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Quality of drinking water in relation to human health in Dabra municipal areas (Gwalior, m.p.)

Naveen Kumar Singh*

1Chemical Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, SMS Government Science College, Gwalior, India


Water is a primary need of human being and animals. Now days underground water has become the main source of drinking water supply in almost all villages and town and in number of cities.18 ground water samples collected from Dabra municipal areas were analysed for 10 parameters such as pH ,Total alkalinity, Total hardness,Mg2+,Ca2+,Na+, K+Cl-, E.C.,T.D.S . In the present investigation Sodium chloride,E.C..,and T.D.S. are very high concentration in Dabra Muncipal areas. Most of them peoples suffering from various diseases such as mainly digestive problems.

pH; Total Alkality; Total Hardness; Mg2+; Ca2+; Na+; K+ Cl-; E.C.; T.D.S.

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辛格N.K. t的饮用水质量关系o human health in Dabra municipal areas (Gwalior, M.P.). Curr World Environ 2007;2(1):47-49 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.2.1.09

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辛格N.K. t的饮用水质量关系o human health in Dabra municipal areas (Gwalior, M.P.). Curr World Environ 2007;2(1):47-49. Available from://www.a-i-l-s-a.com?p=44/

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Received: 2007-04-03
Accepted: 2007-05-11


Water is an important ecological factor in the life of organism. It is found in three principal forms atmospheric moisture, precipitation and soil water, of which precipitation is the the chief source. Atmospheric moisture is present as invisible vapour, Known as the humidity and also as visible vapour known as fog or cloud. Precipitation is actually the chief source of soil moisture. Soil moisture is the chief sources of water for plants .Water relation of plants bring about in them many physiological responses by affecting seed germination, water uptake, transpiration, translocation and some biochemical process.

Freshwater habitats occupy a relatively small portion of earth’s surface as compared to marine and terrestrial habitats. But freshwater habitats are of much importance to mankind such habitats are of two general types lentic and lotic in most developing countries as ours, most of the underground sources of drinking water, especially in outskirts of larger cities and villages are polluted.

Ground water seepage pits, refuse dumps, septic tanks barnyard manures, transport accidents and different pollutants. Important sources of ground water pollution are sewage and other waste otherwise. Raw sewage is dumped in shallow seakpits .This gives birth to cholera, hepatitis, dysentery etc. The present study deals with the investigation of ground water quality of sample collected from different areas of Dabra Municipal areas (Gwalior, M.P.)

Material and Methods

The samples were collected during the month December 2006. Samples for analysis were collected in sterilized bottles (plastic with acid washed). pH -systronic pH meter Type 361 Total Alkality of the ground water samples were determined by titrating With N/50 H2SO4using phenolphthalein and methyl orange as an indicator. The total hardness of the water samples were determined by complexometric titration with EDTA using eriochrome black-T as an indicator. Calcium-EDTA titrimetric, Magnesium-Calculation from totalhardness and calcium method Chloride - Argentometric titration,Sodium and potassium - flame photometer (128) technique.

Table - 1:

S.No. Location pH T.A. T.H. Mg++ Ca++ Na+ K+ Cl- E.C. T.D.S.
1 A1(H) 7.7 365 375 60.8 50 162.5 2.3 241.4 1456 914
2 A2(H) 8.3 465 390 57.1 62 263.8 3.1 340.8 1926 1233
3 A3(H) 8.8 570 510 25.5 162 523.2 3.5 741.9 3294 2108
4 A4(H) 8.3 445 360 46.2 68 274.8 2.5 347.9 1914 1225
5 A5(H) 8.1 380 390 41.3 88 314.6 4.4 472.1 2147 1347
6 A6(H) 7.9 270 195 12.1 38 435.9 1.9 624.8 2363 1512
7 A7(H) 7.9 370 400 49.8 78 724.1 4.8 1111.1 3948 2526
8 A8(H) 7.6 195 200 23.1 42 268.5 3.7 397.6 1565 1001
9 A9(H) 8.1 310 260 36.4 44 195.4 3 252.05 1370 877
10 A10(H) 8.3 465 330 52.2 46 399.4 2.9 504.1 2396 1533
11 A11(H) 8.1 335 340 47.4 58 210.7 3.5 294.65 1596 1021
12 A12(H) 8.2 445 400 44.9 86 466.8 3 667.4 2820 1805
13 A13(H) 8.6 510 370 51 64 528.5 3.3 695.8 3037 1943
14 A14(H) 7.9 260 280 36.4 52 319 3.8 489.9 1974 1246
15 A15(H) 8.2 435 420 48.6 88 455.1 4.2 670.95 2818 1803
16 A16(H) 8.9 555 545 60.8 118 440.7 3.8 659.94 3006 1924
17 A17(H) 8.7 550 540 81.4 82 441.83 3.6 663.85 3001 1921
18 A18(H) 8 355 210 12.1 64 301.4 126.4 461.5 2054 1314

