Stand Structure, Productivity and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Oak Dominated Forests in Kumaun Himalaya
Bijendra Lal1and L.S. Lodhiyal1*
Present study deals with stand structure, biomass, productivity and carbon sequestration in oak dominated forests mixed with other broad leaved tree species. The sites of studied forests were located in Nainital region between 29058’N lat. and 79028’ E long at 1500-2150 m elevation. Tree density of forests ranged from 980-1100 ind.ha-1. Of this, oak trees shared 69-97%. The basal area of trees was 31.81 to 63.93 m2ha-1.R. arboreum and Q.floribundashared maximum basal area 16.45 and 16.32 m2ha-1, respectively in forest site-1 and 2 whileQuercus leucotrichophorashared maximum (35.69 m2ha-1) in site-3. The biomass and primary productivity of tree species ranged from 481-569 t ha-1and 16.9-20.9 t ha-1yr-1, respectively. Of this, biomass and primary productivity of oak tree species accounted for 81 to 95 and 78 to 98%, respectively. Carbon stock and carbon sequestration ranged from 228 to 270 t ha-1and 8.0 to 9.9 t ha-1yr-1, respectively. The share of oak tree species ranged from 81 to 94.7 and 79 to 97%, respectively. The diversity of tree species ranged from 0.03 to 0.16 in forest sites-1, 2 and 3. The diversity of oak species was 0.08-0.16 in all the forest sites. Thus it is concluded that among the oak tree species,Quercus floribundaandQuercus leucotrichophorawere highly dominated in the studied forests. The climax form of oak dominated trees in the studied forest sites depicted slightly lower richness and diversity of tree species compared to the forests in the region and elsewhere. As far as dry matter and carbon of forests is concerned, these estimates are close to the earlier reports of forests in the region. Therefore, studied forests have the potential to increase the diversity, productivity and carbon sequestration of forest tree species by providing the adequate scientific conservation and management inputs.
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Lal B, Lodhiyal l . s .站结构,Productivity and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Oak Dominated Forests in Kumaun Himalaya. Curr World Environ 2016;11(2) DOI:
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Lal B, Lodhiyal l . s .站结构,Productivity and Carbon Sequestration Potential of Oak Dominated Forests in Kumaun Himalaya . Curr World Environ 2016;11(2). Available from://
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Received: | 2016-06-04 |
Accepted: | 2016-07-08 |
Stand structure significantly determines the aspects of dry matter productivity and carbon potential of forest in each site. However, the productivity of forests not only depends on stand structure and composition of forest but also impacted by several other factors such as climate, soil condition, availability of moisture, and conservation and management practices. In this regard, forest vegetation of any climatic and edaphic condition varies with the variation in environment of the habitat. As far as the Himalayan forest vegetation is concerned, it ranges from tropical dry deciduous forests in foothills to temperate forest in the high altitude. In the region, Oak and Pine are the dominated forest tree species, which provide fuel, fodder, and other basic needs to the villagers. Forest is one of the main sources of livelihood of people living in the region. Thus the Himalayan moist temperate forest is one the major forest type that characterized by extensive cover of trees belonging to conifers and broad leaved oak and other species in the forests which extends from 1500 to 3000 m elevation in Central Himalaya. Among the broad-leaved tree species, the three major oaks such asQuercus leucotrichophoraA. Camus,Quercus floribundaLindl.Quercus semecarpifoliaSmith. and are found between 1600m and 2500m altitudes.1,2According to Champion and Seth, oaks represent the climax vegetation which falls under sub-type 12/C1a.3In forest, a large number of there are many other plant species but they vary from one forest to another forest and also changes significantly with in altitude and climate of the area. Thus species diversity is considered as a spatial form of textural diversity and treated both in structure and dynamics of the plant community.4The comparative analysis of species is based on species abundance models with associated diversity indices that provide valuable information of diversity in a forest community.5Status of biomass in the forests depicts the important ecological information especially in relation to dry matter storage and nutrients but every forest type has its own characteristics in the ecosystem. Biomass is a not only important from the standpoint of fundamental ecology but also relevant to planning for ecologically sustained development of the region.6Thus the estimation of biomass is prerequisite for determining the state and flux for understanding the dynamics of ecosystem.7, 8Most of the terrestrial carbon is stored in the tree trunk, branches, foliage and roots in the formed of the biomass in forest. Terrestrial vegetation and soil represent important sources and sinks of atmospheric carbon.9In nature, forest ecosystem act as a reservoir of carbon. They store huge quantities of carbon and regulate the carbon cycle by exchange of CO2from the atmosphere. Thus forest is one of the important carbon sinks of the terrestrial ecosystems. Plant uptakes the carbon dioxide by the process of photosynthesis and stores the carbon in the plant tissues. The forest play important role in the global carbon cycle by sequestering a substantial amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Carbon sequestration is a mechanism for the removal of carbon from the atmosphere by storing it in the biosphere. More photosynthesis means the more CO2is being converted into biomass, reducing carbon in the atmosphere and sequestering it in the plant tissues both in the aboveground and below ground.10The objectives of the study were to assess the tree density, diversity, biomass, productivity and carbon potential of forests in Nainital of Kumaun Himalaya.
