CWE / 1400/2019 当前世界环境 0973 - 4929 2320 - 8031 环境研究出版社 CWE - 64 - 00 定量脆弱性评估:减少灾害脆弱性评估偏差的方法 2 孟加拉国人民共和国 公共行政部 达卡 1000 孟加拉国 10.12944 / CWE.14.3.07 卷14 卷14 383 - 399 摘要

由于女性的贫困、社会规范以及在社会结构中的边缘地位,女性的旋风脆弱性远远高于男性。因此,减少妇女的脆弱性是改善这种状况的必要条件。然而,目前的脆弱性评估做法有一些局限性。作为替代方案,本研究提出并测试了一个加权框架,以定量形式评估脆弱性。拟议的框架考虑了从脆弱性文献中精心改编的18个指标。根据其脆弱性潜力定义指标状态,并赋予整数值。状态值越高,漏洞潜力越大。对各指标的状态值进行标准化,并对其权重进行估算。每个指标的脆弱性得分随后通过将其状态值乘以其权重来估计。最后,将所有指标的漏洞得分取平均值,计算出个体的漏洞得分。 The framework was tested on 140 randomly selected cyclone-affected women from ten coastal villages of Bangladesh. The proposed scores-based vulnerability expresses the vulnerability status with an integer value easier to understand and allows spatial comparability. This framework could be improved further preferably through stakeholder consultations about the appropriateness of the indicators, indicator statuses, and their weights. An improved and well-agreed framework would assist in integrative policy formulation to reduce women’s vulnerability to cyclone disaster. Moreover, this approach could be adopted in vulnerability ranking/mapping for other disasters.

关键字 飓风的灾难 灾害脆弱性 政策的制定 脆弱性指标 脆弱性评分 定量的脆弱性