当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 对溴苯基丙烯酰胺-甲基丙烯酸甲酯共聚物的热稳定性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/thermal-stability-of-copolymers-of-p-bromophenyl-acrylamide-methyl-methacrylate/ 2010-05-17 2018-11-15 Fahd A.A. Trikistani, I. zafarany 第五卷,第1期

Introduction It is well known that the thermal stability of polymers has been improved by copolymerization of the primary monomer with traces of a comonomer [AI-Mazroai (2000); Tirkistani (2008) and Tirkistani (2008)]. The poor thermal stability of brominated polymers, due to the weak character of the C-Br bond, has received much attention [EI-Agamey & Diab (1986) and Grassie et al., (1981)]. In this paper, bomopolymers of poly(p-bromophenyl acryiamide) (PBPA) and poly (methyl-methacr


制备了对溴苯基丙烯酰胺与甲基丙烯酸甲酯的共聚物,并用微量分析和红外光谱对其进行了表征。用1HNMR技术计算了共聚反应的反应比值。热分析表明,共聚物的稳定性介于聚溴苯基丙烯酰胺和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯均聚物之间。< / p > . . 沉积物中210Pb的测定:马来西亚登嘉楼沿海水域的沉积速率 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/the-determination-of-210pb-in-the-sediments-sedimentation-rates-from-the-terengganu-coastal-waters-malaysia/ 1970-01-01 2018-11-15 B.Y. Kamaruzzaman, M.C. Ong 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Continental margins from a link between the ocean and land is an important areas for understanding the biogeochemical cycles of heavy metals, carbon and other materials (Anderson et al., 1994; Yamada and Aono, 2003; Masuzawa et al., 2003). In addition to land-derived materials, a large quantity of particles are produced in situ by high primary production and transported away from the land to the sea through river and estuary (Kato et al., 2003). Mechanisms that promote sedimentat



研究废轮胎碎和碎石处理后的渗滤液对土壤和地下水的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/to-study-the-effect-of-leachate-treated-with-scrap-tire-shreds-and-gravel-on-soil-and-groundwater/ 2009-12-23 2018-11-15 Gunjan Bhalla, Arvind Kumar, Ajay Bansal 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Management in India has always been a low priority.1&nbsp;More than 90 % of the municipal solid waste is disposed off by landfilling .2&nbsp; According to an estimate 45 million tonnes/year of solid waste is generated from the urban centres of India which are collected inefficiently, transported inadequately and disposed unscientifically .3&nbsp;The solid waste is expected to rise to 125 million tonnes/ year in India by the year 2025.4&


室内研究了渗滤液对土壤和地下水样品的影响。收集的渗滤液样品通过由废轮胎碎片(200 mm)和碎石层(300 mm)组成的试验单元-1,渗滤液收集层总厚度为500 mm。采用废轮胎碎料与碎石复合床的处理方法,对降低具有环境影响的渗滤液的各项理化参数均有较好的效果。 用溶剂萃取法回收废旧润滑油 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/used-lubricating-oils-recycling-using-solvent-extraction/ 2010-05-18 2018-11-15 Vineet Katiyar, Sattar Husain 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Used oils such as engine lubricating oil, hydraulic fluids and gear oils used in cars, bikes can pollute the environment. Recycling used oil is becoming the preferred way of handling used oil to protect the environment and conserve natural resources.1&nbsp;Billions of gallons of used automobile lubricating oil are generated every year in the world. A number of studies to remove various pollutants existing in the used lubricating oil and simultaneously to reuse these resources


大量汽车用过的润滑油被作为有害废物排放到环境中。因此,需要找到回收和再利用这些废物的方法。有价值的润滑剂可以从废弃的油中回收。更重要的是,石油可能是影响21世纪社会形态的最重要因素。本文讨论了废润滑油的再生问题。< / p > . . 适度嗜盐细菌联合体在盐水条件下对甲醛的生物降解 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/biodegradation-of-formaldehyde-under-saline-conditions-by-a-moderately-halophilic-bacterial-consortium/ 2010-05-27 2018-11-15 Krishnaswamy Veenagayathri, Namasivayam Vasudevan 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Formaldehyde is an important intermediate compound used in a large variety of processes in the chemical industry. It is frequently found in wastewaters and waste gases causing environmental pollution Prado et al., (2003). Formaldehyde is also used in the industrial processing of wood, paper production, leather, resin and glue (Krick et al., (1980)). Formaldehyde is found in wastewaters in monomeric (free) form, as well as its derivatives such as ether, urea, phenolic condensates


从盐水环境中分离的细菌联合体用于在盐水条件下降解甲醛。研究了该菌群在3% ~ 7% NaCl浓度下对甲醛的降解作用。该联合体使用甲醛(100-400mg/L),在96 h内降解,在5% NaCl (w/v)下甲醛的降解效果最佳。添加促生长物质酵母

