为了识别威胁区域,在GIS域内生成5KmX5Km的网格单元。使用1935年和2015年的多源数据对森林砍伐进行了分析。对一段时间内森林砍伐的评估表明,贾坎德邦的森林发生了重大变化,并确定了1224个灭绝,248个极度濒危,318个濒危和396个脆弱的生态系统网格细胞。破碎化分析确定了148个极度濒危、296个濒危和402个脆弱生态系统网格单元。利用2005年至2016年的森林火点数据并进行分析。 Further frequency of forest fires for each grid was noted. The result indicates that 67.3% of grid cell of Jharkhand forest was affected with forest fire. Conservation status has been evaluated based on the value of threat for each grid which was the fundamental criteria for conservation priority hotspot. About 2.1% of Jharkhand forest ecosystem grids are defined as extremely high ecosystem risk stage and have been designated in the category of conservation priority hotspot-1 followed by 19.7% conservation priority hotspot-2, 41.3% conservation priority hotspot-3, 27.8% conservation priority hotspot-4 and 9.1% lowest conservation priority hotspot-5. This study highlights the capability of integrating remote sensing and GIS data for mapping the forest degradation, which can be useful in formulating the strategies and policies for protection and conservation of forests.