当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 炭和活性炭吸附去除水中污染物(三苯甲烷和杂蒽染料) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/adsorption-removal-of-pollutants-triphenylmethane-and-xanthene-dyes-from-water-by-charfines-and-activated-carbon/ 2010-11-23 2018-11-23 K.N. SINGH, SHASHI RAI 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Dyes are synthetic aromatic compound, the textile industry ranks first in dye consumption for the coloration of fabric, presently more than 9000 distinetly different dyes are listed in the colour index dyes are classified into various application classes (Direct, Acid, Basic, Reactive etc.) and chemical class (Azo, Xanthane, Triphenylmethane,Thazine etc.). The dye stuffs are water soluble dispersible organic colourans,having high porential use in various industrial applications(m



环境教育:意识、规划和管理 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/environmental-education-awareness-planning-and-management/ 2010-11-22 2018-11-23 Seeme Mahmood 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Environment is a vital component of society. But with the global acceleration of industrialization and deforestation environmental problems and resource shortage is reaching a critical point. The need of the many and the greed of the few have ruptured our natural habitat and have made life on planet earth very fragile. The prehistoric man having a nomadic existence and was puzzled by the environment and may be out of fear started worshipping it. The man of the present day, the mo


大自然不仅能提供给人类生存所需的一切,而且能使人类生活得十分舒适。然而,人类对快乐和舒适的渴望导致他剥削大自然的自由商品,以至于降低了自然自我稳定的能力。今天,我们面临着严重的环境危机,这不仅限于任何一个国家或地区;它是全球性的。包括人类在内的所有生物的生存已经变得越来越困难。 综述了优化太阳能空气加热器的各种方法 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/a-review-of-various-approaches-to-optimize-the-solar-air-heater/ 2010-12-13 2018-11-26 Prashant Baredar, Anil Kumar, Sandeep Jaiswal, Sankar Kumar 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Renewable energies are going to be a main substitute for fossil fuels in the coming years for their clean and renewable nature. Solar air heaters of many types have been developed in India and their performance studied in detail .today solar energy play a very important role in space heating, food drying and refrigeration. While solar air heater is now become a very integral part of some solar system. The conventional methods of energy analysis are based on the first law of th



天然混凝剂与太阳能在浑浊水处理中的作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/role-of-natural-coagulant-and-solar-energy-in-treating-turbid-water/ 2010-12-14 2018-11-20 Syeda Azeem Unnisa, Chaitanyakumar Desitti, S. Rao 第五卷,第二期

Introduction I Surface water contains very high pathogenic microbial contaminants, mainly bacteria and virus, due to animal and organic matter decomposition.1 Intake of the raw water is a high risk for health that affects mainly children and old people.2 Lack of safe drinkable water is a serious problem that affects people from developing countries, conditioning health, social economical development. In fact, people are supplied with water from rivers or surface waters, without any t


目前的研究涉及使用植物材料和太阳辐射作为传统处理方法的替代方法的本地或自然处理方法。采用标准罐法测定玉米提取物在不同浊度水中的混凝能力。Zeemays作为天然混凝剂的研究证实了其积极的有效混凝活性。该混凝剂的最佳剂量为200mg /l、220mg /l和300mg /l,其效果为75%,

恰蒂斯加尔邦Arang的handdedwal寺庙的真菌学调查 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/mycological-survey-of-the-bhandedwal-temple-arang-chhattisgarh/ 2010-11-18 2018-11-20 Kavita Sharma, Sandhya Lanjewar 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Ancients monuments are regularly affected by the continuous colonization of microorganisms especially bacteria, cyanobacteria, yeast, some algae species and various fungal species. (Gorbushina et al., 2004). Fungi has greater role in the biodeterioration of monuments (Burford et al., 2003). The phototrophic microorganisms are common inhabitants of monuments. Opportunistic species of cyanobacteria and chlorophytes, present in soils and in the air, are commonly found on the surface



乳业污水处理厂的性能评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/performance-evaluation-of-effluent-treatment-plant-of-dairy-industry/ 2010-10-30 2018-11-20 Dipali H. Chaiudhari, R.M. Dhoble 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Waste water generated in a dairy contains highly putrescible organic constituents. This necessitates prompt and adequate treatment of the waste water before its disposal to the environment. Almost all the organic constituents of dairy waste are easily biodegradable. Hence the wastewater is amenable to biological treatment-either aerobic or anaerobic.1 Rapid growth of industries has not only enhanced the productivity but also resulted in the production and release of toxi