气候变化对农业的影响:一个印度人的视角 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/impact-of-climate-change-on-agriculture-an-indian-perspective/ 2010-03-12 2018-11-13 R.K. Prajapati, S.K. Tripathi, R.M. Mishra 第五卷,第1期

Introduction The unimpeded growth of greenhouse gas emissions is raising the earth&rsquo;s temperature. The consequences include the atmosphere will eventually lead to changes in the global climate, and in the climates of regions around the world, melting glaciers, more precipitation, more and more extreme weather events, and shifting seasons and ultimately will threaten to food security everywhere (IFPRI,2009). The average global surface temperature is projected to increase by 1.4-3oC


印度是世界第七大国家。在21世纪,印度的气温将上升3至6摄氏度,降雨量将增加15-30%。在低排放情景下,预计2100年全球大气表面温度将升高1-4℃,在高排放情景下,预计全球大气表面温度将升高2.5-5.8℃。本文的目的是提供气候对印度农业影响的关键信息。大气中温室气体的排放量日益增加。 印度拉贾斯坦邦塔尔沙漠某些选定干旱区植被的植物社会学研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/phytosociological-study-of-vegetation-of-some-selected-arid-region-of-the-thar-desert-of-rajasthan-india/ 2010-02-11 2018-11-15 K.K. Sharma, A.K. Pandey 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Phytosociology is a qualitative study of the structure of the vegetation of a particular area emphasizing quantitative relationship of a few dominant species which control the community and there by the occurrence of a large number of rare specie. From the terrestrial ecology point of view the vegetation is an important parameter which gives an insight of the status of Ecosystem. Therefore, vegetation pattern has been considered as very significant parameter of assessment of an e


本文对拉贾斯坦邦塔尔沙漠沙质平原进行了植物社会学研究。拉贾斯坦邦Barmer地区的Panchpadra、Balotra和Nakoda具有独特的半干旱和干旱植被特征。巴梅尔位于拉贾斯坦邦西北部的南部。巴默区位于710 35;49.59,”;东经260°13°;51.48,”;N纬度。整个巴尔默地区都是炎热多沙的。一般来说,植被

印度特里普拉邦的环境和生物多样性中的部落生活 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/tribal-life-in-the-environment-and-biodiversity-of-tripura-india/ 2010-05-03 2018-11-13 Biplab De, Trijash Debbarma, Saikat Sen, Raja Chakraborty 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Natural products have always played an important role in human society for food, health care system and economy. Human societies grow with nature for thousand of generation.1,2 A setting for cultural process, activities and beliefs system by natural environment provides to develop subsequently, landscape from a diverse cultural archive of human endeavors.3 Different cultures interact with nature in different ways; local environment and biodiversity have great impact on human life


特里普拉邦是印度东北部的一个内陆丘陵小邦,也是生物多样性最丰富的水库的一部分。侵略性的文明,快速增长的工业化和污染导致地球上不同物种的丧失,对生物多样性造成危险。特里普拉邦的不同部落仍然生活在森林及其附近,依靠当地的动植物提供食物、住所、药物和仪式。环境危害和森林的破坏导致了不同物种的永久性损失。 孟买Thane-Belapur工业区地下水理化特征的相关性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/a-correlation-study-on-physico-chemical-characteristics-of-ground-water-in-thane-belapur-industrial-area-mumbai/ 2009-07-09 2018-11-19 ad Chapolikar, M.B. Ubale 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Access to safe drinking water is a fundamental human need and therefore, a basic right. Contaminated water jeopardizes both. The physical and social health of all people and it is an affront to human dignity (MNB Momba et. al 2006). Increasing living standards, Growing population, rapid industrialization and wide sphere of human activities have brought greater stress on land and water, which in turn results in steadily increase in the demand for water resources. (Venkatasubramani


研究了Thane-Belapur工业区地下水的物理化学特征,以检验其饮用性。参照印度标准对地下水的适宜性进行了评价。对各参数进行了相关性分析。该分析对快速研究地下水水质具有重要意义。研究表明,该地区许多地下水样本不适合饮用。< / p > . . 粮食中高产和产量稳定的理化和无机污染物检验 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/physico-chemical-and-inorganic-contaminants-examination-in-food-grains-for-high-yield-and-yield-stability/ 2010-06-22 2018-11-06 Ishrat Alim, Mohammad Rafi, Azra Aijaz 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Food grain yield is the main function of many components which, when modified have direct influence on the crop productivity as higher grain yields can be obtained by early sowing (Darwinkel et al., 1977; Arain et al., 2001; Sial et al., 2000), Temperatures above normal alter plant functions and productivity (Chowdhry, et al., 1978. Fischer, 1984: Sial et al., 2001: Araus, 2001), short heat stresses (&ge;35&deg;C) in the post-anthesis period can significantly reduce gra