Materials and Methods
Description of Study Site
The present studied forest sites were located in Tippintop the surrounding area of Nainital in between 29058’N lat. and 79028’ E long and 1500 and 2150m elevation. Tree analysis was carried out at three forest sites i.e. site-1, 2 and 3. The assessment of tree species was done by using quadrat of 10 x10m size. Total 30 quadrats were randomly placed in each forest to analyse the tree vegetation. In each quadrat, tree species were measured at 1.37m (diameter at breast height) with the help of meter tape from ground level. Tree density, abundance, basal area and IVI of trees were estimated in each forest.11Species diversity of vegetation in each studied forest was calculated by using Shannon-Weiner information index.12For the estimation of tree biomass, we used the allometric equation developed by Rawat and Singh for oak mixed forest.8The total biomass determine by summing up the respective component values of each tree species occurred in each site. The regression equation was used in the form y=a+b Inx, where y=dry weight of component (kg), x=GBH (cm), a=intercept, b= slope or regression coefficient and ln=log natural. The estimation of primary productivity, tree species was marked at breast height (1.37m) in each sample plot (the area 1 ha size) in each forest to assess diameter and height increment. The already of marked trees were re-measured for annual increment of diameter and height in each forest. The productivity of different tree components i.e. bole, branch, twig and leaf in aboveground part and stump root, lateral roots and fine roots in belowground part was assessed by using the regression equations. The net biomass accretion value (DB) for each component was estimated following the value of biomasses B1and B2. Carbon stock and carbon sequestration values were estimated as suggested by Magnussen and Reed based on biomass, productivity and factor to get the carbon values of respective component.13The total carbon was estimated by summing up of carbon value of each tree component.
Tree Composition
Total 8 tree species were present in forest site-1. The density of trees was 1010 ind.ha-1. Of this,Q. floribunda(320 ind. ha-1) followed byQ. semecarpifolia(250 ind.ha-1), in forest site -1, total basal area was 63.93 m2ha-1. Of this, maximum basal area accounted forR. arboreum(16.45) followed byQ. floribunda(16.32 m2ha-1). Thus, theQ. floribunda是最重要的在这个森林树种community. The tree species diversity ranged from 0.112 to 0.525 in the studied forests (Table 1).
Total 4 tree species were present in forest site-2. The density of trees was 1100 ind.ha-1. Of this,Q. floribunda(680 ind.ha-1) followed byQ. semecarpifolia(320 ind.ha-1) in forest site-2, total basal area was 31.81 m2ha-1. Of this, maximum basal area accounted forQ. floribunda(12.24 m2ha-1) followed byQ. semecarpifolia(12.24 m2ha-1). Thus theQ. floribunda是最重要的在这个森林树种community. The tree species diversity ranged from 0.177 to 0.518 in the studied forests (Table 1).
Total 4 tree species were present in forest site-3. The density of trees was 980 ind.ha-1. Of this,Q. leucotrichophora(430 ind.ha-1) followed byQ. floribunda(270 ind.ha-1) in forest site-3, total basal area was 59.97 m2ha-1. Of this, maximum basal area accounted forQ. leucotrichophora(35.69 m2ha-1) followed byQ. floribunda(11.34 m2ha-1). Thus theQ. leucotrichophora是最重要的在这个森林树种community. The tree species diversity ranged from 0.247 to 0.0521 in the studied forests (Table 1).
Table 1:Tree species analysis in Oak dominated forests in the surrounding area of Nainital in Kumaun Himalaya.
