Saroj Mahajan1*还有迪利普·比洛尔2
1政府Maharani Laxmi Bai女孩P.G.学院印多尔(mp),印度
Mahajan S, Billore D. Khandwa地区Nagchoon池塘水质的季节变化与评价(m.p.)印度。当代世界环境2014;9 (3)DOI:
Mahajan S, Billore D. Khandwa地区Nagchoon池塘水质的季节变化与评价(m.p.)印度。可以从://
收到: | 2014-07-23 |
接受: | 2014-08-08 |
水对所有生物的生存至关重要。水是所有重要生命过程的基本和主要需要,现在已经确定生命最初是在水生环境中产生的。自史前时代以来,人类就与水密切相关,过去文明的证据表明,所有历史上的人类住区都围绕着内陆淡水资源,这一点得到了确凿的证明。水是生命的基础,是一种普遍的溶剂,是任何形式的生命生存所必需的最宝贵的商品之一。辛格出版社。(2006)。Wetzel(1975)将“湖沼学”定义为研究受物理、化学和生物环境因素影响的淡水群落的功能关系和生产力。对水体进行湖沼学调查,目的是评价水体因污染而恶化的情况。Somashehara Rao(1990)也使用了统计技术来解释各种水生生境的数据。邓伯雷和庞德(1997)。The correlation analysis method is very useful tool for assessing the water quality parameters. Limnological on ponds and reservoirs is carried out like Adefemi, (2007) worked on the physico-chemical condition of a dam in Nigeria and showed the level of significance between different physico-chemical state variable. Limnological features of manmade lakes were analyzed and observed by Ayoade, (2006). Daily physico-chemical dynamics of Sicmianowka reservoir lies in north eastern Poland was studied by Jcktierynczuk- Rudezyk . E; (2002). Khanna, (2000) analyzed the abiotic factors of a pond at Hardwar.
Khandwa地区的气候宜人而健康,该地区位于印度较干燥的地区。(图1)年降雨量980.75 mm,分布有86多阴雨天。五月份的最高气温为42°C,十二月的最低气温为10°C。该地区的生态气候为半干旱、二度特大热型,夏季集中,冬季缺水(Sharma, 1976)。
2008年7月至2010年6月在所有四个采样站采集水样。在每个月的第一个星期的清晨(早上7点至9点)采集每月的地下水样本,一式三份。采用经碘处理的双Stoppard聚乙烯瓶收集水样。(图No.02)水的一些物理化学特性,包括空气和水温,用水银温度计测定,pH值用数字pH计测定,透明度通过Sechidisc,而溶解氧,游离二氧化碳,总碱度,总硬度,钙和镁,氯化物,用滴定法分析其他参数,包括浊度,电导率,亚硝酸盐氮,硫酸盐,在实验室用火焰光度计分析6 ~ 8 h内的钠和钾。
在目前的研究中,空气和水温的变化或多或少是密切相关的,这表明水温受大气温度的影响。Shrivastave (1996), Jain (2008), Garg(2009),也记录了对印度水库和湖泊的相同调查。
在第一年的研究中,水是碱性的,而在第二年的研究中,10月份的水是中性的。由于碱土金属的碳酸盐和重碳酸盐的存在,pH值的月变化和大部分水本质上是碱性的。研究第一年(2008-09)pH值为7.10(12月)~ 8.80(6月),研究第二年(2009-10)pH值为7.05(11月)~ 8.28(6月)。见Mahajan和kanhere (1995), Rasool等人。(2003)报道了碱性pH值有利于浮游生物生长,表明水体未受污染。气温等因素导致pH值的变化。Ramakrishana N.(2003)报道,由于水中碳酸氢盐的增加,pH值在夏季增加,Nagchoon池塘的水也有类似的发现。水的透明度反映了水体的营养状况。本研究记录的Secchi透明度范围为42.50 cm。到11.00厘米。最大值和最小值见(表1)。I和II)。Turbidity is a condition of water resulting from the presence of suspended matter in the water.The biological productivity, suspended non-living particles and watercolor, wind velocity rainfall and nature of bottom such factors mainly affect the transparency. Transparency inversely proportional to the turbidity of water. During the study period (July2008-June 2010), in the first year of study transparency, it was in July 11.00 cm. in January 42.00 cm. (2008-09) and in the second year of study 11.00 cm. in August and in January 42.50 cm. (2009-10).