Ashvini Joshi1*
1Sri Satya Sai工程学院,博帕尔,印度中央邦
多媒体:课堂教学过程中的一种技术。生态学报,2012;7(1):33-36 DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.12944/CWE.7.1.05
收到: | 2012-03-20 |
接受: | 2012-05-27 |
学习英语作为外语的学生人数逐年稳步增长。为了在大学里取得成功,这些学生不仅要发展语言学,还要发展学术技能。这些技能包括使用英语通过阅读学术文章、撰写可接受的学术散文、进行和报告研究来获取和表达知识。在印度尼西亚,从学生上初中开始,学校就教授英语。然而,由于某些原因,他们中的许多人不知道如何说英语和写英语。一些教育界人士说,课程需要改变,包括教他们英语的目的、教科书和方法。为了满足学生的学术需求并帮助他们培养强大的英语语言技能,有许多方法需要应用。在课堂教学过程中使用多媒体是提高学生学习能力的方法之一。在课堂上使用多媒体将提供与不同文本互动的机会,使学生对主流大学课程的任务和内容有一个坚实的背景。此外,由于教育技术有望成为课程的一个组成部分,EFL学生必须精通访问和使用电子资源。 This article describes the method that could help the students to develop their skills in English through multimedia: print text, film, video, radio, computer, and Internet. As students, they must be dealt with the subject found in resource material; also they are able to choose the resources that best suitable the points they wish to make. However, the courses are not included research skills, making research reports to challenging their English language skills.
传统的课堂情境是老师站在学生面前,给出解释、信息和指导。他们通常用粉笔在黑板上写东西。随着技术的发展,这些技术还需稍加修改。多媒体在课堂上的使用是不可否认的。这将使教师有可能给学生更多的机会,让他们在课程中更快乐、更享受。传统教室的设置与多媒体教室不同。学生们一排排坐着,黑板在前面。老师正站在全班同学面前讲课。与传统教室相比,多媒体教室的设置与传统教室有很大的不同。传统的教室是一排排的座位,黑板在前面。 In the multimedia classrooms, students’ seat can be modified according to the situation needed. Inside the classrooms, all the equipment is available and makes the students feel comfortable to study. They sit at wide tables in comfortable chairs and have plenty of room to spread work. Furthermore, they also have the opportunity to move the furniture around for group discussions. A large teaching station is located at the front and to one side of the room. Inside the station cabinet there are controls for the rooms built – in equipment. The use of multimedia described here makes use of print texts, film and Internet to develop and enhance linguistics and knowledge. Through their interactions with multimedia texts on topic of interest, students become increasingly familiar with academic vocabulary and language structures. As they pursue sustained study of one content area through focus discipline research, the students become actively engaged in the process of meaning construction within and across different media. Working though the complex intermingling of meanings, embedded within different texts encourages students to make connections as they build a wider range of schemata, which are then available to help them grasp future texts. Using print, film and Internet as resources for studying provides students with opportunities to gather information through stimuli that will stimulate their imaginations, engage their interest and introduce them to the raw materials for analysis and interpretation of both language and context. Students develop solid foundation in several subject areas and become “content experts” in one. Thus they greatly increase their overall knowledge base, as well as their English language and critical literacy skills, facilitating their performance in future college courses. Although various studies support the application of multimedia in the classroom, Liu, Jones and Hem street (1998) point out that the design of multimedia is useful when technology is to have any effect on learning. One of the main purposes of software in writing is to facilitate the development of academic writing skills for students through the use of the objects matter for writing assignments. The program is presented as a simulation game to interest and motivation. Students using the program found themselves in the virtual world of education.
计算机技术给了我们互联网,它有多种用途。在教育方面,互联网为学生提供了许多学科部门的广泛的英语文本集合。在大学普遍使用计算机教授写作之前,学生们在传统的教室里上课,学习写标准的文章。教学通常通过教师站在讲台后面或教师在学生文本上批改错误来拟人化(Blair, 1997)。随着个人电脑的迅速普及,许多高等教育机构开设了“计算机写作课程”,强调文字处理技能和协作批评;相信使用技术“使课堂讨论民主化,使学生超越传统的限制。计算机技术给我们带来了互联网,这是一种电子媒体,印刷和视觉资源都不可避免地束缚在其中。”只要点击一下鼠标,文本资源就为学生提供了各种各样的跨学科主题的真实英语文本,在每个网页链接上,学生都可以阅读印刷文本,并受益于图片和幻灯片提供的即时视觉强化,促进了印刷和视觉信息处理的协同效果。整合互联网带来了增加学生积极性的额外好处。学生们渴望开始上课,经常早早到达计算机实验室,登录到互联网上,开始自己的研究。他们也经常下课后留在网上继续工作。 Overall, students develop greater confidence in their ability to use English because they need to interact with the Internet entirely through reading and writing. Using the Internet for focus discipline research not only teaches higher order thinking skills, but also promotes critical and social literacy as students encounter a variety of information, synthesizing that information through cooperation and collaboration with their peers. Members of focus discipline groups generally form strong multicultural friendship fostered by their collaborative efforts throughout the semester. However, the general uses of computers are rarely found in traditional classroom. For instance, students attend the regular classes that were taught to write the standard essay. With the technology use, the students do not only literate the ability to read and write but also to be able to understand music, video, hypertext and networked communications. Whitaker (1995) points out clearly that technology as something to expand human potential rather than substitute for it and which enhances the thought process rather than cripples it.
印刷文本用于向学生展示复杂的阅读,其中包含认知要求的语言,并介绍了广泛的词汇。然而,这些文本可能很难理解。建议以印刷和视觉文字的形式提出。通过阅读印刷文本将受益于即时视觉提供的图片或幻灯片。在多媒体写作课上,学生观看所选的视频小说。观看完视频后,学生们被问及有关视频的问题,并被分配论文主题,然后分成头脑风暴小组。他们在小组中讨论和发展话题。然后在其他小组面前展示之前,他们会起草草稿。很明显,在多媒体教室里,学生们要学习如何进行头脑风暴,如何利用小组起草草稿,以及如何评论别人的演讲。然而,为了从互联网中受益,学生们必须学会导航,然后评估在那里找到的信息。学生必须知道如何使用搜索引擎、网络浏览器和网站来评估信息的有效性和可靠性,以及它与主题的相关性(Carlson, 1995)。 Therefore to guide the students in determining whether an Internet source is reliable and credible, students should consider the source and time frame, as well as the evidence supporting the information provided. As the students become more comfortable surfing the Internet, they discover it can be used to develop not only content area knowledge but also to improve their language skills. They know how to compose an essay, using information from the sources they have found in the Internet; also they learn how to cite references in a bibliography.
胶片可以用来提供视觉材料。学生可以先阅读印刷文本,然后再看电影,根据Kasper和Singer(1997)的研究,电影可以澄清理解,巩固概念,加强学习。我们希望学生能够充分理解视觉和语言的理解。通过观看完整的电影,学生们希望理解学术话语的各个领域,如心理学、环境科学等,以拓宽口头和书面的视角(Kasper和Singer, 1997)。佛罗里达国际大学(Florida International University)的一个研究案例(1994年)调查了一个多媒体教室,学生们观看视频小说《汤姆·琼斯》(新的六部分A & E版)和《猩红花》(安东尼·安德鲁斯和简·西摩)。看完电影后,全班同学就电影提出了问题,并布置了作文题目,为了帮助他们,老师让学生们进行头脑风暴。
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