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Decomposition and Nitrogen Dynamics of tree Pruned Biomass Under Albizia Procera Based Agroforestry System in Semi arid Region of Bundelkhand, India

Garima Gupta1*, R.S Yadav2and Deepak Maurya3

11, Maya Collage of Agriculture and Technology, Dehradun, Uttarakhand India

2Indian Institute of Soil and Water Conservation, RC-Datia, MP India

3National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning, RC-Kolkata, West Bengal India

Corresponding author Email:garima811@gmail.com


The spatial analysis of land use and land cover (LULC) dynamics is necessary for sustainable utilization and management of the land resources of an area. Remote sensing along with Geographical Information System emerged as an effective technique for mapping the LU/LC categories of an area in an efficient and cost-effective manner. The present study was conducted in Banjar river watershed located in Balaghat and Mandla district of Madhya Pradesh, India. The Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) approach was adopted for LU/LC classification of study area. The Landsat-8 satellite data of year 2013 was selected for the classification purpose. The NDVI values were generated in ERDAS Imagine 2011 software and LU/LC map was prepared in ARC GIS environment. On the basis of NDVI values five LU/LC classes were recognized in the study area namely river & water body, waste land & habitation, forest, agriculture/other vegetation, open land/fallow land/barren land. The forest cover was found to be highly distributed in the study area with an extent of 115811 ha and least area was found to be covered under river and water body (4057.28 ha). This research work will be helpful for the policy makers for proper formulation and implementation of watershed developmental plans.

Albizia procera; Biomass decomposition; Nitrogen dynamics; Substrate quality

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古普塔G, Yadav r S,孔雀王朝d分解和Nitrogen Dynamics of tree Pruned Biomass Under Albizia Procera Based Agroforestry System in Semi arid Region of Bundelkhand, India. Curr World Environ 2017;12(3). DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.12.3.24

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古普塔G, Yadav r S,孔雀王朝d分解和Nitrogen Dynamics of tree Pruned Biomass Under Albizia Procera Based Agroforestry System in Semi arid Region of Bundelkhand, India. Curr World Environ 2017;12(3). Available from://www.a-i-l-s-a.com?p=1039/

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Received: 2017-07-17
Accepted: 2017-10-18


Agroforestry practices are recommended to achieve soil conservation and it is a sustainable option in improving the livelihood as well as creating opportunities for the rural people of semi arid region of bundelkhand1. Most of the tree species recommended are fast-growing, leguminous species which can be pruned to a desirable height at appropriate frequencies. These pruning which consist of leaves and immature stems are added to the soil between crop rows. Therefore, while acting as a physical barrier to trap eroding soil, the trees also act as a source of mulch material to the soil. Gradual decomposition and nutrient release from added pruning could enhance the organic matter and nutrient status of the soil2,3and influence the yield of the associated agricultural crop4,5. Tree species used in agroforestry differ in their ability to enhance soil fertility through addition of pruning6,7. This is because of the inter-species variation in biomass of pruning produced per year2, their nutrient contents8and the rates of decomposition and nutrient release7,9. The rates of decomposition and nutrient release from added pruning are determined by the climatic factors such as rainfall and temperature regimes9,10&11and by litter quality as determined by its lignin, polyphenol and nitrogen contents5,11. Biomass decomposition and nutrient release play an important part in selection of tree species for agroforestry because of the need to regulate the pattern of nutrient release and synchronize it with the nutrient demand of the associated agricultural crop2,12.

Albizia procera is the native and most common agrisilvicultural /agrosilvopastutal tree species of Semi arid regions of Central India. Being a fast growing legume species and having an immense potential for introduction in different types of soils and climatic conditions, it is planted in various states by the Forest Departments and also by farmers under Agro-forestry programmes. It fixes nitrogen through symbiotic bacteria present in root nodules and thus enhances and soil fertility. The present investigation aimed to analyze the impact ofAlbizia procerabased agroforestry on improving soil organic carbon status and nitrogen availability.

Therefore, the objective of this experiment was to characterize and compare the patterns and amounts of biomass decomposition and nitrogen loss fromAlbizia procerain different land use in the semi arid region of Central India.

Materials and Methods

Study site and Plant Material

The study was conducted in six year oldA. procerabased agroforestry system at research farm of National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi, Uttar Predesh, India. The experimental field is situated at 25027’ North latitude and 78035’ East longitudes, 271 m asl in the semi arid region of the Central Indian Plateau. Average annual rainfall of the region is 806 mm, about 80 % of which occurs between June to September with intermittent dry spells. The mean monthly temperature is generally high, with high degree of variation between a maximum 39.80C in May and June and minimum temperature of 5.80C in December and January. In summer, temperature occasionally reached up to 480C. The mean monthly evaporation in the region is highest in April- June (9.40-15.2mm) and it ranges from 1.90-6.00 mm during other months of the year. The soil in the experimental field is Parwa representing inter-mixed black and red soil group of bundelkhand region (U.P.), India, falling under the soil orderAlfisol. It is medium in texture, moisture retentive and workability, prone to crust whenever drought spell exceeds 2-3 weeks even under mild evaporation situation.

