CWE / 1443/2023 当前世界环境 0973 - 4929 2320 - 8031 4 CWE - 88 - 00


1 推广教育系 普萨中央农业大学Rajendra Prasad博士 Samastipur 印度 10.12944 / CWE.18.1.20 卷18 卷18 235 - 244 摘要

考虑到农民对障碍的看法,本研究调查了飓风肆虐地区遇到的障碍以及他们的合理建议。奥里萨邦是印度十大气候脆弱邦之一,480公里的沿海边界暴露在孟加拉湾,06个沿海地区极易受到气候事件的影响。由于奥里萨邦以农业经济为主,农民受到飓风的严重影响。因此,我们有意选择这个州作为研究对象。从2个区8个村随机抽取160名受访农民。20个具体的障碍(限制)被进一步分为4个广泛的障碍维度,即社会、经济、环境和杂项障碍。障碍采用Garrett排序法进行排序,障碍采用Kendall的协调系数法进行4个大维度的排序。在20个障碍中,“暴雨导致飓风后洪水”被认为是最重要的障碍,Garrett的平均值为64.53。肯德尔一致性系数在1%显著水平上显著(p=。000, <0.01),值得称道的一致性值为0.588,因为它的范围从0到1。 Where, Zero denotes nonexistent of agreement among judges, and one denotes perfect agreement with the ?2 value of 282.192 with 3 degrees of freedom. Kendall's coefficient of concordance values for 4 broad impediments were environmental impediment (3.53) was ranked first as constraint followed by economic impediment (2.85), social impediment (2.40) and miscellaneous impediment (1.22). The following suggestions were extracted from the grassroots level investigations viz., attending timely training and awareness programs regarding cyclones, constructions of pucca houses to protect from heavy wind and rain, cultivation of early verities of paddy crops and vegetables, constructing permanent drainage systems, reforestation and afforestation of salt-tolerant mangrove trees, chlorination of drinking water after the cyclone and use of battery operated gadgets to save life post cyclones.

关键字 飓风 约束 经济 环境 障碍 肯德尔W Odisha 社会