Name of tree species |
Site-1 |
Site-2 |
Site-3 |
D |
BA |
H ' |
D |
BA |
H ' |
D |
BA |
H ' |
Q. leucotrichophora |
130 |
5.46 |
0.381 |
70 |
5.88 |
0.253 |
430 |
35.69 |
0.521 |
Q. floribunda |
320 |
16.32 |
0.525 |
680 |
12.24 |
0.429 |
270 |
11.34 |
0.512 |
Q. semecarpifolia |
250 |
14.0 |
0.499 |
320 |
10.24 |
0.518 |
220 |
8.8 |
0.484 |
R. arboreum. |
70 |
16.45 |
0.267 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
C. deodara |
120 |
9.12 |
0.365 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
M. duthiei |
20 |
0.26 |
0.112 |
30 |
3.45 |
0.177 |
- |
- |
- |
L. umbrosa |
30 |
0.78 |
0.151 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
M. esculenta |
70 |
1.54 |
0.267 |
- |
- |
- |
60 |
4.14 |
0.247 |
A. oblongum |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Total |
1010 |
63.93 |
2.57 |
1100 |
31.81 |
1.38 |
980 |
59.97 |
1.76 |
Note:D= Density, TBA=Total Basal Area, IVI=Important Value Index, H '=Species diversity
The total forest biomass was 525.1 t ha-1在森林site-1。这个原因,Q. floribundaaccounted for 44.2% followed byQ. semecarpifolia(25.6%) (Table 2). Of the total biomass, bole, branches, twigs, leaves, and roots account for 41.8, 23.2, 10.3, 10.3 and 14.3%, respectively (Table 2). Among the tree species, different components such as bole, branches, twigs, leaves and accounted for 34.9-65.7, 12.6-29.4, 4.6-11.9 and 3.1-17.1, respectively. The biomass of roots in different tree species shared 9.2-28.5, respectively (Table 2). The total forest biomass was 481.0 t ha-1in forest site-2. of this,Q. floribundacontributed 54.2% followed byQ. semecarpifolia(28.2%) (Table 2). Of the total biomass, bole, branches, twigs, leaves, and roots account for 38.8, 24.0, 11.0, 11.5 and 14.7%, respectively (Table 2). Among the tree species, different components such as bole, branches, twigs and leaves accounted for 32.9-50.9, 20.9-30.3, 8.8-11.7 and 2.5-16.9, respectively. The biomass of roots in different tree species shared 7.5-17.6, respectively (Table 2).Total forest tree biomass was 569.0 t ha-1in the forest site-3. Of this,Q. leucotrichophoracontributed (46.9%) followed byQ. floribunda(30.6%) (Table 2). Of the total biomass, bole, branches, twigs, leaves, and roots accounted for 43.3, 26.4, 10.5, 8.0 and 11.9 % respectively (Table 2). Among the tree species, different components such as bole, branches, twigs and leaves accounted for 34.8-49.0, 21.0-29.7, 9.8-113 and 2.9-17.0, respectively. The biomass of roots in different tree species shared 8.5-15.8, respectively (Table 2).
Table 2:Component -wise tree biomass (t ha-1) in Oakdominatedforests in the surrounding area of Nainital in Kumaun Himalaya.
Name of Species |
Bole |
Branches |
Twigs |
Leaves |
Roots* |
Total |
Forest site-1 |
Quercus leucotrichophoraA. Camus |
30.32 (48.0) |
18.59 (29.4) |
6.58 (10.4) |
1.94 (3.1) |
5.79 (9.2) |
63.22 (12.1) |
Quercus floribundaLindl. |
80.79 (34.9) |
48.74 (21.1) |
26.1 (11.3) |
39.46 (17.1) |
36.2 (15.7) |
231.29 (44.2) |
Quercus semecarpifoliaSmith. |
58.82 (44.0) |
36 (26.9) |
14 (10.5) |
8.18 (6.1) |
16.79 (12.5) |
133.79 (25.6) |
Rhododendron arboreumSmith. |
4.21 (35.3) |
2.78 (23.3) |
1.06 (8.9) |
0.47 (3.9) |
3.4 (28.5) |
11.92 (2.3) |
Cedrus deodaraLoud. |
29.5 (65.7) |
5.67 (12.6) |
2.06 (4.6) |
1.43 (3.2) |
6.25 (13.9) |
44.91 (8.6) |
Machilus duthieiKing. |
2.36 (40.1) |
1.53 (26.0) |
0.7 (11.9) |
0.41 (7.0) |
0.88 (15.0) |
5.88 (1.1) |
Litsea umbrosaNees. |
