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Strategic Ground Water Management Planning for Rice Field in Rangpur Division, Bangladesh

Md. Tareq Bin Salam1*, S. M. Shahriar Zaman1, Md. Nuralom1and Mehjabin Hossain1

1Soil, Water and Environment Discipline, Khulna University, Khulna, 9208 Bangladesh

Corresponding author Email:tareqss_ku@rocketmail.com


Bangladesh is a land of agriculture and attain near self-sufficiency in rice production. In terms of rice, national output increased over 15 million tons in the last two decades. For obtaining this self sufficiency, groundwater accessibility is continuously increasing that results in expansion of deep and shallow tube wells. Available evidence suggests that the policy focus so far has been largely on “resource development”, and not on “resource management”. This has resulted in serious problems, most notably excessive drawdown in intensively irrigated areas, and the deterioration of groundwater quality. Due to this, an extensive field survey was carried out in Rangpur division (Country’s Northern part) during the year of 2018 to observe the ground water table depletion status in rice field and set up some top most strategies for reviving these problems in a sustainable way. It can be suggested that attention must be given to the development and management of surface water resources to ease pressure on groundwater. Apart from that, focus should be given on optimizing crop water demand through increasing water use efficiency by adopting water conserving management strategies and practices. As per authors’ suggestion, 6 basic strategies can be taken for long term sustainability of ground water management in Rangpur division. The strategies are: 1) Initiate right choice of rice varieties for the season 2) Implement modern water management technology (alternate wetting and drying (AWD), cut off Ratio) 3) Adopting Irrigation scheduling 4) Introduce organic fertilization 5) Apply rain water harvesting and 6) reservoir management.

Alternate Wetting And Drying; Drought Tolerant Rice Varieties; Ground Water Depletion; Resource Management; Reservoir Management

Copy the following to cite this article:

Salam M. T. B, Zaman S. M. S, Nuralom M, Hossain M. Strategic Ground Water Management Planning for Rice Field in Rangpur Division, Bangladesh. Curr World Environ 2019; 14(2).


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Salam M. T. B, Zaman S. M. S, Nuralom M, Hossain M. Strategic Ground Water Management Planning for Rice Field in Rangpur Division, Bangladesh. Curr World Environ 2019; 14(2). Available from:https://bit.ly/2U8UtJ9

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Article Publishing History

Received: 2019-07-08
Accepted: 2019-08-21
Reviewed by: OrcidOrcidDr. Chadetrik Rout
Second Review by: OrcidOrcidDr. Amit Bera
Final Approval by: Dr Umesh Kulshrestha


Strategic groundwater (GW) management is the continuous planning, monitoring, analysis and assessment of all that is necessary to make the best use of ground water in a sustainable way. Globally, 50% of present drinkable water, 40% of the industrial water demand, and 20% of the irrigation water have been supplied by groundwater (UNESCO, 20031and Molden, 20072). Rice is covered on 75% of the total cultivated land and is main staple crop in the country, comprising 90% of the total food grain (BADC, 2013).3Three seasonal rice are available in Bangladesh i.e. Aus, Aman and Boro. Aus are grown in early of rainy season and lower potential where as Aman is grown during the rainy season and is also lower potential of yield. But boro has high yielding potential and grown in dry season (January through June). Due to higher yielding potential, production of boro rice has been prolonged in the last 20 to 30 years (Talukder, 2008).4During 1991-2013, Prolongation of boro rice augmented from 6.8 to 18.8 million tons whereas the invention of aus and aman largely kept constant (BBS, 2013).5Boro rice has enthused Bangladesh to boost its total paddy production from 18.3 million tons in 1991 to 33.8 million tons in 2013. The vivid soaring of boro production was only the widespread withdrawal of GW. Now-a-days, almost 80% of GW is utilized for irrigation purposes, where 73% is owned solely by boro growers (Rahmanet.al.,2008).6Rangpur is a very fertile land and most of the delicious rice varieties are grown here like Balam, Katarivog, Najir shail, Pijar, Swarna etc (Brac, 2005).7Boro rice is particularly dominating and most of the land is irrigated with ground water. Situation is that GW table in the northern region is sequentially fallen down thus creating concern to extend irrigation system in this zone. This study is going to identify six major strategic decisions that are being suggested to sustainable use for groundwater at rice field in Rangpur division of Bangladesh.


Study Area

The investigated zone was in eight districts of Rangpur Division, Bangladesh (Map 1).

Data Source

By using survey questionnaire, primary data were collected through extensive field visit. From an upazila (sub district), 20 families were selected under three major categories (minor, undersized and middle/outsized) covering all season rice crops from each district. Numbers of total sample were 160 (Eight upazilas) by covering three major farm categories. In each upazila, minor, undersized and middle/outsized farms were 20 in each group. Data were collected once in a cropping season. Secondary data were taken from different research paper and journals and then prepared the final report.

The Physical Context

Bangladesh is the biggest deltas in the world which is surrounded by the alluvium deposition of major rivers in the country (Ganges, Brahmaputra, and Meghna) (Ahmadet.al.,2001).8In Bangladesh, average precipitation rate varies about 1,200 mm to 4,000 mm depending on areas (Chowdhury, 2010).9In Rangpur division, most of the precipitation (>80%) occurs during in rainy season in the month of May to August (Fig. 1). In dry season (December–February), minimal amount of precipitation has been received in Rangpur (<20%). Therefore, seasonal water shortage is seen depending on the duration of the monsoon. Production of Rice is one of the most significant activities that help to enrich the economy at Rangpur division. Now almost 80% lands are now being cultivated for rice that have been shifted other crops over the period of time (Fig. 2). During winter, the allocation of fresh water is only 28% that is available for irrigation (Chowdhury, 2010).9In Rangpur, limitation of surface water availability and the painless access during GW withdrawal by using shallow tube wells (STWs) have stimulated growers to pull out GW for irrigation. Table 1 presented that Rangpur division is one the highest irrigation contributor for STWs and DTWs after Dhaka division (BADC, 2013).3

Table 1: DTWs and STWs status of different division in Bangladesh


Deep Tubewells

Shallow Tubewells



Area Irrigated




Area Irrigated










































(BADC 2013)

Figure 1: Average rainfall monthly and annually in Bangladesh over 2002- 2012 (BBS, 2013)
Click here to view Figure

Figure 2: Crop diversity in Rangpur Division (Brac, 2013)
Click here to view Figure

Case Analysis

Situational and Environmental Analysis Data are presented in Area Map 01.