The experiment field was established as agri-silviculture (crop + tree) system in July, 2000 withAlbizia proceraas the tree component.A. procerawas planted in at spacing of 8m x 4m in plot size of 576 m-2(18 trees plot-1) with three replications. UnderA. procerablackgram – mustard crop sequence were taken as intercrop. In Kharif season (Black gram) the trails were fertilized with 20kg /ha N, 40 Kg/ha P and in rabi season (mustered) 60 Kg/ha N, 40 Kg/ha P and 40 Kg/ha K were applied. Inter crop black gram is rainfed in both pruning regime, therefore mustard is irrigated twice a year (1stat flowering and 2ndat siliquae formation).

Biomass Decomposition and Nutrient Analysis

Fresh pruned biomass (leaves, petiole and pods) ofAlbizia procerawas collected from field and oven dried at 720C till constant weight. The standard litterbag technique14was employed for characterizing litter decomposition dynamics.

Samples of 5.0 g of each component of the tree were transferred to nylon mesh bags (20x20 cm, 2 mm mesh size). The bags [270(3x3x5x6)] were randomly kept on the soil surface below respective tree canopies in experimental field. Each month, 5 bags for each biomass component ofA. procerawere collected from the floor of the different land sues. The biomass samples thus drawn were washed under a fine jet of water using a fine mesh screen to remove all the adhered soil particles, dried at 720C to constant weight, weighed and ground in a Wiley Mill to pass through a 1mm mesh screen. Samples were analyzed for N analysis.

Data Analysis

To evaluate nutrient release pattern, nutrient remaining in the decomposing biomass were estimated by equation15

%营养仍ning = (C/C0) x (DM/DM0) x 102


C = Concentration of nutrient element in decomposition litter at the time of sampling

C0= Concentration of nutrient element at the beginning of the study

DM = Mass of dry matter at the time of sampling

DM0= Initial dry matter of the biomass kept for decomposition

The decay rate coefficient (k) of the decomposing pruned biomass of different component for the entire study period was calculated through the negative exponential decay model16as represented by the equation:

X / X0= e-kt

Further, following Olson (1963), the time required for 50 (half life) % weight losses was estimated from k values using the equation:

t50= In (0.5) / -k = -0.693 / -k

同样,时间for 95% decay can be estimated as follows


The effect of land use ofAlbizia proceraon decomposition, nutrient dynamics and cumulative impact on soil properties was tested by means of ANOVA using the General Linear Model of SYSTAT Ver.9 (SYSTAT Inc. 1998).


Decomposition and decomposition coefficient

Average weight loss pattern in decomposing different components of pruned biomass ofA. procerais shown in fig 1, 2 and 3. Weight loss pattern in six months under different land uses followed the trend: cropping > Fallow >A. procera叶子+种植;裁剪>A. procera+ cropping > Fallow for the petiole andA. procera+ cropping > Cropping > Fallow for pod. Data is further showen (Table 1) that for 95 per cent decay, pruned biomass leaves, petiole and pod is to took 568, 767 and 831 days; 969, 1046 and 1094 days; 414, 432 and 445 days, respectively, correspondingly underA. procera+ cropping, cropping and fallow.

Table 1: Decomposition parameters of different components of pruned biomass of Albizia procera

Decay parameters

Land uses

A. procera+ crop




Decay constant

















Decay constant

















Decay constant
















Pearson correlation coefficient between pruned biomass substrate quality and decomposition coefficients

Interpretation of data (Table 2) revealed that decay rate coefficients were significantly and positively correlated with hemicellulose, N and P concentration of pruned leaves, petiole and pod with strong correlation in pod (r = 0.780). It is further interpretive that decay rate coefficients were significantly and negatively correlated with lignin, lignin/N, C/N, C/P and ADF of pruned leaves, petiole and pod with strong correlation in pod.

Table 2: Pearson correlation coefficient between substrate quality (Pruned biomass) and decomposition constant (k) averaged across the different land use

Quality parameter

Leaves K

Petiole K

Pods K

































Hemi cellulose












* Significant at P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01

Pearson correlation and linear regression between pruned biomass weight loss and environmental factors underA. procerabased different land uses.

The effect of climatic factors on the decomposition rate was evaluated by correlating percent weight loss of pruned biomass (Table 3). Percent weight loss of leaf pruned biomass was positively correlated with air temperature and was significant (P<0.05) only inA. proceraunpruned + crop. However, the soil temperature and soil moisture was positive and significantly (P<0.01) correlated with percent weight loss of leaf pruned biomass respectively in all land uses. Percent weight loss of petiole showed positive and significant (p<0.01) correlation with soil moisture and soil temperature in all land uses, while air temperature was significant only inA. proceraunpruned + crop. Furthermore, soil moisture and soil temperature were also significantly (P<0.01) correlated with percent weight loss of pod, in all land uses.