4.13 (40.2) |
2.63 (25.6) |
1.15 (11.2) |
0.67 (6.5) |
1.69 (16.5) |
10.29 (2.0) |
Myrica esculentaBuch- Ham. ex D. Don |
8.9 (40.0) |
5.68 (25.5) |
2.52 (11.3) |
1.46 (6.6) |
3.71 (16.7) |
22.27 (4.3) |
Total |
219.03 (41.8) |
121.62 (23.2) |
54.17 (10.3) |
54.02 (10.3) |
74.71 (14.3) |
525.05 (100) |
Forest site-2 |
Quercus leucotrichophoraA. Camus |
29.90 (50.9) |
17.76 (30.3) |
5.15 (8.8) |
1.49 (2.5) |
4.40 (7.5) |
58.69 (12.2) |
Quercus floribundaLindl. |
85.68 (32.9) |
54.55 (20.9) |
30.53 (11.7) |
44.07 (16.9) |
45.90 (17.6) |
260.74 (54.2) |
Quercus semecarpifoliaSmith. |
59.03 (43.4) |
36.32 (26.7) |
14.52 (10.7) |
8.47 (6.2) |
17.60 (12.9) |
135.94 (28.3) |
Machilus duthieiKing. |
11.84 (46.1) |
7.02 (27.3) |
2.48 (9.6) |
1.45 (5.7) |
2.89 (11.3) |
25.68 (5.3) |
Total |
186.45 (38.8) |
115.66 (24.0) |
52.68 (11.0) |
55.48 (11.5) |
70.79 (14.7) |
481.05 (100) |
Forest site-3 |
Quercus leucotrichophoraA. Camus |
130.77 (49.0) |
79.34 (29.7) |
26.18 (9.8) |
7.65 (2.9) |
22.75 (8.5) |
266.69 (46.9) |
Quercus floribundaLindl. |
60.57 (34.8) |
36.62 (21.0) |
19.67 (11.3) |
29.66 (17.0) |
27.53 (15.8) |
174.05 (30.6) |
Quercus semecarpifoliaSmith. |
39.99 (43.0) |
24.80 (26.7) |
10.07 (10.8) |
5.87 (6.3) |
12.23 (13.2) |
92.96 (16.3) |
Acer oblongumWall. |
15.14 (42.9) |
9.29 (26.3) |
3.61 (10.2) |
2.11 (6.0) |
5.14 (14.6) |
35.29 (6.2) |
Total |
246.48 (43.3) |
150.04 (26.4) |
59.53 (10.5) |
45.30 (8.0) |
67.65 (11.9) |
568.99 (100) |
Note: *根组件包括残根(3.8%)al roots (1.4-6.7 %) and fine roots (0.1-1.2%) in forest site-1 , stump root (3.2-14.8 %), lateral roots (1.3-4.0 %) and fine roots (0.1-0.3%) in forest site-2, stump root (4.6-23.4 %), lateral roots (0.5-12.1 %) and fine roots (0.04-1.1 %) forest site-3.
Primary productivity
Total primary productivity was 16.9 t ha-1yr-1在森林site-1。这个原因,Q. floribundaaccounted for 7.7 t ha-1yr-1followed byQ. semecarpifolia(3.4 t ha-1yr-1) (Table 3). Among the tree species, different components of trees, the primary productivity was in order: bole (45.7%)> branches (24.1%)> roots (including stump roots, lateral roots and fine roots) (11.4 %)>foliage (10.1 %)> twigs (9.2 %), respectively (Table 3). Total productivity was 20.9 t ha-1yr-1in forest site-2.这个原因,Q. floribundaaccounted for 14.8 t ha-1yr-1followed byQ. semecarpifolia(4.2 t ha-1yr-1)(表3)。在混乱关系的不同组件e productivity was in order: bole (39.7%)> branches (32.2%)> foliage (13.6%)> roots (13.1%)> twigs (10.4%), respectively (Table 3). Total productivity was 19.1 t ha-1yr-1in forest site-3. Of this, Q.floribundaaccounted for 7.2 t ha-1yr-1followed byQ.leucotrichophora(7.3 t ha-1yr-1)(表3)。在混乱关系的不同组件e productivity was in order: bole (46%)> branches (26.5%)> roots (10.0%) >twigs (9.0%) >foliage (8.6%), respectively (Table 3).
Table 3: Component-wise tree productivity (t ha-1yr-1) of Oak dominated forests site.
Name of species |
Bole |
Branches |
Twigs |
Leaves |
Roots* |
Total |
Forest site-1 |
Q. leucotrichophora |
1.16 (52.0) |
0.69 (30.9) |
0.18 (8.2) |
0.05 (2.3) |
0.15 (6.7) |
2.24 (100) |
Q. floribunda |
2.93 (38.1) |
1.64 (21.3) |
0.80 (10.5) |
1.33 (17.3) |
0.98 (12.8) |
7.69 (100) |
Q. semecarpifolia |
1.62 (47.9) |
0.95 (28.2) |
0.30 (8.9) |
0.17 (5.1) |
0.33 (9.9) |
3.38 (100) |
R. arboreum |
0.08 (36.0) |
0.05 (20.9) |
0.01 (5.2) |
0.002 (1.0) |
0.08 (36.9) |
0.22 (100) |
C. deodar |
0.85 (87.2) |
0.10 (9.8) |
0.02 (2.2) |
0.01 (1.3) |
0.09 (8.6) |
1.07 (100) |
M. duthiei |
0.12 (45.6) |