(GraphNo.03) Diwedi, recorded the maximum value in winter season; may be explained because of minimum wind velocity and calmness of water and sedimentation of suspended matter. There data coincide with the observations of Shrivastava (1996), Diwedi, Devaraju naktara reservior.The maximum value of turbidity and minimum value of turbidity showed in (Table No.I and II) turbidity inversely proportional to transparency. The sources of substances producing turbidity are innumerable.Clay, silt, organic matter, plankton and other microscopic organisms cause turbidity in natural water. This has been recognized as a valuable limiting factor in the biological productivity of the water bodies. The value of turbidity recorded in the present investigation. Specific conductance, which is indicative of the total concentration of dissolved ions; it is a valuable tool in assessing water quality. The Specific conductance is proportional to the amount of dissolved substances. Specific conductivity measure the capacity of a substance or a solution to conduct electric current. In Nagchoon pond the specific conductivity ranged from 281 micro mohs to 178 micro mohs.The specific conductivity was found to fluctuatation between 108.00 micro mohs (September 2004) to 246.30 micro mohs in the Ramsagar reservior Garg, (2009). Falls within the range observed for Indian waters. Rawson (1960), regarded oligotrophic lakes to have conductivity values less than 100 micro mohs, intermediate lakes between 101 and 125 micro mohs, and eutrophic between 126 and 200 micro mohs.
溶解氧浓度大于5.00mg/lit。有利于动植物的良好生长。(2000)。在不同的印度水体中,溶解氧从3.41到6.21毫克/升不等。在Seetadwar湖,Tewari和Mishra,(2005),从5.30到9.00毫克/升。在Deoria tal Rawat和Sharma,(2005)从3.00到6.00 mg/lit。在Kandhar大坝Surve等。(2005)。
总碱度水平作为评估营养状况的标准。印度水体的许多工人也报告了类似的发现,Ramakrishana(2003)认为,季风前的总碱度通常高于季风。Radhika等人(2004)观察到喀拉拉邦Vellayani湖夏季碱度增加。Narayan出版社。(2007), Bajaj(2010),他们认为季风前的总碱度通常高于季风。Iqbal & Katariya(1995)报道,在Bhopal上湖,总碱度在季风期间最大,在夏季最小。氯化物以不同浓度自然存在于各种类型的水中。据报道,印度内陆水域的氯化物含量在数量上表现出很大的变化以及季节性波动。当浓度较高时,通常被认为是人为造成的污染。如Adoni(1975)等几位工人报告说,有机污染对氯化物浓度的影响在百万分之4至百万分之10之间,表明水的纯度。 Observations in the context of the present study reveal that the concentration of chloride in Nagchoon pond ranged from16.00 mg/lit. (January) 34.12gm/lit.(June) in the study year, (2008-09) while, in the study year, (2009-10) 16.00 mg/lit. (January) 34.00 mg/lit. (June). (Table No.I and II) Chloride serves as an indicator of pollution by sewage Trivedi & Goel (1986). The water polluted in this pond due to organic matter of animal origin, sewage from adjacent villages and agricultural runoff. The hardness of water measure the capacity to precipetate soap. Calcium is exacorbated through leaching of limestone, Dolamite, Gypsum and Gypsiferous state. It is an important element influencing the flora of ecosystem. Seasonal fluctuation recorded in (Table No I & II) subsequently decreases during the rainy season with the minimum reaching in the winter similar report were observed by Kaushik and saxena (1991), suraj kund. Pathak and Mudgal (2005), in their study on Virla reservior, Keseray, in Moghat reservior, Jain (2008), in their study Singwasa reservior Guna. The succession pattern of total hardness in the present investigation comes from (Table No.I and II) Summer season > Rainy season> winter season. (Both the year of study)
