当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 城市空气污染与人体健康:综述 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/urban-air-pollution-and-human-health-a-review/ 2021-04-06 2021-09-06 Jaspreet Kaur, Charu Jhamaria 第16卷第2期


n循环与有机食品:面向整体社会的现代乡镇社区农业理念 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/n-cycle-and-organic-food--concept-of-modern-township-community-farming-for-holistic-society/ 19-08-2021 2021-09-06 Umesh Kulshrestha 第16卷第2期

Dear Readers The contemporary urban life style of humans includes a multistorey township culture with exclusive area earmarked for common parks and community space. As per rules, around 15% of the area is to be left for common purpose. However, it may vary from state to state. The township is governed through its society generally called as Resident’s Welfare Association (RWA). The maintenance of common facilities and area is done through the contributions of the residents. This a

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地下水年龄测定-洞察地下水补给,流动系统和污染研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/groundwater-age-determination--insight-into-groundwater-recharge--flow-systems-and-contamination-studies/ 03-05-2021 2021-09-06 Krishan博士 第16卷第2期 在世界许多地区,地下水的过度开采和枯竭构成了一个严重的问题,迫切需要找出负责任的因素1-3。除了地下水位下降外,由于自然或人为污染,可用地下水的质量也在恶化。造成地下水水位枯竭和地下水质量退化的一些因素是人口不断增加;工业排放;地面路面,d

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工业废物对自然资源的影响:在孟加拉国背景下的审查 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/impact-of-industrial-waste-on-natural-resources--a-review-in-the-context-of-bangladesh/ 30-08-2021 2021-09-06 Umama Ruba, Kakon Chakma, Jarrin Senthi, Saidur Rahman 第16卷第2期

Introduction Bangladesh is a mainly agrarian nation, with people relying on agriculture for food, fuel, fiber, raw materials, and other necessities. Bangladesh&#39;s favorable climatic conditions and abundance of natural resources have made this sector a promising source for employment, poverty reduction, and food security. Along with Agriculture, Bangladesh has prioritized the industrial and service sectors to accelerate economic growth. Bangladesh&#39;s favorable policies and chea



空气质量是否影响SARS - COV2在大城市的传播?——以印度城市为例 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/does-air-quality-influence-the-spread-of-the-sars---cov2-in-metropolitan-cities----a-case-study-from-urban-india/ 20-05-2021 2021-09-06 Souradip Basu, Rajdeep Das, Sohini Gupta, Sayak Ganguli 第16卷第2期

Introduction The symptoms of the current pandemic were first reported from Wuhan (China) in December 2019, when there was an abrupt increase in the number of fatal pneumonia cases. Gradually as the virus started spreading all around the world through International travel, it was identified to be a novel coronavirus and was nomenclatured as SARS-COV2 due to its homology with the earlier strain of the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) virus that ravaged the world as an epidemic in the


COVID - 19大流行在包括印度在内的中国首次爆发后,已逐渐成为近百年来全球最严重的大流行。为防止感染传播,政府最初于2020年3月24日至4月14日实施了封锁措施,后来延长至2020年5月3日。这次封锁对人类活动、车辆流动和工业运作施加了限制;从而降低了城市的污染水平。这年代< / p > . . 公民科学、专家和专业知识。 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/citizen-science--experts--and-expertise-/ 31-08-2021 2021-09-06 丽贝卡·乔丹,阿曼达·索伦森,史蒂文·格雷 第16卷第2期

Introduction Citizen science includes the field of public participation in scientific research and has drawn the attention of environmental researchers and public alike. The involvement of the general public in research has resulted in a greater invitation for public audiences to participate in critical conversations about science, health, and environmental wellness (to name a few domains) and has generated interest among researchers, within international funding agencies, at museums, in sc


对创建自然资源管理项目感兴趣的科学家和社区团体对公民科学的兴趣正在增长。这些项目有可能导致社会学习,从而进一步加强资源管理。然而,研究这一学习过程的数据仍然很少。 使用四个不同的自然资源管理项目的文本,我们使用话语分析来调查项目科学家之间的话语实践

三种观赏植物对土壤铬污染的耐受性及其对有毒金属的植物提取和植物稳定潜力 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/tolerance-of-three-ornamental-plant-species-to-chromium-contamination-in-soil-and-their-potential-for-phytoextraction-and-phytostabilization-of-the-toxic-metal/ 27-07-2021 2021-09-06 Gayatri Sehrawat, Rita Singh, Anubha Kaushik 第16卷第2期