0.07 (27.2) |
0.03 (9.8) |
0.02 (5.8) |
0.03 (11.5) |
0.27 (100) |
L. umbrosa |
0.35 (45.7) |
0.21 (27.1) |
0.07 (9.5) |
0.04 (5.6) |
0.09 (12.2) |
0.78 (100) |
M. esculenta |
0.57 (45.2) |
0.34 (27.1) |
0.12 (9.4) |
0.07 (5.6) |
0.16 (12.8) |
1.27 (100) |
Total |
7.69 (45.7) |
4.05 (24.1) |
1.54 (9.2) |
1.70 (10.1) |
1.93 (11.4) |
16.91 (100) |
Forest site-2 |
Q. leucotrichophora |
0.71 (53.7) |
0.41 (30.7) |
0.10 (7.2) |
0.03 (2.1) |
0.08 (6.3) |
1.33 (100) |
Q. floribunda |
5.37 (36.1) |
3.15 (21.2) |
1.66 (11.1) |
2.55 (17.1) |
2.16 (14.5) |
14.88 (100) |
Q. semecarpifolia |
1.98 (47.1) |
1.16 (27.6) |
0.39 (9.2) |
0.23 (5.6) |
0.44 (10.6) |
4.20 (100) |
M. duthiei |
0.22 (50.3) |
0.13 (29.5) |
0.03 (7.3) |
0.02 (4.5) |
0.04 (8.4) |
0.43 (100) |
Total |
8.28 (39.7) |
4.84 (23.2) |
2.17 (10.4) |
2.83 (13.6) |
2.72 (13.1) |
20.85 (100) |
Forest site-3 |
Q. leucotrichophora |
3.74 (53.3) |
2.18 (31.0) |
0.52 (7.4) |
0.15 (2.1) |
0.43 (6.2) |
7.03 (100) |
Q. floribunda |
2.68 (37.4) |
1.53 (21.4) |
0.77 (10.7) |
1.23 (17.2) |
0.96 (13.3) |
7.16 (100) |
Q. semecarpifolia |
1.73 (47.9) |
0.99 (27.5) |
0.33 (9.0) |
0.19 (5.3) |
0.37 (10.2) |
3.61 (100) |
A. oblongum |
0.62 (48.3) |
0.35 (27.5) |
0.11 (8.3) |
0.06 (5.0) |
0.14 (10.9) |
1.28 (100) |
Total |
8.77 (46.0) |
5.06 (26.5) |
1.72 (9.0) |
1.63 (8.6) |
1.90 (9.9) |
19.07 (100) |
Note: *Roots component includes stump root (3-11.4%), lateral roots (1.2-9.3%) and fine roots (0.1-0.9%) in forest site-1, stump root (3.0-12.5%), lateral roots (1.0-2.9%) and fine roots (0.1-0.4%) in forest site-2, stump root (2.7-11.5%), lateral roots (1.1-3.2%) and fine roots (0.1-0.2%) forest site-3.
Carbon Stock
Total carbon stock of tree species was 249.1 t ha-1在森林site-1。这个原因,Q. floribundacontributed 44% followed byQ. semecarpifolia(25.5%) (Table 4). Of the total carbon stock, bole, branches, twigs, leaves, and roots account for 41.8, 23.2, 10.3, 10.3 and 14.3%, respectively (Table 4). Among the tree species, different components such as bole, branches, twigs, leaves accounted for 35.3-65.0, 12.7-29.0, 4.7-11.9 and 3.1-17.7%, respectively. The carbon stock of roots in different tree species shared 9.2-28.6, respectively (Table 4). Total tree carbon stock was 228 t ha-1in forest site-2. Of this,Q. floribundacontributed 54.2% followed byQ. semecarpifolia(28.3%). The component- wise carbon stock of different tree species is given in (Table 4). Of the total carbon stock, bole, branches, twigs, leaves and roots accounted for 38.8, 24.0, 11.0, 11.5 and 14.7%, respectively (Table 4). Among the tree species, different components such as bole, branches, twigs and leaves accounted for 32.9-50.9, 20.9-30.2, 8.8-11.7 and 2.5-16.6, respectively. The carbon stock of roots in different tree species shared 7.5-17.6, respectively (Table 4). Total carbon stock of tree species was 270 t ha-1in forest site-3. Of this,Q. leucotrichophoracontributed 46.9% followed byQ. floribunda(30.6%) is given in (Table 4). Of the total carbon stock, bole, branches, twigs, leaves and roots accounted for 43.3, 26.4, 10.5, 8.0 and 11.9%, respectively (Table 4). Among the tree species, different components such as bole, branches, twigs and leaves accounted for 34.8-49.0, 21.0-29.7, 9.8-113 and 2.9-17.0, respectively. The carbon stock of roots in different tree species shared 8.5-15.8, respectively (Table 4).
Table 4: Component-wise carbon stock(t ha-1) in Oakdominatedforests site.
