如今,由于城市化、工业化、交通等因素导致饮用水质量恶化,全球范围内的饮用水质量已成为一个环境问题。索兰是一个快速发展的地区和工业中心,最近面临着水源性腹泻病的爆发。因此,本研究对疾病负担地区在季风季节和季风后季节的水质进行评估。水源的pH值在6.92 ~ 7.43之间,完全在正常范围内。电导率电导率范围为151.40- 414.65 µS/cm。高疾病负担地区水源的EC高于ICMR规定标准。在所有疾病负担区,DO (7.43 ~ 8.56 mg/l)均属正常。所有地区的BOD(范围12.25 ~ 23.25 mg/l)均高于BIS限值。COD、TDS和浊度(分别为75.75 ~ 157.50 mg/l、2.24 ~ 81.01 mg/l和1.85 ~ 5.05 NTU)均在BIS标准范围内。Ca、Pb、Hg、Zn和Cr的浓度(mg/l)分别为37.2 ~ 122.9、0.17 ~ 0.51、0.00 ~ 0.03、0.74 ~ 8.99和0.04 ~ 0.10。 The high disease burden regions exhibited relatively higher contents of Ca, Hg and Cr as compared to lower one and the BIS limits. However, contents of Pb and Zn were above BIS limits in all the regions. The concentration (mg/l) of Mg, NO3-, Cl- and As was in the ranges of 14.25- 30.61, 5.10- 9.88, 16.42- 74.96 , 0.001- 0.014 respectively, which were below prescribed standards. Cd was detected (0.001 mg/l) in Solan region only, however it was within BIS limits. Water Quality Index (WQI) computed by using nine parameters varied from 78.58- 219.78 (very poor to unsafe drinking water class). Interestingly, water sources of all the high disease burden regions were unsafe for drinking (WQI: 102.02- 167.04). Water quality deteriorated more in the monsoons. The study therefore warrants remedial actions of water resource protection and conservation for provision of potable water.