当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 查谟恒河猴母子关系的行为模式 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/behavioural-pattern-showing-mother-infant-relationship-in-rhesus-monkey-in-jammu-jk/ 2009-08-10 2018-11-06 Poonam Sambyal, Sanjeev Kumar, D.N. Sahi 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Rhesus mother and infant relationship is the most intimate and long lasting of all the relationships Rowell et al.,1 (1964). The infants of rhesus monkeys begin life completely dependent on their mother for survival, receiving all nourishment, physical warmth and other basic biological support from her Harlow et al.,2 (1963), Hinde and Spencer-Booth3 (1967). Rhesus mothers are usually very restrictive as they restrict the movements and social contacts of their infants from approa


本通讯涉及表现恒河猴母亲与婴儿关系的行为模式。这项研究是对一个由152人组成的部队进行了为期一年的研究,该部队居住在巴胡堡地区,该地区位于查谟,查谟,K邦的塔威河沿岸海拔325米的小山丘上。调查显示,成年恒河猴母亲表现出各种积极的母性活动(如拥抱、梳理、目光接触、接近等)。 博帕尔RGPV丘陵场址10kw水平轴风力发电机转子的数学模拟与能量估算(以实例为例) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/mathematical-simulation-and-energy-estimation-of-10-kw-horizontal-axis-wind-turbine-rotor-at-hilly-site-of-rgpv-bhopal-case-study/ 2009-08-20 2018-10-29 Nilesh Diwakar, Subramanyam Ganesan, Siraj Ahmed, V.K. Sethi 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Energy extraction from wind involves very complex technology and dynamic nature of wind with continuous changing direction and speed has made the procedure more cumbersome1. The effects of drag and tip-losses should be taken into account for optimum design and peak performance prediction. Instead of conventional trial and error method to reach maximum elemental power coefficient at a radial station, it should be reached directly through analytical approach2. A relationship among



研究与发展指数(RDI)作为经济发展的一个指标 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/research-and-development-index-rdi-as-an-indicator-for-economic-development/ 2009-12-22 2018-10-29 E.M.R. Kiremire 第四卷,第二期

Introduction It has been said many times over that Science and Technology is the engine of economic gowth1. Yet there has not a simple formula that correlates economic growth with science and technology or research and development. This paper is an attempt to develop a simple mathematical formula that relates economic development to research and development. Formulating a module of an economic development based on Research and Development (R&D). Fundamental Principle 1 Huma


建立了一个将经济发展与研究开发联系起来的简单公式。一个国家从事越多的科学研究和开发,它的经济就越发达。研究与发展指数(RDI)也已建立。RDI可以作为衡量一个国家经济发展水平的良好指标。也就是说,一个国家是非常发达、中等发达还是欠发达。< / p > . . 在国际和印度服务业背景下理解全面质量管理(文献综述) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/understanding-total-quality-management-in-context-international-and-indian-service-industry-a-literature-review/ 2009-12-19 2018-10-26 Namish Mehta, Prakash Verma, Nitin Seth 第四卷,第二期

Introduction With the accelerated pace of change in the 21st Century as a result of technological opportunities, liberalization of world markets, demands for innovation, quality and speed, both manufacturing and service organizations need to readjust and realign their operations to counter all these challenges. This pace of change has increasingly forced organizations to be more outward looking, market oriented and knowledge driven. Useful tool that can help businesses build strong capabiliti



对滴滴涕需求的评估(以赞比亚为例) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/an-assessment-of-the-demand-for-ddt-a-case-study-for-zambia/ 2009-08-31 2018-11-06 塞缪尔·班达,阿洛伊修斯·蒙迪亚 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Pesticides are chemicals that have widely been acknowledged to be useful to man in a variety of ways that include a sure grantee for food supply via control of unwanted weeds and pests, safeguard for public health via eradication or reduction of harmful pests, to protection of buildings from termite attack and so on. DDT, referred to according to its trivial name, Dichloro Diphenyl Trichloroethane, as a chemical, is classified as an organochlorine, or chlorocarbon; that is, a