Introduction Various anthropogenic activities as well as geological processes lead to chromium contamination of soils and being non-biodegradable, the metal persists in the soil system for years, affecting soil quality and plant life. Use of chromium in several industries like electroplating, manufacturing alloy products, nuclear reactor vessels, leather tanning,textile and dye synthesis ultimately leads to its discharge in the wastewaters and sludge that impacts both aquatic and terrestria



印度皮查瓦拉姆红树林中小型涉禽的季节变化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/seasonal-variations-of-small-wading-birds-in-the-pichavaram-mangrove-forest--india/ 03-08-2021 2021-09-06 Rajendran Jagadheesan, Jeganathan Pandiyan 第16卷第2期

Introduction Shorebirds are well known for their long distance migration 1 and they are travelling thousands of kilometer annually from breeding grounds to wintering grounds vice versa 2,3. Shorebirds use different aquatic habitats and they are intensely dependent on various stop over sites for rest and refuel during their migration 4. Several wetlands which are situated along the coastal regions are showing critical foraging sites for various species of shorebirds during their migratory pe


Pichavaram红树林(PMF)是印度南部重要的湿地之一。PMF是许多种类的滨鸟的季节性避难所。本研究采用直接计数法对2015 - 2016年小涉禽种群特征进行了评估。共记录到小型涉禽27种,其中小尾鹬密度最高,为177.24±20.515(只/ha),斑尾鹬密度最低,为0.13±0.099(只/ha

基于gis的葡萄牙马德拉岛Ribeira do Socorridos盆地<em>和<em>Ribeira do Vigario盆地</em>形态水文参数评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/gis-based-assessment-of-morphological-and-hydrological-parameters-of-ribeira-dos-socorridos-and-ribeira-do-vigario-basins--madeira-island--portugal/ 20-07-2021 2021-09-06 塞尔吉奥·卢萨达,鲁伊·卡斯塔尼奥 第16卷第2期

Introduction Floods are one of the phenomena that become more and more frequent and destructive due to the disorderly growth of cities and the lack of adequate urban planning 1. Thus, it is clear that floods are the most common type of natural disaster in Europe, taking into account the international database on disasters, representing 43% of all disasters that occurred during the period between 1998 and 20022. Floods can be defined as extreme hydrological phenomena of variable frequency


主要目的是确定位于马德拉岛(Câmara de Lobos)的Ribeira dos Socorridos和Ribeira do vigaacute;rio流域的水力和水文特征。因此,本研究从理论上分析了上述情况下的输沙情况,从而研究了可能的暴雨整治措施。因此,在第一阶段对该群岛的水文、地质和水文特征进行了分析。因此,一个geo

淡水鱼类接触内分泌干扰性重金属和农药的急性和慢性毒性研究。试< / em > andnbsp; < em > P。sphenops < / em > //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/acute-and-chronic-toxicity-of-endocrine-disruptive-heavy-metals-and-pesticides-exposed-to-freshwater-fish--lt-em-gt-p--reticulata-lt--em-gt-/ 31-08-2021 2021-09-06 Vidhya Varghese, N. Nagarani, A. Balasubramani 第16卷第2期

Introduction India is rich in diversity of organisms and plays a prominent role in international market in ornamental fish due to its rusticity and color patterns. Despite its potential, India ranks low in the Asian market, asmost of the ornamental fish is of wild variety1. Among the total 156 species in Tamil Nadu, 16% of them were under threat due to problem in maintaining the stock, seed production, environmental factors including contamination of water etc. Hence research in aquaculture


环境监测是最近世界范围内拯救未来的一种方法。本文主要研究了重金属和农药对淡水观赏鱼(网纹水蛭和白水蛭)的毒性。研究重点是绘制暴露于96 h和28 d的金属和农药的急性和慢性安全水平。在暴露时,观察到鱼处于压力下并表现出兴奋性。结果表明,两种植物对ar

<em>Cicca acid L.</em>茎型活性炭对水溶液中结晶紫染料的吸附研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/adsorptive-studies-for-the-removal-of-crystal-violet-dye-from-aqueous-solution-by-using-cicca-acida-l--stem---activated-carbon/ 25-05-2021 2021-09-06 Sharmila Ramasamy, Anbarasu Kaliyaperumal, Thamilarasu Pommanaickar 第16卷第2期

Introduction Various developed productions comparable dyes, plastics, textiles and paper productions using dyes in direction to colour produces too ingest considerable progression of water. As a consequence it types a significant quantity of coloured wastewater. It devises improved concerning the long period of poisonous outcome of water covering these liquefied contaminants. Dyes holding wastewater is frequently unconfined straight into the adjoining stagnant ponds, drains and river. Such