废旧润滑油的回收 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/reclamation-of-used-lubricating-oils/ 2010-05-20 2018-11-19 Vineet Katiyar, Sattar Husain 第五卷,第1期

Introduction A huge amount of used lubricating oils are produced worldwide. The different sources of used lubricating oils are railway workshops, industries, ship garages, defense machinery, automobiles workshops, etc. All types of lubricating oils in service in automobiles and process industries become contaminated and lose their performance due to changes in some of their properties. Therefore, such oils must be removed as used oil from the service as frequently as necessary. How to handle


润滑油被广泛用于通过在摩擦表面之间插入一层材料膜来减少摩擦和磨损。然而,使用过的润滑油不会蒸发,较少受到生物降解。它需要经过适当的处理才能排放到环境中。近年来,在世界范围内,使用废旧润滑油作为再炼制原料有增加的趋势。对任何国家来说,对用过的润滑油进行再精炼都是明智的选择,对印度来说更是如此。 汽车服务站附近废油污泥的微生物降解 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/microbial-degradation-of-waste-oil-sludge-found-near-the-automobile-service-station/ 2010-12-24 2018-11-20 R. Mahalakshmi, C. Devi, K. Prabha 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Oil pollution is a serious environmental problem throughout the world. This pollution may be caused due to various activities in oil exploration that include geophysical explorations, drilling of wells, pressure control and management of oil and natural gas gushing from the well, transportation and refining of crude oil etc. Crude oil is a homogenous but complex mixture of hundreds of different hydrocarbons, which widely vary in their characteristics. It is reported that certain



地下水模型在沿海含水层中的应用——以古吉拉特邦Veraval地区为例 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/application-of-groundwater-model-in-coastal-aquifer-a-case-study-of-veraval-area-of-gujarat/ 2010-06-28 2018-11-19 S. Shoba, P. Niranjan, Marutheesha Reddy 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Salt water intrusion, or encroachment is defined by Freeze and Cherry (1979) as the migration of salt water into fresh water aquifers under the influence of ground water development. Most large sources of fresh groundwater are in close proximity to the sea, to natural bodies of saline groundwater or to salts from effluent wastes released by human activities. Saline water in aquifers may be derived from any of the following sources: Encroachment of seawater in coastal area



农药降解对棉花品种RCH2生长的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/effect-of-pesticide-degradation-on-the-growth-of-cotton-variety-rch2/ 2009-11-23 2018-11-02 Sarika Kanade, A.B. Ade, V.C. Khilare 第五卷,第1期

Introduction The pesticides are widely used in the agriculture and households throughout the world. The total pesticide consumption was estimated to 5 billion pounds by the year 2000-2001 (Report of US Environmental Protection Agency). In India the usage of pesticide is tremendous that is 46195.16 metric tones by the year 2000 (Report of Indian pesticide registration committee). The pesticides include various chemicals such as orgaanochlorides, organomercurials, organophosphates etc. These ar


农药以控制害虫而闻名,另一方面,它们对人类、动物、植物和微生物生命都是有害的。生物降解是一种有效的农药降解方法。与植物根际有关的促进植物生长的根瘤菌(Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria, PGPR)有利于农药在土壤中的降解。在本研究中,这些细菌被用于农药的降解。农药降解效果

印度农村家庭电气化SAPV系统的设计及生命周期成本分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/design-and-life-cycle-cost-analysis-of-a-sapv-system-to-electrify-a-rural-area-household-in-india/ 2010-03-17 2018-11-13 Mohd. Arif, M. Khan 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Photovoltaic (PV) energy production is recognized as an important part of the future energy generation mix.1&nbsp;Because it is non-polluting, free in its availability, and is of high reliability. Therefore, these facts make the PV energy resource attractive for many applications, especially in rural and remote areas of most of the developing countries.2 India lies in the sunny belt of the world. The scope for generating power and thermal applications using solar energy is



邻苯二甲酸酐与正丁醇的酯化反应 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/esterification-of-phthalic-anhydride-with-n-butanol-using-eco-friendly-solid-acid-catalyst-sulfamic-acid/ 2010-04-14 2018-11-13 M.S. Patil, V.D. Gurudasani, G.A. Usmani 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Sulfamic acid is strong mineral acid existing in crystalline form .It is cheap. It is used to clean equipments and vessels in food industry to remove deposits, scales and oxide films .It is also used to sulfonate organic substances like alcohol, phenol etc. As catalyst it can replace sulfuric acid which is widely used for esterification. Use of sulfamic acid as a catalyst for esterification has many advantages over sulphuric acid and other catalyst. Aim of present work was to inv


