环境指标和污染指数是湿地生态系统水质评价的替代指标。因此,本研究的重点是建立水质和阐明印度西南海岸喀拉拉邦卡拉马纳河(KR)的污染状况。卡拉马纳河流域KRB (n = 6 <一口> th < /一口>;L= 68 km, A=695 km2),是Thiruvananthapuram市主要的生活和饮用水源。基利河(n= 5 The ;L= 24 km, A= 102 km2)是KR最大的支流,承载了主要来自城市的大量污染物,并向下游加入KR。本研究选取了12个采样站,从上游到下游(间隔= ~3km),收集了2015年非季风(NON)和季风(MON)期间的水样(n=12x2= 24),以评估关键水化学变量的变异性和来源。采用环境学方法,即Pearson相关和主成分分析(PCA)对地表水质量的主要污染源进行了分配。研究发现,污水排放和海水入侵是导致下游水质恶化的主要因素。 Further, the results of water quality analyses and Pollution Indices, viz., Organic Pollution Index (OPI), Eutrophication Index (EI) and Comprehensive Pollution Index (CPI) indicate that lower reaches (L= ~4 km) of KR is seriously polluted. A distinct Zone of Pollution Influence (ZPI) has been delineated based on the indices and this attempt is first of its kind in KR. The present study provides several noteworthy contributions to the existing knowledge on the factors influencing surface water quality and serves as a baseline data for watershed managers and administrators.