Introduction Historical viewpoint and a brief chronological context about animal ethics. The interactions between species that are vital for ensuring the continuity of life on Earth can be affected by the disdain shown by humans regarding the natural boundaries of their existence 1. After millions of years of coevolution and consolidation of the perceptions of nature in the sense of human existence, the implementation of farming has led man to diverge from other animals. The Classical Era t
有关。Introduction Sand and gravel account for the highest quantity of solid material mined worldwide1. China and India top the list of crucial hotspots for sand mining impacts in rivers2. Unauthorized mining of river sand causes riverbank erosion, loss of riparian habitat, lowering of river beds, shrinking of the delta, and complex impacts on society and economy3. Illegal sand mining is an organized crime that escalates social injustice4. Quantification of bedload sand deposits is significant as
…Introduction Indoor air quality needs always be within the acceptable limit because, with the current situation of the pandemic, people spend most of their time indoors to avoid the spread of diseases (CoV-19). Poor indoor air pollution quality could lead to morbidity and mortality in developing countries. It could contribute to the vital risk factor for respiratory health, especially among mothers and children1 due to dust and dirt2. The sources of pollutants that contributed to
)。Introduction The frequency and intensity of weather-related threats such as floods are increasing due to climate change, exposing more people to risk and associated vulnerability1. Assessing vulnerability to severe events like floods is essential for risk reduction and sustainable adaptation strategies2. The Hyogo Framework for Action, clearly states the necessity for the establishment of indicator systems to assess disaster, risk, and vulnerability, to enable decision-makers to mitigate po
Introduction Each of us knows that plenty of food waste is generated at Restaurants, Dining halls, Catering facilities, Markets, the Food Processing Industry, and Households. However, 40% of the food purchased never gets eaten as per the statistics provided by the environmental research, which signifies the importance of waste management.11 India being a densely populated country and within India, Pune is one of the Major cities throwing out million metric tons of food every year, valued at
..Introduction About one half of the existing forests are found in world’s tropical regions, in which about 42% classed as dry forest.1 Dry forests are closely linked to human life hence they are relatively highly utilized and are threatened.2 Research on dry forests have been limited and are less protected compared to moist forests.3 Perhaps, dry forests are more threatened among all forests, need immediate attention. Baseline information such as density, species richness, basal ar
。Introduction The current global energy consumption matrixis essentially based on fossil fuels. Oil and gas are the most relevant fuels. These non-renewable resources will continue to be important in the energy matrix in future also in order to sustain development over years. This is, therefore,imperative to know the negative impact of their exploitation on the environment.1 The petroleum industry covers a wide range of activities, from exploration and production of oil and gas (O&G)
调查26家印度上市石油和天然气公司高管对年度报告中企业环境披露(CEDs)的看法。Introduction Indian economy is agriculture based; employing 42 percent of the population and with average Indian spending about 45 percent of its expenditure on food.1 Haryana is one of the fastest-growing states of India and is a part of the economically important national capital region of the country. The state is also known as the “Breadbasket of India” as it contributes to 60 % of the total basmati rice export.2 Rapid industrialization in the state has resulted in t
。Introduction Nano based Zinc oxide and Cadmium sulphide with doped thin films has been gaining much attention due to potential applications in large areas. It is used as important material in optoelectronic application and high efficient antimicrobial activity .1,2 ZnO/CdS -NPs exhibit potential antibacterial activities due to large surface to volume ratio. Among the various compound semiconductors, ZnO/CdS with Fe dopped nanoparticles have shown interesting antibacterial activity. The Z
分析。Introduction The agricultural sector in India contributes 17% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) engaging 54.6% of the population of the country. Out of the total 328.7 million hectares geographical area of the country, the net sown area is 140.10 million hectares while 198.40 million hectares is the gross cropped area with 142% cropping intensity. However, the irrigated area is 68.4 million hectares as per the land use statistics 2013-141. Northern rivers owing to perennial in nature have
..生物排水是指利用蒸腾速率较高的速生树种的生物能去除土壤中多余的水分。通过在巴吉河左岸运河(LBC)涝地进行生长特性和生物量研究,评价了7种树种白合欢(Albizia lebebek)、红合欢(Albizia procera)、尼罗合欢(Acacia nilotica)、黄檀(Dalbergia sissoo)、长角桉(tereticornis)、桉树杂交种FRI-4和FRI-5无性系、阿朱木(Terminalia arjuna)和羽蓬(Pongamia pinnata)的生长性能。