从制药土壤样品中分离的芽孢杆菌和短支杆菌对苯酚和萘的生物修复作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/bioremediation-of-phenol-and-naphthalene-by-bacillus-species-and-brachybacterium-species-isolated-from-pharma-soil-sample/ 2009-11-12 2018-11-06 A.M. Velmurugan, C. Arunachalam 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Chemicals are part of the modern life. They are part of all spheres of human life and used as pharmaceuticals, pesticides, detergents, fertilizers, dyes, preservatives, food additives etc. Pharmaceutical wastes produced on a daily basis may be land filled provided that they are dispersed in large quantities of general waste. Cytotoxic and narcotic drugs, however, should never be land filled, even in small quantities. Mild liquid or semi-liquid pharmaceuticals, such as solutions c


在本研究中,土壤样本收集自制药工业,即Sai Meera制药公司,金奈。筛选样品,在含有10 mg苯酚和萘的矿物琼脂培养基中分离出10个菌落,命名为P1 ~ P10。筛选的菌落在含酚和萘的液体微量培养基中富集5天。富集菌落在含有较多酚和萘的矿物琼脂板上对po

气候因素在沙特阿拉伯吉达省埃及伊蚊季节性丰度和登革热病例中的作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/role-of-climatic-factors-in-the-seasonal-abundance-of-aedes-aegypti-l-and-dengue-fever-cases-in-jeddah-province-of-saudi-arabia/ 2009-12-24 2018-11-09 Khalid Al-Ghamdi, Masroor khan, Jazem Mahyoub 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Climate change has a direct influence on human health. Apart from affecting the human health climate change also influences the vector of infectious diseases. Climate change and its influence on the vectors of infectious diseases has been a subject of serious debate and study (Shope, 1991). Most of the mosquitoes are sensitive to climate and primary vectors for many diseases. The primary vector for dengue fever virus transmission to humans is Aedes species. The global warming



环境水样不同参数分离军团菌的研究。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/studies-of-environmental-water-samples-for-different-parameters-for-isolation-of-legionella-spp/ 2009-10-03 2018-11-09 Shubhra Shukla, Sanjeev Shukla, Jose Mathew, Deepak Sharma 第四卷,第二期

Introduction These include air conditioning cooling towers or evaporative condensers1-4. It has also been isolated from surface water from a stream, from mud from a stream bottom5, and from lake waters not associated with epidemics. In its natural environment, the bacterium resides within freshwater amoebas such as Acanthamoeba and Hartmenella, but the organism can also infect humans upon the inhalation of contaminated aerosols. Invasion and replication in alveolar macrophages can lead to pne


嗜肺军团菌经常从军团病患者中分离出来,在一些情况下也从与流行病有关的环境样本中分离出来。建立了一种选择培养基,并成功地从环境标本中分离出嗜肺军团菌和军团菌样生物。嗜肺军团菌是一种革兰氏阴性的兼性细胞内细菌,是军团病的病原体'疾病。这个medium con

中央邦曼迪迪普工业区工业废水对贝特瓦河水质的环境影响评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/environmental-impact-assessment-of-industrial-effluents-on-water-quality-of-betwa-river-discharged-from-mandideep-industrial-area-in-madhya-pradesh/ 2009-12-19 2018-11-09 Vandana Magarde, S.A. Iqbal, Subrata Pani, Neelofar Iqbal 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Water is the basic and primary need of all vital life processes and it is now well established that the life first arose in aquatic environment. Ever since the pre-historic times man has been intimately associated with water and the evidences of past civilization that all historic human settlements were developed around inland freshwater resources have conclusively proved it. Even today it is the major consideration for all socio-economic cultural, industrial and technological de


本研究于2007年在靠近Mandideep工业区的Betwa河进行,以评估工业废水和生活污水对河流水质的影响。在为期一年的研究中记录的观测结果表明,河流在某些地区受到污染,记录的BOD和COD值相对较高。< / p > . . 改性椰壳炭作为吸附剂去除水中的铁 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/removal-of-iron-from-water-using-modified-coconut-shell-charcoal-as-adsorbent/ 1970-01-01 2018-11-03 k . Beenakumari 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Iron is one of the major impurities that is commonly found in many sources of water. Iron deposited in the distribution system may promote the growth of microorganisms leading to high contamination in drinking water.1&nbsp;Iron pipes may release corroded iron in water. Chlorine and Bleaching powder added to drinking water as a germicide, oxidizes and corrodes iron. The iron content is prescribed to 0.3 ppm or less as a drinking water quality standard.2 Although iron is an