在各种水体中,镁通常与钙相关,但其浓度普遍低于钙,Venkatasubramani和Meenambal,(2007)。受有机物污染的水体一般表现出较高的数值。氮以有机氮化合物、氨、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的形式存在。Nagchoon池塘硝态氮值为0.90 mg/lit。至0.22毫克/支。(表否定的。I和II)研究区在雨季记录的硝酸盐的最大浓度证实了其来源是通过径流水体,在雨季通过淡水水体径流水体进入氮的重要性。这是合乎逻辑的,因为与许多其他元素相比,氮盐更容易从土壤中浸出。此外,冬季的最小值是由于生物群的消耗。Ramkrishana(2003)和Telkhade等人也给出了类似的解释。(2008),拉塔·N.(2010)。The main origin of Phosphate is due to the mechanical and chemical weathering of rocks. In rocks most of the phosphorus bound, are generally insoluble in water. The close perusal of data recorded from Nagchoon pond revealed that the phosphate-phosphorus ranged from 0.70 mg/lit. to 0.28 mg/lit.Phosphorus has often suspected to be the limiting nutrient in the primary production of fresh waters. Verudin (1972) called it a ‘Sub-optimum’ element, it being present in, most of the water in lesser quantities than required by the biotic community. A number of Indian workers like, Das(2000),Ramakrishna(2003),Pathak and Mudgal(2005),Telkhade(2008), Shinde
硫酸盐是天然存在于各种天然水体中的阴离子。季节波动表现为夏季硫酸盐值较高,冬季硫酸盐值较低。这些发现是由几位工作者Kadam等人(2005)报道的。钠是天然存在的重要阳离子之一。本研究的钠值为1.74 mg/lit。至0.60 mg/lit。在这两个研究期间,纳春塘的最大值在夏季,最小值在雨季。这项调查得到了Raj Narayan等人的支持。(2007), garet .al.。(2009)。水分蒸发是夏季钠含量升高的重要因素。 Potassium a close relative of sodium, is usually the fourth ranking cations in fresh water. It is weathered from various feldspar but does not remain in solutions. The present investigation showed that potassium concentration high during rainy season and low during winter season. Similar, investigation coincides with the workers. Jain (2008) Garget al.(2009), Khajuria (2009).
作者感谢大学教育资助委员会授予T.R.F,印多尔Mata JiJa Bai学院(M.P.)的教职员工和Khandwa的S.N.P.G.学院的教职员工。(议员)
水对所有生物的生存至关重要。水是所有重要生命过程的基本和主要需要,现在已经确定生命最初是在水生环境中产生的。自史前时代以来,人类就与水密切相关,过去文明的证据表明,所有历史上的人类住区都围绕着内陆淡水资源,这一点得到了确凿的证明。水是生命的基础,是一种普遍的溶剂,是任何形式的生命生存所必需的最宝贵的商品之一。辛格出版社。(2006)。Wetzel(1975)将“湖沼学”定义为研究受物理、化学和生物环境因素影响的淡水群落的功能关系和生产力。对水体进行湖沼学调查,目的是评价水体因污染而恶化的情况。Somashehara Rao(1990)也使用了统计技术来解释各种水生生境的数据。邓伯雷和庞德(1997)。The correlation analysis method is very useful tool for assessing the water quality parameters. Limnological on ponds and reservoirs is carried out like Adefemi, (2007) worked on the physico-chemical condition of a dam in Nigeria and showed the level of significance between different physico-chemical state variable. Limnological features of manmade lakes were analyzed and observed by Ayoade, (2006). Daily physico-chemical dynamics of Sicmianowka reservoir lies in north eastern Poland was studied by Jcktierynczuk- Rudezyk . E; (2002). Khanna, (2000) analyzed the abiotic factors of a pond at Hardwar.
