当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 沙特阿拉伯利雅得市环境空气质量评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/assessment-of-ambient-air-quality-in-riyadh-city-saudi-arabia/ 2014-05-09 2018-12-14 B. H. Alharbi, M. Pasha, N. Tapper 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Continuous monitoring and acquisition of knowledge of air pollutants are required not only to assess the air quality in a given location but also to understand and address several environmental issues. Air pollution is one issue of growing environmental concern because of its known adverse human health effects.1,2 Globally every year, 4.6 million people die because of exposure to high level of air pollutants.3 The correlations between exposure to air pollutants


1999年10月至2004年6月,在沙特阿拉伯利雅得国王阿齐兹科技城(KACST)的5个空气质量监测站测量了空气动力学直径小于10 μ m的空气悬浮颗粒物(PM10)和5种气态空气污染物(O3、CO、NO2、SO2和H2S)的浓度。本研究的主要目的是评估环境空气质量及其对人体可能产生的影响。 浮罗交怡社区对固体废物管理的看法 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/the-perception-of-the-langkawi-community-on-solid-waste-management/ 2014-07-09 2018-12-14 努尔·阿卜杜拉,扎伊尼,卢克曼 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Management of solid waste is currently a major challenge in many countries globally (Zafar, M. and Alappat, B.J. 2004; Emmanuel, N. et al. 2013;Joseph, K. et al. 2012). Urbanization, industrialization, housings and population growth are the factors contributing to the increase in generation of solid wastes (Abdul Manaf Bohari, 2006; Wee, S.T. 2006; Moh, Y.C. and Latifah Abd Manaf. 2014). Man various activities compelled increasing consumption of various finite sources (Md. Abdu



饮水短缺对人类心理功能的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/the-role-of-drinking-water-shortages-on-human-psychological-functioning/ 2014-07-14 2018-12-14 Siamak Khodarahimi, Abdolrahman Boogar, Cheryl-anne Johnston 第九卷,第二期

Introduction The impact of climate change on water resources is the subject of much research and debate, with other factors such as over population also influencing the availability of water resources. Drinking water is essential for life. Of concern, is how access to drinkable water will impact on humans. The majority of people on Earth will experience severe pressure with regards to fresh water availability as a consequence of climate change.1 Factors such as climate chang



策略性地利用政府采购刺激马来西亚的可再生能源发电 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/strategic-use-of-government-procurement-to-spur-renewable-energy-generation-in-malaysia/ 2014-07-17 2018-12-14 Khairul Adham, Chamhuri Siwar, Md. Anowar, Sarah Aziz 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Energy sector is the backbone of Malaysia’s economic development striving for high income developed nation, inclusiveness and sustainability by 2020 (KeTTHA 2009; MNRE, 2009; NEAC, 2010a; 2010b). Energy isan essential element for social and economic growth (Haw et al., 2006) and economic competitiveness requires sustainable energy production and consumption (MNRE, 2010). Malaysia’s Green Technology Policy has recognised energy sector as one of the four pillars


能源部门在马来西亚的社会经济发展中发挥着重要作用。然而,能源生产是造成空气污染的最大因素。马来西亚能源行业的温室气体排放强度高于全球平均水平。在这种观点中,政府采购是指政府购买供应品、服务和工程,作为一种经济手段,它在促进能源的可持续利用方面发挥着至关重要的作用。 可持续环境卫生三个平台 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/three-platforms-for-sustainable-environmental-sanitation/ 2014-06-07 2018-12-14 Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Understanding of sanitation used by many references had been referring to the definition of sanitation by WHO.1,2 Next was the vision of ecological sanitation, shortly ECOSAN3,4 had extended the term sanitation with pollution prevention. In the context of pollution prevention, the important message was change the mindset of "throw away the waste as soon as possible" to "as much as possible utilizing the waste". In line with EC


提出可持续环境卫生三大平台,强化可持续发展三大支柱。确定了对卫生范围的理解。产品作为环境资源,同时也增加了环境污染问题。提出了环境资源、抑制和修复是未来可持续环境卫生的任务。< / p > . . 禽畜农场气味浓度的测量 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/measurement-of-odour-concentration-from-livestock-farm/ 2014-07-15 2018-12-14 Lukman Ismail, Zaini Sakawi, Mohamad Saipi 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Significant increased in productivity of livestock sector have contributed significantly to Malaysian economy. The livestock sector has been gaining increased attention of entrepreneurs for profiting from livestock farming. Populationof livestocks in developing countries has increased at the rate of 3% for the past two decades; and expected to further increase until 2020.1&nbsp;Nevertheless, an increase in livestock farming has given rise to odour pollution phenomenon.2&n

