Nr的空前增长引起了富营养化、臭氧消耗和气候变化等环境问题。过量的Nr生成还会导致植物和人类健康状况不佳、土壤酸化、地下水污染等。南亚地区人口约占世界的四分之一,土地面积仅占全球陆地总面积的4.9%,却消耗了全球60%的肥料养分。印度是南亚最大的合成肥料消费国。据估计,印度每年消耗约1700万吨Nr,使南亚和印度成为N物种沉积的热点。在印度,氮肥消费量从1950-51年到2013-14年增加了314倍。1951-52年每公顷氮肥用量为0.44 kgha-1, 2013-14年为86.2 kgha-1。由于降雨只持续几个月,所以大部分时间天气炎热干燥。因此,干沉降是该地区污染物去除的关键机制。湿沉积主要发生在季风期。 The wet deposition of NH3-N observed to be the highest in the Indo-Gangetic plains. The annual NO3-N deposition at the urban, suburban, rural and industrial site found to be 4.48, 2.10, 4.06 and 3.92 kgha-1 respectively, and the annual deposition of NH4-N at the urban, suburban, rural and industrial site found to be 2.38, 2.10, 2.38 and 5.05 kgha-1 respectively. The average total wet deposition of NO3-N and NH4-N in India is estimated to be 6.01kgha-1 which is equivalent to 1.97 Tg N/yr. The average total dry deposition of NH4-N and NO3-N through dust fall found to be 0.37 kg ha-1 and 0.84 kg ha-1 respectively. The average total dry deposition of NH4-N and NO3-N in the form of aerosols found to be 0.28 and 1.65 kg ha-1 while through gaseous dry deposition it was 4.72 kg ha-1 and 0.28 kg ha-1 for NH4-N and NO3-N respectively. This study highlights the need for integrated nitrogen monitoring and assessment in South Asia.