本研究涉及氨基磺酸作为邻苯二酸酐与正丁醇酯化反应催化剂的研究。考察了反应物摩尔比、催化剂用量、操作温度等不同操作参数对反应性能的影响。该工艺的最佳工艺参数为1:。邻苯二酸酐与正丁醇的摩尔比为2,催化剂浓度为6%(重量比)的反应混合物,反应温度为130 ~ 180℃

火腿苗中钠、钾、钙、镁的生物积累 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/bioaccumulation-of-sodium-potassium-calcium-and-magnesium-in-rohu-labeo-rohita-ham-fry/ 2009-05-11 2018-11-05 Anusaya Mallick, bc . Mohapatra, N. Sarangni 第五卷,第1期

Introduction The dissolved solids of water mass influence the chemical density of the environment; abundance and composition of the biotic community.&sup1;&nbsp;The alkaline and alkali earth metals are considered important in aquaculture ecosystem, but their amount if excess is harmful to the aquatic animals. Alkaline metals such as Li, Na, and K, and alkali-earth metal such as Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba and Ra have an approximately equal toxicity for fish.2&nbsp;Magnesium, calcium and


研究了印度淡水养殖重要物种罗虎(Labeo rohita, Ham.)鱼苗中Na、K、Ca、Mg等碱金属和碱土金属的生物积累。试验在实验室条件下进行,一次试验将罗虎蛋暴露至炒熟阶段;在另一个实验中,不同浓度的盐炒到高级炒阶段。氯化钠(0.15,1.5,15和150mg /l),氯化钾(0.015,0.15和1.5 mg/l),磁

关于Shivpuri区Karera和Narwar街区氟化物毒性的最新研究(mp) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/a-latest-study-for-toxicity-of-fluoride-in-karera-and-narwar-blocks-of-shivpuri-district-m-p/ 2010-06-22 2018-11-19 Meena Mourya, Manisha Sonel, Bhavana Ayachit, Sudhanshu Dwivedi 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Many of the states of India have alarmingly high concentration of fluoride in their water resources as reported in bulk of literature. The situation of Madhya Pradesh is also same like other states of the country. Excessive intake of fluoride leads to fluorosis which affects teeth and bones. Moderate amount lead to dental affects, but long term ingestion of large amount can lead to severe skeletal deformities called as skeletal fluorosis. Paradoxically low level of fluoride int


如果饮用水中的氟化物(F -)浓度超过允许限值(1.5mg/l),则会导致严重的人体健康危害,如骨骼和牙齿氟中毒,影响全世界数百万人。印度许多邦的水资源中氟化物浓度很高;中央邦就是其中之一。为了调查Shivpuri县(mpp)饮用水中的氟化物浓度,从Karera和

印度Gangtok土壤菌群的分离 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/isolation-of-soil-mycoflora-of-gangtok-india/ 2010-03-27 2018-11-01 Kavita Sharma, Rita Luka, Sandhya Lanjewar 第五卷,第1期

Introduction The quality and quantity of organic materials present in the soil have a direct effect on the fungal population of the soil. The development of microfungi is especially favoured by soils having an acidic reaction and where the aerobic condition is likely to be present near the surface. Fungi play a focal role in nutrient cycling by regulating soil biological activity. However the role at which organic matter is decomposed by the microbes is interrelated to the chemical composi


采用连续稀释法对甘托克地区土壤真菌菌群进行了分离,共鉴定出22种真菌146个菌落,其中烟曲霉(Aspergillus fumigatus)、黑曲霉(Aspergillus niger)占12.32%,黄曲霉(Aspergillus flavus)、绿曲霉(a.luchensis)、毛霉菌(Mucor sp.)占6.84%,球孢枝孢霉(Cladosporium sphaerspermum)占0.68%。真菌种类最多的是子囊菌门92个菌落,其次是后菌门29个菌落,结肠菌门18个菌落

贾尔冈市不同地区地下水的物理化学研究印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/physicochemical-studies-of-ground-water-at-different-areas-in-jalgaon-city-m-s-india/ 2010-04-27 2018-11-01 M.S. Mustaqeem, G.A. Usmani 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Water is the most vital source for all kinds of life on the earth.1 In India about 96 % of water resources is used for agriculture, 3% for domestic use and 1 % for industrial activity.2 In India ponds, rivers and ground waters are used for domestic and agriculture purposes. The quality of water may be described according to their physicochemical and microbiological characteristics.3 However contamination of ground water used for drinking purpose can affect public health.4 so th



