国家天然气输送哈哈;Duzduzan,在伊朗西部北部输送新鲜天然气。根据伊朗的环境法规,管道的建设和运行都需要进行环境影响评估研究。由于这种线性项目,需要对这类项目制定一种特定的环境影响评估方法。因此,一开始我们试图通过图书馆和实地研究来获得关于项目环境尾注的真实知识。随着审查项目的技术资源,试图确定所有的建设和运营活动。最后选择了解释性清单法和简化矩阵法进行环境影响评价。在建设阶段,19个微活动在大约12个环境因素前进行了评估(在各种环境中)。在构建阶段,活动如;开挖、路堤和开挖对区域整体环境的负面影响最大。 And the most important activity with positive effects on the aforementioned factors is manpower recruitment. Also In the operation phase 15 micro activities have evaluated in front of about 15 environmental factors (in the various environments). In the Operation phase activities such as; grazing, vehicle traffic and wastewater production can have negative effects. Most positive impacts on environmental factors are revenue and welfare, employment levels, commerce and manning activities, immigration control and air quality. Most of the Operation phase effects are positive which involve; exploitation of gas or natural gas transportation and gas pipeline monitoring. According to the developed methodology it is necessary to use RS and GIS tools in the study current environment situation, routing environmental alternatives and make land use maps of transmission path. With regard to all issues presented in explanatory checklist of this project and also previous clauses from the standpoint of environmental compliance provisions there isn’t any problem for implementation.