当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 也门阿姆兰盆地地下水资源水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/water-quality-evaluation-of-the-groundwater-resources-in-amran-basin-yemen/ 2009-01-19 2018-11-22 Rakad Taany, Abdallah Ahmed 第四卷,第1期

Introduction The water problem in Yemen reached a critical level in many water basins; in Amran basin, where (348297) inhabitants live,¹ basically on agriculture (90% of the inhabitants), the annual amounts extracted annually are about 120 million cubic meter (MCM), 85-90% of it is used for agricultural purposes, and about 10-15% is used for other purposes, where the recharge didn’t exceed 40m³, which led to a decrease in the level of groundwater. On the


本研究调查了阿姆兰流域面积约1590 km的水文、水文地质和环境条件。这项研究的重要性在于确定与社会经济发展、阿姆兰流域人口增加、地下水枯竭、大量工业和生活废水的产生以及农业使用化肥和农药的增加有关的不同环境条件。社会< / p > . . 石膏水对阿特拉津、2,4 - d和异草胺生物活性的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/the-effect-of-gypsiferous-water-on-biological-activities-of-atrazine-2-4-d-and-metolachlor/ 2009-03-11 2018-10-30 C.F. Reinhardt, S.L. Masike, L. Kanyomeka 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Mine effluents disposal is a key threat to the environment in most mining areas of the world. In most cases the effluents are merely drained into some selected areas, and in worst cases it is drained into rivers or streams. Both ways the effluents cause negative effects on the environments, mainly because these effluents add heavy metals to the areas of effluents disposal. However, in some parts of the world efforts are being made to minimize this threat. Effluents are now used f


矿山废水含有重金属等有毒物质,对环境构成危害。不过,在某些情况下,已作出努力来中和废水,以便将矿井水用于作物灌溉。然而,在使用gypsious水灌溉的地区,已经报告了疑似除草剂对作物的伤害,这表明除草剂和gypsious水之间存在相互作用。利用含石膏水灌溉作物是一种很有前途的方法。 原油(Bonny light)对白化大鼠肝功能指标的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/changes-in-liver-function-markers-in-albino-rats-exposed-to-crude-petroleum-bonny-light/ 2009-01-30 2018-11-22 N.M. Igboh, E.B. Dede, O.E. Ayalogu, I. Onysom, U.E. Uzuegbu 第四卷,第1期

Introduction The use of petroleum samples as medicaments either due to poverty or ignorance is becoming a source of worry. Unfortunately, the elderly and children are mostly victims. Crude petroleum is usually given to some children when they convulse as anticonvulsant in rural areas of the country. This act is carried out in spite of the mounting evidence that petroleum samples are harmful (Ayalogu, et al., 2001,Igboh, et al., 2001 and Dede, et al., 2002). Incidentally, the liver is the



草地系统的可持续性:模糊多目标决策的引入 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/sustainability-in-rangeland-systems-introduction-of-fuzzy-multi-objective-decision-making/ 2009-05-07 2018-11-14 Hossein Azadi, Jan Van Berg, Peter Ho, Gholamhossein Hosseininia 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Land degradation and overgrazing are nowadays two main fundamental threats in rangeland systems (Box 2002; Buss and Nuppenau 2002; Howery et al., 2000; Miller 2005; Walker and Hodgkinson 2000). Consequently, their current capability to produce edible forage for livestock is less than their potential1 (Azadi 2005; Umrani 1998). Globally, rangelands are at risk from numerous pressures (Mitchell et al., 1999) mainly arising from inappropriate rangeland management systems. The scie



尼日利亚西南部埃罗河水和沉积物样品中的重金属浓度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/concentration-of-heavy-metals-in-water-and-sediment-samples-from-ero-river-in-southwestern-nigeria/ 2009-03-07 2018-11-14 S.S. Asaolu, O.S. Adefemi, O. Borode 第四卷,第1期

Introduction With the global aspiration for the provision of potable water for the teeming population, management of water resources with respect to storage, presentation, acceptability and distribution should be of utmost important, this is the reason why the integrity of some major rivers that serves as tributaries to our major dams are kept as regards pollutants distribution. The advent of technological advancement and industrial revolution in many parts of the world, has resulted into c


