当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 一些非生物因素对印度查谟亚热带池塘浮游动物生产力的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/effect-of-some-abiotic-factors-on-zooplankton-productivity-in-a-subtropical-pond-in-jammu-india/ 2007-06-01 2021-11-12 Seema langer, Nusrat Jan, Yahya Bakhtiyar 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Water is the basis of existence of all life forms in our biosphere. Of all the planet’s renewable resources, water has a unique place. It is essential for sustaining all forms of life, food production, economic development and for general well being. Accelerated urbanization and industrialization has made water bodies susceptible to various threats. Aquatic ecosystem is exposed to local disturbances, Suryanaraynan (1991). According to Laal et al. (1986



Etah地区Harchandpur池塘湖泊特性研究印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/study-of-some-limnological-properties-of-harchandpur-pond-district-etah-u-p-india/ 2007-04-21 2018-12-13 Vishwakant, R.C. Verma, R.S. Saxena 第二卷,第一期

Introduction The present observed pond is eutrophicated and keeps changing its physico– chemical and biotic complexes by virtue of seasonal changes and by incorporation of organic and man generated polluted matter like sewage, domestic discharges, municipal wastes, agrochemicals, grazing with other animal activities, surface run off, silt, clay, suspended inorganic and organic matter. Present study reveals that how planktonic and biotic especially fishery lives get affected on


目前的调查涉及物理的季节变化& &;2005 -2006年农村池塘的化学参数及定量分析。水温五月份最高(33.7℃),一月份最低(15.2℃);透明度是最大的。1月最高(35.5 cm), 7月最低(27.0 cm);碱度,amp;5月份硬度较高;6月和do在12月最高(8.20 mg/l),在8月最低(3.32 mg/l);浮游生物(No./l)丰富2

拉贾斯坦邦比卡内尔市乔普拉巴里地区灌溉水锰含量研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/study-of-manganese-in-the-irrigation-water-of-chopra-bari-area-of-bikaner-city-rajasthan/ 2007-06-07 2018-12-06 Suruchi Gupta, Ajay Solanki 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Water pollution can be defined as the presence in water, of some foreign substances or impurities (organic, inorganic, radiological or biological) in such quantity so as to constitute a health hazard by lowering the water quality and making it unfit for use.1 Various agents such as domestic, industrial, thermal, Radioactive. Oils are responsible for detoring quality of water, but growing industrialization is a key stone in this respect. The industrial effluent contains vario


比卡内尔市Chopra Bari地区将印染单位的工业废水用于灌溉。这水被重金属严重污染了。重金属破坏了水质,使其不适合饮用和灌溉,并给植物/作物带来各种生理障碍。对这些装置的各种样品进行了重金属(Mn)的分析,观察到所有样品的锰含量都很低,范围为(0.01 ~ 0.14 PPM)

下吉贺姆河水电工程对吉贺姆河鱼类多样性的影响k。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/effect-of-lower-jhelum-hydroelectric-power-project-on-finfish-diversity-of-river-jhelum-j-k/ 2007-06-16 2018-12-06 第二卷,第一期

Introduction River Jhelum is called lifeline of Kashmir, and is the only source of water, which passes throughout the valley from south to north. This water body is used for irrigation, domestic purpose and for the production of hydroelectricity. About 25% of total population of Kashmir depends on this ultimate source as they consume and earn their living from fish fauna and other resources of this water body. This river system drains into famous lakes of Kashmir namely Wular Lake and Dal L


乌里水电项目下耶赫勒姆水电项目巴拉穆拉水电站;K号驱逐舰于30年前在杰勒姆河上服役。在这段河流中,已记录有18种鱼类。该工程投运后,对该河流的水生生物多样性产生了一些恶化的环境影响。这个项目对强大的Mahaseer, Tor putitora (Golden maseer)的人口产生了严重的不利影响,它们飞了

达布拉市区饮用水质量与人类健康的关系(瓜廖尔,省) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/quality-of-drinking-water-in-relation-to-human-health-in-dabra-municipal-areas-gwalior-m-p/ 2007-05-16 2018-12-06 Naveen辛格 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Water is an important ecological factor in the life of organism. It is found in three principal forms atmospheric moisture, precipitation and soil water, of which precipitation is the the chief source. Atmospheric moisture is present as invisible vapour, Known as the humidity and also as visible vapour known as fog or cloud. Precipitation is actually the chief source of soil moisture. Soil moisture is the chief sources of water for plants .Water relation of plants bring about i


