日益扩大的城市扩张造成了许多严重的问题,如污染激增、气候迅速变化和城市地区温度加剧,这些问题被称为城市热岛(UHI)。人口密度导致大部分土地变成了城市,城市得到了极大的扩展。热岛现象导致城市气温上升。印度大多数大都市地区正在经历城市热岛的后果和污染形成的严重性,这是一个至关重要的研究领域。由于气温上升与城市空气污染有直接联系;城市热岛的缓解措施也与缓解城市空气污染有关;正在广泛研究热岛现象的缓解措施与城市空气质量之间的关系,强调执行机构在城市设计和规划方面考虑的科学方法和规划问题。艾哈迈达巴德是印度发展中的大都市区之一。这个城市以放射状的模式扩大了它的边界,在经济上和物质上都得到了发展。本研究试图对遥感数据进行时间评估,以得出城市热岛指数和城市的增长及其不断变化的土地利用。 Assessment has been performed from2008 to 2018 from Landsat data for temperature profile at surface level and type of usage of land of the study area. The spatial profile of Particulate Matter (PM2.5 and PM10) has been generated based on data from the state pollution control board. Four variables, LST, PM2.5, PM10, and LULC, are taken to establish the relationship between all variables present in different layers withthehelp of regression statistical analysis. A strong positive correlation between PM2.5, PM10, and LST has been discovered, which was eventually used to assess the impact of mitigation strategies of UHI, specifically urban greening and a white roof to particulate matter concentrations.