Khandwa地区的气候宜人而健康,该地区位于印度较干燥的地区。(图1)年降雨量980.75 mm,分布有86多阴雨天。五月份的最高气温为42°C,十二月的最低气温为10°C。该地区的生态气候为半干旱、二度特大热型,夏季集中,冬季缺水(Sharma, 1976)。
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图1:坎德瓦地图。 点击此处查看图 |
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图2:Nagchoon池塘的全景图 点击此处查看图 |
2008年7月至2010年6月在所有四个采样站采集水样。在每个月的第一个星期的清晨(早上7点至9点)采集每月的地下水样本,一式三份。采用经碘处理的双Stoppard聚乙烯瓶收集水样。(图No.02)水的一些物理化学特性,包括空气和水温,用水银温度计测定,pH值用数字pH计测定,透明度通过Sechidisc,而溶解氧,游离二氧化碳,总碱度,总硬度,钙和镁,氯化物,用滴定法分析其他参数,包括浊度,电导率,亚硝酸盐氮,硫酸盐,在实验室用火焰光度计分析6 ~ 8 h内的钠和钾。
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图3:pH值的月度变化 2008-09年的透明度 点击这里查看图表 |
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图4:月变化 氯化物和总硬度2009- 2010 点击这里查看图表 |
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图5:温度之间的相关性 溶解氧2008-09 点击这里查看图表 |
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图6:温度之间的相关性 2009-10。 点击这里查看图表 |
在目前的研究中,空气和水温的变化或多或少是密切相关的,这表明水温受大气温度的影响。Shrivastave (1996), Jain (2008), Garg(2009),也记录了对印度水库和湖泊的相同调查。
在第一年的研究中,水是碱性的,而在第二年的研究中,10月份的水是中性的。由于碱土金属的碳酸盐和重碳酸盐的存在,pH值的月变化和大部分水本质上是碱性的。研究第一年(2008-09)pH值为7.10(12月)~ 8.80(6月),研究第二年(2009-10)pH值为7.05(11月)~ 8.28(6月)。见Mahajan和kanhere (1995), Rasool等人。(2003)报道了碱性pH值有利于浮游生物生长,表明水体未受污染。气温等因素导致pH值的变化。Ramakrishana N.(2003)报道,由于水中碳酸氢盐的增加,pH值在夏季增加,Nagchoon池塘的水也有类似的发现。水的透明度反映了水体的营养状况。本研究记录的Secchi透明度范围为42.50 cm。到11.00厘米。最大值和最小值见(表1)。I和II)。Turbidity is a condition of water resulting from the presence of suspended matter in the water.The biological productivity, suspended non-living particles and watercolor, wind velocity rainfall and nature of bottom such factors mainly affect the transparency. Transparency inversely proportional to the turbidity of water. During the study period (July2008-June 2010), in the first year of study transparency, it was in July 11.00 cm. in January 42.00 cm. (2008-09) and in the second year of study 11.00 cm. in August and in January 42.50 cm. (2009-10).(GraphNo.03) Diwedi, recorded the maximum value in winter season; may be explained because of minimum wind velocity and calmness of water and sedimentation of suspended matter. There data coincide with the observations of Shrivastava (1996), Diwedi, Devaraju naktara reservior.The maximum value of turbidity and minimum value of turbidity showed in (Table No.I and II) turbidity inversely proportional to transparency. The sources of substances producing turbidity are innumerable.Clay, silt, organic matter, plankton and other microscopic organisms cause turbidity in natural water. This has been recognized as a valuable limiting factor in the biological productivity of the water bodies. The value of turbidity recorded in the present investigation. Specific conductance, which is indicative of the total concentration of dissolved ions; it is a valuable tool in assessing water quality. The Specific conductance is proportional to the amount of dissolved substances. Specific conductivity measure the capacity of a substance or a solution to conduct electric current. In Nagchoon pond the specific conductivity ranged from 281 micro mohs to 178 micro mohs.The specific conductivity was found to fluctuatation between 108.00 micro mohs (September 2004) to 246.30 micro mohs in the Ramsagar reservior Garg, (2009). Falls within the range observed for Indian waters. Rawson (1960), regarded oligotrophic lakes to have conductivity values less than 100 micro mohs, intermediate lakes between 101 and 125 micro mohs, and eutrophic between 126 and 200 micro mohs.
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表1:理化分析 Nagchoon池塘的水2008-09。 点击这里查看表格 |
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表2:理化分析 Nagchoon Pond的水质。 点击这里查看表格 |
溶解氧浓度大于5.00mg/lit。有利于动植物的良好生长。(2000)。在不同的印度水体中,溶解氧从3.41到6.21毫克/升不等。在Seetadwar湖,Tewari和Mishra,(2005),从5.30到9.00毫克/升。在Deoria tal Rawat和Sharma,(2005)从3.00到6.00 mg/lit。在Kandhar大坝Surve等。(2005)。
