当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 德黑兰高速公路交通流量的空气污染估算 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/air-pollution-estimation-from-traffic-flows-in-tehran-highways/ 2012-02-22 2018-12-25 Keivan Saeb, Maryam Malekzadeh, Saeed Kardar 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Motor vehicles emit nitrogen oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), volatile organic compounds (VOC) and particulate matter (PM), which constitute a major source of air pollution in large cities. To achieve sustainable development and a sustainable transport we need a tool to evaluate projects related to transportation, with good accuracy and in numerical form. With increasing traffic and the increases in pollutants, Human will be in risk from environmental issues that impacts of th



温度和湿度对沙特阿拉伯西部Al - qunudah地区东方斑点黄瓜甲虫(瓢虫科:鞘翅目)种群丰度的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/effect-of-temperature-and-humidity-on-the-population-abundance-of-spotted-oriental-cucumber-beetle-epilachna-chrysomelina-f-coccinellidae-coleoptera-in-al-qunfudah-western-saudi-arabia/ 2012-06-25 2018-12-25 Saleh Al-Digail, Ahma Assagaf, Jazem Mahyoub 第七卷,第1期

Introduction The spotted oriental cucumber beetle E. chrysomelina (F.) is a notorious pest feeding on many vegetable crops and attacks its most preferred plants specially members of the family Cucurbitaceae like pumpkin, sweet gourd, bitter gourd, cucumber, Cucumis mello, Cucurbita pepo and Citrullus lanatus (Talhoq, 1982). The pest damages in adult and larval stages during all vegetation of host plants. It damages mainly melons, cucumbers, pumpkins, and vegetable marrows. Watermelon is da


瓜瓢虫,Epilachna chrysomelina(鞘翅目:瓢虫科)Fabricius,是以瓜类植物为食的主要食植物昆虫之一。金曲丝虫病被认为是农业上的经济害虫,是一种广泛分布在世界各地的多栖息地昆虫,它也是沙特阿拉伯南部和西部海岸的特有病,因为那里有丰富的葫芦植物(野生和驯化),它经历了所有四个发育阶段。在这个r

不同灌水量下遮阳网对柑桔果园节水效果的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/shading-nets-usefulness-for-water-saving-on-citrus-orchards-under-different-irrigation-doses/ 2012-04-16 2018-12-25 A. Aboutallah, R. Salghi, A. Fadl, B. hamouti, A. Zarrouk, A. Atraoui, Y. Ghnizar 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Water uptake for agriculture is very intensive in Souss Massa region (521Mm3 per year), where irrigation waters are almost exclusively pumped from the water table which is being depleted by 2 to 3 meter per year.1 The climate is very arid with rainfall of about 150-200 mm/year concentrated in winter and Evapotranspiration (ETo) of 1800 mm/year with more than 7 mm/day in the Summer, average winter temperatures can reach 5-7°C whereas average summer temperatures ca


为了在不影响柑橘生理状态和性能的前提下节约用水,本文比较研究了亏缺灌溉和遮阳网对柑橘生长和落果的影响。第一剂量(100%)是根据参考蒸散量(ETo -使用气象站计算)和作物系数(Kc)计算的,作物系数根据生理阶段而变化;第二种是双倍剂量(200%),第三种是半剂量(50%);这项研究表明ap

反渗透预处理:在Shupramant-Giza地下水淡化厂去除铁-一个案例研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/reverse-osmosis-pretreatment-removal-of-iron-in-groundwater-desalination-plant-in-shupramant-giza-a-case-study/ 2012-05-24 2018-12-25 阿尔赛义德·阿里,马哈茂德·卡迈勒,a·哈姆迪,哈立德·穆罕默德,穆罕默德·阿巴斯 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Due to recent developments in membrane technology, the trend in the desalination industry is to use reverse osmosis (RO) for desalting seawater. Brackish water (BW) desalination using membrane technology is also expanding as the salinity of groundwater increases. Selecting an appropriate process to meet specific needs at specific locations is essential though the biggest challenge remains in the capability to successfully operate these plants once installed due to peculiarities o



多媒体:课堂教学过程中的一种技术 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/multimedia-a-technique-in-teaching-process-in-the-classrooms/ 2012-05-30 2018-12-25 ASHVINI JOSHI 第七卷,第1期

