安全饮用水对保护公众健康和公民福祉至关重要。清洁、安全和充足的淡水对所有生物的生存至关重要。饮用水由于存在各种化学成分而影响人类的健康。因此,每个人都应该有最起码的饮用水质量知识。地下水是饮用水、农业和工业用水的主要来源之一。水的质量的主题;加拉的Srikurmam村;安得拉邦Srikakulam地区的mandal被用于研究。人们尝试着 研究地下水的季节理化参数及其比较。 The results in this presentation are reported and comparison on the seasonal base like June 2011, July 2012 , July 2013and in the month of May 2014. The results obtained are related to electrical conductivity, pH, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Hardness, Calcium and Magnesium Hardness, Chlorides, Alkalinity, Fluorides, Nitrites, Phosphates, Phenol, Metals like Sodium, Potassium, Iron, Zinc, Cadmium, Cobalt, Nickel,Lead andCopper. Theresults obtained are compared with standards of WHO andBISand assessing the quality of ground water for drinking purposes through Water Quality Index (WQI). Finally, the results indicate that the water at Srikurmam is not fit for drinking without using a standard purification method.