Map 01: Situational and Environmental Analysis Data on Area Map
Click here to view Map

Strategic Planning (What can be done?)

Depending on situational and environmental analysis following strategic planning can be taken for ground water management.

Strategy 1:Right choice of rice verities

Alter the current cropping system with the crops that are drought tolerant. High yielding rice varieties are more water consuming crops. If drought tolerant rice varieties can be chosen in cropping pattern, the water consumption as well as the pumping of ground water can be minimized in dry season. The most common rice varieties are BRRI Dhan 56, 57, 66 and 71 that are recommended by BRRI10in late Aman (Monsoon) season which is drought tolerant variety.

Strategy 2: Innovate watersaving technology

Tactic 1: Alternate wetting and drying (AWD)

Alternate Wetting and Drying (AWD) is a water-saving technology that farmers can use to implement for maximizing their irrigation water demand in paddy fields without declining its yield (Fig. 3). In AWD, periodic cycle is maintained and been flooded and non-flooded alternately. Depending on soil type, weather or climatic condition and stage of crop growth, the flooding or drying cycle may be varied (1 to 10 days). This method is generally appropriate in low land rice cultivation. Exception is that if rainfall can exceed the evapotranspiration or seepage, therefore, this method cannot be applied thus the method is applicable for dry seasonal rice cultivation. Hasanet.al.,(2016),11Majeedet.al.,(2017)12got the tremendous result by adopting AWD technique as of water saving technique for rice cultivation.

图3:实现方法和操作技术nique of AWD technology
Click here to view Figure

Tactic 2: Cut off ratio

Cutoff ratio is decided by the slope of the border and texture of the soil. The inflow stream can be cutoff when it reaches a certain percentage of the total length of the border. The value of the cutoff ratio lies generally in the range of 65 to 80%. Younts (2008) demonstrated a project where he found that clay soil had the best water saving range betweem 0.1 to 3.2 ace-inches with an avarage of 1.4 acre-inches by adopting cutoff ratio. This process was also economical that saved almost $14 per acre.

Strategy 3: Irrigation Scheduling

调度灌溉是一个过程应用水for a particular crop on suitable amount in a definite stage for growth and development of that crop. The basic rationales for irrigation scheduling are know the soil moisture, root zone depth, soil water holding capacity, effective precipitation rate and amount of daily water use. In a nutshell, the key factors for managing irrigtion are to find the rate of water that enters into the soil, rate of water that can hold by the soil and the rate of water that is being used by the plants.

Strategy 4: Introduce organic fertilization

Organic fertilization is used to improve soil fertility by increasing soil organic matter content and providing micronutrients and other growth factors not normally supplied by inorganic fertilizers. Shilet.al.,(2016)14stated that the soil organic matter content for different soil series in Rangpur division varied between 1.53 to 1.86%. But this should be at least 5% for ensuring as a good healthy soil. So, application of organic manure not only improves soil fertility but also ensures the protection of ground water.

Strategy 5:Rain water harvesting (RWH)

RWH is a process of collecting and conserving the natural runoff water for reuse in home or paddy field for irrigation purpose. It can also be used for ground water recharge. Though implementation of RWH is very simple in principle, lots of issues arise during implementation like climatic pattern, weather condition, available funds etc.充电孔井地下水含水层,挖wells and pits are the best example of rain water harvesting.

Strategy 6:Reservoir Management

Need toexcavate of major rivers and canals likeBramaputra, Atrai, Tista, Dhorola, Dudkumar, Korotoa, Ghaghot, Akhira, Jamunasshori etc because river water flow rate has a significant relationship with GW. Brac, (2013)15reveals a positive relationship (R =0.6) between declining trend of river water level and groundwater table (Fig. 4). This graph states that GW depleted gradually by depleting river water flow in Teesta river. Teesta is a major river in the studied area that is playing as a major contributor in recharging GW. Since surface water and groundwater are generated from one singular source and interconnected physically in the hydrologic cycle that’s why, reservoir management is necessary to protect GW in Rangpur area.

Figure 4: Statistical relationship between groundwater and river water (Brac, 2013)
Click here to view Figure


Sustainable use of groundwater for irrigation in Rangpur is a matter of concern due to climate change. Over exploitation of GW, soaring of boro cultivation, digging more tubewells, interruption of normal river water flow, plunging of wetland areas, plummeting average rainfall over the year are the key barriers in ensuring sustainability of GW that has been identified through the study. To achieve goal of food security, we have to produce more rice by protecting our ground water resources. So, sustainable technology needs to implement for protection of our future. The study has identified six key strategies that need to adopt in field basis for protectingGW in Rangpur. The study has some limitations like geography and topography analyses are further requirement which is not done here due to finance issue. Hopefully, this study has created a new platform how we can ensure GW sustainability by achieving the objectives of food security at Rangpur in Bangladesh.

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


It’s a self funded as well as self initiative work. The authors thank to all local peoples of the studied area as well as government office like Ministry of Agriculture, local weather forecasting office and local NGOs.


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