Introduction The population of student learning English as a foreign language has been steadily increasing from year to year. To succeed in college, these students must develop not only linguistics, but also academic skills. These skills involve using English to acquire and articulate knowledge by reading academic texts, writing acceptable academic prose, conducting and reporting research. In Indonesia, English is taught in schools since the students go to Junior high schools. However, many o



印度安得拉邦Tirupati附近Renigunta饮用水化学性质及其对人体健康的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/chemical-properties-of-drinking-water-of-renigunta-near-tirupati-andhra-pradesh-india-and-its-impact-on-human-health/ 2012-03-15 2018-12-25 s.v. Dorairaju, C. Rao, M. Raju, P.V. Chalapathi 第七卷,第1期

Introduction The quality of drinking water is vital concern for mankind since it is directly linked with human health. People of rural areas located around Tirupati are mainly dependent on ground water for drinking and other domestic needs. Thus, in this paper an attempt was made to assess the physico chemical analysis of drinking water in the view of health of human beings living in this area. Experimental Drinking water of different polluted locations at Renigunta area near Tirupati w



印度马哈拉施特拉邦Ahmednagar地区Sangamner地区土壤的矿物学和质地特征 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/mineralogical-and-textural-characteristics-of-soils-from-sangamner-area-ahmednagar-district-maharashtra-india/ 2012-06-15 2018-12-25 K. K. DESHMUKH 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Soil is a dynamic and complex system of air, water, decomposing organic matter, living plants and animals. In addition to this, soil consists of rock fragments, clays, sands and silts organized into definite pattern as dictated by environmental conditions. The major factors involved in the process of soil formation are parent material, climate, time, topography and biota.1 These factors are influencing the mineralogical, mechanical and chemical properties of soils. The p



词与词的地位;质与词;工业管理 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/the-position-of-word-quality-in-industrial-management/ 2012-05-30 2018-12-25 Farkhunda Sayyed, Shoyeb Sayyed, Mujahida Sayyed 第七卷,第1期

Introduction The most important word in the progress of any industry is quality. By quality we mean an attribute of the product determines its fitness for use. The range of these attributes is pretty wide – Physical, Chemical, aesthetic etc. A product may have several aspects of quality as well as an over all quality which is something more than the sum of its individual quality aspects. Quality means a level which in turn, depends on four M’s besides many other factors wh


本文从工业管理的角度探讨了质量一词的概念。< / p > . . 二次锌工业废饼的应用潜力研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/study-on-application-potential-of-waste-cake-from-secondary-zinc-industry/ 2012-06-12 2018-12-25 Mohd Khan, Rajnish Shrivastava 第七卷,第1期

Introduction The rapid industrialisation has lead to severe environmental threats through generation of large quantities of industrial wastes and hazardous sludges. The primary sources of hazardous wastes in India and other developing countries include waste generated within the country through different industrial units and waste imported into the country as raw materials. A study carried out on solid waste management in non-ferrous industries in India mentions alarming levels of hazardous s



哈马丹地区石榴石变质岩、分带及等品位研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/the-study-of-metamorphic-rocks-zonation-and-isogrades-in-garnet-rocks-in-the-hamadan-area/ 2012-04-18 2018-12-25 ZAHRA HOSSEIN MIRZAEI BENI, ZOHREH HOSSEIN 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Garnet crystallizes in cubic system and mostly in dodecahedron (rhomb-dodecahedron) and trapezohedron (tetragon-trioctahedron) crystal forms. General chemical formula of this mineral is: R3R&rsquo;2(SiO4)3, which bivaliant cations (i.e. Mg2+, Fe2+, Mn2+, Ca2+) lie in R site and trivaliant cations (i.e. Al3+, Cr3+, Fe3+) in R&rsquo; site. Commonly, more than one cation lies in R and R&rsquo; sites and therefore garnet crystals give rise to isomorphous (solid solution)


研究区为Sanandaj- Sirjan变质带的一部分。将哈马丹变质岩划分为区域变质岩、接触变质岩和混杂岩三大类。该区不能完全划分接触带和区域变质带。在接触变质作用影响程度较低的区域变质岩的一些地方,接触变质带明显出现,但当接触变质作用与区域变质作用程度相同时或