Name of Species |
Bole |
Branches |
Twigs |
Leaves |
Roots* |
Total |
Forest site-1 |
Quercus leucotrichophoraA. Camus |
14.40 (48.0) |
8.83 (29.4) |
3.12 (10.4) |
0.92 (3.1) |
2.75 (9.2) |
30.02 (12.0) |
Quercus floribundaLindl. |
38.38 (34.9) |
23.15 (21.1) |
12.40 (11.3) |
18.74 (17.1) |
17.20 (15.7) |
109.87 (43.8) |
Quercus semecarpifoliaSmith. |
27.94 (44.0) |
17.10 (26.9) |
6.65 (10.5) |
3.89 (6.1) |
7.98 (12.5) |
63.56 (25.3) |
Rhododendron arboreumSmith. |
2.00 (35.3) |
1.32 (23.3) |
0.51 (8.9) |
0.22 (3.9) |
1.62 (28.6) |
5.67 (2.3) |
Cedrus deodaraLoud. |
14.34 (65.0) |
2.80 (12.7) |
1.05 (4.7) |
0.73 (3.3) |
3.13 (14.2) |
22.05 (8.8) |
Machilus duthieiKing. |
1.12 (40.2) |
0.73 (26.1) |
0.33 (11.9) |
0.19 (6.9) |
0.42 (15.1) |
2.79 (1.1) |
Litsea umbrosaNees. |
1.96 (40.1) |
1.25 (25.5) |
0.55 (11.2) |
0.32 (6.5) |
0.81 (16.6) |
4.89 (1.9) |
Myrica esculenta Buch- Ham. ex D. Don |
4.23 (39.9) |
2.70 (25.5) |
1.20 (11.3) |
0.69 (6.6) |
1.77 (16.7) |
10.59 (4.9) |
Total |
104.37 (41.8) |
57.88 (23.2) |
25.81 (10.3) |
25.70 (10.3) |
35.68 (14.3) |
251.01 (100) |
Forest site-2 |
Quercus leucotrichophoraA. Camus |
14.20 (50.9) |
8.43 (30.2) |
2.45 (8.8) |
0.71 (2.5) |
2.09 (7.5) |
27.88 (12.2) |
Quercus floribundaLindl. |
40.70 (32.9) |
25.91 (20.9) |
14.50 (11.7) |
20.93 (16.9) |
21.81 (17.6) |
123.85 (54.2) |
Quercus semecarpifoliaSmith. |
28.04 (43.4) |
17.25 (26.7) |
6.90 (10.7) |
4.02 (6.2) |
8.36 (12.9) |
64.57 (28.3) |
Machilus duthieiKing. |
5.62 (46.1) |
3.34 (27.3) |
1.18 (9.6) |
0.69 (5.7) |
1.37 (11.3) |
12.20 (5.3) |
Total |
88.56 (38.8) |
54.93 (24.0) |
25.03 (11.0) |
26.35 (11.5) |
33.63 (14.7) |
228.50 (100) |
Forest site-3 |
Quercus leucotrichophoraA. Camus |
62.11 (49.0) |
37.69 (29.7) |
12.44 (9.8) |
3.63 (2.9) |
10.81 (8.5) |
126.68 (46.9) |
Quercus floribundaLindl. |
28.77 (34.8) |
17.39 (21.0) |
9.34 (11.3) |
14.09 (17.0) |
13.09 (15.8) |
82.68 (30.6) |
Quercus semecarpifoliaSmith. |
19.00 (43.0) |
11.78 (26.7) |
4.78 (10.8) |
2.79 (6.3) |
5.80 (13.1) |
44.15 (16.3) |
Acer oblongumWall. |
7.19 (42.9) |
4.41 (26.3) |
1.71 (10.2) |
1.00 (6.0) |
2.45 (14.5) |
16.76 (6.2) |
Total |
117.07 (43.3) |
71.27 (26.4) |
28.27 (10.5) |
21.51 (8.0) |
32.15 (11.9) |
270.27 (100) |
Note: *Roots component includes stump root (3.8-20.6 %), lateral roots (1.3-6.7 %) and fine roots (0.1-1.2%) in forest site-1, stump root (3.2-14.8 %), lateral roots (1.3-3.9 %) and fine roots (0.1-0.3 %) in forest site-2, stump root (3.6-13.4 %), lateral roots (1.5-4.5 %) and fine roots (0.1-0.4 %) forest site-3.
Carbon Sequestration
Total carbon sequestration potential of tree species was 7.99 t ha-1yr-1在森林site-1。这个原因,Q. floribundaaccounted for 3.65 t ha-1yr-1followed byQ. semecarpifolia1.61 t ha-1yr-1. Among the different components of tree carbon sequestration was in order: bole (45.2%)> branches (24.1%)> roots (11.5%)> foliage (10.1%)> twigs (9.1%) (Table 5). Total carbon sequestration potential of tree species was 9.96 t ha-1yr-1in forest site-2. Of this,Q. floribundaaccounted for 7.07 t ha-1yr-1followed byQ. semecarpifolia2.0 t ha-1yr-1. Among the different components of tree carbon sequestration was in order: bole (39.8%)> branches (23.3%)> foliage (13.5%)> roots (13.0%)> twigs (10.1%) (Table 5). Total carbon sequestration potential of tree species was 9.06 t ha-1yr-1in forest site-3. Of this,Q. floribundaaccounted for 3.40 t ha-1yr-1followed byQ.leucotrichophora3.34 t ha-1yr-1. Among the different components of tree carbon sequestration was in order: bole (46.0 %)> branches (26.5%)> stump roots (9.9%)>twigs (9.0%) > foliage (8.6%) (Table 5).