人口增长与环境压力(综述) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/population-growth-and-environmental-stress-a-review/ 2009-11-30 2018-10-29 Jamil Ahmad 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Population is an impor tant source of development, but it is also a major source of environmental degradation when it exceeds the threshold limits of the support systems. Population impacts on the environment primarily through the use of natural resources and production of wastes and is associated with environmental stresses like loss of biodiversity, air and water pollution and increased pressure on arable land. India supports 17 per cent of the world population on just 2.4 per



印度泰米尔纳德邦,泰米尔纳德邦,泰米尔纳德邦,泰米尔纳德邦,泰米尔纳德邦,柯韦里河Uyyakondon河道河岸地下水理化特征的季节变化。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/seasonal-variation-in-physico-chemical-characteristics-of-ground-water-on-the-bank-uyyakondon-channel-of-river-cauvery-at-tiruchirappalli-tamil-nadu-india/ 2009-10-02 2018-11-09 A. Abdul Jameel, A. hussain 第四卷,第二期

Introduction&nbsp; Water plays an indispensable role in every species that survive in this world and is required by all living organisms for their existence. Though water is a renewable resource, reckless usage and improper management water system may cause serious problems in availability and quality of water. Water may be contaminated by various means, chemically and biologically and become unfit for dr inking and other uses. The increasing industrialization, urbanization, agricultural


水样上的地下水水质在两侧靠近河堤处采集,另外两个水样在靠近河堤处采集。距离航道5个电台公里。这项研究是在2003年夏季和雨季进行的。对样品进行了理化分析。地下水站碱度、TDS、TH、Na、No3、BOD、COD较高。< / p > . . 考克斯巴扎尔卡拉托利海岸和虾孵化场水质评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/assessment-of-water-quality-at-kalatoly-coast-and-a-shrimp-hatchery--coxs-bazar/ 2009-09-12 2018-10-26 Sheikh Aftab Uddin, Md. Abdul Kader, Abuhena Mustafa Kamal, Ayesha Akhtar, Md. Shahadat Hossain 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Shrimp farming in Bangladesh play a key role in the national economy since the early 1990s. Shrimp farming is practiced in Bangladesh as monostock of the black tiger shrimp Penaeus monodon (Uddin and Kader, 2006). Before 1990s, shrimp farmers only stocked natural post larvae and harvested the marketable size of shrimps while the culture system was totally dependent on natural seed supply. At present, the entire culture of tiger shrimps almost depends on hatchery produced post lar



造纸厂废水对马尾鱼染色体的遗传毒性作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/genotoxic-effect-of-paper-mill-effluent-on-chromosomes-of-fish-channa-punctatus/ 2009-11-13 2018-11-09 M.K. Malik, Parmesh Kumar, Reenu Seth, S. Rishi 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Intensive industrialization has led to the introduction of a large number of chemicals in the biosphere, the habitat of all living beings, including man. The industrial units drain their effluents directly into the water bodies which pose a serious threat to the aquatic flora and fauna. The industrial effluents carry many toxic substances which are capable of affecting the genetic material of the organisms, leading to immediate and inherited mutation. A variety of somatic disease


不同类型工业单位的污水排放对水生动植物构成严重威胁。鱼类作为封闭水环境的居民,可以作为评估水环境中混合化学物质影响的有用模型。在本研究中,对库鲁克谢特拉一家造纸厂排出的污水对淡水鱼马尾鱼的遗传毒性效应进行了测试。这些鱼分别暴露在污水中24、48、72和96小时。remarkabl < / p > . . 古吉拉特邦Borsad和Anklav taluka地区地下水水质参数 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/quality-parameters-of-ground-waters-in-borsad-and-anklav-taluka--dist--anand--gujarat-/ 2009-10-16 2018-10-26 Shailesh Shah 第四卷,第二期