水是人类和动物的基本需求。如今,地下水已成为几乎所有乡镇和一些城市饮用水供应的主要来源。对采自Dabra市区的18份地下水样品进行了pH、总碱度、总硬度、Mg2+、Ca2+、Na+、K+ Cl-、E.C、T.D.等10项参数分析年代。在本研究中,氯化钠,E.C。和T.D.S.都高度集中在达布拉市地区。他们中的大多数人…… 椰壳:从水溶液中去除铅(II)的载体 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/coconut-shell-a-carrier-for-the-removal-of-lead-ii-from-aqueous-solution/ 2007-04-16 2018-12-06 U.E. Chaudhari 第二卷,第一期

Introduction The Twentieth century started with an extensive damage to the natural resources.1 Unplanned industrialization, urbanization, pollution explosion, change in life-style, over exploitation of natural resources, commercial establishment and modern agriculture practices have degraded the quality of environment. The main effects being faced are: Continental invasion of air and water. Marine pollution through waste discharges. Release of variety of chemical and b



Bhander和Seondha区块地下水中铁及一些微量元素的研究(Datia, mp) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/a-study-of-iron-and-some-traces-elements-in-ground-water-of-bhander-and-seondha-block-datia-m-p/ 2007-05-03 2018-12-06 Naveen Singh, D.S. Kadam 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Ground water is one of the best source for public water supplies in many parts of the world.The physiological importance of trace elements in agriculture is well known while some of the elements like iron manganese, zinc and copper are considered to be essential micro nutrients the elements like lithium and boron have been found to be toxic to plants even in small quantities beyond certain limits Gupta et al(1972) reported lithium in saline ground waters of Mathura district (U.


对Bhander和Seondha区块(Datia区)的96份地下水样品进行了铁分析。铜、锰、锌和锂。铁含量为平均值。铜、锰、锌、锂分别为0.257、0.019、0.037、0.014、0.011 ppm。< / p > . . 印度比拉斯普尔市水质标准及Arpa河水 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/water-quality-criteria-and-arpa-river-water-of-bilaspur-city-india/ 2007-04-04 2018-12-06 Sudeshan Verma, S.A. Khan 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Water quality is a terms used to define the physical, chemical biological or radiological characteristics by which a particular type of water may be evaluated to establish its acceptability for various beneficial uses.2-4 Materials and Methods All the chemical used were of AR grade. Double distilled water was used for preparation of reagents. Six strategic locations were chosen for the sampling water. Those are Koni Petrol Pump (Station-I), Indira Setu (Station-II), Old B


本论文旨在研究比拉斯普尔地区(C.G.) Arpa河的水质。对阿帕河水质的测量采用了标准的检测方法。采取污染减排措施对改善水质有很大作用。1 < / p > . . 印度博帕尔Mandideep地区石墨工业室外环境空气质量研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/studies-on-ambient-air-quality-out-side-of-electro-graphite-industry-of-mandideep-area-bhopal-india/ 2007-05-23 2018-12-08 Anand Sharma, Tiwari博士 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Due to rapid industrialization it lead to air pollution. Beside that out unplanned and excessive exploitation of available natural recourses have been also a causing for pollution problem in major cities line Bhopal Capital of Madhya Pradesh. Air pollution is mainly affecting the urban environment all over the world. (Ledder better 1973 and Painter 1974). Although ambient air quality is being monitored regularly in the city are of study. The main problem of pollution is due to


在1998年5月至1999年6月期间对曼迪普工业区周围的环境空气质量进行了研究。在若干监测点收集和分析了空气样本。参数包括SO2、NO2和SPM浓度。结果讨论了可能对人类健康的影响。< / p > . . 池塘水的物理化学研究,特别涉及水质 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/physico-chemical-studies-of-ponds-water-with-special-reference-to-water-quality/ 2007-05-11 2018-12-13 Gayatri Shastri, M.L. Sonar, C. Das 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Water is one of the most essential constituents of the environments. It is the vital source of a kind of life on earth. The present realization is clear about the limited resources and competing demands. This indeed has placed an urgency on the protection of quality of water a vital natural resources. The natural and man made factors responsible for water pollution. Seawage sullage solid wastes etc produces significant amount of chemical besides heavy metals which could adve


2006年1月进行了池塘水水质评价的理化研究。采集4个取样池的水样,测定温度、pH、总硬度、Ca、Mg等参数。表中所示的这些参数值表明,池(3)和池(4)的水质完全不适合饮用,而池(1)和池(2)的水质适合家庭工程。< / p > . . 从安提里不同地区和附近一些村庄收集的地下水的化学分析,瓜廖尔(mp) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/chemical-analysis-of-ground-water-collected-from-different-areas-of-antiri-and-some-nearby-villages-gwalior-m-p/ 2007-05-24 2018-12-08 Naveen辛格 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Now a days ground water is primary sources of drinking water. The quality of ground water depends on the ion, which are dissolved in ground water. The major ions which are responsible to maintain the quality of ground water are carbonate, bicarbonate, chloride, sulphate ,nitrate ,and fluoride. These ions are present in anionic form. The cation and anions must be equal to maintain the quality of water. Cation such as calcium ion, Magnesium ion Na+, K+ etc. are also present in gr