T.A. = total alkalinity, T.H. = total hardness, H=Hand pump A1= Shubhashganj, A2=Krishanpura, A3=Usha colonyA4=Dabra bus stand,A5=Kamleshawer colony,A6=Pichore tiraha,A7=Railway station,A8=Chinor road,A9= Sugar mil, A10=Shivcolony, A11=Jawahar colony, A12=Shickchak colony, A13=Bujurg road, A14=Thakur baba road, A15=Sarafa bazar, A16=Gaumatipura, A17=Ramgarh, A18=Bhimnagar

Results and Discussion

The pH of the water body indicates the degree of deterioration of water quality1. The desirable pH range necessary for drinking water is from 7.0 to 8.5. The pH value of water sample in the study area ranged from 7.6 to 8.8. This shows that the pH of water sample was observed to be slightly alkaline. The desirable limit for total alkalinity is 200mg/L. The value of ground water samples were varied from 156 mg/L to 570 mg/L The desirable limit for Total hardness in drinking water according to I.S.I. and ICMR is 300mg/L. Its values in Ground-water samples varied from 195 mg/L to 555 mg/L. The drinking water containing high magnesium contents may be cathartic and diuretic2,3. Magnesium values varied between 12.1 mg/L to 81.1 mg/L. WHO permissible limit of calcium in the ground water is 100 ppm3. In the present investigation calcium content ranged from 37 mg/L to 165 mg/L. Ground water pollution by sodium salt is an unavoidable phenomenon caused form the return flow of irrigation and disposal of industrial and urban wastes. In large concentration it may affect a person with cardiac diffencies3 6日8. Sodium values in groundwater samples varied from 163.15mg/L to 720.31mg/L. Potassium is an essential nutrient for plants Potassium values in ground water samples varied from 2.0 mg/L to126.4 mg/L Water containing 250mg chloride per liter may have a detectable salty taste. The minimum chloride ( 241.4)content was observed at A1and the maximum values(1111.1 ) was obtained at A7. The chloride is troublesome in irrigation water and harmful for aquatic life. Total dissolved solids are an important parameter for drinking water and water to use for other purposes. The permissible limit of TDS suitable3,7,8,for drinking is 500 mg/L (W.H.O.) TDS concentration more than 1500 mg/L may causes gastrointestinal irritation.The total dissolved solids values of water sample in the study area ranged from 876 mg/L to 2525 mg/L. In the present investigation Sodium chloride, E.C., and T.D.S. are very high concentration in Dabra Muncipal areas. Most of them peoples suffering from various diseases such as mainly digestive problems. Dabra municipal areas ground water are not suitable for drinking purpose.

All the value are expressed in mg/L except pH, electrical conductivity Electrical conductivity is expressed in micromhos/cm at 250C


In the present investigation Sodium chloride, E.C. and T.D.S. are very high concentration in Dabra Municipal area, Most of the people suffering from various diseases, mainly digestive problems. Dabra municipal area ground water are not suitable for drinking purposes.


The authors are thankful to Dr. D.S. Kadam (Geochemist) Mr. Chanderpal Singh chauhan,. Mr.Nitin chauhan, Mr. Rajveer singh (Lecturer )for helpful suggestions.


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