真珠菌作为纺织工业废水污染土壤生物修复的候选植物 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/eudrilus-eugeniae-as-a-putative-candidate-for-textile-industry-effluent-polluted-soil-bioremediation/ 2010-06-22 2018-11-20 A. Veeramani, S. Kumar, M.S. Jaabir, C. Sivagandhi, R. Marimuthu, R. Ravikumar 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Textile industries consume large amount of water (60-4001/kg of fabric) and chemicals for wet processing.1&nbsp;The chemical reagents used in textile sector are diverse in chemical composition ranging from inorganic to organic. The inputs of wide range of chemicals, which, if not incorporated in the final products (fabric), become waste and turn out to be part of water ecology. Generally, textile effluent is colored, varying in hydraulic flow rate, having high; pH, temperatur



阿杰梅尔Anasagar湖部分淡水无脊椎动物的鉴定与分类 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/identification-and-classification-of-some-freshwater-invertebrates-in-anasagar-lake-of-ajmer/ 2010-04-19 2018-11-02 Praveen Mathur, Sangeeta Patan, Kriti Sharma, Yati Kachhawa 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Limnology is the study of hydrology that studies inland water (running and standing water, fresh and saline water), including their biological, physical, chemical, geological and hydrological aspects. This includes study of lake, pond, rivers, streams, wetland and ground water. Limnology: An interdisciplinary science with multifarious dimensions has emerged which deals with the study of structural and functional attributes of the lentic fresh water environment and problems associ

< p >,“Limnology&”,研究淡水环境的结构和功能属性及其相关问题,是一门多学科交叉的新兴学科。湖沼学对当今世界各地的公民具有巨大而普遍的意义。小溪、河流、湿地和湖泊是许多被称为大型无脊椎动物的小动物的家园。宏观无脊椎动物这个术语描述的是那些具有

古纳区Vijapur氮肥厂工业危险废物管理研究(mp)印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/industrial-hazardous-waste-management-studies-of-nitrogenous-chemical-fertilizer-factory-in-vijapur-district-guna-m-p-india/ 2009-12-04 2018-11-20 R.P. Prajapati, Anand Sharma, D.R. Tiwari 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Hazardous wastes are man made activities, and adversely impacts human life and environment. The adverse impacts caused due to the indiscriminate disposal of hazardous wates (HWs). A number of potentially hazardous chemicals are now produced as finished products or by products.More than six million known chemicals, used in different Indian industries. Management of hazardous wastes has become a major concern in India as haphazard dumping of hazardous wastes results in severe envir


氮肥工业产生高浓度的氨、尿素、空气排放(SOx、NOx和COx SPM)、ETP、污泥和废催化剂废物。维斋浦尔国家橄榄球联盟的这些工业危险废物被认为是剧毒的,因此处理这些废物需要适当注意,以减少可能的环境危害。工业的发展导致该国产生了大量的危险废物。危险废物管理(HWM)是一个非常重要的是

太阳能炊具的能源分析和碳信用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/energy-analysis-and-carbon-credit-earned-by-solar-cooker/ 2010-05-25 2018-11-05 Mohd. Arif, M. Khan, A. Chandra 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Cooking is major necessity for people all over the world. The problem arises when fuel is either scarce or highly expensive. The problems are encountered more pronounced in the developing countries, and particularly in villages and rural areas. Cooking accounts for a major share of energy consumption in developing countries. Most of the cooking energy requirement is met by non-commercial fuels such as firewood, agricultural residues or animal dung in rural areas. The cutting of f


本章对箱式太阳灶不同负荷的显热进行了评价。根据《京都议定书》减少二氧化碳、节省常规燃料和获得碳信用额也进行了估计。并对不同常规燃料的投资回收期进行了估计。如果这类项目只在印度20%的农村地区安装,那么该系统每年获得的碳信用额为4.15亿美元(19.9亿卢比)。 绿色木霉与某些农药的相容性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/studies-on-the-compatibility-of-trichoderma-viride-with-certain-agro-chemicals/ 2010-03-17 2018-11-01 Kranthi Gampala, Rajasekhar Pinnamaneni 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Biocontrol agents are safe and environmental friendly alternatives for pesticides in agriculture application. Trichoderma viride performed a high level of antagonistic activity toward a broad spectrum of phytopathogens and was determined as a biocontrol agent. Trichoderma viride is a filamentous fungus that is widely distributed in the soil, plant material, decaying vegetation, and wood that can be used as a bio fungicide1,2. It is used for seed and soil treatment for suppression