对尼日利亚西南部埃罗河的水和沉积物样品进行了干湿季节的重金属浓度分布研究。两个季节的水样中均未检测到Ni、Cd、Co,而沉积物样品中均检测到所有金属。沉积物中重金属含量高于水样。平均而言,旱季大多数重金属的浓度高于雨季。结合< / p > . . 石灰处理对小麦土壤性质、产量和养分吸收的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/effect-of-liming-on-soil-properties-yield-and-nutrient-uptake-by-wheat/ 2009-03-05 2018-11-22 B.S. Sultana, M.M.H. Mian, M.R. Islam, M.M. Rahman, Bikash Sarker, M.S. Zoha 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Wheat grain is one of the most important cereal crops in Bangladesh. The wheat yield in this country is low. There are several reasons that can explain the yield variation, which cover both biotic and abiotic factors. Among the biotic factors, unavailability of high yielding varieties,1&nbsp;incidence of diseases and pests&sup2; and abiotic factors such as high temperature,3&nbsp;moisture stress4 and nutrient deficiency5,6,7 are responsible for lower productivity of w



汽油诱导的白化大鼠血液学变化及相关的肝毒性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/gasoline-induced-haematological-changes-and-the-associated-hepatotoxicity-in-albino-rats/ 2009-01-31 2018-10-30 N.M. Igboh, D. Onwubiko, E.N. Agomuo, ba . Amadi, I. Onyesom 第四卷,第1期

Introduction In Nigeria, the oil industry is the most important sector of the economy. Unfortunately the incidence of recorded environmental pollution, due to high rate of petroleum-related activities have been associated with frequent oil spills, especially through oil well blowouts, tankers accidents, rupture of pipelines, and sabotage. These mishaps result in the release of Crude Oil and refined petroleum products into the terrestrial and aquatic environment (Wemedo, et. al., 2002).. Inc



印度博帕尔某些水体的物理化学特征 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/physico-chemical-characteristics-of-certain-water-bodies-of-bhopal-india/ 2009-05-02 2018-11-22 S. Chouhan, G. Shukla, V. Mulchandani, V.K. Sharma, N.N. Mehrotra 第四卷,第1期

Introduction In India about 3.15 million ha water area fall under reservoirs and 47% of this i.e., 1.48 million ha is contributed by small reservoirs alone (Sugunan, 1997). There are many wetlands available in different parts of the country. The freshwater in these wetlands is amongst the most critical factors limiting urban growth, agriculture, fisheries development and other aquatic resources. Madhya Pradesh is the second largest geographic unit of the county with an area of 3, 08, 245 km


本研究的目的是评估6个水体的物理化学特征和大肠道菌水平,即Boat Club的上湖和Kamla公园、Motia Talab、下湖、Shahpura湖和Kalia Saut大坝。本研究于2008年季风季节进行。水质参数范围:pH为7.08 ~ 7.5,电导率为0.17 ~ 0.56,总溶解固形物为116.00 ~ 172.0,总硬度为67.0

印度马哈拉施特拉邦塔那地区工业废水的理化分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/physio-chemical-analysis-of-industrial-effluents-in-thane-region-of-maharashtra-india/ 2008-08-21 2018-11-14 S.R. Mirgane, G.R. Bhagure 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Water is the most vital resource for all kinds of life on this planet, but it is being adversely affected both quantitively and qualitatively by all kinds of life human activities on Land, Air and Water. Today most of the rivers of world receive millions of litre sewage domestic waste and industrial effluents containing varying in characteristics from simple nutrients to highly toxic substances. Urban pollution increases rapidly by industrial developments. Industrializatio



2007年季风季节斋浦尔锡塔普拉工业区工业废水和地下水的评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/assessment-of-industrial-effluent-and-underground-water-during-monsoon-season-2007-in-sitapura-industrial-area-jaipur/ 2009-05-16 2018-11-14 Rajni Agrawal, S.K. Sharma, U. Jha 第四卷,第1期

Introduction The industrial effluents may contain one or more of the contaminants like high suspended solids, oil, high dissolved solids, high residual chlorine and pH value outside the permitted range.1&nbsp;There are many human-originated impacts that degrade the water and decrease its quality, with direct and indirect effects on the water courses. The industries are a source of punctual pollution with considerable impacts on the hydric resources, due to diversity in the composition of


