城市产生的固体废物的数量取决于城市的类型、人口、居民的生活水平以及城市的商业化程度和各种活动。废物的产生主要取决于人口的增加和活动的类型。城市固体废物管理不当造成各种健康危害,并导致环境退化。本文重点介绍了曼尼普尔邦和达什邦三个城市城市固体废物管理的现状;英帕尔、图巴尔和比什努普尔市。这项研究涉及第一手资料和第二手资料。研究所产生废物的物理成分,有助更妥善地管理废物。研究了废物的物理特性和现有的管理系统,如实行的收集系统、储存、运输和处置系统。物理表征表明,有机废物在所有三个城市中都是最高的。Imphal、Thoubal和Bishnupur分别为60.59%、60.08%和57.71%,其次是塑料和纸,皮革最少。 The present paper tries to analyze the scenario of management of municipal solid waste in the three municipalities of Manipur and the role NGOs play in their efficient management. NGOs were found to be operative only in Imphal municipality and not in the other two. It is suggested that generating awareness among the public and their participation along with initiatives of NGOs is essential and integral part for efficient solid waste management.