Introduction The portion of the water seeping into soil in excess of that held as film surrounding soil particles continues its downward passage until it reaches an impervious stratum at which point it tends to accumulate. The geological stratum super imposed upon the impervious layer then becomes saturated, and is known as the zone of saturation. The upper level of the saturated stratum is called the water table. The depth of the water table below the surface varies widely. A formation, whic


本研究涉及印度古吉拉特邦阿南德地区Borsad和Anklav taluka村地下水质量参数。通过考察各种理化参数对地下水水质进行了评价。2008年5月、2008年9月、2009年4月和2009年8月在Borsad和Anklav taluka不同村庄采集了28份地下水(井)样本。理化参数如温度、PH、TDS、DO、总硬度、

查谟(Jandamp;K) 3个淡水池塘理化评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/physico-chemical-assessment-of-three-freshwater-ponds-of-jammu-jk/ 2009-08-11 2018-11-09 K.K. Sharma, Shvetambri , Preeti Verma, Surinder Sharma 第四卷,第二期

Introduction The physico-chemical parameters, a reflection of the health of an aquatic ecosystem, are of immense significance in determining the trophic status of aquatic habitats. With its implications on the biological processes, abiotic parameters determine the planktonic and neustonic community structure thereby influencing the food chains and food web in natural waters. So, a detailed analysis of the same is always wanting, and consequently, hydrobiologists throughout the globe have alwa


乌达姆普尔区曼萨尔湖及其周边地区的越冬鸟类(Jandamp;K) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/wintering-birds-in-and-around-the-vicinity-of-lake-mansar-district-udhampur-jk/ 2009-10-02 2018-11-09 Deepti Kotwal, Sanjeev Kumar, D.N. Sahi 第四卷,第二期

Introduction India is known to be one of the 12 most important mega diversity centers of the world. India with varied habitats harbours a rich bird life. Aves constitute the most important phylum of animal kingdom. Avifauna is an important biological resource and a component of natural ecosystem. The Indian region with varied habitat harbours an incredibly rich bird life. Moreover, birds were regarded as the indicators of environment. The study of bird communities has been a major area of res



生物医学废物管理与处理者面临的风险 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/biomedical-waste-management-vis-a-vis-risks-to-handlers/ 2009-11-09 2018-11-09 M.K. Mishra, S.K. Likhar, K.S. Likhar 第四卷,第二期

Introduction &quot;Bio-Medical Waste&quot; according to Biomedical Waste (Management and Handling) Rules, 1998 of India, means any waste which is generated during the diagnosis, treatment or immunization of human beings or animals or in research activities per taining thereto or in the production or testing of biologicals. Safe management of Health Care Waste is the process to ensure proper hospital hygiene and safety of health care workers and communities. Towards achieving this t



西塔普拉工业区工业废水水环境的季节变化(2007年季风前和季风季节) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/seasonal-variation-in-the-aquatic-environment-of-industrial-effluents-of-sitapura-industrial-area-pre-monsoon-and-monsoon-season-2007/ 2009-10-14 2018-11-09 Rajni Agarawal, S. Sharma, U. Jha 第四卷,第二期

Introduction The industries, which are burgeoning at a fast rate, produce about 55,000 million m3 of waste water per day, out of which 68.5 million m3 is discharged into rivers and streams.1&nbsp;Resulting the degradation of water resources, urban pollution increases rapidly by industrial development. Industrialization and urbanization lead to generation of large volumes of waste water from domestic, commercial and industrial purposes. The industrial effluent from Sitapura Industrial Area


对斋浦尔Sitapura工业区在季风前和季风季节的工业废水水质变化进行了对比研究。对工业废水样品进行了pH、电导率、总溶解固体、总悬浮固体、总固体、钠、钾、氯化物、硝酸盐、硬度、总碱度、硫酸盐、磷酸盐、氟化物、化学需氧量和溶解氧等参数的分析。 德里四个地点地下水的理化和元素分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/physio-chemical-and-elemental-analysis-of-ground-water-of-four-locations-of-delhi/ 2009-10-03 2018-10-26 Shikha Bisht, B.A. Patra 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Delhi, situated at the bank of Yamuna river, between the latitudes 280 12&#39; -280 53&#39; N and the longitudes 760 50&#39;- 770 23&#39;, is one of the important business centers of India and thickly populated as well&sup1;. Average water consumption in Delhi is estimated at being 240 liters per capita per day (lpcd), the highest in the country&sup2;. This demand for drinking water is supplied by the Delhi Jal Board and is wholly provided or partially sub