2007年季风季节对西塔普拉工业区工业废水和地下水进行了研究。本研究的主要目的是评估工业废水的质量及其对地下水的影响。收集了4个纺织、4个制药、4个印刷、4个食品行业的废水样本和3个混合废水样本。在这两个地点和附近不同的工业收集了地下水样本。这些sampl < / p > . . 河流流量的时间序列建模与预测 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/time-series-modeling-and-forecast-of-river-flow/ 2009-05-06 2018-11-14 Rashmi Nigam, Sohail Bux, Sudhir Nigam, K.R. Pardasani, S.K. Mittal, Ruhi Haque 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Hydroinformatics focus on applications of advanced information technologies and statistical tools for better understanding and management of the hydrological phenomenon. Hydrological phenomenons are cyclic and stochastic in nature. In hydroinformatics the river is considered as a water-based asset, with flows patterns largely as stochastic. River can be considered both as a generic object with properties pertaining to the flow behavior and as a particular object with its own un


气候变化、人类对自然水流模式的干预、随意的城市化等,是即使在开发了许多控制溢流的结构性措施之后,仍会发生强烈洪水的原因。库尔福河流域位于埃塞俄比亚相对干旱的南部地区,目前仍处于地理改造阶段,地形丘陵,土壤质地不透水。本研究的重点是模拟洪水事件,以便制定洪水管理策略。 马哈拉施特拉邦塔那地区地下水理化参数与水质评价相关性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/correlation-study-on-physico-chemical-parameters-and-quality-assessment-of-ground-water-of-thane-region-maharashtra/ 2008-08-20 2018-11-13 Mirgane Ramarao, Bhagure Ramdas 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Water is one of the materials required to sustain life. In India ponds, river water and ground water are used for domestic and agricultural purposes. Ground water is the major source of drinking water in both urban and rural areas. Ground water pollution is not due to natural factors but it has been caused by human actions. The quality of ground water may be described according to their physico chemical and micro biological characteristics. In recent years along with physico chem


塔那是马哈拉施特拉邦第三大工业化地区。由于邻近海域和与海洋的水力连接,该地区具有硬水和高含盐量的特点。为此,对马哈拉施特拉邦塔那地区2008年10 - 11月地下水的理化参数进行了评价。通过计算不同参数对之间的相关系数和对ch

印度黑羚(Antilope cervicapra)活动时间预算与社会组织调查。Chhatbir (Pb.)(印度)M.C.动物园(哺乳类:Artodactyla) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/investigation-in-activity-time-budget-and-social-organization-of-indian-black-buck-antilope-cervicapra-linn-mammalia-artodactyla-at-m-c-zoological-park-chhatbir-pb-india/ 2009-05-05 2018-11-22 R. Vats, C.S. Bhardwaj 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Indian Black Buck (Antilope cervicapra) Linn. is a state animal of Haryana and Punjab. Its presence indicates the health of an ecosystem as it is an important part of grazing food chain. Due to increased urbanization and ever increasing human population, there is found a great pressure on the population of black buck. It is protected in natural conditions in different deer parks in the states of Haryana and Punjab. The deer park of Mahendra Chaudhary Zoological park, Chhatbir


印度黑羚(Antilope cervicapra)是哈里亚纳邦和旁遮普邦的国兽。本研究在Chhatbir (Pb)的M.C动物园进行。目前的研究表明,黑男人是早起者,温度和阳光会影响他们的活动和社会组织。群居的雌性和从未见过的群居雄性。< / p > . . 博帕尔Kolar公路地区钻孔井水质分析印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/analysis-of-water-quality-of-bore-wells-of-kolar-road-area-of-bhopal-m-p-india/ 2009-04-16 2018-11-03 H.C. Kataria, Jeena Harjeet, Y.K. Sharma, Seema Singh 第四卷,第1期

Introduction The present study is aimed to evaluate the effect of domestic sewage on water quality by percolation. Geochemistry and topography of the study area is also playing an important role in the ground water occurrence. The increase in population coupled with unplanned urbanization and industrialization have resulted into damage and deterioration in groundwater quality. Any shift in the naturally dynamic equilibrium exiting among the environmental segments: hydrosphere, atmosphere, lit