.. 来自畜牧场的气味污染是一种有害的空气污染。气味污染给周边社区带来健康问题。然而,气味污染问题并没有得到有关当局和马来西亚公众应有的重视。为了提高人们的意识,本研究重点介绍了雪兰莪州巴鲁班吉市牛和水牛农场产生的气味污染的案例。使用浓度计Xp-

马鲁古省布鲁区Waekerta村金加工厂沉积物中抗汞细菌的存在及其降汞活性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/the-presence-of-mercury-resistant-bacteria-in-sediment-of-gold-processing-plant-at-waekerta-village-of-buru-district-maluku-province-and-their-activity-in-reducing-mercury/ 2014-05-21 2018-12-14 Sarmawaty Kotala, Retno Kawuri, Ida Bagus 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Mercury utilizing in golden mining could produce waste, which contains mercury and causes environment pollution. Mercury belongs to heavy metal which is toxic to living creatures. Mercury can attack the arrangement of central nervous and causes memory loss, tremors and decreases motion capability. Poisoning causing destruction of a fetus has been detected. Minimata desease in Japan is the example of mercury poisoning.1,2 Mercury as a pollutant in the environment need attention


汞是环境中重金属污染物之一,对生物具有毒性。瓦坡街道的金矿利用汞提取黄金,并将废物随意排放到环境中。几个先例研究 结果表明,金加工废液中含有抗汞细菌。耐汞菌可以作为生物修复剂,因为:这些细菌可以减少汞。抗汞细菌h

稻壳灰与水葫芦灰混合沸石增强对镉离子的吸附 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/rice-husk-ash-derived-zeolite-blended-with-water-hyacinth-ash-for-enhanced-adsorption-of-cadmium-ions/ 2014-05-27 2018-12-14 G. W. Mbugua, H. Mbuvi, J. Muthengia 第九卷,第二期

Introduction 17.2 million People in Kenya who constitute about 43 percent of the population have no access clean water. The major factors contributing to this water crisis include rapid population growth, droughts, forest degradation, poor management of water supply and water contamination. This water crisis may worsen as industrial development and population grows as projected if drastic measures are not taken immediately. The water hyacinth menace has further complicated the issue by not on


为了帮助减少或持续控制进攻性水葫芦植物,有必要探索利用水葫芦生产水修复材料的方法。研究了水葫芦灰(WHA)、水葫芦灰不溶物(WHAR)和稻壳灰(RHA)对污染水体中镉离子和亚甲基蓝的去除能力和效果。这两种灰烬的混合物通过水热反应制成沸石材料。材料A, ZMA制备A

塔恩飓风对印度普杜切里本地治里大学校园树木受损的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/impact-of-thane-cyclone-on-tree-damage-in-pondicherry-university-campus-puducherry-india/ 2014-04-29 2018-12-14 Sm Sundarapandian, K. Mageswaran, D. Gandhi, Javid Dar 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Heavy wind is known to alter the structure and functioning of forest ecosystems, agro-forestry systems and plantations. The intensity and frequency of severe wind events are likely to increase deterioration to the forests. It is important to understand the species and substrate-specific effects of these disturbances. The immediate impacts of tropical cyclones &ndash; defoliation, limb loss, snapping of stems and uprooting of trees &ndash; have profound impacts on tropical



的Thane气旋中,金合欢(Acacia auriculiformis)的树木死亡(连根拔起)和破坏(折断)比其他树种更多。
尼日利亚北部Katsina-Ala河集水区灌溉水的理化质量 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/physicochemical-quality-of-irrigation-water-in-river-katsina-ala-catchment-areas-of-northern-nigeria/ 2014-07-25 2018-12-14 A. T. Ajon, J. T. Utsev, C. C. Nnaji 第九卷,第二期

Introduction The demand for water has been on the increase because its uses have become more varied.Water is indispensable in man&rsquo;s activities. The sources of water for usage include river, stream, lakes, ponds, rain water and groundwater such as spring water, well water, boreholes etc. In the Northern part of Nigeria, subject to the arid conditions, there has been tremendous progress in irrigation development programmes (Ahmed and Tanko, 2000). Benue State is located in the North C