Introduction Water resource managers and hydrologists are now concerned about the shifting pattern of rainfall as a result of climate change4. Due to the extreme significant fluctuations in rainfall trend, drought and flood-like dangerous situations might occur often12. Rainfall intensity affects rainfall segmenting into infiltration and runoff, soil movement and the amount of water available in plant root zones to promote crop growth in agriculture6. The timing and intensity of rainfall al
地区SWM降水呈增加趋势。Introduction Land use/land cover (LU/LC) change has been identified as one of the most potent anthropogenically driven repercussions on the environment. The latter half of the 20th century witnessed land-use changes emerging as a widespread phenomenon all over the world1. Monitoring LU/LC changes are one of the most important components to evolve strategies for managing natural resources and monitoring environmental changes2,3,4. Urban development leads the LU/LC changes in many areas in th
..土地利用/土地覆被格局的变化对生态系统功能和自然资源动态具有显著影响。本文利用遥感和GIS方法,分析了印度喀拉拉邦蒂鲁凡南塔普拉姆地区卡拉马纳河主要支流基利亚河流域(KRB) 64年(1957-2021)LU/LC变化的空间格局。本研究的基本原理是识别和分类KRB usi中LU/LC的变化
。Introduction Gum chewing is a popular activity that we tend to do merely for pleasure. Teenagers are enjoying chewing gum and blowing bubbles with it1. Besides the bubble-blowing, young girls and boys alike relish peeling the gum off their faces. Gum is extremely popular among people of all ages throughout the world. Gum is chewed by people all around the world to relieve stress2,5. As a result, we regularly see that our favourite athletes chew gum to keep their tensions and emotions in che
..嚼口香糖是人类最古老的习惯之一。它从古代文明一直延续到现在。嚼口香糖提供了一种放松的体验,人们可以享受很长一段时间。非食品口香糖有着悠久的历史。它的逐渐发展为我们提供了更大的味道以及额外的药用特性。口香糖以其缓解压力的特性以及保持口腔清新的能力而闻名。很快,,,< / p > . .
Introduction Precipitation is the important component in a Hydrologic cycle and Precipitation plays an impactful role in maintaining the sustainability of resources in the earth. Precipitation generally deals with the Rainfall events only. Based on the intensity of rainfall, it is classified into three types viz., heavy - >7.5 mm/h, moderate – between 2.5 and 7.5 mm/h and light rain - trace to 2.5 mm/h. 1 The rainfall is one of the paramount factors affecting vegetation and
的季节和年降水格局。Introduction Across the globe, whether it is developed or developing countries, sustainable management of municipal solid waste (MSW) has always been a concern. Irrespective of the conventional approach of burying the waste without any systematic process, we need to adopt an integrated approach for achieving sustainability in municipal solid waste management (MSWM)1. Various factors such as the use of multiple collection and treatment options, the interconnection between different waste sys
。Introduction Floods by far are the most lethal of all disasters that claimed 6.8 million human lives in twentieth century1; about 44 percent flood events since 1960 have occurred in Asia2.India accounts for one-fifth of the global deaths due to floods; about 12 percent of its land is prone to floods that displace over 30 million peoples and affect 8 million hectares land annually3,4,5.The Himalayan mountains are sensitive to multiple hazards6-11 of which flood is most lethal. Climate change
对Mandakini上游流域的洪水风险进行了分析。Introduction The Himalayas among global mountains is most complex, vast and diversified and produce a distinct climate1. The Himalayan forests are very diverse ranging from Shorea robusta dominated foothill forests to the alpine meadows above the treeline2. The Himalayan forests are equally important for millions of people residing in the adjoining plain areas due to the various ecosystem services they provide. The regeneration ability of a species is chiefly dependent on biotic pr
..喜马拉雅森林具有丰富的生物多样性,从低海拔到高海拔分布广泛。当地人对燃料、饲料和药用植物的日常需求高度依赖这些森林。本研究在库曼地区海拔1725 ~ 3250玛尔(海拔高度)范围内进行。参考Diversity, Richn
,对高海拔地(HES)和中高海拔地(MES)的乔木层植被进行了比较。Introduction Loktak Lake lies in the southern part of the Imphal valley of Manipur state and is located between 93°46' and 93°55' E and from 24°25' to 24°42'N. Length of the lake is 26 Km and breadth is 13 Km and the lake is oval in shape. Its depth ranges between 0.5 to 4.58 m with average depth measuring 2.7 m. Loktak lake has been considered as lifeline of the people of Manipur because the lake plays an important role in the
…Introduction The presence of harmful chemicals or compounds in the air such as particulate matters (PM10, and PM2.5), CO, O3, SO2, NO2, which not only lowers the quality of air but also deteriorates human health and overall quality of life is defined as air pollution. After industrialization, globalization and modernization have drastically changed the living standards with the introduction of gadgets like motorcycles, air conditioning systems which have made life simpler but also increased
..空气质量指数(AQI)又称空气污染指数(API),是描述环境空气质量的一种方式,用以评估与污染相关的健康风险。随着时间的推移,从Marvin H. Green于1966年开发的第一个空气质量指数开始,已经有了几个空气质量指数系统,并且从那时起已经进行了各种修改,以提高测量的准确性。这样的系统可以通过几个因素来评估空气质量,比如差异