新型三种四甲基铵盐晶体参数与振动数据的相关性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/correlation-of-crystal-parameter-with-vibrational-data-of-new-three-tetramethylammonium-salts/ 2012-03-29 2018-12-25 S·哈玛米,萨贾德·萨达哈特,h·萨赫巴尔扎马尼 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Tetramethylammonium compounds have many applications in science and biology. It is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to prepare single crystals of tetramethylammonium salts suitable for diffraction studies; the available methods of preparation give microcrystalline powders that are not suitable for X-ray single crystal diffraction. Scientists&rsquo; effort to find and use simple substituted methods for studying crystal habits of tetramethylammonium salts. One of the sug


对盐中四甲基铵化的固态红外光谱的检测表明,红外光谱性质与这些四甲基铵盐中的C& nash;H··· & X氢键和晶体习性相关。红外预测的晶体习惯由实验数据和理论数据组成。发现了三个数据之间的良好关系。C–H拉伸区在上述盐中具有氢键移位的特征。在< / p > . . 基于果胶的新型pH盐响应型高吸水性水凝胶的合成与研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/synthesis-and-investigation-of-a-novel-ph-and-salt-responsive-superabsorbent-hydrogel-based-on-pectin/ 2012-04-18 2018-12-25 Mohammad Sadeghi, Esmat Mohammadinasab, Fatemeh Shafiei 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Highly swelling polymers, i.e. super absorbent hydrogels, are hydrophilic, three dimensional networks that can absorb water in the amount from 10% up to thousands of times their dry weight. They are widely used in various applications such as hygienic, foods, cosmetics, and agriculture.1&nbsp;This accounts for increase in the worldwide production of superabsorbent polymers (SAPs) from 6000 tons in 1983 to 450000 tons in 1996.2-4&nbsp;Nowadays, the worldwide production of


本文主要研究了以果胶(Pec)和聚丙烯酸(PAcA)为基材的高吸水性水凝胶的合成和溶胀行为。以过硫酸铵(APS)为引发剂,亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(MBA)为交联剂,采用自由基聚合技术将丙烯酸(AcA)接枝到果胶骨架上。提出了水凝胶的形成机理,并通过FTIR和SEM (s

基于车辆模型的尾气排放因子研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/investigation-of-exhaust-emission-factors-based-on-vehicle-models/ 2012-06-15 2018-12-25 Farnaz Takizad 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Emissions of many air pollutants have been shown to have variety of negative effects on public health and the natural environment . Emissions that are principal pollutants of concern include: Hydrocarbons, Carbon monoxide(CO), Nitrogen oxides (NOx), Particulate matter, Sulfur oxide (SOx), Volatile organic compounds (VOCs). hydrocarbons are toxins. Hydrocarbons are a major contributor to smog, which can be a major problem in urban areas. Carbon Monoxide poisoning is also a major k


伊朗生产的乘用车的碳氢化合物和一氧化碳排放量非常高。本研究试图对2004年,2006年和2008年生产的三种车型(Pride,标致206和萨曼)进行技术检查,以检查HC和CO排放量。采用MGT5装置对该车尾气排放系数进行了测量。研究结果表明,2006年生产的Pride和206标致以及2004年生产的Samand污染最严重。 Zayandeh河重金属污染水平检测及山毛榉树叶清理 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/detecting-the-level-of-contaminations-caused-by-heavy-metals-in-the-zayandeh-roud-river-and-clean-up-by-leaves-of-beech-tree/ 2012-05-31 2018-12-25 MOHAMMAD KARIMI 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Contamination of heavy metals causes a serious problem for health and generally for man&rsquo;s life. Discharge of these metals is caused as the result of several activities such as production of chemicals, dyeing, plastering, mining activities, extractive metallurgy, nuclear activities and other industries. These metals have a destructive effect on the animals, lakes and rivers (Sayeri, Hamoudi, &amp; Yang, 2005). Human activities such as urban and industrial sewages as

.. Zayandeh路是伊朗中部最重要的河流之一。它起源于Kouhrang山脉。这条河流经查哈尔玛哈。Bakhtiari和Esfahan省,最后流入Gavakhouni池塘。这条河的水用于农业、工业和饮用水。整个河流重金属污染水平的测定是重要的,对控制其环境的生态条件具有重要作用。
N, nanandsquo;-双(2-羟基和灰;α -甲基苄基)异丁基二胺铀酰(VI)硝酸盐[UO2 (HMBUD)]2+的合成、表征和热研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/synthesis-characterization-and-thermal-studies-of-a-n-n-bis2-hydroxy-alpha-methyl-benzylidene-isobutyl-diamine-uranyl-vi-nitrate-uo2-hmbud2/ 2012-03-31 2018-12-25 SHAHRIAR GHAMMAMY, SAJJAD SEDAGHAT 第七卷,第1期