提高啤酒废水处理效果的潜在细菌联合体 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/potential-bacterial-consortium-to-increase-the-effectiveness-of-beer-wastewater-treatment/ 2014-06-23 2018-12-14 Putu anggraeni, IDA gunam, retno kawuri 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Brewery industry wastewater contains organic waste with pollution levels depend on the beer production process and capacity of water consumption during the process (Olafadehan and Aribike, 2000; Driessen and Vereijken, 2003). One of the wastewater treatment system which is interesting to be developed is a biological treatment using microorganisms. Biological treatment system is suitable for handling beer wastewater containing dissolved and suspended organic matter. This system us


本研究的主要目的是确定微生物联合体在啤酒废水处理中的有效性。本研究首先对啤酒废水污染的土壤微生物群进行了分离,然后对啤酒废水中最有潜力的微生物进行了筛选。最后,选择最好的微生物测试的财团在啤酒废水处理基于污染物参数即生化需氧量(BOD) < / p > . . 蚯蚓堆肥与人工曝气堆肥处理尼尔玛雅固体废物的比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/comparative-study-of-nirmalya-solid-waste-treatment-by-vermicomposting-and-artificial-aeration-composting/ 2014-06-24 2018-12-14 Pallavi Chakole, D.B. Jasutkar 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Solid waste and waste water was Collected from &ldquo;Ganesh Tekadi temple&rdquo; Nagpur. Generally 500 kg of nirmalya solid waste containingfloral offering, leavesand 200 to 300 lit of &ldquo;Abishek waste water&rdquo; which contain milk, sugar and milk products are generate daily at &lsquo;Ganesh Tekadi&rsquo;. Generated nirmalya waste is collected in bin and transferred to the collection point; from that point waste is collected by NMC vehicles and tran


寺庙废弃物通常含有花祭、树叶和奶制品,即Abishek废水,由于倾倒场地的短缺和严格的环境立法,这种固体废弃物的管理是世界上重要的问题之一。现在天‘由于人口增加而大量产生的垃圾,通常采用堆肥或蚯蚓堆肥的方法,使用不同类型的垃圾箱进行处理。Vermicomposting < / p > . . 开放式和封闭式消化系统中棕榈油厂废水处理工艺评价及优先组分的命运 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/palm-oil-mill-effluent-treatment-process-evaluation-and-fate-of-priority-components-in-an-open-and-closed-digestion-system/ 2014-05-14 2018-12-14 Anwar Ahmad, Mohd. Krimly 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Palm oil mill effluent (POME) is a viscous brown liquid with fine suspended solids at pH between 4 and 51&nbsp;and a highly polluting wastewater that directly and indirectly contaminates the environment.2&nbsp;The chemical properties of POME vary widely throughout the year because of mill operations and seasonal cropping.3&nbsp;Atmospheric methane concentrations incredibly increased by 30% in the last 25 years.4&nbsp;Net carbon emission from POME is approximately


对密闭池反应器(CR)和开放式池反应器(TP)前后的化学需氧量(COD)和沼气含量的可降解性进行了评价。TP(最大可降解率60%)和CR(最大可降解率85%)的COD降低。出水中CH4、挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)和总悬浮物(TSS)含量的变化在前6个月较为明显,之后趋于稳定。最大有机负载率(OLR)为11.5 g-COD

羟基磷灰石纳米颗粒去除饮用水中的砷 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/removal-of-arsenic-from-drinking-water-by-hydroxyapatite-nano-particles/ 2014-06-12 2018-12-14 Mahsa Mirhosseini, Esmaeil Biazar, Keivan Saeb 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Arsenic compounds are common contaminants in the environment. Because of arsenic toxicity and inducedcarc inogenetic agents(Eblin et al.,2006; Hughes.,2002), higher arsenic concentration in the environment represents serious problems for human health, especially for populations in Bangladesh, Western Bengal, Vietnam,China, Mexico and Chile. The danger of elevated arsenic concentration in waters in these countries was under lined by WHO, which estimated the recommended limit for a


饮用水中砷会对人体健康造成不良影响。研究了羟基磷灰石纳米粒子(nano- hap)对水溶液中As(V)离子吸附的影响。考察了砷离子、纳米hap和pH对去除率的影响。结果表明,纳米羟基磷灰石对水中砷酸盐的去除率随ph的增加而提高,纳米羟基磷灰石对As (V)的最佳去除率为0/6g/L,去除率e

性别平等在大城市可持续发展中的作用评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/evaluating-the-role-of-gender-equity-in-sustainable-development-of-big-cities/ 2014-05-24 2018-12-14 Maryam Yavari, Hamid Saremi 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Today, all nations came to the conclusion that due to the need to communicate community groups with each other and social interaction, and the right of presence of all people in all urban areas, it is necessary keep justice in the design and planning of urban spaces. Activities and human behavior in urban spaces are shaped by social and cultural relations with other human beings in this area, so, the realm of justice for all age groups, sex, race, etc., are an important issue. It