的浓度。Introduction Remote sensing application is wide in all fields especially on aspects of surface covering a large area. Surface feature is very useful for morphometry of particular area of interest in terms of drainage. Remote sensing application using software Arc GIS is very useful analyzing the relationship between runoff, geomorphic and geographic characteristics for morphometry of drainage. The quantitative analysis of watershed gives us an idea about many hydrological aspects. Lithology
..目前的研究工作是试图研究覆盖429平方公里的流域面积,包括10个子流域,即heggadaddevanakote, Budanuru, Kodasige, Yedenhundi, Sunkadakatte, Nagarahole, Muruganahalli, Heggadapura, Kalhalla, Sarathihole。研究区具有较强的构造控制作用,10个子盆地被命名为正常类型。采用不同的形态测量参数,利用Arc- info和Arc -View GIS软件分析形态测量参数
。Introduction The exponential growth in scientific papers around the world demanded the interpretation and summarization of the research papers on ensuing information in order to assess and analyse its growth, evolution, and progress1. Scientometric analysis aims to evaluate scientific productivity of research outputs and also helps in exploring the dynamics of researchers and their research outcomes. Scientometric is a quantitative analysis of visualization of bibliographic data in presenti
..迄今为止,还没有对环境素养(EL)文献进行科学计量学研究。因此,本文旨在弥补这一差距。我们的目的是对现有的科学文献进行全面的科学计量分析,从而发现EL研究的全球研究趋势。利用VOSviewer和Bibliometrix R Package-Biblioshiny等科学计量工具,对Scopus数据库中检索到的文献数据进行完整的科学制图分析。我们分析了< / p > . .
Introduction Outdoor workers are the front-liners who are exposed to various physical, biological, chemical, ergonomic and psychological occupational hazards. Among these hazards, one of the most prominent ones are theenvironmental stresses and severe climatic conditions. They are mostly exposed for a longer period to high levels of heat and other stresses like UV radiation, atmospheric pollutants, and urban heat island (UHI) effect.1This chronic exposure canproduce severe as well as freque
Introduction Constructions of dams, reservoirs, water diversion projects etc. arrest sediment flux and decrease its supply to the coast1-3. Large rivers all over the globe are affected by dams. According to the International Commission on Large Dams (ICOLD), 45000 large dams all over the globe are obstructing the natural flow of rivers. Dam changes discharge volume of water and sediment and affects the entire river system. Sediments are arrested behind the dam and the coast receives reduced
数量的增加……Introduction The mountainous regions have a wide range of macro and micro climate due to a great influence on soil genesis processes and vegetation1. The genesis and characteristics of soils derived from various metamorphic rocks in Kumaon Himalayas were studied, and the soils were classified under three soil orders viz. Entisols, Inceptisols, and Alfisols1,2. The study area, falling in the Almora District, Uttarakhand (India), covering nearly 25 km2 of geographical area, lying between a
。Introduction Population growth and people's rising living conditions are driving up demand for premium industrial goods at a tremendous rate.1 Water is the survival of creatures, not just humans, and moreover plants and animals. Ancient people began to live on the river bank, for any human being wants water from birth until death. People will survive for many weeks without eating, although not without water.2 Earth can consists of 70 percent of water, of this 70 percent, in the glac
。Dear Readers, It is my pleasure to present before you the current issue of Current World Environment. This issue includes articles on air pollution, water pollution, ecosystem, climate change impacts, biodiversity, soil nutrients, and energy etc. Recently, COP 26 meeting has been concluded pledging for phase down of coal. IPCC AR6 (IPCC, 2021) also emphasises upon adoption of clean technologies for cleaner air. The energy sector has to align with climate change solutions in the ce
..Introduction Forest represents the largest and most natural plant community. Though, today some woody plant species like Eucalyptus sp., Acacia sp., Dalbergia sp. are planted by human being for their economical need. This type of stands has traditionally been seen as a source of timber1.The return from different non-timber forest products (NTFPs) has been undervalued. But in recent decades, interest has grown in uses of NTFPs as alternatives or supplements of forest products, which are impo
..对两种林分进行了研究,其中一种林分为矮林(Shorea robusta Gaertn)。F.由森林保护委员会(FPC)和国家林业局共同管理的林分(CSS)和由国家林业局单独管理的绿桉林分(CES)。这两个林分位于印度西孟加拉邦Midnapore东部森林部门的Bhagabatichak森林地区。本研究重要值指数(IVI)、生物量、物种多样性
…Introduction In developing societies of South and South-east Asia, forests have been the sites of contestation and social conflict to define, negotiate and reconstruct the meaning and practice of democracy, social justice and citizenship.1 The social history of forest management in Thailand mirrors a similar kind of conflict in the woods between the forest dependent upland minority ethnic groups and the aristocracy of Siam, replaced by the modern Thailand government in the later years. On t