Introduction The coordination chemistry of transition metals with ligands from the uranyl family hasbeen of interest due to different bonding modes shown by these ligands with both electron rich and electron poor metal. In principle, the central transition metal atoms of different soft and hard Lewis acidity usually need to be satisfied in the most suitable fashion.Schiff base metal complexes have been widely studied because they have industrial, antifungal, antibacterial, anticancer and herb


N, N’-双(2-羟基– α -甲基苄基)异丁基二胺(简称HMBUD)并对其进行了表征。以UO2(NO3)2.6H2O硝酸盐与HMBUD反应制备N, N’-双(2-羟基– α -甲基苄基)异丁基二氨基铀酰(VI)硝酸盐。本研究合成了一些铀酰与N给体的无机配合物。配合物通过FT-IR和UV、¹HNMR、¹³CNMR

不同材料磨球过程几何效应的研究与分析及磨球过程力与应变的评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/study-and-analysis-of-geometric-effect-of-ball-burnishing-process-of-different-materials-and-evaluation-of-forces-and-strain-for-ballizing-process/ 2012-06-23 2018-12-25 Pawan Upadhyay, A. Ansari, Pankaj Agarwal 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Geometrical Effects When the ball passes through undersized hole, plastic deformation (ip) takes place, this plastic deformation of the hole may be due to many variables. It has been confirmed experimentally that interference (if) and plastic deformation (ip) have got a linear relationship i.e. they are proportional to each other. If deviation is defined as the difference of ball diameter and hole diameter after ballizing the experiment also establishes that this deviation


这个过程包括迫使一个超大的硬材料球穿过机器前在软材料上的一个孔。球和孔之间的干涉导致孔扩大,使其变形部分是塑性的,部分是弹性的。孔的弹性变形由于弹性回弹而得到恢复,而塑性变形导致球化后的孔直径有轻微的永久性增大。钢球抛光或钢球化是一种生产钢球的工艺。 德里实施CNG后的空气污染物状况 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/status-of-air-pollutants-after-implementation-of-cng-in-delhi/ 2012-04-13 2018-12-25 PALLAVI SAXENA, RICHA BHARDWAJ, CHIRASHREE GHOSH 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Clean air is considered to be a basic requirement of human health and for the well-being. However, air pollution continues to pose a significant threat to health worldwide (WHO 2005). The state of air pollution is often expressed as Air Quality (AQ). Air pollution has implications in a number of contemporary issues including: human health, (e.g. respiratory, cancer, allergies.), ecosystems (e.g. crop yields, loss of biodiversity), national heritage (e.g. buildings), and regional


空气污染每年造成590多万人死亡,其中90%以上的死亡发生在印度首都德里。为了改善德里的空气污染状况,已经实施了各种政策和法律。但即使在实施CNG后,污染物(NOx、O3、SPM、RSPM &CO), SO2除外。我们研究的目的是CNG转换是否影响了主要污染物和对流层臭氧污染的利润

医院生物医学废物管理系统的需求-一个新兴问题-综述 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/need-of-biomedical-waste-management-system-in-hospitals-an-emerging-issue-a-review/ 2012-05-30 2018-12-25 PRAVEEN MATHUR , SANGEETA PATAN , ANAND SHOBHAWAT 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Biomedical waste management has recently emerged as an issue of major concern not only to hospitals, nursing home authorities but also to the environment. the bio-medical wastes generated from health care units depend upon a number of factors such as waste management methods, type of health care units, occupancy of healthcare units, specialization of healthcare units, ratio of reusable items in use, availability of infrastructure and resources etc.1 The proper management of bi



水体的物理化学特性,特别涉及电池、电源和金属电镀废水 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/physico-chemical-characterization-of-water-body-with-special-reference-to-battery-power-sources-and-metal-plating-effluents/ 2012-04-24 2018-12-25 DHANANJAY DWIVEDI, VIJAY CHOUREY 第七卷,第1期

Introduction The life on the earth depends on the water. Everything originated in the water and sustain by water. It is most common abundant, indispensable, inorganic component of the earth&rsquo;s environment, constitutes living matter predominantly. It is a prime resource and physiological necessity to mankind. This work include the sample collection technique, collection, preservation and handling of collected sample. The collected samples were analyzed for the determination of Phys