世界上的可持续发展运动和妇女运动表明,在当今的世界条件下,没有妇女的积极参与,实现一个公正和可持续的社会是不可能的。伊朗城市地区的一些社会规范和经济限制限制了妇女的存在。这些限制属于女性的房子和房子附近的空间。在过去的几个世纪里,女性的安全范围包括家庭空间和半私人空间。 城市要素保护中的被动防御问题分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/an-analytical-approach-to-the-issue-of-passive-defense-in-relation-with-preservation-of-urban-elements/ 2014-05-29 2018-12-14 Baghdadi Arash, Eghtedarbakhtiyari Shahla 第九卷,第二期

Introduction The subject of the passive defense has the age of human being. Early humans sheltered in caves, above the trees, and other natural shelters to protect themselves from wild animals attack and other enemies and also to allay concerns. With the form of early civilization in the world that are associated with invasiveness, human, distributed the basics of passive defense by armor and shields to individual protect and strong and high castles, towers to provide security for the people.

.. 维护领土完整和防止敌人的攻击是地球上所有国家和人民的唯一共同目标。今天被大量提及的被动防御是保持这种完整性的最重要的选择之一。被动防御不仅在伊朗,而且在世界上许多国家都是一个特殊的话题,因为一个国家的一切努力都是为了获得国家的同意和福利,维护国家的主权。
城市景观规划在邻里实体重建中的作用(以4区11区为例) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/the-role-of-urban-landscape-planning-in-neighborhood-physical-reconstruction-case-study-district-4-area-11/ 2014-06-16 2018-12-18 侯赛尼先生,拉希米先生 第九卷,第二期

Introduction City is alive, dynamic and in growing. Cities are growing with several factors associated with an increased population and develop with more important factors including resources. The population growth of cities and urban areas require new structural elements, tailored to the needs of the Iranian urban population in recent decades because of industrialization and modernity with nostalgia modeling of Western society. This phenomenon can be seen as a more acute in metropolitan Tehr



城市异质组织灾害管理挑战研究(以哈桑阿巴德地区为例) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/study-on-challenges-of-disaster-management-in-urban-heterogeneous-tissues-a-case-study-in-hassan-abads-pot/ 2014-05-20 2018-12-18 Molaee Rahil, Baghdadi Arash 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Mankind from the beginning until now has been grappling with a variety of natural events and have grown between threat sand often irreversible damage have entered because of crisis caused by the invasions on human society. In all countries,especially developing countries, the in creasing pace of urbanization continues and it is as a threat to the irhigh damage in the even to fnatural disasters or invasions.Uncontrolled growth of urban population without coordination with the deve



印度泰米尔纳德邦哥印拜陀地区污水处理区土壤镉污染评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/assessment-of-cadmium-contamination-of-soils-in-sewage-disposal-areasof-coimbatore-district-tamil-nadu-india/ 2014-05-08 2018-12-18 R. Radha, K. Kumutha, P. Marimuthu 第九卷,第二期

Introduction The most common heavy metal contaminations found in nature were Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Pb and Ni. Environmental pollution by these heavy metals has become extensive due to industrial activities and when they go in elevated level in the environment, they are excessively absorbed by roots and translocated to shoot, leading to impaired metabolism and reduced growth.&nbsp;Heavy metal contamination in soil results in decreased soil microbial activity, soil fertility and yield losses. Cad



中央邦临时涝渍土壤中鼹鼠排水对大豆作物的效果 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/effectiveness-of-mole-drains-for-soybean-crop-in-temporary-waterlogged-vertisols-of-madhya-pradesh/ 2014-06-23 2018-12-18 S. S Dhakad, K. V, K. Mishra 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Mole drainage is a temporary method of drainage. There maximum life of Mole drainage is 10- 30 years. Mole drainage alone, on the hand, usually offers a good solution to drainage problems in most clayed soils. Soil loosening by deep ploughing or subsoilingto improve hydraulic conductivity is only justified in situation where mole drainage would be unsuccessful. Drainage is a big problem in vertisolsspecially in the area having rainfall. There are several drainage technologies ava


在2010年至2011年12月期间,在中央邦Hoshangabad地区农民的农田中进行了利用鼹鼠排水技术在临时涝渍土壤中维持大豆生产力的田间试验。在3个重复的裂地设计试验中,选择的摩尔沟间距为2、4、6和8 m,平均深度为距地表0.4、0.5和0.6 m。在不同处理组合下,株高、