马哈拉施特拉邦Jalgaon地区Amalner镇选定管井水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/assessment-of-water-quality-of-selected-tube-wells-in-amalner-town-of-jalgaon-district-maharashtra/ 2007-05-18 2018-12-13 V.T.帕蒂尔,P.R.帕蒂尔 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Water, one of the precious commodities is extremely essential for the survival of all living organism. The ground water is believed to be comparatively much clear and free from pollution than surface water. But prolonged discharge of industrial effluents, domestic sewage and solid waste dump possesses the ground water to become polluted and create health problems. The problems of ground water quality are much more acute in the areas which are densely populated and thickly indus


对阿玛尔纳镇井水和市政用水的理化特征进行了分析。11月采集了三种不同的地下水样(井)和公共汽车站附近的市政水样;2006年1月& &;并进行了分析。将所得值与WHO和ISI 10500-91标准进行比较。本研究中有3个水样在限定范围内。1个水样TDS、TH、Chloride、TA

比卡尔市地下水和污水理化参数评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/assessment-of-physico-chemical-parameters-of-underground-and-sewage-water-of-bikaner-city/ 2007-04-30 2018-12-08 Suruchi Gupta, Ajay Solanki, Ekta jain 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Pollution means the presence of undesirable substance in any segment of environment primarily due to human activity discharging by products, waste products or harmful secondary products, which are harmful to man and other organism.1 So, quality of water is a vital concern for mankind since it is directly linked with human welfare. Generally speaking water pollution is a state of deviation from pure conditions where by its normal function and properties are affected2. The expand



博帕尔地下水资源部分化学参数的变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/variation-in-some-chemical-parameters-of-underground-water-resources-of-bhopal/ 2007-05-12 2018-12-08 A. Wanganeo , A.A Naik , I.A Sheikh 第二卷,第一期

Introduction The quality of drinking water in Indian cities has deteriorated in the recent years mainly due to growing population, unplanned growth of cities coupled with no proper sewage system leading to poor disposal of the waste water, both from industrial and household activities, Ghazali (1992). On account of the paucity of open water resources for potable purpose, groundwater resources are being tapped profusely throughout the year. The over use of underground resources has led to n


由于博帕尔地下水资源的缺乏,导致了地下水资源的开发,即管井和手泵。由于人口和工业化的快速发展,地下水资源也受到了很大程度的影响。Keeping in view the welfare of human population dependent mostly on underground water resources an attempt has been made to evaluate their potable status. It has been found that most of the underground water re

铜类杀菌剂与土壤生物环境的相互作用研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/interaction-studies-of-copper-fungicides-with-biological-environment-of-soil/ 2007-05-11 2018-12-08 Charanjit Kaur, P. Maini, N.P. Shukla 第二卷,第一期

Introduction With the advent of high yielding crop varieties, the pest problems have become more acute, adversely affecting the crop yields. Fungicides are therefore, one of the major inputs in the improved technology for increasing crop production through crop protection, (Dharival and Singh 1993). A major portion of fungicides applied to economically important crops eventually finds its way to soil or aquatic system. On reaching the soil, the fungicides and /or their degradation products ma



对博帕尔各医院主要排水管中汞浓度的评估(mp)印度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/assessment-of-mercury-concentration-in-major-drains-of-hospitals-in-bhopal-m-p-india/ 2007-04-16 2018-12-08 Anoop Chaturvedi, D.K. Soni, Praveen Jain 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Water pollution due to heavy metal particularly mercury resulting from various anthropogenic sources are causing serious ecological problems in many part of the world. Poor environmental management with respect to use of mercury in the society to meet our day to day requirement may aggravate the adverse effect on the various component of environment. This may leads to the transformation mercury from one compartment of environment to another, including the biota with detrimental


对2005- 2006年卫生保健单位附近排水管汞浓度进行了研究。在本研究中报告了各种医院/卫生保健设施(HCF)排放的废水中汞的富集。汞的浓度范围在低于可检测限度(BDL)至0.02毫克/升之间。据报告,废水中汞的最高浓度来自集中了氟氯烃的普里亚德沙尼市场地区和苏丹尼亚医院附近的排水口。< / p > . . Karera区块地下水中氟化物的研究(Shivpuri, mp) //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/a-study-of-fluoride-in-ground-water-of-karera-block-shivpuri-m-p/ 2007-04-25 2018-12-08 Naveen Singh, D.S. Kadam 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Water, air and soil are the most essential components to sustain life on the earth. Safe drinking water is the primary need of every human being. Village population mainly depends upon ground water sources. All ground water sources are not always safe. Some of these have problems such as excess nitrate fluoride. Fluoride is known to cause a variety of health problems viz dental fluorisis, skeletal fluorosis and non skeletal fluorosis. Fluorite occurs as vein mineral of fluorite.


