具有古老背景的城市历史肌理具有很高的潜力,必须在注重地方主义灵活基础的同时加以回收利用。近年来,有着广泛需求的城市居民在这样的历史场所寻求满足。城市历史街区应在文化框架和审美体验中满足公共价值。每一个城市都是由物质价值和精神价值构成的,它们作为一种宝贵的资产在物理空间中形成,因此,识别这些价值并使其成为身份要素需要基于城市文化和历史背景的综合规划。因此,在旧肌理附近设计和建造新建筑的差异,造成城市视角的差异,造成认同感的缺失。本研究的研究方法基于定性分析,以德黑兰都市区12区Imamzadeh Yahya为例,利用图书馆、文献查阅和专家访谈等方法收集信息和数据。然后,,从而SWOT analysis matrix was used for data analysis and presentation of neighbourhoods as factors in heritage areas in Imamzadeh Yahya. This paper explores physical-visual elements related to city perspective and people’s perception. This paper is of relevance because the city perspective and people’s perception have a significant role around the quality component of historical urban fabric in making a desirable visual identity. Our case study is the surroundings of the historical neighbourhood of Imamzade Yahya in the Iranian capital of Tehran.