恶劣的空气是当今大多数城市中心的主要问题之一,西里古里也不例外。为评价西里古里市的空气质量,采用超标系数法(EF)对污染物的年平均浓度进行评价。NO2、SO2、PM2.5和PM10是对城市构成严重威胁的主要污染物。应用EF法发现,PM2.5处于中~高污染水平,PM10处于高~临界污染水平。NO2和SO2浓度均处于中、低污染水平。通过对各种污染物的趋势分析,发现它们的浓度在本质上是变化的。当PM10时,趋势为高浓度,超过国家标准;而PM2.5如果不检查,其浓度很快接近违反国家标准。NO2和SO2的变化趋势均低于国家标准。根据空气质量指数分析了西里古里市的环境空气现状,发现该市的空气质量可分为两个季节,即洁净期(4 - 10月)和污染期(11 - 3月)。 Lastly, the annual trends of PM2.5 and PM10 were constructed as they are the major pollutants, and it shows their skewed nature during winter months which results in smog episodes. It unveils how critical the situation of air quality of Siliguri became especially during winter months which seek immediate attention. Thus the study tries to present a vivid scenario about the present air quality of Siliguri, which concludes with some of the suggestions to restrain the air quality.