大多数印度农村人口依靠燃烧生物质来烹饪和取暖,这导致了室内空气污染。本研究的抽样是在印度的两个村庄进行的,即中央邦的Budhwada和喜马偕尔邦的Baggi。这两个地区在文化、传统、地形和日常习惯方面都有很大的不同,因此这项研究有助于理解这些地区之间的差异。在每个村庄的四个不同的房屋中,评估了不同燃料使用下的碳质气溶胶浓度,即OC(有机碳)和EC(元素碳)。引入软方法的概念,要求居民通过使用固体生物质或液化石油气(LPG)作为燃料烹饪来改变他们的做法。总体平均浓度为124.34±plusmn的Budhwada (mp)较高;34.68 μ g/m3, (hp)值为105.26 μ g/m3;为35.63 μ g/m3,而EC的平均浓度为62.98 μ g/m3;20.75 µg/m3在Baggi (hp)和55.51 ±15.51 µg/m3在Budhwada (mp)。 The average OC and EC concentrations from solid biomass fuel (dung cake) burning at Budhwada (M.P.) was respectively higher by 56.14% and 33.57% as compared to the LPG usage. Similarly, in Baggi (H.P.) village with LPG usage, a significant reduction was observed in OC and EC concentrations (76.69% and 70.10% respectively) when compared with fuelwood burning. House-wise and time-wise variations of carbonaceous aerosols at both the sites confirmed that their concentrations are lower in houses with greater ventilation and higher in cooking times (morning and evening). In Budhwada (M.P.), the concentrations of K+, Ca2+ and SO42- ions decreased significantly from dung cake to LPG use by 67.91%, 76.98% and 51.85% respectively. In Baggi (H.P.), K+ ion concentration was decreased by 63.4% from fuelwood to LPG use. A questionnaire survey conducted on the residents also corroborated the above findings where the residents agreed that LPG use has health benefits over solid biomass fuel usage but the challenges such as supply of LPG into rural interiors, financial feasibility, etc. were of serious concern. Also, changing the contemporary mindset of rural population is a challenging task.