绿色木霉是一种对多种植物病原菌具有拮抗作用的生物防治剂。绿色木霉与化肥和农药的相容性更好,可以安全地与任何作物提供主要营养的化肥一起使用。最新的杀虫剂,Lambda cyhalothrin(第二代合成拟除虫菊酯),比传统杀虫剂更具相容性。如果真菌与这些化学品混合,产生的效果可能不严重。 工业发展引起的环境污染的生理不良效应 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/physiological-ill-effect-of-environmental-pollution-due-to-industrial-developments/ 2010-06-05 2018-11-20 B.M. Kalshetty, R.C. Sheth, M.C. Sangannavar, M.B. Kalashetti 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Sound pressures and physiological effect, awareness, the basic principle of noise control are education of the general pollution, effective legislation, control of noise at source and its transmission and the use of personal protective devices. The ignorant workers working in such quarry blasting. The Central Pollutions Control Board (CPCB) has asked for a ban on all crackers with a noise level of 90dBA and above. It has also recommended that no one should be allowed burn crac

.. 现代生活产生了一种新的污染形式,叫做噪音污染。毫无疑问,噪声是一种正常的生活现象,被认为是人类物理环境中最有效的报警系统之一。这是一个潜在的严重信号,对环境健康造成严重影响。由于工业、机械和科技的发展,现代文明制造了越来越多的噪音。据报道,工厂内的噪音会对健康造成危害

公众参与环境决策,特别参考拉贾斯坦邦的项目 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/public-participation-in-environmental-decision-making-with-special-reference-to-project-in-rajasthan/ 2010-06-29 2018-11-09 Praveen Mathur, Kriti Sharma, Yati Kachhawa, Sangeeta Patan 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Development, is the process of producing or creating something new or more advanced; a new or advanced product- according to the Oxford learners&rsquo; dictionary. Development has spread to different parts of the world, though its scale varies with each country. &ldquo;One of the fundamental prerequisites of the achievement of sustainable development&rdquo;, says Chapter 23 of Agenda 21 (the programmatic declaration emerging from the 1992 Rio de Janeiro UN Conferen



典型城市土壤理化和微生物学特征的初步研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/a-preliminary-study-of-some-physico-chemical-and-microbiological-characteristics-of-a-typical-urban-soil/ 2010-02-04 2018-11-13 Malika Pal, Archana Lalwani, Raksha Chauhan 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Soil is an organized mixture of organic matter, living organisms, air and water. Various types of soils are found in town and cities.1&nbsp;Diffuse soil contamination has often been neglected in scientific literature, as most studies focus on contaminants from point-sources (either of industrial or agricultural origin). However, soil pollution from diffuse sources is recognized as one of the major soil threats. Deliberate disposal and spills from point sources have caused e


表层土壤是各种土壤形成因素风化的最终产物,这些因素涉及气候和生物对特定土壤母质的作用。城市土壤污染及其影响或城市土壤的特征尚未得到应有的重视。弥漫性污染是该地区土壤污染的重要来源。到达土壤的污染物会扰乱其结构并改变其物理化学性质。他们还< / p > . . 古吉拉特邦南部河流的偶像浸泡和理化性质 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/idol-immersion-and-physico-chemical-properties-of-south-gujarat-rivers/ 2010-02-26 2018-11-09 G.M. Malik, V.H. Raval, S.K. Zadafiya, A.V. Patel 第五卷,第1期

Introduction An idol of Lord Ganesh is worshipped with all rituals during this Ganesh-chaturthi. The time span of festival may vary from one and half day to five days, seven days or ten days also and idol are immersed in lotic or lantic water bodies. We have carried out study in South Gujarat where Ganesh idol immersion takes place in huge quantity with full of rejoice, but due to that water quality gets affected at alarming rate. For such pollution effects by idol immersion many researches h


Ganesh chaturthi是印度庆祝的主要节日之一,它是印度西部最著名的节日。每年在预定的时间后,将偶像浸入水体中。随着人口的增加,偶像浸没程度的增加,水体的有限性导致了水污染的增加,这是一个令人担忧的状况。本研究于2009年在古jar南部不同城市共确定了5个偶像浸没地点的采样站点。 卡纳塔克邦比贾布尔水资源水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/water-quality-assessment-of-resources-of-bijapur-karnataka/ 2010-06-18 2018-11-19 S.C. Hiremath, M.S. Yadawe, U.S. Pujeri, D.M. Hiremat, A.S. Pujar 第五卷,第1期

Introduction The ever growing demands for water resources coupled with the rate at which much of the earths fresh waters are being adversely affected by human activities, demonstrate a developing crisis in the not too distinct future if environmental water resources are not appropriately managed.1&nbsp;Bijapur is not an exception to this future crisis. Indeed, Bijapur with an average rain fall of 553 mm with 37.2 rainy days, is a city located in an area that suffers critically from a shor


对比贾普尔市地下水的理化参数进行了季节性评价,以研究水质和生活用水的适宜性。Talabs(湖泊),Bowdis(水井)(由Adil Shahi Sultans在16和17世纪建造)和钻孔井是城市的水资源。在2009年夏季、雨季和冬季从不同地点的不同来源采集了10份样本。考察了pH、EC、TDS、浊度、F