对从Karera Block (Shivpuri mp)不同地区收集的84个地下水样本进行了氟化物分析,在Dumduma样本中观察到的氟化物最高浓度为4.23 mg/L

住宅排风机能效评价试验台 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/a-test-bed-for-evaluation-of-energy-efficiency-of-residential-exhaust-fans/ 2007-06-12 2018-12-12 K.S. Niaki, F. Farhani, A. Anvari, M. Rezvani, J. Mahmoodi 第二卷,第一期

Introduction The rapid increase in the number of residential exhaust fans used in HVAC systems has resulted in corresponding increase in energy consumption of the residential sector in the country. Therefore, optimization of energy consumption is an important consideration in the design and production of residential exhaust fans. Therefore, design and construction of a standard test bed for estimation of energy performance of this class of fans is an urgent need. The test bed not only provi


设计并搭建了住宅排风机风量、通风率(VER)测试台。该试验台可以精确测量空气流量、风机能效等气流参数。本文所介绍的试验台,对我国住宅风机的设计改进也有一定的参考价值。目前,该试验台正在一个正在进行的消费标准编制项目中使用。 尼日利亚恩卡拉古水泥厂附近的埃比河和奥拉河水质参数评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/assessment-of-water-quality-parameters-in-ebe-and-ora-rivers-around-the-vicinity-of-the-nigerian-cement-factory-nkalagu/ 2007-06-14 2018-12-12 G.E. Nwajei 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Environmental problem in Nigeria are numerous. They include inefficient wastes disposal, poor sewage systems, oil spills, poor urban planning and over population. All these lead to air and water pollution. These anthropogenic activities are largely caused by the poor living habits of many Nigerians and unhealthy practices of factories and other corporate bodies&rsquo; pollution in water affects not only water quality but also could be dangerous to aquatic life (Sanudo-Wilhe


对在Nkalagu的尼日利亚水泥厂附近收集的Ebe河和Ora河的水质参数进行了评估,以确定两条河的污染状况。除金属采用原子吸收分光光度法测定外,其余参数均采用标准分析方法测定。得到的结果表明,在分析参数的水平上有变化,它们都被检测到。T < / p > . . 喜马拉雅雪化学:来自克什米尔山谷的新鲜雪样品的化学成分 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/himalayan-snow-chemistry-chemical-composition-of-fresh-snow-samples-from-kashmir-valley/ 2007-04-27 2018-12-12 F.A. Lone, M.A. Khan 第二卷,第一期

Introduction Various attempts have been made (,Reynolds, 1983, Jenkins et al 1987; Gunz and Hoffman, 1990; Marinoni et al, 2001; Toom-Sauntry and Barrie, 2002; Rohrbough et al 2003; Walker et al 2003 Kang et al 2005) to document the chemical composition of snow in different parts of the world. However, except for sporadic studies (,Naik et al 1995; Sarfaraz et al 2001; Lone and Khan 2007) research on snow chemistry of mountain- clad Kashmir Himalayan valley has been ignored. In order to rem


本文研究了冬季(12 - 2月)频繁降雪的克什米尔喜马拉雅山谷6个地区不同地点的雪化学变率。新鲜雪样品的化学成分在pH值(5.8;ndash;7.3)、溶解氧含量(22-26 mg L-1)和总碱度(2-3 mg L-1)方面变化很大。钙含量(mg L-1) (13.3;28)、镁(8-12)、氯(15-30)、硫酸盐(2-8)、硅酸盐(1-4)和硝酸盐(1.9-3)。

制浆造纸工业未处理与处理废水理化特性的相关性研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol2no1/correlation-study-on-physicochemical-characteristics-of-untreated-and-treated-effluents-of-pulp-and-paper-industry/ 1970-01-01 2007-06-21 p.p. Wani和S.R. Thorat 第二卷,第一期 < p > < / p > . .

本调查报告了位于印度Jalgaon Bhusawal区附近的纸浆和造纸工业处理和未处理废水的特征。在目前的研究中,我们发现即使是经过处理的废水也会受到严重污染,超过BIS的限制。温度、PH、氯和总酚均低于允许值,而色度、BOD、COD和木质素浓度均高于允许值。