Table 5: Component -wise tree carbon sequestration(tha-1yr-1)of Oak dominated forests.
Name of Species |
Bole |
Branches |
Twigs |
Leaves |
Roots* |
Total |
Forest site-1 |
Q. leucotrichophora |
0.55 (52.0) |
0.33 (30.9) |
0.09 (8.2) |
0.02 (2.3) |
0.07 (6.7) |
1.06 (100) |
Q. floribunda |
1.39 (38.1) |
0.78 (21.3) |
0.38 (10.5) |
0.63 (17.3) |
0.47 (12.8) |
3.65 (100) |
Q. semecarpifolia |
0.77 (47.9) |
0.45 (28.1) |
0.14 (8.8) |
0.08 (5.1) |
0.16 (10.1) |
1.61 (100) |
R. arboreum |
0.04 (36.0) |
0.02 (20.9) |
0.01 (5.2) |
0.001 (1.0) |
0.04 (36.9) |
0.11 (100) |
C. deodara |
0.36 (77.4) |
0.05 (9.7) |
0.01 (2.2) |
0.01 (1.3) |
0.04 (9.4) |
0.46 (100) |
M. duthiei |
0.06 (45.6) |
0.04 (27.2) |
0.01 (9.8) |
0.01 (5.8) |
0.01 (11.5) |
0.13 (100) |
L. umbrosa |
0.17 (45.7) |
0.10 (27.0) |
0.03 (9.5) |
0.02 (5.6) |
0.05 (12.3) |
0.37 (100) |
M. esculenta |
0.27 (45.2) |
0.16 (27.1) |
0.06 (9.4) |
0.03 (5.6) |
0.08 (12.8) |
0.60 (100) |
Total |
3.61 (45.2) |
1.92 (24.1) |
0.73 (9.1) |
0.81 (10.1) |
0.92 (11.5) |
7.99 (100) |
Forest site-2 |
Q. leucotrichophora |
0.34 (53.8) |
0.20 (31.0) |
0.04 (7.1) |
0.01 (2.1) |
0.04 (6.1) |
0.63 (100) |
Q. floribunda |
2.55 (36.1) |
1.50 (21.2) |
0.79 (11.1) |
1.21 (17.1) |
1.03 (14.5) |
7.07 (100) |
Q. semecarpifolia |
0.94 (47.1) |
0.55 (27.6) |
0.18 (9.2) |
0.11 (5.6) |
0.21 (10.6) |
2.00 (100) |
M. duthiei |
0.13 (49.8) |
0.08 (29.1) |
0.02 (7.7) |
0.01 (4.7) |
0.02 (8.7) |
0.26 (100) |
Total |
3.96 (39.8) |
2.32 (23.3) |
1.04 (10.4) |
1.35 (13.5) |
1.30 (13.0) |
9.96 (100) |
Forest site-3 |
Q. leucotrichophora |
1.78 (53.3) |
1.03 (31.0) |
0.25 (7.4) |
0.07 (2.1) |
0.21 (6.2) |
3.34 (100) |
Q. floribunda |
1.27 (37.4) |
0.73 (21.4) |
0.36 (10.7) |
0.58 (17.2) |
0.45 (13.3) |
3.40 (100) |
Q. semecarpifolia |
0.82 (47.9) |
0.47 (27.5) |
0.15 (9.0) |
0.09 (5.3) |
0.17 (10.2) |
1.71 (100) |
A. oblongum |
0.29 (48.3) |
0.17 (27.5) |
0.05 (8.3) |
0.03 (5.0) |
0.07 (10.9) |
0.61 (100) |
Total |
4.16 (46.0) |
2.40 (26.5) |
0.82 (9.0) |
0.78 (8.6) |
0.90 (9.9) |
9.06 (100) |
Note:* Roots component includes stump root (3-26.7%), lateral roots (1.2-9.3%) and fine roots (0.1-0.9%) in forest site-1, stump root (2.7-12.5%), lateral roots (1.0-3.2%) and fine roots (0.1-0.2%) in forest site-2, stump root (2.7-11.5%), lateral roots (1.1-3.2%) and fine roots (0.1-0.2%) forest site-3.