纺织工业排放的废水中含有各种染料,包括结晶紫染料。这些染料对人类、动物和植物都非常有害。因此,本研究通过多种实验方法和优化条件,对酸蝉茎活性炭在水溶液中去除结晶紫染料的吸附框架进行了尝试。吸附数据采用Freundlich, Langmuir和Tempkin吸附等温线建模。Thermodyn < / p > . . 印度农村地区室内空气燃料变化对气候适应软方法的社会经济影响研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/a-study-of-socio-economic-impact-of-soft-approaches-of-climate-adaptation-using-changing-fuel-practice-in-indoor-air-at-rural-sites-in-india/ 24-08-2021 2021-09-06 Kopal Verma, Umesh Kulshrestha 第16卷第2期

Introduction In many countries majority of the people are spending more than 80-90% of their time indoors which is making it a serious concern to be taken into consideration1. Indoor air pollution has the capacity to cause two to five times more pollution than the outdoor environments2,3,4. The outdoor air pollution affects indoor air because the air ventilates through the houses5,6. The conditions contributing to the indoor air pollution are different in rural and urban areas. In the devel



孟加拉国Koyra: Khulna深层含水层的地下水化学 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/groundwater-chemistry-at-deep-aquifer-in-koyra--khulna--bangladesh/ 04-05-2021 2021-09-06 Tusar Das, Molla Shaibur, Mohammad Rahman 第16卷第2期

Introduction Water is the foundation of life on globe. The water quality is the key to all of the roles that water plays in human body or their natural surroundings. Water is vital for human life, ecological functioning, socio-economic evolution, food supply and also poverty lessening.1 The superiority of accessible water varies spatially. The varying geological and climatic factors determine the provincial differences in water individuality.2 Depending on weather, the quality of accessible


Koyra (Khulna District)是孟加拉国沿海的Upazila,非常容易受到盐度入侵。乌帕齐拉的地表和浅层管井水是天然的咸水。对于不同的科伊拉联盟,对故意区地下管井水的水质进行了比较。Koyra的Dakshin Bedkashi Union很容易含盐。因此,Dakshin Bedkashi Union的地下水化学被确定为如果地下水适合饮用和灌溉就合法化

学校可持续生活:拉利特普尔金刚学院的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/sustainable-living-in-schools--a-study-of-vajra-academy--lalitpur/ 19-08-2021 2021-09-06 总理阿施施 第16卷第2期

Introduction The term &lsquo;sustainable development&rsquo; came into light after its introduction in 1987 Brundtland Commission&rsquo;s report called Our Common Future.1 The report defined sustainable development as, &ldquo;the development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs&rdquo;.2 The sustainable development then was linked with three factors namely economic, environment and equity. Sus


绿色生活注重可再生产品的使用,较少强调自然资源。绿色学校需要改进教学方法、师资队伍和以儿童为中心的课程设置。我们有意选择金刚学院作为本研究的对象,因为它是尼泊尔第一所绿色环保学校。本研究确定了尼泊尔金刚学院学校绿色生活的不同组成部分,将学生的知识、态度和实践水平联系起来。研究< / p > . . 印度泰米尔纳德邦拉尼佩特地区选定村庄的土壤和水质分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/analysis-of-soil-and-water-quality-in-selected-villages-of-ranipet-district--tamil-nadu--india/ 30-08-2021 2021-09-15 Subramanian Arivoli, Miriam Vassou, Samuel Tennyson, Mohamed Meeran, Athikesavan Ramanan, Selvaraj Divya, Pac Kamatchi 第16卷第2期

Introduction Soil and water quality are determined by estimating the concentration of their parameters since there exists solid relationships among various parameters and a joined impact of their inter-relatedness. Ecologically, Ranipet is the most strategic spot where many industries started mushrooming, and is strongly influenced by soil and water pollution of industrial origin. The Ranipet industrial region has been exceptionally tainted for long time due to unreasonable discarding of pe


土壤和水的质量是通过测量其参数的浓度并与标准进行比较来确定的。本研究分析了2019年1月至2019年12月Puliyanthangal村3个区(1区(工业区)、2区(距工业区10公里)和3区(农田/农田)的土壤样本(顶部、底部和内部),以及Kathiyavadi村的井、井和池塘水样本。各带土壤质地均为砂壤土。粪便< / p > . . 新冠肺炎大流行及其对环境的积极影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/the-pandemic-covid-19-and-its-positive-influences-on-the-environment/ 23-07-2021 2021-09-06 Meera Kumari, Rout Kerry, Jyoti Rout 第16卷第2期