非常规能源,绿色就业来源:全球视角和印度情景 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/unconventional-energy-source-green-jobs-global-perspective-and-indian-scenario/ 2010-04-30 2018-11-13 Dinesh Agarwal, Vibha Agarwal, Deepak paliwal 第五卷,第1期

Introduction In the last few decades, use of conventional energy has come under increasing attack for causing environmental pollution such as acid &ndash; rain, green house effect. Inevitably attention has been focused on alteration of these energy sources for producing electricity in the folk of reducing environmental pollution. The renewable energy source in particular, have received special attention because they do not have fuel cycle and are regarded as environmentally more benign. R


非常规能源系统通常具有初始成本高的特点&与较低的初始成本相比,维护成本低常规系统运行成本高。该制度的比较是基于用户的货币出口,忽略了非& & &;经济因素,如社会,环境地位价值,新颖性价值,摆脱公用电网等,投资非常规能源将降低长期成本。永恒的酸< / p > . . 从淡水双壳类动物中分离的p53蛋白或其同源物作为污染标志物 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/use-of-p53-protein-or-its-homologues-isolated-from-freshwater-bivalves-as-a-pollution-marker/ 2010-03-23 2018-11-19 Madhav V. Upadhye, Sonal Manohar, Ujwala Jadhav 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Bivalve mussels are important ecological, economical and cultural components of many aquatic communities. Being filter-feeders, they transfer energy to higher trophic levels and are used as monitors of water quality and contaminants.1 p53 protein is product of p53 gene which is a tumor suppressor gene that is fundamental in cell cycle control and apoptosis. Habitat pollution induced mutations in p53 have been shown to cause leukemia in soft-shelled clams Mya arenaria inhabitin


p53是一种肿瘤抑制基因,在细胞周期调控和细胞凋亡中起重要作用。瓦楞双壳类动物是印度次大陆淡水生态系统的重要组成部分。本研究试图检验从滤食性贻贝中提取和分离的p53蛋白及其同源物;可作为污染标志。< / p > . . 评估路边环境空气污染 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/assessment-of-roadside-ambient-air-pollution/ 2010-04-14 2018-11-13 Shyamli Singh, Saurav Chakraborty 第五卷,第1期

Introduction One of the important environmental problems as the consequence of the development growth is the air pollution. Air is required as a resource for life, therefore it is indispensable for us to check and control its contamination due to human activities. The increase in transport sector in the last few years has promoted a rise of the atmospheric pollution in the cities, becoming one of the main problems. Motor vehicles and other types of gasoline powered transportation as wel



喀尔巴县表层水体系统季风前重金属含量评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/premonsoon-assessment-of-heavy-metals-in-surface-aquatic-system-of-korba-district-c-g/ 2010-01-29 2018-11-09 Ramesh Janjala, Ashish Mishra, M.M. Vaishnav 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Natural water resources are essential for the survive, existence and development of the human being. The main water sources are surface, grounds and rain water. Safe water, like air and food the primary need of flora and fauna system, without it any type life can&rsquo;t sustained. In earlier time either waster sources ground and rain considered as the purest form of water. Now, due to large industrialization, over mining , anthropogenic activities uncontrolled population, in



瓦拉纳西排入瓦鲁纳河的污水的物理化学分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/physico-chemical-analysis-of-sewage-discharged-into-varuna-river-at-varanasi/ 2010-04-16 2018-11-09 Shikha Singh, K.N. Singh 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Water is the prime necessity for all living beings. The study of degradation of water quality is prime importance because it affects both aquatic and terrestrial lives. Water of Varuna river flowing through Varanasi district of Uttar Pradesh, is extensively used for drinking, bathing, toilet flushing kitchen, laundry uses, lawn watering, automobile and washing etc. municipal, agricultural and industrial purposes. The average urban consumption of water in urban areas is estimated



与水生生物相关的丹河理化参数研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/study-of-physico-chemical-parameters-of-dham-river-in-consequence-with-aquatic-life/ 2010-03-19 2018-11-09 N.P. Mohabansi, P.V. Tekade, V.B. Patil, S.V. Bawankar 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Rivers are lifeline of living beings and constitute an integral part of both rural and urban community as a source of drinking water and fish culture.There are 14 major rivers in India that share 83% of the total drainage basin and contribute 85% of the total surface flow.Water used by the consumers must be free from disease causing bacteria, toxic substance and excessive amount of minerals &amp; organic matter.1 The district Wardha is situated 76 Km away from Nagpur (M.S.