基于水质的卡万迪湖保护策略 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/conservation-strategies-for-kavandi-lakebased-on-water-quality/ 2014-05-24 2018-12-18 D. D. Bhutekar, S. Aher, M. Babare 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Water is a necessary element for endurance of living on earth, which contains minerals, essential for humans as well as for earth and aquatic life.1&nbsp;The availability of good quality water is a necessary feature for preventing diseases and improving quality of life.2&nbsp;Lakes have long been at the center of human attention. Lakes and surface water reservoirs are the planet&rsquo;s most important freshwater resources and provide numerous benefits. They are used f


Kavandi Lake(位于18& degree;07年,,N, 75年,度;37岁,,位于印度马哈拉施特拉邦的Ambad镇,海拔530米,由Devi Ahilyabai Holkar建造,以满足Ambad镇的饮用水需求。对水体进行了理化和生态学研究,评价了水质现状,并在此基础上提出了保护策略。为了确定水质,在2011年

光明农业:气候变化情景下可持续社会生态系统的创新途径 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/bright-farming-an-innovative-approach-for-sustainable-socio-ecosystem-in-climate-change-scenario/ 2014-06-14 2018-12-18 Yogranjan, Ajay Srivastava, Gyanesh Satpute, Rakesh Marabi 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Climate signals observed over India in the last 100 years show an increasing trend in surface temperature by 0.3&deg;C, a change in the spatial and temporal pattern of rainfall with respect to normal and occurrence of more intense and frequent extreme temperatures. &nbsp;Climate change has been attributed to alteration in the composition of the global atmosphere due to the growing greenhouse gas emissions on account of the growing human activities and this is in addition



印度恰蒂斯加尔邦流域可持续性指数评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/watershed-sustainability-index-assessment-of-a-watershed-in-chhattisgarh-india/ 2014-06-17 2018-12-18 Surendra Chandniha, M. Kansal, G. Anvesh 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Water is very essential for living beings, and fresh water is finite entity. For managerial point of view, it is very necessary to develop the plan for future perspectives. According to Brundtland Commission&#39;s report (Commission and Commission, 1987): Sustainable development means that &quot;development which meets the needs of current generations without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs&quot;. Sustainability is depends upon t


为了实现流域的持续可持续发展,需要对水等自然资源进行有效的评估和利用。一般将流域作为一个单位来评价水资源。由于水的需要量和可用性随时间和空间的变化而变化,因此需要对水资源进行管理,以便在可持续的基础上满足需求。此外,为了实现可持续发展,有必要考虑社会、经济…… 博帕尔湖上游水体重金属浓度及季节性变化评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/assessment-of-concentration-and-variations-due-to-seasonal-effect-on-the-presence-of-heavy-metals-in-the-water-of-upper-lake-bhopal/ 2014-05-17 2018-12-18 Ranjana Talwar, Shweta Agrawal, Avinash Bajpai, Suman Malik 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Water supports life on earth and is an essential commodity for survival of mankind and other living organisms. The development and growth of a nation is closely related to its water resources. When effectively harnessed, the potential for water resources can be enormous. But today, ignoring all these facts, man is indiscriminately polluting water and unknowingly provoking the nature for complex situations. Bhopal, the capital city of Madhya Pradesh and the city of lakes is sit


水是大自然最珍贵的礼物,是生物赖以生存的宝贵自然资源。因此,对这种自然资源的管理是极其重要的。本研究是为了确定博帕尔上湖各种样品中铅、铬、铜和汞等几种重金属的存在。在季风前和季风后季节对样本进行了分析。从观察中可以得出结论,co的普遍增加… 印度东部地区太阳能光伏地下抽水系统设计方法 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/design-approach-for-solar-photovoltaic-ground-water-pumping-system-for-eastern-india/ 2014-04-30 2018-12-18 Atiqur Rahman, B.P. Bhatt 第九卷,第二期

Introduction In Eastern India most of the land holdings are of small category and food production systems are often been risky and relatively of low return due to erratic rainfall. This is expected to worsen in coming decades under climate change.1-2&nbsp;These smallholders could playan increasingly important role in food production if they had the access of irrigation water.3&nbsp;The assuredirrigation cold provide ample opportunities to the farmers to invest in high yielding seeds,