Forest is one of the major natural resources of Himalaya. They play vital role in the development of the region. This study was carried out to assess the biomass, productivity and carbon sequestration potential of oak dominated broad-leaved forests of Nainital in Kumaun Himalaya. The Kumaun region accounted for 40.3 % forest cover, which fulfils the basic needs of fuel, fodder and small timber of the villagers obtained either from community forests (van panchayats) and or government managed forests. In the recent days, variation of climate has impacted the biodiversity, growth and productivity of forests, therefore, the assessment of forests for productivity and carbon potential is very essential for current and future conservation and sustainable forest development point of view. The tree density 980-1100 ind ha-1这个原因,present values fall within range 420-1640 ind.ha-1reported for temperate forests of western Himalaya14and 920-1345 ind.ha-1for natural forests of Kumaun Himalaya15and 550-1250 ind.ha-1in oak dominated forests in Kumaun Himalaya,16960-1170 ind.ha-1in Van Panchayat forest in Kumaun Himalaya17and 1040-1260 ind.ha-1for pine forests in Kumaun Himalaya18but on higher side than 570-760 ind.ha-1reported for oak forest.8However, basal area (31.81-63.93 m2ha-1) of oak dominated forests was lower side than 58.7-93.0 m2ha-1reported for natural forests in Kumaun Himalaya.14Present estimates of basal area (31.81-63.93 m2ha-1) are higher than 33.9-36.8 m2ha-1reported for oak forests6and 36.3-56.4 m2ha-1for pine forests in Kumaun Himalaya.18Tree species diversity ranged between 1.38-2.57 in Oak dominated forests, which falls within the range 1.31 to 2.69 of oak dominated forests in Kumaun Himalaya16and higher than 1.01 to 1.65 of oak mixed forests.17
Present biomass estimates (481-569 t ha-1) are higher (fig.1) than 285-458 t ha-1reported for oak forests,8236-400 t ha-1for Oak dominated forests of high altitude19but lower than 651-718 t ha-1of natural forests in Kumaun Himalaya15and 154-301 t ha-1in pine forests in Kumaun Himalaya18and 590 t ha-1of Kharsu oak forests in higher altitude19and 426-782 t ha-1in oak forest site in Kumaun Himalaya.20The carbon stock was 229-270 t ha-1(Fig.1), which falls within the range 229.341 t ha-1of natural forests of Kumaun in central Himalaya15and 243-290 t ha-1of oak and pine forests in non-degraded forest sites in Kumaun Himalaya.21But present values are on higher side than 59.41 t ha-1oak and pine mixed forest of Lohaghat in Kumaun Himalaya22and 16.73-18.54 t ha-1of oak and pine forests in degraded forests.21
The primary productivity values (17.0 to 21.0 t ha-1yr-1) are higher (Fig.2) than 13.2-16.6 t ha-1yr-1of oak forests8and 7.58-18.70 t ha-1yr-1Chir-pine森林中央嗨malaya7and lower side than 24.6 t ha-1yr-1of Kharsu oak forest in higher altitude19(图2)。The carbon sequestration was 8.0-10.0 t ha-1yr-1in the studied forests. However, the estimates of carbon sequestration are higher than 5.48-6.23 t ha-1yr-1non- degraded oak forests and 1.47-1.84 t ha-1yr-1in degraded oak forests21(图2)。详细比较的不同oak forests on the aspects of biomass, productivity, and carbon stock and carbon sequestration is given in Table 6.
Table 6: Comparative study of different parameter of Oak dominated forests inIndia.
Forest types |
Density (ind.ha-1) |
TBA (m2ha-1) |
H' |
Biomass (t ha-1) |
Productivity (t ha-1yr-1) |
CS (t ha-1) |
CSP (t ha-1yr-1) |
References |
Oak forest |
570-760 |
33.9-36.8 |
- |
285.3-458.5 |
13.2-16.6 |
- |
- |
Rawat and Singh, 19888 |
Oak forest |
920-1345 |
58.7-93 |
- |
651-718 |
- |
309-341 |
- |
Lodhiyal et al., 201415 |
Oak forest |
1330 |
36.77 |
- |
101.45 |
- |
59.4 |
- |
Lodhiyal and Lodhiyal, 201222 |
混合橡树林 |
- |
- |
- |
426-782 |
15.9-25.1 |
- |
- |
Rana et al., 198920 |
Kharsu ok forest |
- |
- |
- |
590 |
24.6 |
- |
- |
Adhikari et al.,199519 |
Oak non- degraded forest |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
242.6-290.6 |
5.5-6.2 |
Jeena et al., 200821 |
Oak degraded forest |
- |
- |
- |
- |
- |
16.7-18.5 |
1.5-1.8 |
Jeena et al., 200821 |
Oak dominated forest |
550-1250 |
33.9-62.6 |
1.31-2.69 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Singh et al., 201416 |
Oak mixed forest |
960-1170 |
- |
1.01-1.65 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Pandey and Lodhiyal, 201517 |
Tilonj oak forest dominated forests |
300-1190 |
- |
0.421-1.769 |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Lodhiyal et al., 201523 |
Oak dominated forests |
980-1010 |
31.81-63.93 |
0.29-0.77 |
481-569 |
16.9-20.9 |
228.5-270.3 |
7.99-9.96 |
Present study |
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