邦普尔博帕尔地下水层的物理化学和细菌学研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/physico-chemical-and-bacteriological-studies-of-ground-water-layers-in-bhanpur-bhopal-m-p/ 2010-06-19 2018-11-20 Manisha Sonel, Meena Mourya, Sudhanshu Dwivedi, D.R. Tiwari 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Water is essential for life on earth. Water is a unique liquid, without it life is impossible. The importance of ground water for the existence of human society cannot be overemphasized. Ground water is the major source of drinking water in both urban and rural areas. Besides, it is an important source for the agricultural and the industrial sector. As far as the quality of ground water is concerned, many places including Bhopal have been identified as endemic to contamination du



博帕尔市饮用水理化参数与健康影响研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/study-of-physico-chemical-parameters-of-drinking-water-of-bhopal-city-with-reference-to-health-impacts/ 1970-01-01 2019-04-11 H.C. Kataria 第五卷,第二期 < p > < / p > . .

标题为 博帕尔市饮用水理化参数与健康影响研究已被收回,因为它在出版商的监督下发表了两次。< / p > . . 扎黑丹地下水铅的富集程度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/the-magnited-of-lead-in-zahedan-ground-water/ 1970-01-01 2018-11-21 Hossein Atashi, Nargess Rahimi, Farrokh Espaili 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Water is our essential nutrient that contains different amounts of dissolved inorganic and organic compounds. We can survive weeks even months without food, but only less than four days without water. Water play main role in digestion, circulation and transporting of nutrients in our body, also carrying away waste from our body. About 50 percent of water that we use provide from ground water, so it is necessary we sure from its safety. Provide of fresh water is one of basic probl



基于连续动态优化方法的伊朗乘用车可持续燃料策略 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/a-sustainable-fuel-strategy-for-the-iranian-passenger-cars-using-a-continuous-dynamic-optimization-approach/ 1970-01-01 2018-11-21 A.A. Rassafi, A.N. Azadani, Z. Esmaeili, S. Sharifnia, M. Hajitarverdi 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Use of cleaner fuels is potentially one of the most important policies in an effective program for reducing air pollution. There are two basic strategies in this regard: firstly, the modification of polluting characteristics of traditional fuels, and secondly, using alternative fuels. By &lsquo;traditional fuels&rsquo; the authors mean gasoline and diesel, which are the popular fuels in Iran. Consequently, the term &lsquo;alternative fuels&rsquo; refers to the oth



8个甘蓝型油菜品种在镉污染环境下植物器官出芽量、干重和鲜重的测定。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/the-measurement-of-sprouting-amount-of-dry-and-fresh-weight-in-plant-organs-in-environment-due-to-polluting-affect-of-cadmium-in-8-varieties-of-brassica-napus-l/ 1970-01-01 2018-11-21 Habibeh Zare, Ali Shahi 第五卷,第二期

Introduction The Effect of Cadmium on Absorbtion and Translocation of Solutes In most of the plant species, cadmium is absorbed by roots, although the rate of transmission stem is different in various species. For example in sugar beet 10-20 percent of absorbed cadmium is transferred to aerial parts (H8) while in soybean only 2 percent of absorbed cadmium is transferred to leaves26 absorbtion of poisonous metals and their&nbsp;transmission to aerial parts of plant and the resistance of



三种不同生物质对Cu2+和Pb2+金属离子的平衡吸附研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/equilibrium-sorption-studies-for-cu2-and-pb2metal-ions-on-three-different-biomasses/ 1970-01-01 2018-11-23 Uma M. K. Nagpal, Hassan Rezaei 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Water gets polluted from leaching of ore deposits and from anthropogenic sources which include mainly industrial effluents and solid waste disposal. Industrial development in the recent past has substantially increased the level of heavy metals. Removal of heavy metals from aqueous solution by using inactive and dead biomass is an alternative technology for removing toxic heavy metals which cause life-threatening illnesses and pose environmental disposal problem due to their n