随着各领域工业化程度的提高,地下水污染和加工工业排放的有害废水给世界带来了一系列严峻的环境问题。因此,有必要纠正这个问题。< / p > . . 德拉敦市废水中污染物的理化测定 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/physicochemical-determination-of-pollutants-in-wastewater-in-dheradun/ 2012-05-18 2018-12-25 Sachchida singh, gaurav srivastav, arun bhatt 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Heavy metals are present in food in very minute quantities; the existence is due to their role in body metabolism, it has been establish that whatever is taken as food might cause metabolic disturbance if it does not contain the permissible upper and lower limits of heavy metals. Thus, both deficiency and excess of essential micro-nutrients (iron, zinc and chromium) may produce undesirable effects (Konofal et al., 2004; Kocak et al., 2005). Effect of toxic metals on human health


Wastewater was collected from the Dheradun industrial area situated in capital of uttrakhand. Samples were collected between the periods of November 2010 to Aug.2011 determine the following parameters, pH, temperature, turbidity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), Biological oxygen demand(BOD), dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, total dissolved solid (TDS), total suspended solid (TSS), sulphate, nitrate, nitrite and phosphate. In addition, metals (copper, cobalt Chromium, iron, manganese, magnes

博帕尔沙普拉湖水质的物理化学研究,特别是对其边缘地区地下水的污染影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/physico-chemical-studies-of-water-quality-of-shahpura-lake-bhopal-m-p-with-special-reference-to-pollution-effects-on-ground-water-of-its-fringe-areas/ 2012-04-18 2018-12-25 TRIVEDI SONAL, H. KATARIA 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Fresh Water is essential to existence of life. Water of acceptable quality is essential not only for drinking and domestic purposes but also for agriculture, industrial and commercial uses. Surface water is collection of water on the ground or in a stream, river, lake, wetland, or ocean. Surface water is naturally replenished by precipitation and naturally lost through discharge to evaporation and sub-surface seepage into the groundwater. A lake is a large body of water surrounde



冬季水果中农药残留分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/analysis-of-pesticide-residues-in-winter-fruits/ 2012-06-25 2018-12-25 RAVI KANT KANNAUJIA, CHITRA GUPTA, FAROOQ WANI, ROHIT VERMA 第七卷,第1期

Introduction A pesticide is a chemical substance used for preventing, destroying, repelling or mitigating a pest, which can be an insect; rodent, bind, weed or fungus, as well as micro organism like bacteria and viruses. Pesticides can be broadly classified as insecticides, herbicides, fungicides, rodenticides, and antimicrobials, with many subclasses. The major insecticide groups are the organochlorines, organophosphates, carbonates and pyrethroids. Pesticides are considered hazardous chemic



马哈拉施特拉邦Jalgaon地区Chalisgaon Taluka北部地区地下水水质的季节变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/seasonal-variation-in-ground-water-quality-at-north-zone-of-chalisgaon-taluka-dist-jalgaon-maharashtra/ 2012-06-29 2018-12-25 P.J PARMAR 第七卷,第1期

Introduction From the literature survey it is known that no investigation has been done on the quality of underground water in Chalisgaon Taluka of Jalgaon District of Maharashtra State. Seven villages are selected for this study situated in North - East of the Jalgaon district on the right bank of Girna river at a distance of 12 Kms from Chalisgaon town on state highway No. 211. The area under investigation is a notable cotton, sugarcane &amp; banana producing centres and all the crop fi


本研究对马哈拉施特拉邦Jalgaon地区Chalisgaon Taluka附近地下水的物理化学特征进行了评价。这项研究是为了检验其饮用、灌溉和工业用途的适宜性。快速城市化造成地下水污染,由于地下水的过度开采和废水处理不当,影响了地下水的可利用性和水质。径流肥料等人类活动造成的地下水污染

贾姆谢普尔和加茨拉附近Swarnarekha河河底沉积物金属污染研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/studies-in-rivers-bottom-sediments-in-swarnarekha-river-around-jamshedpur-and-ghatsila-for-metallic-pollution/ 2012-06-13 2018-12-25 H. Mishra, S. Jha 第七卷,第1期