快速可靠的监测和监测方法是密切关注水质、人类健康和环境的必要条件。因此,监测和分析用于饮用和灌溉目的的钻孔水变得非常重要。本研究在2008- 2009年对Kolar路地区钻孔井的水质进行了季节性测定,测定了不同参数(温度、pH、EC、游离CO2、氯化物、总碱度、T-H、Ca-H、Mg-H、D.O、B.O.D

利用SYSTAT软件对太阳风混合系统进行统计分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/statistical-analysis-of-solar-wind-hybrid-system-using-systat-software/ 2009-04-22 2018-11-22 Prashant Baredar, Bhupendra Gupta, Mukesh Pandey, Priyanka Sharma 第四卷,第1期

Introduction There is rising need for alternate and renewable sources of energy, especially in developing countries, whose progress and economic growth may strongly be indexed to its development. With the ever increasing growth in energy consumption and rapidly depleting fossil fuel reserves, it is feared the world will soon exhaust its fossil fuel reserves. The electrification level in rural areas in south East Asia is about 51%, compared to 90% in urban areas. (Shrestha RM, 2004) It is es


能源在现代社会中扮演着不可或缺的角色。我们都依赖于稳定可靠的能源供应——无论是家庭、商业还是交通。大多数可再生能源直接或间接来自太阳能和风能,而且永远不会枯竭。可以预期的是,可以考虑全年有效利用这些资源的混合系统的可能应用,以及在碳交易中获得碳信用额的可能性。在< / p > . . 无机杂环(S6N4)2+ Cl2-在安达曼和尼科巴群岛酸性土壤复垦中的效果研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/a-study-of-effectiveness-of-an-inorganic-heterocycle-s6n42-cl2-in-reclamation-of-acidic-soil-of-andaman-and-nicobar-islands/ 2009-01-23 2018-11-09 H.K. Sharma 第四卷,第1期

Introduction The soil of Andaman and Nicobar islands is affected by the halogen salts of alkali metals. The major content of the salt adsorbed on the land surface is leached out by heavy rainwater. Even though few contents of the salt remain adsorbed on the soil resulting the soil to be acidic. Few inorganic hetercyclics like tetrasulphurtetranitride (S4N4), thiotrithiazyl chloride (S4N3)+Cl- have been successfully tested in reclamation of alkaline (Sharma, 1986, 2000) as well as acidic (Shar


环六氯噻嗪(S6N4)2+Cl2-已在不同pH值下进行了测试;安达曼和尼科巴群岛酸性土壤的4.5。经观察,正常时间pH值7.4显著升高。< / p > . . 印度博帕尔上、下湖泊重金属污染评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/assesment-of-heavy-metal-pollution-in-upper-and-lower-lakes-of-bhopal-india/ 2009-06-13 2018-11-28 Vandana Magarde, S.A. Iqbal, Nilofar Iqbal 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Toxic and heavy metals are added in aquatic system from Industrial process, rise in population, domestic sewage discharge, street dust, land run off, fossil fuel burning. Traces of heavy metals such as Mn, Cr, Cu, Pb, Zn, Cd, Ni have been identified as deletrious to aquatic ecosystem and human health. Heavy metals have a great affinity to attack Sulphur bonds; protin, carboxylic acid and amino group there by distrupting the cell metabolism. Heavy Metals ions precipitate the



印度黑Buck (Antilope cervicapra)繁殖行为研究。关于求偶、繁殖、奉承和着色 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/a-study-of-reproductive-behaviour-of-indian-black-buck-antilope-cervicapra-linn-with-reference-to-courtship-breeding-fawning-and-colouration/ 2009-04-28 2018-11-03 R. Vats, C.S. Bhardwaj 第四卷,第1期

Introduction The black buck (Antilope cervicapra), commonly called as Kala Hiran or Krishna Mrig in Hindi is a small gracious Indian antelope found all over India. The black buck is native to the Indian subcontinent. Essentially a species of open plains, it is found in a wide range of habitats from arid grasslands and scrublands to marshy coastal plains and open woodlands (Ranjitsinh, 1989). This species exhibits a high degree of sexual dimorphism; the male is larger than the female, is str



