains have no antibiotic capacity, and these are likely to be more useful in food production systems.Trichodermabiocontrol strains have evolved numerous mechanisms for both attacking other fungi and enhancing plant and root growth
5. The colonization of the root system by rhizosphere competent strains ofTrichodermaresults in increased development of root and/or aerial systems and crop yields6. Other activities, like the induction of plant systemic resistance and antagonistic effects on plant pathogenic nematodes7, have also been described. These facts strongly suggest that during the plant-Trichodermainteractions, the fungus participates actively in protecting and improving its ecological niche. The dual roles of antagonistic activity against plant pathogens and promotion of soil fertility makeTrichodermastrains appealing alternatives to soil fumigation technologies such as methyl bromide.

Strains ofTrichodermamay also be aggressive biodegraders [8] and act as competitors to fungal pathogens in their saprofitic phases, especially when nutrients are a limiting factor [9]. Strains have been reported as promoting activities of non-pathogenic bacteria
10and mycorrhizal fungi¹¹. In the 1990s, the ability ofTrichodermastrains to synthesize substances inducing SAR-like responses in plants was shown11,12. Molecules produced byTrichodermaand/or its metabolic activity also havepotential for promoting plant growth13. Application of the speciesT. virideto plants resulted in improved seed germination, increased plant size, and augment of leaf area and weight14.

Soil application ofT. viridetalc formulations at the rate of 200 g each/palm in combination with 50 kg FYM was found effective against the basal stem rot caused byGanoderma lucidum
15. Antagonists which differed in their ecology could be combined so that they could effectively utilise the root exudates and survive in association16.

In the light of importance ofTrichodermavirideas a biocontrol agent, studies on the impactof commonly used agro-chemicals on the growth ofTrichoderma viridewere conducted in broth and agar media.

Material and Methods

Potato dextrose agar (PDA) was prepared in flasks and sterilized. Desired concentration of chemical was prepared by mixing with medium under constant stirring. The medium was poured into sterilized Petri plate and allowed to solidify. A disc of 7 mm diameter of the test fungus grown on solid medium was cut with the help of the sterilized cork borer and placed aseptically in the middle of the Petri plate and incubated at room temperature for 7 days. The culture discs grown without the test fungus served as control and the diameter of the fungal colony was measured after incubation.

Potato dextrose broth was prepared and sterilized. Concentration of the chemical solution was prepared as for PDA. A disc of 7 mm diameter of fungal growth as described earlier was transferred to the medium, mycelial mat was removed by filtration and the dry weight was determined. Controls had no fungus in the solution.

Concentrations of fungicides, insecticides and fertilizers for field application were 2 g/l for Carbendazim, Mancozeb, Tridemorph, Lambda cyhalothrin and Quinalphos; 1.5 ml/l for Monocrotophos; 10 g/l for Urea and 20 g/l for Muriate of Potash and Super phosphate.

Figure 1: Effect of Agro-chemicals on the growth of Trichoderma viride
Click here to view figure

The Percent inhibition of growth was calculated by the standard formula17.

基于数据从肉汤(干重)和琼脂(radial growth), fertilizers (Urea, Muriate of Potash and Super Phosphate) did not show any negative impact on the growth ofTrichoderma viride.Muriate of Potash and Super Phosphate showed more compatibility than Urea. Percent inhibition was also less with Muriate of Potash and Super Phosphate. Among insecticides, second-generation synthetic pyrethroid, Lambda cyhalothrin was less harmful than conventional insecticides, Monocrotophos and Quinalphos. All the fungicides, Carbendazim, Mancozeb and Tridemorph showed negative impact on growth. Impact was less in case of Carbendazim in the broth culture (Fig. 1).


Application ofT. virideenriched FYM, however, brought economy in the use of fertilizer N by 45.2 kg ha”1and also increased the yield by 6.1 t ha”1compared to the control treatment. Overall, strategic planning in terms of an integrated application of these bioagents with fertilizer N will not only sustain soil fertility but will also benefit farmers in terms of reducing their dependence and expenditure on chemical fertilizers [18]. In the present investigation, among insecticides, second-generation synthetic pyrethroid, Lambda cyhalothrin was less harmful than conventional insecticides, Monocrotophos and Quinalphos under field conditions. A laboratory study conducted by [19] concluded thatTrichoderma viridewas not compatible with fungicides dithane M-45, thiram carbendazim, hexaconazole and thiophanate-methyl.


The study revealed thatTrichoderma viridecannot be applied to crops along with fungicides or insecticides. While applying with fertilizers, care may be taken by avoiding the place and time of application of both.


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