Introduction The chemical composition of the bottom sediments and its variation of different sites in the river Swarnarekha receiving the treated and untreated waste water from domestic and industrial sources have a profound impact on the water quality of the river basin. Water chemistry only assesses the effluent impact at the time of sampling while the bottom sediments geo-chemistry gives a cumulative assessment of pollution. Bottom sediments analysis has been used to trace pollutant inputs



一种生物农药和neem - onandrdo的急性毒性和行为反应 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/acute-toxicity-and-behavioural-responses-of-labeo-rohita-hamilton-to-a-biopesticide-neem-on/ 2012-02-29 2018-12-25 Imtiyaz bhat, bilal bhat, santosh vishwakarma, alok verma, geeta saxena 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Neem (Azadirachtin indica) is a traditional and highly esteemed medicinal tree for the people of Indian sub-continent.It is one of the most promising medicinal plant, having a wide spectrum of biological activity, well known for its insecticidal properties (ICAR, 1993). Biological activities and medicinal properties of neem have been extensively reviewed by Biswas et al (2002). Azadirachtin (a tetranotriterpenoid) is one of the major components (Kraus et al., 1981; Broughton et a


本研究的目的是确定印楝生物农药印楝素(neem - on,商标)对淡水鱼的毒性。用不同浓度的植物性杀虫剂印楝素对鱼处理96 h,记录其死亡率。Finney’s Probit分析法测定96h LC50值为42.66 ppm。在整个实验过程中,对行为模式进行了严格观察。试验鱼

多媒体环境下儿童发展的演变 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/evolution-of-child-development-in-the-multimedia-environment/ 2012-05-22 2018-12-25 ASHVINI JOSHI, VINITA BHATNAGAR 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. The time it takes to earn the degree in education today is based on an increasingly outdated model: so many hours in a classroom entitle a student to a receipt in the form of a grade, and so many receipts can be redeemed for a credential in the form of a degree... Education today is just beginning to think of shifting the basis of certification from time served to skills and knowledge obtained. Multimedia hold

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不同来源产植酸酶真菌的固态培养 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/a-culturing-of-fungi-for-phytase-production-by-solid-state-from-different-sources/ 2012-06-30 2018-12-25 JYOTSNA VIHNUDAS, MALATHI JOJULA, M.A. SINGARACHARYA 第七卷,第1期

Introduction A phytase (myo-inositol hexakis phosphate phosphohydrolase) is any type of phosphatase enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of phytic acid (myo-inositol hexakisphosphate) &mdash; an indigestible, organic form of phosphorus that is found in grains and oil seeds&mdash; and releases a usable form of inorganic phosphorus.1&nbsp;While phytases had been found to occur in animals, plants, fungi and bacteria, phytases had been most commonly detected and characterized from fun


在种子饲料中添加植酸酶是提高磷利用率的有效途径。本研究主要发现了烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)、曲霉霉(Curvalaria)、Pencillium Sp、Mycrothecicum、Helimenthosporium、Fusaruim Throderna、Alternaria Spices等15种不同类型的嗜热真菌,并根据形态特征和染色方法对其进行了分类。在所有的i

合成农药敌敌畏与印楝基农药印楝- on对野田鼠的毒性比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol7no1/a-comparative-study-on-the-toxicity-of-a-synthetic-pesticide-dichlorvos-and-a-neem-based-pesticide-neem-on-to-labeo-rohita-hamilton/ 2012-03-31 2018-12-25 Bilal Bhat, Imtiyaz Bhat, Santosh Vishwakarma, Alok Verma, Geeta Saxena 第七卷,第1期

Introduction Increased used of pesticide results in the excess inflow of toxic chemicals, mainly in to the aquatic ecosystem (Baskaran et al., 1989; Kalavanthy et al., 2001). The aquatic environment is currently under threat by the indiscriminate use of synthetic pesticides by the human activities and causing high risk to non-target organisms (Kumar et. al., 2010). Among different classes of pesticides, organophosphates are more frequently used, because of their high insecticidal property, lo


鱼类和其他生物受到农药的影响,农药通过农业径流污染了天然水。鱼类是水污染的常见生物指标。本研究分别对合成农药、敌敌畏和植物源天然农药Neem-On进行了生物测定。从毒性试验中获得的数据使用概率分析统计方法进行评估。敌敌畏和尼姆- on的96h LC50分别为16.71ppm和42.66ppm。< / p > . .