Rajouri地区(Jandamp;K)雪鳟鱼Schizothorax richardsonii (Gray)的繁殖力研究。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/studies-on-fecundity-of-snow-trout-schizothorax-richardsonii-gray-from-the-lotic-bodies-of-rajouri-district-jk/ 2008-08-20 2018-11-28 Roopma Gandotra, Ravi Shanker, Dalvinder Singh 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Fecundity of a fish can be defined as the number of eggs that are likely to be laid during one spawning period or the capacity of the fish in terms of egg production (Bagenal, 1968). It differs in different races of the same species. The measure of fecundity in fishes is a basic determinant of productivity and hence, contributes to fish culture and population dynamics. Important contributions to the study of fecundity in relation to the other parameters of body are made by Das &a


本研究集中研究了Rajouri地区(J&K)不同河流中采集的Schizothorax richardsonii雪鳟的繁殖能力。以体长21.0 ~ 32.9 cm的50尾鱼为研究对象,研究了鱼长、鱼重、子房长、子房重和卵径与繁殖力的关系。其他方面的研究包括鱼长与子房长、子房重和卵直径的关系。所有的参数都放到

垂汞电极极谱还原普拉多肟和奥比多肟 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/polarographic-reduction-of-pralidoxime-and-obidoxime-at-hanging-mercury-drop-electrode/ 2009-04-16 2018-11-13 C. Rao, K. Balaji, C. Rao, P. Venkateswarlu 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Pralidoxime (2-[(hydroxyimino) methyl]-1-methylpyridin-1-ium) (PRL) and Obidoxime (1, 1&#39;-[oxybis (methylene)]bis{4-[(E)- (hydroxyimino) methyl] pyridinium) (OBD) are used to combat poisioning by organophosphates. Azomethine group containing drugs have been in wide use because of their pharmacokinetic properties (1-3). Several researchers have reported the determination of azomethine group containing drugs. (4-10). Determination of PRL was carried out by HPLC (26). Spect


利用悬垂汞滴电极(HMDE)对普拉度肟(PRL)和奥比度肟(OBD)在不同样品中的极谱还原行为。根据所得的差分脉冲极谱图,采用标准加成法测定制剂和生物液样品中的这些药物。峰值电流在5.4 × 10-8 ~ 4.0 × 10-5 M和2.8 × 10-8 ~ 1.4 × 10-5倍的浓度范围内实现线性

磷藻对热废水的生物修复作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/bioremediation-of-thermal-wastewater-by-pithophora-sp/ 2009-02-28 2018-11-09 S. Murugesan, R. Dhamotharan 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Water is the most ubiquitous material of nature and a vital fascination of all God&rsquo;s creation. In recent years, increasing industrialization, urbanization and developmental activities to cope with the population explosion has given rise to them inevitable waste crisis. Increases in environmental contamination have lead to a progressive deterioration of a qualitative environment. This condition challenges global society and paves way for redemptive measures to reverse



纳拉扬塔拉布,萨特纳(M.P.)水质的物理化学特征印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/the-physico-chemical-characteristics-of-water-quality-of-narayan-talab-satna-m-p-india/ 2009-04-17 2018-11-13 K.B.L. Shrivastava, S.K. Pandey 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Water resources in India have reached a point of crisis due to unplanned urbanization and industrialization (Singh, Pathak, &amp; Singh, 2002). Urban water bodies receiving external pressure from human settlements adversely affect nearby aquatic ecosystems. Urbanization has direct negative impacts on water bodies (Khan, Bhatnagar, &amp; Saxena, 1988). Satna district abounds in minerals like calcium, iron, aluminium and silicon and their concentration in water has been rep


由于污水、农业和工业废物、有害排放物和人为活动,世界各地的淡水水体正在受到污染。本研究选择的水体是印度中央邦Satna区总部的Narayan Talab。Narayan Talab是萨特纳市饮用水供应的重要来源之一。塔拉布接收大量的生活废物、污水和工业废水。它有漂浮的莲花,这是

比哈尔邦葫芦种质资源系统枚举研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/studies-on-systematic-enumeration-of-cucurbit-germplasm-of-bihar/ 2009-04-09 2018-11-08 Manjulshree 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Bihar is chiefly based on agriculture. A major portion of its population is dependent on agriculture. A major portion of the land is irrigated by the Ganga and its tributaries which help in increasing the fertility of land. About 29 lacs hectare of land is utilized for agriculture. The family Cucurbitaceae a tropical family containing 110 genera and 640 sps. In India, the family is represented by 37 genera and 97 species. The chief centre of distribution is in Eastern Himalayas.


