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Physico-chemical and biological analysis of Gomati river water affected by urban wastes

R.K. Singh1and K.N. Singh1*

1Department of Agriculture Chemistry and Chemistry, S.G.R .PG. College, Dobhi, 222 149 India


The present work has been taken to assess dynamism in physico-chemical nature of water flowing in river Gomati at Sultanpur due to recurring addition of sewage and waste water for a period of two years (i.e. June 2002 to June 2004). Parameters viz., temp., pH, BOD, COD, DO, SO4, Cl-, PO4, Na+, Ca,++Mg++, TDS and total coli form were periodically tested. Majority of the values varied from permissible limit which is hazardous for the survival of aquatic life and human beings

Gomati; Physico-Chemical; Urban Wastes; BOD

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Singh R.K, Singh K.N. Physico-chemical and biological analysis of Gomati river water affected by urban wastes. Curr World Environ 2007;2(2):233-236 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.2.2.23

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Singh R.K, Singh K.N. Physico-chemical and biological analysis of Gomati river water affected by urban wastes. Curr World Environ 2007;2(2):233-236. Available from://www.a-i-l-s-a.com/?p=699

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Received: 2007-09-08
Accepted: 2007-11-15


Water is one of the most essential requirements of human beings, animal and plants. Therefore, quality of water plays a vital role for their survival. Indian rivers being polluted day-by day due to inputs of untreated industrial effluents, domestic and sewage water along with agricultural wastes and decaying materials of human, animals and plants.4,12A number of water borne diseases are caused due to polluted water which results in large scale death.6Keeping in view of the above facts the present work was under taken on monitoring and chemical analysis of Gomati river water in Sultanpur district affected by urban wastes which deteriorate the quality of water.


Gomati water samples of varying grade from four selected sampling pointsviz., Karaundia Ghat (S1), Gabhria Ghat (S2), Sitakund Ghat (S3) and Hathia Nala (S4) were collected periodically in plastic stoppered bottles at monthly interval during course of investigation (June 2002-2004) . Selected sites continuously received daily the domestic, municipal and industrial wastes from the Sultanpur city. Parameters5such as-Temperature was measured by Celsius thermometer, pH by Systronic pH meter 335 digital type, total dissolved solids were determined by evaporating using Barium chloride solution in trace amount of residue. Dissolved oxygen (DO) and Biological oxygen demand (BOD) were measured by modified Winkler method. Chemical oxygen demand (COD) was measured by Dichromate Reflux method. Whereas, chloride by Mohr’s method, Phosphate by colorimeter, Sodium by Flame photometric method, Calcium by EDTA titration, Magnesium by calculations. and biological parameters (MPN and coli form index) were studies using standard method . All parameters were analyzed by using standard method of APHA (1992).3

Results and Discussion

Results presented in Table 1 clearly indicated that physico-chemical and biological quality of water deteriorated and become harmful to man in his house hold needs and other aquatic life or to a balanced functioning of aquatic ecosystem such as situation is referred to as aquatic pollution parameters affected by urban wastes as follows.


Results revealed that not much variation was found in temperature of rivers water at different sampling sites . Maximum (25.6°C) temperature was recorded at site S3where as, minimum 23.9°C at S1. Temperature in one of the most important physical aspect of water pollution which may be harmful as primary pollutant and indirectly through out the D.O. and causing death of aquatic organisms.


pH of river water was observed in increasing order during tenure of the work. Maximum 8.2 pH value was measured at S2and S3site where as; minimum 7.8 at S1.The above description reveals that the pH of rivers water was usually on the alkaline side and lower the acceptable limit of water quality standard (6.3-9.2) of India and therefore use of water for various purpose is not banned.


It was evident from Table 1 that BOD of Gomati river ranged 6.12-6.89 ppm at different sites which was higher than permissible limit (6.00 ppm) indicating more organic wastes and sewer water reaching into river through drain. Maximum 6.89 ppm BOD value was observed at S3and minimum 6.08 at S1sites .Above description alarming that water river required pretreatment for use.


The C.O.D. values of river has been found maximum 131.83 ppm at S1and minimum 120.89 at S3.All the values were higher than permissible limit 10 ppm which indicates pollution in the river water . Hence pre-treatment of water is essential for using purpose.


Dissolved oxygen is one of the important quality parameters of water. Increase the value of DO exhibited biochemical changes due to abundance population of flora and fauna.The D.O. value of river water ranged 6.92-7.49 ppm at sampling sites. Maximum value was observed at S
4where is, minimum at S1. D.O. level depends on physical, chemical and biological activities of water7. All the values have been found to be higher than permissible limit (4.6 ppm ) for natural water.1,2


The values of SO-4content was varied and it was found maximum 63.47 at S3and minimum 61.11 ppm at S1sites. SO-4is an important constituent of hard water in the form of Ca SO4and Mg SO4which reduces the water quality. Increase its concentration in river water due to industries and domestic wastes. Excess amount of sulphate in water has cathartic effect on human health.10


During the course of study it was observed that chloride ion (Cl-) concentration was higher at all sampling sites. It was maximum (38.81 ppm) at S1whereas, minimum (35.03 ppm) concentration was observed at S4sites. Increase percentage of chloride was probably due to amount of sewage discharge in the river, similar observation has been made by earlier worker.8


Phosphorus is an essential element for all kinds of organisms being a constituent of nucleic acid, nucleoprotein and ATP which acts as universal source of energy. By observing the values Table 1 it reveals that concentration of phosphate ion in the river water was maximum (0.073 ppm) at S2 sites and minimum (0.062 ppm) at S4. The concentration of PO-4at all sampling station was slightly higher than maximum allowed limit. Such higher concentration may be due to continuous addition of detergents through sewage and industrial effluents, use of phosphatic fertilizer and organic phosphate, which reach to water bodies as a surface run off. Addition of this elements in the form of orthophosphate, pyrophosphate, metaphosphate and dihydrogen phosphate causes explosive growth of algae.


Sodium is an essential element for the growth of animal but required in traces by the plants. Higher concentration of Sodium can be related to cardiovascular disease and in women toxemia associated with pregnancy.9It was evident from the Table-1 that maximum (4.9 ppm) concentration of Na+被记录在年代1sites and minimum at S4. These values are under tolerance limit (1-500 mg/l). therefore, water may be used for various purpose.

Table 1: Physico-chemical characters of Gomati
river in Sultanpur district influenced by urban wastes.

Click here to view table


The presence of Ca++in water supplies results from passage through or over deposition of lime stone, dolomite, gypsum and gypsiferrous shalex. Minimum (27.52 ppm) concentration was obser ved at S1whereas, maximum 29.45 ppm at S4.


Concentration of Mg++was found maximum (23.86 ppm) at S2site and minimum (20.67 ppm) at S4.

Calcium and Magnesium are responsible for hardness of water which is not suitable for drinking.

Total dissolved solids

Total dissolved solids was maximum (240.47 ppm) at S2and minimum (226.35 ppm) at S3.The values are within permissible limit suggested by WHO.

Total coliform

Total coliform11in the Gomati river was found maximum (48X103MPN/100) at sampling site 3. whereas, S1showed minimum (39.5X103MPN/ 100) during the tenure of work. Increase of MPN probably due to input of domestic and other types of wastes of the city into the river through drains.

以上研究结果的基础上得出结论that water of Gomati river highly affected by urban and municipal wastes which results exceeding of permissible limits. Therefore, some precautions is essential for survival of aquatic life and human health.


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