.. 在4月至5月期间,对来自德里不同地区的四个地下水(钻孔)样本进行了物理化学和元素研究。水质参数如pH、总溶解固体(TDS)、总碱度(TA)、总硬度(TH)、氯化物(Cl-)、硫酸盐(SO42)、硝酸盐(NO3-)、氟化物(F-)、钙(Ca2+)、镁(Mg2+)、铝(Al)、硼(B)、锌(Zn)、硒(Se)、锰(Mn)、铁(Fe)、铬(Cr)、铜(Cu)、铅(Pb)、镉(Cd)、

铁铁果壳:从水溶液中去除铅(II)的载体 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/ferronia-elefuntum-fruit-shell-a-carrier-for-the-removal-of-pb-ii-from-aqueous-solution/ 2009-10-01 2018-10-27 U.E. Chaudhari 第四卷,第二期

Introduction The Twentieth century star ted with an extensive damage to the natural resources&sup1;. Unplanned industrialization, urbanization, pollution explosion, change in life-style, over exploitation of natural resources, commercial establishment and modern agricultural practices have degraded the quality of environment. The main effects being faced are: &bull; Continental invasion of air and water. &bull; Marine pollution through waste discharges. &bull; Release of va


利用铁果壳对铅(II)的去除进行了研究。对吸附效率进行了评价。考察了pH、接触时间、吸附剂用量、金属浓度、粒径、温度等因素对吸附效果的影响。结果表明,吸附过程遵循Langmuir等温线和Freundlich等温线。热力学参数表明了该工艺的可行性。为了了解吸附机理,进行了动力学研究。列圣< / p > . . 污水培养的小Lemna对混合饲料饲养的亚洲毛藻生长的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/effect-of-sewage-cultured-lemna-minor-on-growth-of-mollinesia-latipinna-fed-on-mixed-diets/ 1970-01-01 2018-11-09 D. Radhika, C. Veerabahu, M. Marippandi 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Fish, orange molly M. latipinna is one of the most attractive and economically important among the aquarium fishes . They are marketed all over the world and yield foreign exchange to some extent. Formation of a suitable feed for fishes has become important for potential aquaculture practice and many authors have studied the effects of nutrition on growth of fishes (Mathavan 1976, Degani et al.,1985; Wahlam &amp; Shephared 1988; Khan and Jafri 1994; Kim et al., 1996.) but l


采用对照饲料(F1)、生Lemna掺入饲料(F2)和分解Lemna掺入饲料(F3) 3种不同饲料,研究污水培养的小Lemna对亚洲Mollinesia latipinna生长的影响。采用污水养殖小扁豆制备饲料,饲喂分解后的扁豆掺入饲料的试验动物具有较高的产量(0.205)、毛生长效率(11.08%)、净生长效率(11.39%)、同化效率(97.31)和代谢

工业和城市污水灌溉农田中重金属的积累 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/accumulation-of-heavy-metal-in-agricultural-field-irrigated-with-sewage-water-in-industrial-and-municipal-area/ 2009-12-05 2018-11-09 R.K. PANDEY, AMIT DWIVEDI 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Soil is essential for the survival of the living world, especially for human population. Wrong agricultural practices deteriorate the soil quality Rapid industrialization and urbanization during recent years have threatened the soil environment through consequences of pollution.1&nbsp;The physico- chemical and biological properties of soil govern the gaseous balance, water transfer, plant growth and decomposition of complex organic substance in it. Any alternation in these pr


2007-2008年期间,在Etah区和Kanshiram nagar区的工业区和城区附近的农业区进行了一项研究,以了解由于使用工业和城市污水灌溉而导致的土壤重金属的性质和程度。由于水源简单、无污染,采样区农民采用污水灌溉。对污水样品的颜色、PH值、电导率、总固体含量和重金属