本文介绍了比哈尔邦葫芦种质资源的系统枚举情况。田间记录的3个属分别为丝瓜属、苦瓜属和丝瓜属。对丝瓜属3种、苦瓜属5种、Trichosanthes属3种进行了详细描述。< / p > . . 粉煤灰对恰蒂斯加尔邦比拉斯布尔Arpa灌溉项目区土壤理化参数及鹰嘴豆生长的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/effect-of-flyash-on-some-physico-chemical-parameters-of-soil-and-growth-of-chickpea-in-arpa-irrigation-project-area-of-bilaspur-district-of-chhattisgarh/ 2009-02-25 2018-11-28 Neeta Gupta, N.K. Singh 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Agriculture on earth is as old as human civilization. Crop production is directly dependent on the availability of mineral elements in soil. In fact the soil system is viewed as a triple phased system of solid, liquid and gaseous phase. All the macro and micro nutrients except C, H and O originate from soil. These nutrients are based in the solid phase and their usual pathway to the plant system is through the surrounding liquid phase, the soil solution and then to plant root and



印度拉贾斯坦邦Chaksu镇地下水水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/an-assessment-of-groundwater-quality-of-chaksu-town-in-rajasthan-india/ 2009-06-12 2018-11-28 Ranjana Agrawal, Rupali Argal, Sharmila Pokharna 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Water is one of the most vital components on earth not only essential for life but also for total well balanced of environmental system. Groundwater forms a major source of drinking water. Ground water moves through varied geological environments and during its flow many chemical compounds will be dissolved in it. The modern civilization, industrialisation, urbanisation and increase in population have lead to fast degradation of our ground water quality. As the water is the mos



印度查谟鱼塘浮游动物种群动态和群落结构 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/population-dynamics-and-community-structure-of-zooplankton-inhabiting-in-fish-pond-jammu-india/ 2008-08-22 2018-11-12 M. Jyoti, K. Sharma, Jyoti Sharma 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Zooplankton, the microscopic faunal component of lotic and lentic waters serve as an important interlace in the food chain or energy transfer operating in an aquatic ecosystem. Their importance in fishery as live and natural feed for early larval stages is immense. Infact, non availability of right kind of live food at critical period, when fish larvae shift from endogenous to exogenous feeding is responsible for major part of fish biopotential loss (Nikolsky, 1963). This loss



污泥在城市生活垃圾堆肥过程中的有效性 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/effectiveness-of-sewage-sludge-in-composting-process-of-municipal-solid-waste/ 2009-05-02 2018-11-28 S.D. Narkhede, V.D. Pawar, N.J. Patil, S.B. Attarde 第四卷,第1期

Introduction With the increasing of population quantity as well as industry and economy developing, the output of the municipal solid wastes (MSW) has been increasing. At present, the output of MSW has been exceeded a hundred million tons in most cities In fact, the MSW output has been increasing at 10% each year and now it has been accumulated gradually to ninety hundreds million tons in the past years. Most cities have been surrounded by the MSW ( Zhao &amp; Liu 2005), Because the cal



马哈拉施特拉邦奥兰加巴德地区及周边工业区地下水质量评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/assessment-of-ground-water-quality-in-and-around-industrial-areas-in-aurangabad-district-of-maharashtra/ 2009-05-22 2018-11-12 Sumantrao Bikkad, Sunil Mirgane 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Aurangabad District is located mainly in Godavari Basin and its some part towards North West of Tapi River Basin. This District&rsquo;s general down level is towards South and East and North West part comes in Purna &ndash;Godavari river basin. The Aurangabad district&rsquo;s North Longitude ( Degree) is 19 and 20 and East Longitude (Degree ) is 74 to 76. Aurangabad is a success story of MIDCs efforts towards a balanced industrialization of the state. A city with