对瓦尔达区(ms)的达姆河水进行了研究,以考察其对水生生物和家庭用途的适宜性。样本来自三个站点,即Pavnar Ashram (S1), Ghorad (S2)和amp;amp;收集Morchapur (S3)。参照ISI对数据进行了分析。世界卫生组织的标准。经调查,该水可安全用于家庭用水。从pH值、密度、表面张力、粘度、电导率、

瓦楞伞虫组织微生物学分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/microbiological-analysis-of-tissues-of-parreysia-corrugata/ 2010-05-01 2018-11-20 Madhav V. Upadhye, Rajesh Patil, Ujwala Jadhav 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Bivalves are filter feeding organisms which have the ability to uptake, accumulate and concentrate particulate matter from their surrounding environments. This capability of bivalves to uptake and concentrate the fecal coliforms (FC) from the surrounding waters can be used for the benefit of the society and assessment of public health. Use of molluscs as biological monitors for FC may be advantageous because it may provide a concentrated microbiological sample reflecting the bact


从马哈拉施特拉邦两个地点采集的淡水贝类水样和组织中分离和枚举了指示水污染的粪便大肠菌计数。结果表明,南岸样地污染严重,南岸样地无明显污染。< / p > . . 象铁果壳对刚果红的吸附效果评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/evaluation-of-adsorption-efficiency-of-ferronia-elephantum-fruit-shell-for-congo-red-retrieveal-from-aqueous-solution/ 2010-05-31 2018-10-30 U.E. Chaudhari 第五卷,第1期

Introduction The retrieval of color from industrial effluent is a major problem as restriction become more stringent. Effluents from textile pulp and paper industries are highly colored due to residual dyes, and thus lower the aesthetic value structure and are toxic and harmful for aquatic and human life. The presence of color in water inhibits the growth of aquatic fauna and flora by reducing light penetration. Various techniques such as chemical Coagulation Bio &ndash; sorption, Oxidati

.. 采用间歇吸附法研究了刚果红在铁叶果壳(FEFS)上的吸附。操作变量为pH值,初始染料浓度,接触时间。研究了吸附等温线(Langmuir和Freundlich)和吸附动力学模型。FEFS的吸附量随温度的升高而增大。对吸附的热力学参数“G、“H和“S进行了评价。

马哈拉施特拉邦瓦尔达市戈普瑞地区饮用水水质监测 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/monitoring-of-drinking-water-quality-of-gopuri-region-of-wardha-city-maharashtra/ 2010-03-02 2018-11-09 J.R. Bajoria, A.K. Satone, R.B. Turale, P.V. Tekade, N.P. mohabanansi 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Wardha is an important city in India due to &ldquo;Bapu-Kuti&rdquo; of Mahatma Gandhi. The Gitai Nagar area (Gopuri) is of historical importance being surrounded by Gitai Mandir &amp; Vishwa Shanti Stoop. Water is one of the most precious gifts of nature to mankind. A mark deterioration in water has been noticed in number of locations in the study area. Physicochemical studies on bore well water of Dohod, Gujarat were studied1. Water quality depends on Efficacy of dis


对历史地区的水样进行了研究,从瓦尔达的Gopuri (m.s.s)进行了研究,以检查其在家庭用途中的可移植性。来自三个不同地方的样品分别是:Gitai Nagar (S1), Snehal Nagar (S2) &收集Laxmi Nagar (S3)。对其理化参数进行了研究。对参数进行了分析&与美国公共卫生协会(APHA)规定的标准值进行比较世界卫生组织。< / p > . . 博帕尔甘地纳加尔地区饮用水的物理化学分析,特别参考污染 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol5no1/physicochemical-analysis-of-drinking-water-of-gandhi-nagar-area-of-bhopal-with-special-reference-to-pollution/ 2010-04-08 2018-11-20 H.C. Kataria, Santosh Ambhore 第五卷,第1期

Introduction Bhopal is the capital of Madhya Pradesh. Water samples of bore &ndash; wells water are collected in 2 litre clean polythene Jerry &ndash; cane after flushing the bore &ndash; wells to analyse. The procedure has adopted as prescribed by APHA (1985)1 NEERI (1986).4&nbsp;Pre &ndash; sterilized bottles a used to collect the D.O. &amp; B.O.D. samples, Temperature pH of water samples has measured at the sampling stations, In the present study temperature varied

.. < p >物理,mdash;钻孔的化学分析;对博帕尔市甘地纳加尔地区2008-09年不同季节的水井饮用水进行了研究。一个季节两次读数,观察分析不同的参数:温度,pH, EC,游离CO2,氯化物,总碱度,硬度,钙和灰分;H和m & &;H、结果在26 & &;29.5,度;6.8, mdash;7.8 220 –988 μ mhos /cm, 0 & nash; 32.8,