Kapadwanj地区水井饮用水的物理化学分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/physico-chemical-analysis-of-borewells-drinking-water-of-kapadwanj-territory/ 2010-09-27 2018-11-23 S.N. Pandya, A.K. Rana, D.K. Bhoi 第五卷,第二期

Introduction In continuation of our earlier analysis on Bore wells water,1-3&nbsp;here we report the Physico-Chemical analysis of Bore wells drinking water of kapadwanj territory. Kapadwanj is located in Kheda District of Gujarat. Borewells water is generally used for Drinking and other domestic purposes in this area. The use of fertilizers and pesticides, manure, lime, septic tank, refuse dump, etc. are the main sources of Borewells water pollution.4&nbsp;In the absence of fresh wate


2009年5月- 2009年10月对Kapadwanj地区20个采样站的井水进行了温度、pH、溶解氧、总溶解固形物、氯化物、总碱度、钙镁硬度、硫酸盐、磷酸盐、硝酸盐等理化分析,以评价水质指标。< / p > . . 孜然提取物对高胆固醇血症雄性大鼠影响的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/studies-on-effect-of-cumin-extract-on-induced-hyper-cholesteraemic-male-rats/ 2010-06-19 2018-11-19 Habibeh Zare, A. Moradshahi 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Increasing of blood fat especially cholesterol is propounded as an important factor of aggravation of heart diseases. Now more than 100 million American suffering from increasing of blood cholesterol and about 50 million of them require remedy. In Iran 2 cities were selected, the fatality arised from various heart diseases. According to reported statistics of Tehran 13 zone, 8.8% of men and 12.7% of women were suffering from heart diseases in 1984. Metabolism manner and plasma li



特里普拉邦城市环境下媒体寻求习惯和大众媒体覆盖面的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/a-study-of-media-seeking-habits-and-mass-media-reach-for-urban-settings-of-tripura/ 2010-12-15 2018-11-23 G.P. Pandey, Supratim Biswas 第五卷,第二期

Introduction The mass media and other communication channels have tremendous effect on every sphere of human life, but its impact is not uniform in all fields, nor can it be predicted universally. There is a need to consciously use the mass media to educate and aware a large number of people about different social issues. Mass Media have the advantage of reaching a relatively larger population in a shorter time than is possible with other means. Mass Media is the way a message is dissemina


人的发展和个人的福祉是我国以实施可监测的计划和政策的形式所坚持的首要目标。在这个信息技术时代,我们的世界已经变成了一个地球村,推进发展优先事项的进程加倍加强。社会的发展与教育直接相关。大众传媒通过传统和非传统的方法使教育得以传播。In Mass communication

印度克什米尔-喜马拉雅古尔玛高寒冰川罕见泥质降雪的环境化学特征 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/environmental-chemistry-of-a-rare-muddy-snowfall-occurrence-on-alpine-zone-glaciers-of-gulmarg-kashmir-himalaya-india/ 2009-02-25 2018-11-28 F.A. Lone, M.A. Khan, N. Qureshi, N.A. Kirmani, S.H. Sidiquee, R.A. Shah 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Events of substantial aeolian dust deposition on seasonal snow covers and glaciers are a common phenomenon in mid-latitude, (sub-tropical) and even high arctic regions. Such events are emerging as important environmental issues in view of their glacio-chemical and glacio-meteorological aspects. The atmosphere, an integral and huge component of biosphere, receives inputs from myriad anthropogenic activities including expanding industrial establishments. Varied emissions, inter ali


1991年初,克什米尔喜马拉雅河谷出现了一些独特的环境污染现象,包括湖泊系统的黑雪和赤潮的爆发。2002年5月,克什米尔喜马拉雅地区Pir Panjal山脉高山地带(Gulmarg附近)高海拔(4300米)Afarwat冰川罕见地发生了一场泥泞的降雪,这表明该地区的环境状况正在发生变化。从冰川收集的雪样品的主要水化学

基于计算流体力学(CFD)的粗糙里宾太阳能空气加热器风管传热与流场分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/heat-transfer-and-fluid-flow-analysis-of-roughness-ribin-solar-air-heater-duct-by-computational-fluid-dynamics-cfd/ 2010-06-19 2018-11-24 Prashant Baredar, Shankar kumar, Ajeet Giri, Jitendra kumar 第五卷,第二期