Linear regression for the significant effect of climatic factors on percent weight loss (Table 4) was analyzed. The air temperature, soil moisture and soil temperature were found significantly (P<0.05) related with percent weight loss of all component in all land uses during decomposition.

Table 3: Pearson correlation coefficients between pruned biomass weight loss and environmental factors underA. procerabased different land uses.

Environmental factors

Pearson Correlation




A. proceraunpruned + crop

Air Temperature




Soil Moisture




Soil Temperature





Air Temperature




Soil Moisture




Soil Temperature





Air Temperature




Soil Moisture




Soil Temperature




* Significant at P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01

Table 4: Linear Regression between pruned biomass weight loss and environmental factors underA. procerabased different and uses.
click here to view table

Figure 1: Per cent weight loss of leaf pruned biomass remaining under A. procera based land uses

Figure 1: Per cent weight loss of leaf pruned biomass
remaining underA. procerabased land uses

Click here to View figure

Figure2: Per cent weight loss of petiole pruned biomass  remaining under A. procera based land uses

Figure 2: Per cent weight loss of petiole pruned biomass remaining underA. procerabased land uses
Click here to View figure

Figure 3: Per cent weight loss of pod pruned biomass remaining under A. procera based land uses

Figure 3: Per cent weight loss of pod pruned biomass remaining underA. procerabased land uses
Click here to View figure

Nitrogen Release

Result shown for N release from decomposing pruned biomass indicate that N content during decomposition increased initially followed by decrease. Figure 4 shows that leaf pruned biomass under cropping released higher N during decomposition followed underA. procera+ crop and fallow. Petiole decomposition under cropping released 80.6 % N and was in the order: cropping >A. proceraunpruned + crop (74.7 %) > fallow (64.1%). N content in decomposing pod pruned biomass increased initially.A. procera+ crop, cropping, fallow, respectively. The corresponding N release from decomposingA. procerapod pruned biomass was 90.3, 93.7 and 90.6 percent.

Figure 5 shows that N release from decomposingA. procerapetiole pruned biomass differed widely among different land uses. Data showed that irrespective of different pruning and land use, N content in decomposing petiole pruned biomass increased initially and decreased finally. The final N content in decomposing petiole pruned biomass underA. proceraunpruned + crop, cropping and fallow was 0.456, 0.371 and 0.667 per cent, respectively. From N release data (figure-6) it is evident thatA. procerapod pruned biomass released N at faster rate followed by leaf and petiole. Across component of decomposing biomass,A. procerapruned biomass under cropping released maximum N and minimum N release was under fallow.

Figure 4. N release from decomposing leaves biomass of A. procera under different land use

Figure 4: N release from decomposing leaves biomass of
A. proceraunder different land use
Click here to View figure

Figure 5. N release from decomposing petiole biomass of A. procera under different land use

Figure 5: N release from decomposing petiole biomass ofA. proceraunder different land use
Click here to View figure

Figure 6. N release from decomposing pod biomass of A. procera under different land use

Figure 6: N release from decomposing pod biomass ofA. proceraunder different land use
Click here to View figure


Substrate (litter/biomass) quality, climate and quantity and quality of decomposer organisms are the primary determinants of any biomass decay rates17,18. In the present work, the differences in rates of decomposition of different components of litter and biomass ofA. proceraunder different land uses could be related to differences in substrate (litter/biomass) quality (Table 2) and variations in micro environment beneathA. procerain cropping and fallow. The higher concentration of N and lower C/N ratio in the biomass ofA. procerawas probably responsible for its faster decomposition and lower concentration of N in the petiole ofA. procerabrought slower rate of decomposition. A positive effect of N concentration on decomposition was also reported by several workers19,20,21,22,23&24. InA. procera, higher rate of biomass decomposition in agroforestry systems than to fallow might be due to high fertility status in agroforestry systems as evident from results of this study and favorable microenvironment for microbial population. Earlier, Anderson and Swift25have pointed out that soil of high fertility favour faster rate of decomposition. Conducive microclimate under agroforestry systems might have also played role in faster litter decay as reported by several workers7,26,27&28.


This research work was conducted at the form and all lab work was carried out in the lab of National Research Centre for Agroforestry, Jhansi. I am very thankful to Director NRC-AF, Jhansi for his kind support and mentorship. I am to express out my appreciation to the Dr. R. S. Yadav, my PhD supervisor for sharing his pearls of wisdom with us during the course of this research. I am also thankful to our colleagues who directly or indirectly involved in form or lab work and provided expertise that greatly assisted this research work.


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