Threats to Himalayan Ecosystem due to Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants and Land Use Changes
Umesh Chandra Kulshrestha1*
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Kulshrestha U. C. Threats to Himalayan Ecosystem due to Long Range Transport of Air Pollutants and Land Use Changes. Curr World Environ 2019;14(1). DOI:
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Received: | 20-04-2019 |
Accepted: | 20-04-2019 |
Dear Readers
I am glad to present before you the April 2019 issue of the journal. I thank all the reviewers, editors and the journal office for their cooperation in the timely publication of the issue. This issue includes diversified articles covering emerging research topics. The theme of this editorial is the threats to the Himalayan Ecosystem which is threatened by expanding local anthropogenic activities and transported pollution.
The energy and food needs of mankind have significant impacts on the atmosphere and ecosystems in various manners. One of these impacts is the change in air composition which in turn affects sensitive ecosystems through atmospheric depositions. The Himalayan ecosystem is also not an exception to it. The back trajectory analysis showed that a large amount of sulphate and nitrate is transported to the Himalayan ranges through the long range transport (LRT) from far Europe.1Some samples of snowmelt had relatively low pH indicating higher acidity which may be a threat to the Himalayan ecosystem in due course of time. The high particulate matter is contributed by the dust storms arising from Middle-east and Africa.2-3However, local sources including land use changes and agriculture also contribute to such substances. Especially, the construction and deforestation contribute to a huge amount of dust particles rich in calcium. High loadings of particulate matter due to developmental activities in the Himalayan ranges are also responsible for poor air quality in the region. Hence, the interaction of atmospheric aerosols with different gaseous species has very high research significance in the region.
Generally, construction and road making are the major developmental activities in the hills. These activities affect air, water, soil and vegetation. Road runoff damages vegetation and water bodies. Heavy metals of runoff contaminate river water as well groundwater. A significant impact onecosystem services of natural pastureshas also been reported due to increased human activities.4A report entitled `The Economics of Ecosystems and Biodiversity’ (TEEB, 2011) by the United Nation Environment Programme (UNEP) highlights the importance of values of nature and the economics of ecosystem services and biodiversity which needs to be considered seriously for the conservation of Himalayan ecosystem.5Role of local community is very important for achieving the goals of sustainable development. Saxena and co-workers have studied the role of society through different approaches of integrated resource management in the Himalayan region.6Another study suggests a large scale need for the development of technology resource centres in the region.7因此,当地居民的参与不应该t be ignored in biodiversity conservation. Rao and co-workers have alarmed us for a detrimental situation if the local community is marginalized for a longer period.8
The Himalayan region has not been investigated in terms of LRT. Hence, there is a great need for research about different air pollutants, their sources, transport, transformation and deposition on to these mountains. Also, there is a need for an integrated assessment of the possible impacts of atmospheric deposition on the Himalayan ecosystem. Comprehensive studies are needed to find out how the transported and locally emitted pollutants through various developmental activities are affecting the natural capital and related ecosystem services in the Himalayas?
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