Introduction An attempt has been made to carry out CFD based analysis to fluid flow and heat transfer characteristics of a solar air heaters having roughened duct provided with artificial roughness. Combined effect of swirling motion, detachment and reattachment of fluid which was considered to be responsible in the increase of heat transfer rate has been observed during CFD analysis. Nusselt number has been found to increase with increase in Reynolds number where friction factor decreases wi


本研究利用计算流体动力学软件Fluent 6.3.26 Solver对主壁面(太阳能板)上安装有倒u型紊流器粗糙肋的矩形风管的传热和流体流动行为进行了研究。本研究采用CFD软件对紊流传热进行了数值模拟。在本研究中,采用reynolds - average Navier–Stokes分析作为数值技术,采用近壁

热污染对热勒姆河水文参数的影响K) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/effect-of-thermal-pollution-on-the-hydrological-parameters-of-river-jhelum-j-k/ 2010-12-28 2018-11-26 Tanveer Qureshi, T.A. Qureshi, Salman Chalkoo, Kamlesh Borana, Susan Manohar 第五卷,第二期

Introduction River Jhelum is lifeline of Kashmir and is the only source of water which drains the valley from South to North. It is the only ultimate source of water, which inhibits all species of fishes of valley, being the most resourceful water body. But due to various anthropogenic activities it is bringing up threat to its fauna and flora. The most precarious and deteriorative is construction of dams which have affected the hydrological features of region surrounding the dam. The Buni



斋浦尔主站及近郊火车站饮用水水质评价及氟化物问题 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/assessment-of-drinking-water-quality-of-jaipur-main-and-its-suburb-railway-stations-with-special-mention-to-fluoride/ 2010-09-25 2018-11-23 Anirudh Sahni, Kavita Sahni, Abhishek Gautam 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Clean and safe drinking water is most primary need of living organisms. Ground water contributes 0.6 percent of the total water resources on the earth and is the major source of drinking and agriculture water in rural and urban areas. Chemical composition of the water is the major criteria for its suitability in drinking purposes especially in India where water purifying techniques are minimal. In India ground water caters to 80% of the total drinking water requirement and 50% of


氟中毒是拉贾斯坦邦的普遍问题,因为许多地方的饮用水源是地下水,氟离子浓度很高。地下水氟化物污染可能与区域地质因素有关。在本研究中,收集了水样并分析了物理化学参数,即pH, EC, TDS,钙镁硬度,总碱度,氯化物,硫酸盐,硝酸盐等,并特别参考f

利用不同的生物吸附剂去除废水中的重金属 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/removal-of-heavy-metals-from-waste-water-using-different-biosorbents/ 2010-12-18 2018-11-23 S. Murugavelh, D.Vinothkumar 第五卷,第二期


制革厂、电镀单位、金属加工业等排放的含Cr、Cd、Cu等重金属的废水是造成金属污染的主要原因,进而对环境造成不利影响。传统的重金属去除方法不仅成本高,而且还会产生一些有毒污泥。这导致了生物去除重金属等新技术的发明。本文利用各种生物吸附剂,如植物、微生物和土壤等。 水质指数在印度奥里萨邦池塘水质状况评价中的应用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/application-of-water-quality-index-for-assessment-of-pond-water-quality-status-in-orissa-india/ 2010-07-14 2018-11-26 Rizwan Reza, Gurdeep Singh 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Water Quality Monitoring data consists of routine measurements of physical, chemical and biological variables that are intended to give insight into aquatic environment. However, it does not give the overall picture on the water quality status. Further need to translate it into a form that is easily understood and effectively interpreted. In general, water quality indices incorporate data from multiple water quality parameters into a mathematical equation that rates the health of



濒临灭绝的水生生态系统仙境 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/the-jeoparadised-wonderland-of-aquatic-ecosystem/ 2010-06-21 2020-07-07 迪帕·库马尔 第五卷,第二期