基于Landsat ETM+影像的奥里萨邦沿海土地覆盖变化监测 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/monitoring-land-cover-changes-in-coastal-tract-of-odisha-using-landsat-etm-imagery/ 2014-07-07 2018-12-18 Ranu Sethi, Amiya Sagarsahu, R.C. Srivastava, Madhumita Das, Ashwani Kumar, Jugal Tripathy 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Land cover refers to surface cover on ground which includes vegetation, settlements, water base soil etc. Delineating and mapping land cover is important for global monitoring system, resource management and planning activities. Identification of land cover provides the baseline from which monitoring activities (change detection) can be performed, and provides the ground cover information for baseline thematic maps. Coastal areas, being favourable on biophysical and climatic cond


由于自然灾害的巨大力量,土地覆被的改变发生了戏剧性的变化。关于这些变化的定性和定量资料对自然资源的可持续管理是有用的。特别是沿海地区,由于多种原因,土地覆盖容易发生变化,其中自然灾害是主要因素之一。奥里萨邦位于印度东部,覆盖480公里的沿海地区非常容易受到c /p等自然灾害的影响。 印度奥里萨邦Balasore地区Subarnarekha河水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/assessment-of-water-quality-of-subarnarekha-river-in-balasore-region-odisha-india/ 2014-05-24 2018-12-18 A. A. Karim, R. Panda 第九卷,第二期

Introduction&nbsp; Freshwater resources are under severe and increasing environmental stress. At a global level, two thirds of the withdrawals are used for agriculture and one fourth for industry. By the end of the century, withdrawals for agriculture have increased slightly whereas industrial withdrawals have probably doubled (World watch Institute, 1999). &nbsp;In India, the major 14 rivers i.e. Ganga, Yamuna, Godavari, Gomti, Kosi, Cauvery, Ravi, Sone, Chenab, Jhelum, Narmada, Mahi


本研究是为了确定项目前期Balasore地区Subarnarekha河的水质状况,因为该地区拟建Kirtania港。采用标准方法(APHA 1985)对河流水样的理化参数进行了分析,结果表明:pH值为7.3 ~ 7.8,温度为26.7 ~ 28.20 c,电导率为392 ~ 514;mho,总悬浮固体118 ~ 148 mg/l,总溶解固体241 ~ 285 mg/l,

坎汉江水质数据分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/water-quality-data-analysis-for-kanhan-river/ 2014-06-26 2018-12-18 Snehal Kamble, P. Nagarnaik, R. Shrivastava 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Water is the prime requirement for the existence of life and thus it has been man&rsquo;s endeavor for the time immemorial to utilize the available resources. Water is a ubiquitous chemical substance that is composed of hydrogen and oxygen and is vital for all known forms of life. In typical usage, water refers only to its liquid from or state, but the substance also has a solid state, ice, and a gaseous state, water vapor or stream. Watercovers 71 % of the earth&rsquo;


坎汉河发源于钦达瓦拉地区的高地,向东南方向流了大约160公里,然后在那格浦尔地区Saoner Taluka的Raiwari村附近进入马哈拉施特拉邦。那格浦尔市目前从两个主要来源取水,即坎汉河(头工程位于Juni Kamptee村附近)和潘奇大坝(通过右岸运河,在Mahadula有48.5公里的提升点)。样本采集于7个主要地点

社区可持续发展的城市管理绩效评价:以德黑兰纳尔马克地区为例 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/evaluating-the-performance-of-urban-management-in-community-sustainable-case-study-in-area-of-narmak-tehran/ 2014-07-11 2018-12-18 Mohammad Habibi, Amir Pourjohari 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Urban area, with placing the center of the city neighborhoods, as the smallest components inside the city, for achieving optimal management ways of urban communities, are of urban priority programs for the planners. Since, in the division of the city space, urban neighborhoods, are of the smallest organized spaces, so, local communities in cities are the best foci and the workshop of participatory planning and management. Among other categories of institutional, town space, have


Tale-Tange山谷的冰川地质遗址 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/glacier-geosite-of-tale-tange-valley/ 2014-07-18 2018-12-14 Kamran Rezaeizadeh Mahabadi, Asemeh Soleimanifakhr 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Geotourism is a branch of tourism as a new term recently used in tourism campaign of countries. Wherever one goes is on the earth, every part of the earth has its geological unique attractions, referring to the tourism based on geologic resources. Geotourism formation in the second half of the twentieth century is a new type of human activities associated with nature and its exploitation. The practical aspects of Geosciences in relation to tourism have resulted in formation of te



利用生命周期评估(LCA)管理城市固体废物的温室气体排放(CO2-CH4) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/greenhouse-gas-emissions-co2-ch4-from-municipal-solid-waste-management-using-life-cycle-assessment-lca-in-mahdsht-city-iran/ 2014-07-30 2018-12-18 Naderi先生,Baghonabad先生,Amiri先生,Rezazadeh先生 第九卷,第二期

