目前印度每年产生的城市固体废物估计约为4200万吨,随着人口增长、城市化和人民生活水平的提高,这一数字将迅速上升。城市固体废物的产生量由0.25至0.66公斤/人/天不等,平均为0.45公斤/人/天。此外,工业产生了大量的固体和液体废物。产生的大部分废物都进入了土地和水体。这些废物未经适当处理,排放出甲烷(CH4)、二氧化碳(CO2)等气体,造成恶臭、温室气体排放、空气污染和水污染加剧。通过采用环境友好的废物转化为能源技术,在废物处置前进行处理和加工,可以大大减轻这一问题。这不仅可以减少废物的数量,还可以产生大量的能源。印度目前是世界上第五大能源消费国,预计到2030年将超过日本和俄罗斯成为第三大能源消费国。近年来,印度经济呈现出8%左右的强劲增长,并正在努力维持这种增长,以实现减贫目标。为了达到所需的增长水平,印度将需要将其初级能源供应至少增加两倍,将其电力容量增加五倍。这将迫使已经进口大部分石油的印度将目光投向境外寻找能源资源。 In India waste-to-energy has a potential of generating 1700 MW per person and this is scheduled to increase when more types of waste would be encompassed. At present hardly 50 MW power is being generated through waste-to-energy options. Waste combustion provides integrated solutions to the problems of the modern era by: recovering otherwise lost energy and thereby reducing our use of precious natural resources; by cutting down our emissions of greenhouse gases; and by both saving valuable land that would otherwise be destined to become landfill and recovering land once sacrificed to the products of consumerism. This paper focuses to present waste to energy as a green and sustainable solution of solid waste problem vis-à-vis its importance as renewable source of energy.