通过分析位于奥兰加巴德工业区及其周围的不同井样点的样品,研究了各种家庭和饮用水用途的水的适用性。上述采样点的理化参数表明,生活用水的污染程度要严重得多。最大样品具有高EC。TDS。TH。助教。Cl -。Ca + +。鳕鱼。超过可饮用限度的数值。 It is observed that the main sources of the pollution are due to indu

阿拉比卡树皮对废水中有毒重金属的吸附研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/adsorption-studies-of-toxic-heavy-metals-from-waste-water-by-acacia-arabica-bark/ 2009-05-06 2018-11-12 Dhananjay Dwivedi, Vijay Chourey 第四卷,第1期

Introduction The contribution of heavy metals and their ions to water pollution is a very serious problem, largely because the physiological effects of some of them may be dangerous even at concentrations that are extremely low. Waste water containing heavy metal ion mainly originates from metal processing industries, chemical industries and other industrial processes.1,2,3 In recent years considerable attention has been devoted to the study of different types of low cost material2,4,5 s



全球变暖:原因和影响以及印度气候变化和政策 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/global-warming-the-causes-and-effects-and-indian-climate-change-and-policies/ 2008-09-02 2018-11-09 Nitesh Goswami 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Global warming has often been described as one of the most serious environmental problems ever to confront humanity as this problem is inextricably linked to the process of development and economic growth it self. Since greenhouse gases are generated by burning fossil fuels as in power plants, factories and automobiles, it is not easy to reduce emissions, since virtually every facet of our lives as intimately tied to the consumption of energy. Climate change is an unusually dif



年季节循环中黑斑鱼和黑背蟾蜍能量储备的变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/variation-in-energy-reserve-in-rana-tigrina-and-bufo-melanostictus-during-annual-seasonal-cycle/ 2008-08-18 2018-12-04 Amjad Fatmi, S. Ahsan, Durre Ruby 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Amphibians are ectothermal vertebrates and like other poikilotherms are markedly influenced by seasonal change in temperature and water availability. Rana Tigrina and Bufo Melanostictus are two common Indian anurans. They under go four different phases during their annual biological cycle. Hibernation or winter sleep (Dec.-Feb.) and aestivation or summer torpidity (April-June) are periods of dormancy. During these periods they maintain minimum metabolic activities, practically



比拉斯布尔省Newara村不同池塘水的化学分析印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/chemical-analysis-of-water-from-different-ponds-of-newara-village-of-bilaspur-c-g-india/ 2009-05-01 2018-11-10 Gayatri , N.K. Singh 第四卷,第1期

Introduction A few decades ago, water was considered as plentiful and in-expensive resource. But rapid industrialization, urbanization and agricultural development have made it as a scarce resource.3&nbsp;Contamination of surface water together with economic development have contributed for pollution of surface water. With growing load of population, the situation is worst in India. Availability of surface and ground water is sharply decreasing day by day.12&nbsp;In many Indian citi


在目前的调查中,从恰蒂斯加尔邦Bilaspur区的Newara村的不同池塘中收集和分析了各种离子,硬度和碱度的存在。我们报告了它们的值有相当大的增加,从而为建议不使用池塘水专门用于烹饪、饮用和洗澡提供了一个基础。< / p > . . 博帕尔下湖昆虫区系理化因子月变化的统计方法 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/statistical-approach-to-monthly-variations-of-physico-chemical-factors-at-lower-lake-of-bhopal-in-relation-to-insect-fauna/ 2009-06-04 2018-11-28 Ishart Mohi-ud-din, Madhulika Singh, K. Borana 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Aquatic insects play important role in the aquatic community. They are involved in the mineralization and recycling of organic matter. Bioindicators are organisms employed to assess general toxicity of the environment. These organisms by their presence or absence and in all features of their phenotype and physiology serve as an indicator of environmental status. Thus both the positive and negative facts of the environment can be monitored through biological system. Several biot


对2002年6月~ 2004年5月博帕尔湖下游昆虫的月变化进行了研究。主要昆虫为鞘翅目、双翅目、蜉蝣目、半翅目、翅翅目和毛翅目,昆虫总密度在201 ~ 450 /sqm之间,大部分时间鞘翅目的组成比例较高。理化因子(水温、电导率、pH和溶解氧)与总