Introduction By the urbanism expansion and population increases, one of the most important topics is the optimum management of produced residue. Today, in addition to the rapid growth of urbanism, increasing in income level and welfare of the society and rapid economic and social growth in countries, which cause quantity changes in waste production, changes in consumption patterns has led to quality changes. Integrated solid waste management (ISWM) is a term that is used for all of the activi



铜绿假单胞菌SN4对镉污染土壤中水稻幼苗生长的促进作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/pseudomonas-aeruginosa-sn4-enhances-seedling-growth-of-oryza-sativa-in-cadmium-contaminated-soil/ 2014-07-14 2018-12-18 Soumitra Nath, Bibhas Deb, Indu Sharma, Piyush Pandey 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Pseudomonas&nbsp;is a genus of gram negative, nonspore forming, rod-shaped bacteria. They are commonly found in soil, water and decaying matter and including some species that are plant and animal pathogens. Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a typical example of double assessment; in a clinical environment, it is one of the most significant&nbsp; opportunistic&nbsp; pathogenic bacteria and is responsible for the majority of nosocomial infections.1&nbsp;However, in the fie


假单胞菌属(Pseudomonas spp.)分离自印度喜马偕尔邦Ponta Sahib不同地点,通过形态学、生化和16S rRNA基因测序分析对其进行了鉴定。所有假单胞菌分离株的Cd2+抑制浓度最低,铜绿假单胞菌SN4对镉的耐受性最高,可达1800 μ g/ml。大多数分离菌株表现出对多种金属和多种抗生素的耐受性。在盆栽试验研究中,铜绿假单胞菌

Meygun - Darbandsar Jajrud流域地形特征探讨 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/an-approach-to-geotopes-of-jajrud-catchment-basin-from-meygun-to-darbandsar/ 2014-07-16 2018-12-18 Asemeh Soleimanifakhr, Kamran Mahabadi 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Tourism is the main factor for sustainable development in the economic, social, cultural and environmental levels (Papoli Yazdi &amp; Saqaei, 2006). Recently, tourism industry has found a wide approach to ecotourism. By its inherent objectives, that is environment protection, commitment to local communities and respect for cultural characteristics of the host community, Ecotourism is a plan option with most consistency with the concept of sustainable development (Ghazi &a


大都市周边村庄土地利用变化的影响因素分析(以Rasht市、Khomam农村为例) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/considering-the-effective-factors-on-land-use-changes-in-the-villages-around-metropolises-case-study-city-of-rasht-khomam-rural/ 2014-08-12 2018-12-18 Reza Sharami, Seyyed Moshiri, Masoud Mahdavi, Parviz Kardavani 第九卷,第二期

Introduction The pattern of land use leading in villages has being provided by various guidelines and within their framework of physical development. But it has been affected by the mutual relations (metropolis and village) in villages around metropolises, and the development pattern of land use of such villages will be influenced by metropolises. Therefore, the expansion of city of Rasht, as well as many metropolises, has being made to create full domain changes in different fields of su



城市设计的环境美学因素阐释 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/explanation-of-environmental-aesthetic-factors-of-urban-design/ 2014-08-19 2018-12-18 Ali Sadeghi, Mohammadreza Pourjafar, Ali Taghvaee, Parviz Azadfallah 第九卷,第二期

Introduction There are two views on the concept of form. The first one looks at form versus content. Based on this old point of view, form or aspect is the shape and content is the performance of a phenomenon. On the other hand, according to the second perspective, form represents the aspect, structure, and the way content is developed, visualized, and expressed. From this standpoint, aesthetics is defined as emotional, obvious, and sensory presentation of a phenomenon which exposes itself to


本文的主要目的是研究城市设计中的环境美学元素对城市主体部分形成的影响(作为城市形态的基本特征)。为此,本文对比分析了城市主义史上影响城市主体结构形成的环境美学因素(特奥蒂瓦坎、北京、雅典娜、罗马、巴黎、华盛顿、巴西利亚和伊斯法罕)。 基于GIS的恰蒂斯加尔邦降雨变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/rainfall-variability-in-chhattisgarh-state-using-gis/ 2014-08-08 2018-12-18 Sanjay Bhelawe, J. Chaudhary, A. Nain, R. Singh, Rajesh Khavse, S.K. Chandrawanshi 第九卷,第二期