总碱度水平作为评估营养状况的标准。印度水体的许多工人也报告了类似的发现,Ramakrishana(2003)认为,季风前的总碱度通常高于季风。Radhika等人(2004)观察到喀拉拉邦Vellayani湖夏季碱度增加。Narayan出版社。(2007), Bajaj(2010),他们认为季风前的总碱度通常高于季风。Iqbal & Katariya(1995)报道,在Bhopal上湖,总碱度在季风期间最大,在夏季最小。氯化物以不同浓度自然存在于各种类型的水中。据报道,印度内陆水域的氯化物含量在数量上表现出很大的变化以及季节性波动。当浓度较高时,通常被认为是人为造成的污染。如Adoni(1975)等几位工人报告说,有机污染对氯化物浓度的影响在百万分之4至百万分之10之间,表明水的纯度。 Observations in the context of the present study reveal that the concentration of chloride in Nagchoon pond ranged from16.00 mg/lit. (January) 34.12gm/lit.(June) in the study year, (2008-09) while, in the study year, (2009-10) 16.00 mg/lit. (January) 34.00 mg/lit. (June). (Table No.I and II) Chloride serves as an indicator of pollution by sewage Trivedi & Goel (1986). The water polluted in this pond due to organic matter of animal origin, sewage from adjacent villages and agricultural runoff. The hardness of water measure the capacity to precipetate soap. Calcium is exacorbated through leaching of limestone, Dolamite, Gypsum and Gypsiferous state. It is an important element influencing the flora of ecosystem. Seasonal fluctuation recorded in (Table No I & II) subsequently decreases during the rainy season with the minimum reaching in the winter similar report were observed by Kaushik and saxena (1991), suraj kund. Pathak and Mudgal (2005), in their study on Virla reservior, Keseray, in Moghat reservior, Jain (2008), in their study Singwasa reservior Guna. The succession pattern of total hardness in the present investigation comes from (Table No.I and II) Summer season > Rainy season> winter season. (Both the year of study)
在各种水体中,镁通常与钙相关,但其浓度普遍低于钙,Venkatasubramani和Meenambal,(2007)。受有机物污染的水体一般表现出较高的数值。氮以有机氮化合物、氨、硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的形式存在。Nagchoon池塘硝态氮值为0.90 mg/lit。至0.22毫克/支。(表否定的。I和II)研究区在雨季记录的硝酸盐的最大浓度证实了其来源是通过径流水体,在雨季通过淡水水体径流水体进入氮的重要性。这是合乎逻辑的,因为与许多其他元素相比,氮盐更容易从土壤中浸出。此外,冬季的最小值是由于生物群的消耗。Ramkrishana(2003)和Telkhade等人也给出了类似的解释。(2008),拉塔·N.(2010)。The main origin of Phosphate is due to the mechanical and chemical weathering of rocks. In rocks most of the phosphorus bound, are generally insoluble in water. The close perusal of data recorded from Nagchoon pond revealed that the phosphate-phosphorus ranged from 0.70 mg/lit. to 0.28 mg/lit.Phosphorus has often suspected to be the limiting nutrient in the primary production of fresh waters. Verudin (1972) called it a ‘Sub-optimum’ element, it being present in, most of the water in lesser quantities than required by the biotic community. A number of Indian workers like, Das(2000),Ramakrishna(2003),Pathak and Mudgal(2005),Telkhade(2008), Shinde
硫酸盐是天然存在于各种天然水体中的阴离子。季节波动表现为夏季硫酸盐值较高,冬季硫酸盐值较低。这些发现是由几位工作者Kadam等人(2005)报道的。钠是天然存在的重要阳离子之一。本研究的钠值为1.74 mg/lit。至0.60 mg/lit。在这两个研究期间,纳春塘的最大值在夏季,最小值在雨季。这项调查得到了Raj Narayan等人的支持。(2007), garet .al.。(2009)。水分蒸发是夏季钠含量升高的重要因素。 Potassium a close relative of sodium, is usually the fourth ranking cations in fresh water. It is weathered from various feldspar but does not remain in solutions. The present investigation showed that potassium concentration high during rainy season and low during winter season. Similar, investigation coincides with the workers. Jain (2008) Garget al.(2009), Khajuria (2009).
作者感谢大学教育资助委员会授予T.R.F,印多尔Mata JiJa Bai学院(M.P.)的教职员工和Khandwa的S.N.P.G.学院的教职员工。(议员)
- Adefemi, O. Asaolu, S.S.和Olaofe, O:尼日利亚埃基蒂州主要水坝水样的物理化学状况评估。中国营养学杂志。6(6):657- 659。(2007)
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- 阿约德,a.a.法加德,s.o.和阿德比斯,a.a.。(2006):与鱼类生产有关的两个人工湖的湖沼特征动态。生物技术学报,5(10):1013-1021.(2006)。
- 杜格Adbandha池塘非生物因子的季节变化。研究链接。71 vol . 8(12), 29-31.(2010)。
- Devaraju, T.M. Venkatesha MG, Singh, S.:穆杜尔湖理化参数与水产养殖适宜性研究。Nat环境。投票。技术4:287-290.(2005)。
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