Koyra (Khulna District)是孟加拉国沿海的Upazila,非常容易受到盐度的入侵。乌帕齐拉的地表和浅层管井水是天然的咸水。对于不同的科伊拉联盟,对故意区地下管井水的水质进行了比较。Koyra的Dakshin Bedkashi Union很容易含盐。因此,Dakshin Bedkashi Union的地下水化学性质被确定为是否适合饮用和灌溉的合法地下水。2016年12月,研究人员从深层含水层(550至700英尺深)收集了30个空间分散的水样,并对其物理化学性质进行了分析。结果与WHO、USEPA、BBS饮用水水质标准和FAO标准进行了比较。pH值在6.73 ~ 8.33之间变化,说明水样符合WHO饮用水水质标准。TDS变化范围较长(230.5 ~ 2052.0 ppm),平均为841.23 ppm,其中33%的水源超过BBS标准值。盐度平均值为0.65 (±0.43) ppt, EC为1400.9 (±904.18) µS cm-1。 The loads of key ions were ranked as Na+> Ca2+> Mg2+> K+ and HCO3-> Cl-> SO42-> NO3-> PO4-. The Piper diagram demonstrated that the existing hydro-chemical facies of groundwater were Na+-Cl--HCO3- and Na+-Ca2+-HCO3- type. The Gibbs diagram illustrated that the chemical arrangement of groundwater is mainly misrepresented by rock weathering. Silicate weathering was the profuse process along study area. The Wilcox diagram proved that the greater water sources were allowable to suspicious for irrigation. The core component analysis ensured that rock suspension and sea water intrusion was the primary source of ions in groundwater. The controlling factors of groundwater chemistry were typically related to geologic factors, while the anthropogenic factors have not any momentous effects.