Introduction In India despite recent progress in industrlization, the soundness of economy is significantly dependant upon the gross production of agricultural commodities and agriculture is the mainstay of millions of teeming population with crops pre-dominantly dependant upon natural rainfall. Excepting the south-eastern part of the peninsula and Jammu and Kashmir, the south west monsoon (June &ndash; Sept.) is the principle source of rain in the entire country.&nbsp; During monsoon

.. 恰蒂斯加尔邦位于印度中部,总面积约1350万公顷。该地区的气候条件非常多样。国家划分了三个主要的农业气候带,分别是:恰蒂斯加尔邦平原地区;巴斯塔高原ACZ和 北部丘陵地区。本文对16个地区的降雨进行了分析,并对优势作物水稻种植作出了解释。进一步强调了

勒克瑙市农村和城市厨房室内空气质量研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/study-of-indoor-air-quality-of-kitchens-of-rural-areas-in-lucknow/ 2014-07-16 2018-12-18 Aakanksha, Ratna Katiyar, S.K. Rastogi 第九卷,第二期

Introduction In developing countries the problem of indoor air pollution is increasing at an alarming rate. In rural areas of India, the most important indoor air pollutants are combustion products of unprocessed solid biomass fuels used by the poor rural folk for domestic cooking (ICMR Bulletin, 2001). Approximately half of the world&rsquo;s population and up to 90% of rural households in developing countries still rely on unprocessed biomass fuels such as wood, dung and crop residues (B



FYM、粉煤灰和化肥配施对退化土地土壤性质和水稻生长的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/effect-of-combined-application-of-fym-fly-ash-and-fertilizers-on-soil-properties-and-paddy-grown-on-degraded-land/ 2014-08-16 2018-12-19 Bharat Lal, Vinod Nayak, Priyanka Sharma, K. Tedia 第九卷,第二期

Introduction&nbsp; Coal&nbsp; is a predominantsource of global energy; at present in India it is major source of electrical energy in thermal power plants, which produce 175 milliontonnes per year fly&nbsp; ash, which would require about 40,000 hectares of land for the construction of ash ponds (Lalet al., 2012). Fly ash an amorphous ferroalumino silicate,&nbsp; Physically fly ash occurs as fine particles (60-70%) with a size below 0.075mm is a byproduct of pulverized coal fir


在2013- 2014年秋季,在Chhattisgarh的KVK农场Janjgir Champa的砂质壤土上进行了实地研究,研究了富集粉煤灰(FA)对水稻的影响和初始土的土壤特性。试验作物为水稻品种MTU-1010。与100% GRD相比,施用不同处理FA组合可提高水稻产量。而在退化土地上,对照处理不能产生产量。其中,75% GRD + 60t FAha-1+5t FYMha-1处理

印度北阿坎德邦哈里德瓦尔地区恒河城市污水排放的理化分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/physico-chemical-analysis-of-municipal-wastewater-discharge-in-ganga-riverharidwar-district-of-uttarakhand-india/ 2014-07-01 2018-12-19 Saba Shirin, Akhilesh Yadav 第九卷,第二期

Introduction The wastewater pollutants are harmful to environment and public health.The biological decomposition of organics could result in fish kills and foul odours. Waterborne diseases are also eliminated through proper wastewater treatment. There are many pollutantsthat could exhibit toxic effects on aquatic life and the public.The wastewater treatment is removal of contaminants from water in order to decrease the possibility of detrimental in part on the ecosystem including humans (Zhan


本研究旨在筛选印度北阿坎德邦哈里德瓦尔市恒河的水质。这项研究是基于他们的水源,污染的来源,如人类和动物的利用。从1月份开始,分析了2年时间内pH、温度、总溶解固形物、总固体、总悬浮物、化学需氧量、溶解氧、生化需氧量和挥发性悬浮物等理化参数的月度变化。 丛枝菌根在阿萨姆邦巴拉克山谷药用植物栽培中的潜在应用综述 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol9no2/the-potential-use-of-arbuscular-mycorrhiza-in-the-cultivation-of-medicinal-plants-in-barak-valley-assam-a-review/ 2014-04-08 2018-12-18 Dhritiman Chanda, G. Sharma, D. Jha, Mohamed Hijri 第九卷,第二期

Introduction Arbuscular Mycorrhizal(AM) fungi interact either directly with other soil organisms or they may influence these organisms indirectly by affecting host physiology that could change root morphology, physiology and patterns of exudation into the mycorrhizosphere. Mycorrhizae form mutualistic symbiotic relationships with plant roots of more than 80% of land plants including many important crops and forest tree species.1, 2&nbsp;Seven kinds of mycorrhiza: arbutoid mycorrhiza, ecto