Introduction What is Ecosystem ? The word Ecosystem&rsquo; stems from the Greek word &lsquo;Oikos&rsquo;, meaning &lsquo;Home&rsquo; and &lsquo;systema&rsquo; or &lsquo;System&rsquo;. This word was proposed by British ecologist A.G. Tansley (1935). Thus ecosystem is a biological community of interacting organisms within their physical and chemical environment. Ecosystem embodies the terrestrial ecosystems &ndash; where the organism and their environm


人类活动已经危险地改变了水生生态系统的平衡。过度捕捞、拖网捕捞和疏浚、塑料垃圾;渔网、倾倒废物、清洗毒素、石油泄漏以及公海上的海盗行为对生态系统造成了广泛的破坏。水生生态系统对流经其中的所有生命形式的健康和福祉至关重要。本文试图叙述水生生态系统对生态平衡和保护不可或缺的不可估量的效益。 纺织废水处理的高级氧化工艺。概览 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/advance-oxidation-processes-for-textile-waste-water-treatment-at-a-glance/ 2010-06-19 2018-11-26 Rajendra Singh, R.S. Verma, Yogita yadav 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Main pollution in textile wastewater came from dyeing and finishing processes. These processes require the input of a wide range of chemicals and dyestuffs, which generally are organic compounds of complex structure. Because all of them are not contained in the final product, became waste and caused disposal problems. Major pollutants in textile wastewaters are high upended soilds, chemical oxygen demand, colour, acidity. and other soluble substances (Da -Hee et al. 1999). In



铁铁果壳:从水溶液中去除铅(II)的载体 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/ferronia-elefuntum-fruit-shell-a-carrier-for-the-removal-of-lead-ii-from-aqueous-solution/ 2010-09-20 2018-11-26 U.E. Chaudhari 第五卷,第二期

Introduction The Twentieth century started with an extensive damage to the natural resources&sup1;. Unplanned industrialization, urbanization, pollution explosion, change in life-style, over exploitation of natural resources, commercial establishment and modern agricultural practices have degraded the quality of environment. The main effects being faced are:&nbsp; Continental invasion of air and water. Marine pollution through waste discharges. Release of variety of chemical


利用铁叶果壳对铅(II)的去除进行了研究。对吸附效率进行了评价。考察了pH、接触时间、吸附剂用量、金属浓度、粒径、温度等因素对吸附效果的影响。结果表明,吸附过程遵循Langmuir等温线和Freundlich等温线。热力学参数表明了该工艺的可行性。为了了解吸附机理,进行了动力学研究。列圣< / p > . . 挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)在泰姬陵城市阿格拉的光环中居住 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/habitation-of-volatile-organic-compounds-vocs-in-the-aura-of-agra-the-city-of-taj-mahal/ 2010-06-19 2018-11-26 Deepti Srivastava, Avdhesh Johri, Ashok Kumar 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) have grasped much attention over the last two decades because of their contribution in the formation of oxidants like ozone and PAN in the troposphere besides their health implications to human beings (Haagen3).The toxicological profiles of these compounds provide ample proof that humans are easily prone to the hazardous influence since they are diffused in the ambient air through source like motor vehicle exhaust, manufacturing and cigarette smo



由于巴加尔科特地区的洪水,土地肥力下降 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/declination-in-the-fertility-of-lands-due-to-the-flood-in-bagalkot-district/ 2010-11-19 2018-11-28 Basavaraj M. Kalshetty, R.C. Sheth, M.C. Sangannavar, M.B. Kalashetti 第五卷,第二期

Introduction Soil testing is a proven, practical method for evaluating the fertility status of soils and providing a sound basis for making recommendations in respect of fertilizers applications, soil amendment to farmers for increased crop production. Soil testing is of recent introduction but its importance in our agricultural program can hardly be over emphasized. Use of fertilizers in the country is now decidedly on the increase but their application must be guided on a scientific basis i


土壤起着非常重要的作用,因为它为人类和动物生产食物。土壤中的有机物被许多微生物分解。由于人类活动,土壤是包括农药、化肥等多种污染物的受体,是环境化学循环的重要组成部分。< / p > . . 印度中部饮用水源的痕量金属分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no2/trace-metal-analysis-of-a-drinking-water-resource-of-central-india/ 2010-09-25 2018-10-05 Vandana MagarDe, S.A. Iqbal, Subrata Pani 第五卷,第二期