印度泰米尔纳德邦罗德区Kalingarayan运河水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/water-quality-assessment-of-kalingarayan-canal-at-erode-district-tamilnadu-india/ 2009-01-27 2018-11-28 A.R.K. Kulandaivel, P.E. Kumar, P.N. Magudeswaran 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Kalingarayan canal of 750 years old travels a distance of about 90 kms from Kalingarayan anicut to Avudayaparai. It is 534 foot above sea level where it originates and its sea level is 412.40 foot where it merges with the Noyyal river. The channel traverses a serpentine route. The survey of land showed that it irrigated an area of 15743 acres. It has been in practice to open its water gates for irrigation for a period of 320 days from June to April every year. Flow of water



奥兰加巴德地区历史名胜、埃洛拉洞穴和库尔塔巴德地区水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/the-water-quality-assessment-at-historical-places-ellora-caves-and-khultabad-area-of-aurangabad-region/ 2009-02-28 2018-11-28 Haridas Nagre, Z.M. Zine 第四卷,第1期

Introduction With its many fold shining aspects, Aurangabad is also world famous for its historical Ellora caves and Mughal emperor Aurangajeb&rsquo;s Tomb at Khultabad. These places are 33 and 30 km. away respectively from Aurangabad. The ancient town Ellora is situated on the bank of river Yelganga which originates from nearby basaltic mountains of Deccan platue. The location oif Ellora is 20&deg; 00&rsquo; N and 75&deg; 10&rsquo; E. It is also famous for its pilgrim the


涉及理化参数的饮用水水质评价表明,样品特征变化很大。总共选择了9个水样,其中4个来自埃洛拉洞穴,5个来自库尔塔巴德。对水样进行了温度、pH、BOD、COD、硬度、SO42-、硝酸盐和氟化物等参数的评估。评税期为2008年9月至12月。< / p > . . 印度查谟,一个鱼塘理化方面的季节变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/seasonal-variation-in-physico-chemical-aspects-of-a-fish-pond-jammu-india/ 2008-08-22 2018-11-10 M.K. Jyoti, K.K. Sharma, Jyoti Sharma 第四卷,第1期

Introduction The survival, distribution and growth of a species are attributes necessary to build healthy population which depend upon various ecological factors (abiotic and biotic) operating in an ecosystem. Therefore, for understanding adjustibilities &amp; adaptations that an organism has to undertake for successful completion of its life cycle, it is imperative that one makes an inquisite study of organisms and its interaction with environment (Welch, 1952). Several workers who hav


在本次调查中(从2004年3月开始)–2005年2月),在查谟大学选择了一个鱼塘来研究水的物理化学性质,以评估其质量。考察了温度、pH、游离二氧化碳、溶解氧(DO)、钙(Ca++)、镁(Mg++)、碳酸盐(CO32-)、碳酸氢盐(HCO3-)和氯化物等理化因素。温度从11℃波动到28℃,pH从7.7到9,DO从7.2 mg/l到14

大规模洗浴对Hoshangabad地区纳尔马达河水质的影响(mp)印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol4no1/effect-of-mass-bathing-on-the-water-quality-of-narmada-river-at-district-hoshangabad-m-p-india/ 2009-06-12 2018-11-03 Sanjay Telang, Yogendra Saxena, Anoop Chaturvedi 第四卷,第1期

Introduction Narmada-the largest west flowing river of India, originates from eastern Madhya Pradesh at Amarkantak (situated at 20&deg;40&rsquo;N and 80&deg;45&rsquo; E) flows towards west and joins Arabian Sea. During the festivals, mass bathing is performed by pilgrims, which significantly contributes to the pollution load in the river and as a consequence deteriorated the water quality. The study has been carried out to assess the water quality of river water during mass ba


在Narmada河中,由于大规模洗浴,污染负荷增加,水体理化分析明确表明水质恶化,通过自净化过程恢复之前的水质需要更长的时间。最低和最高pH值为7.20至7.61,而饮用水的标准pH值为6.5至8.5。研究期间,DO水平在8.20 ~ 10.2mg/L范围内。BOD值在<
