汞是环境中的重金属污染物之一,对生物具有毒性。瓦坡街道的金矿利用汞提取黄金,并将废物随意排放到环境中。几项有先例的研究结果表明,金加工废液中含有抗汞细菌。耐汞细菌可以作为生物修复剂,因为这些细菌可以减少汞。耐汞菌质粒中含有mer操纵子。本研究的目的是分离出能在含有500 ppm HgCl2的培养基营养琼脂(NA)上生长的抗汞细菌,并分析其在营养肉汤(NB)培养基中对HgCl2的还原能力。采用平板法在含有10 ppm HgCl2的营养琼脂上进行细菌分离。采用kit Microgen TM GnA + B-ID系统进行细菌鉴定,采用cv - aas法测定细菌对汞的还原能力; (Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer). Result showed, that the bacteria found in this research were Bacillus sp and Aeromonas hydrophila. Both of these bacteria were able to reduce HgCl2 in the amount of 98,7% for Bacillus sp and 98,33% for Aeromonas hydrophila. In the future those bacteria can be use as bioremediation agent.