印度卡纳塔克邦曼迪亚市选定井饮用水氟化物含量的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/study-of-fluoride-content-in-drinking-water-of-selected-bore-wells-in-mandya-city-of-karnataka-india/ 2009-08-24 2018-10-29 C.S. Kumar, S. Chandraju 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Mandya district is generally called as &quot;sugar city&quot; of Karnataka; since sugarcane is major crop of the district. The city has a very high heritage for its cultural and historical backgrounds. A famous Mysore sugar factory is located in the city. Krishna Raja Sagar (KRS) dam, historical temples at Melukote, Tippu palace at Sr iranga patna, Vaidyanatheshwara temple, Athmalingeshwara temple etc are situated in Mandya district. Water is most common and impor tant


Mandya地区的主要农业和家庭用水来自Krishna Raja Sagar水库。即便如此,曼迪亚市大部分地区的居民仍然主要依靠井水来满足家庭和小型工业的需求,尤其是在夏季。因此存在大量的井眼。对2009年1月曼迪亚市及周边地区选取的25口井水进行了氟化物含量分析。研究表明,氟浓度

乙烯二胺四乙酸(EDTA)和硝基三乙酸(NTA)负载gac吸附去除水中二价锰 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/removal-of-divalent-manganese-from-water-by-adsorption-using-gac-loaded-with-ethylene-di-amine-tetra-acetic-acid-edta-and-nitrilo-tri-acetic-acid-nta/ 2009-10-01 2018-10-29 U. E. Chaudhari 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Water is a Prime natural resource and is a basic human need. It is available in nature as surface water and ground water through the self purification mechanisms like physical, chemical and microbiological processes at natural bodies are carried out in nature. However, natural water is rarely suitable for direct consumption to human beings. Rapid industrialization and population growth resulted to generation of large quantities of wastewater and causing problem of their disposal.



环境审核的最新趋势 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/recent-trends-in-environmental-audit/ 2009-10-27 2018-10-29 Sanjay Saxena, Nitesh Goswami 第四卷,第二期

Introduction As per the definition given by international chamber of commerce the &quot;Environmental audit is a systematic examination of performance to ensure compliance with requirements during the operational phase of industrial activity including the following components: &bull; Full management commitment &bull; Audit team objectivity &bull; Professional compliance &bull; Well defined systematic approach &bull; Written reports &bull; Quality assurance


审计的环境审计的目的是便于监督和获取有关单位在遵守公司内部政策和执行法规方面所采取措施的信息。环境审计使公司能够全面了解其工业运营和设施。它也给我们一个想法,确定哪些领域的削减和成本控制是可能的。< / p > . . 尼帕尼镇地下水溶解氧的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/study-of-dissolved-oxygen-present-in-the-underground-water-of-nipani-town/ 2009-08-18 2018-11-09 Yashodhara Varale, Shashikant Wagh 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Industrialization and urbanization created serious problems of water pollution of surface water i.e. ponds, underground water tube-wells. In developing countries like India, this problem has become acute day by day. In the present study, the levels of DO were studied in the vicinity of Halsiddhanath sugar factory located at Nipani. The underground water sample were taken from twelve underground tube wells in the glass bottles by following standard procedure. Sample were taken


从尼帕尼镇的12口管井中抽取地下水样本,全年每个月进行分析。我们研究了地下水中溶解氧的含量。DO含量一直在5 mg/l以上,最高可达12.56 mg/l

印度中央邦拉加尔邦Newaj河水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/water-quality-assessment-of-newaj-river-at-rajgarh-madhya-pradesh-india/ 2009-09-25 2018-11-09 Naveen Malviya, Suman Malik, Avinash Bajpai 第四卷,第二期

Introduction The Newaj river is the left bank tributary of the river Parwan which is a right bank principal tributary of Kalisindh River. In the present years due to the growth in population, urbanization, settlement of brick manufacturing plant, deforestation etc. the river is contaminated regularly and the maintenance of the quality of river water will be a severe problem in the years to come. The present study aims to assess the Newaj river water quality at different sampling stations with


纽瓦吉河是生命线&因为它是整个城市的主要水源。本研究代表了2008年11月至2009年10月不同季节的pH值、溶解氧、生物需氧量和化学需氧量等理化参数的变化结果。除参考水样站外,夏季水体BOD和COD呈规律性上升,DO呈下降趋势。BOD, COD, DO值已经偏离

化肥工业对古纳邦维jaipur及其周边地区土壤质量的影响评价(印度) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/impact-assessment-of-chemical-fertilizer-industry-on-quality-of-soil-in-and-around-vijaipur-district-guna-m-p-india/ 2009-09-14 2018-10-29 R.P. PRAJAPATI, ANAND SHARMA, D.R. TIWARI 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Vijaipur Fertilizer Plant is located at Vijaipur village in Radhogarh Tehsil of Guna District (M.P.) India. The Fertilizer Plant Constracted by NFL- comprises of one 1350 TPD single stream ammonia plant based on stream reformation of natural gas and 2200 TPD Urea Plant consisting of two streams each of 1100 TPD capacity. It utilized as combination of natural gas naphtha, fuel oil and filler sand at varying condition for the production of different formulation of fertilizer produc



博帕尔市甘地纳加尔地区水质评估,议员(印度) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/assessment-of-water-quality-of-gandhinagar-area-of-bhopal-city--m-p---india-/ 2009-11-09 2019-04-11 H.C. Kataria, Santosh Ambhore 第四卷,第二期 < p > < / p > . .

标题为“印度邦博帕尔市甘地纳加尔地区水质评价”的文章已被收回,因为它在出版商的监督下发表了两次。< / p > . . 与印度西霍尔镇人类健康有关的饮用水(地表水和地下水)质量(印度) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/quality-of-drinking-surface-and-sub-surface-water-in-relation-to-human-health-of-sehore-town-m-p-india/ 2009-10-28 2018-10-29 Rachna Sharma, Anand Sharma, D.R. Tiwari 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Now a day&#39;s ground water is primar y sources of drinking water. The quality of ground water depends on the ion, which are dissolved in ground water. The major ions which are responsible to maintain the quality of ground water are carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate, nitrate etc. These ions are present in ionic form. The cation and anions must be equal to maintain the quality of water. Cation such as calcium ion, magnesium ion, sodium, potassium etc. are also pres


水是仅次于空气的最重要的生命。地表水和地下水都是灌溉、工业和饮用用水的重要来源。安全饮用水是每个人的首要需求。大多数人主要依靠地下水。其中一些存在硬度过高、钠、钾、钙、硝酸盐等问题。由于人类活动和地质环境的影响,地表水和次地表水的自然水质有退化的趋势。 亚穆纳河河床沉积物重金属浓度的季节变化研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/study-of-seasonal-variation-of-heavy-metal-concentrations-in-bed-sediments-of-yamuna-river/ 2009-12-21 2018-11-09 P.K.S. CHAUHAN, R.K. PALIWAL 第四卷,第二期

Introduction Heavy metals are essential trace elements for living organisms but accumulation of these elements such as Fe, Zn, Pb, Cu and Cd in living cells pose toxic effects.1,2&nbsp;Therefore heavy metals fall into priority pollutants list of water quality classifications.3&nbsp;Heavy metal can enter river system through natural sources such as soil erosion and anthropological activities such as discharge of waste waters with heavy metal contents, which can be generated through ind



铜电极在氢氧化钠溶液中的电化学行为 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no2/electrochemical-behavior-of-copper-electrode-in-sodium-hydroxide-solutions/ 2009-11-20 2018-11-14 I. Zaafarany, H. Boller 第四卷,第二期

Introduction The electrochemical behaviour of copper is of considerable interest in many areas of technology, including solar cell,1&nbsp;integrated circuits2&nbsp;and heat exchangers.3&nbsp;Hence, the cyclic voltammograms of this metal has been extensively studied, particularly in alkaline solutions4-7&nbsp;which affords more resolution than the conventional galvanic technique. The anodic behaviour of Copper in alkaline environments leads to the formation of an oxide film