Introduction The fact that the pandemic COVID-19 has emerged as a &ldquo;Jinx&rdquo; for the year 2020 and 2021 needs no further elaboration. As of today (May 7th 2021), this disease has caused about 154,815,600 of morbidity with 3,236,104 mortalities throughout 223 countries.1 It is an infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-COV-2).2 This disease spreads by small droplets produced during coughing, sneezing (droplets travel up to 4.5 meters

.. 冠状病毒病(COVID-19)已成为全球最新的严重公共卫生威胁。在缺乏预防和康复干预措施的情况下,不同国家实施了关闭和(或)封锁政策,以监测该流行病的传播,从而大大减少了人为活动。因此,这种现象有助于通过减少空气中的各种污染物来抑制环境退化活动。
一种可食用植物<em>(葫芦巴- granecum)</em>中砷吸收电位的测定及人体健康风险评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/determination-of-arsenic-uptake-potential-in-an-edible-plant-species--trigonellna-foenum--granecum--and-assessment-of-human-health-risk/ 01-07-2021 2021-09-06 Gnaana Kaalieswari K., Dr. Chakraborty, Krishnendu Mukhopadhyay 第16卷第2期

Introduction Natural and anthropogenic sources are the two major areas from where arsenic (As) may contaminate the normal environment1. Contamination of arsenic can be toxic and fatal if it will enter the food web via water and soil routes. Previous researchers also observed the contamination of groundwater and foods via arsenic in different parts of the world2,3. Contamination of soil by arsenic may result from agricultural activities, various anthropogenic activities, etc. According to Hu


砷是一种致癌和有毒元素,存在于作物、水和土壤中,具有很高的健康风险。目前的研究是由胡芦巴(Trigonella foenum-granecum)种子进行的,胡芦巴是一种非常常见的烹饪香料,特别是在印度。同样数量的种子在实验室条件下发芽。在整个实验过程中,使用了三种浓度的亚砷酸盐(As+3)和砷酸盐(As+5)溶液,即1、2和3 mg/L进行处理

印度卡纳塔克邦迈索尔地区Dalvoy湖水质参数及水生昆虫群落评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/assessment-of-water-quality-parameters-and-aquatic-insect-assemblages-in-dalvoy-lake--mysore-district--karnataka--india-/ 16-08-2021 2021-09-06 Hebbal Abhilash, Malliah Mahadevaswamy 第16卷第2期

Introduction Freshwater resources are of great importance to man and other organisms of the environment for sustenance of life and maintaining the balance in the nature.1 &nbsp;About one-third of the world&#39;s fresh water requirement is met by naturally occurring surface waters in rivers, streams, lakes, and ponds.2 &nbsp;Due to the limited availability of freshwater on earth, it has become imperative to assess its quality as much of the world&rsquo;s freshwater resources


水是一种不可缺少的自然资源,对所有生命形式的生存至关重要。它对国家的经济繁荣和总体福祉作出了重大贡献。因此,了解水体的状况对确保它们的长期利用至关重要。因此,对Dalvoy湖的水质参数和水生昆虫群落进行了研究,该湖占地133.43英亩,长2.2 km。& < / p > . . 印度德里Sitapuri站点季风前和季风期汞和溶解有机碳的湿沉降 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/wet-deposition-of-mercury-and-dissolved-organic-carbon-during-pre-monsoon-and-monsoon-periods-at-sitapuri-site-in-delhi--india-/ 05-08-2021 2021-09-06 Sunaina Sunaina, Umesh Kulshrestha博士 第16卷第2期

Introduction Atmospheric mercury is mainly found in inorganic forms i.e., a) gaseous oxidised mercury (GOM), (b) gaseous elemental mercury, (c) particulate bound mercury. In addition, its organic form as methyl mercury can be bio- accumulated in aquatic biota1. Because of its various states in the atmosphere and its ability to get adsorbed on the surface of any substance, it becomes difficult to gather comprehensive information about the complete cycle of mercury compounds. As mercury forms



喜马偕尔邦Shivalik山麓NH、SH和连接公路沿线水质参数比较研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/comparative-study-of-water-quality-parameters-along-nh--sh-and-link-road-of-shivalik-foothills-in-himachal-pradesh/ 23-06-2021 2021-09-06 Anuja Bhardwaj, Rajeev Aggarwal, Satish Bhardwaj 第16卷第2期

Introduction Water could be regarded as a renewable resource, but in order to meet the needs of the human population and diverse developmental activities, it would have to become non-renewable, posing an environmental dilemma. Water is an integral part of life and is paramount for sustenance of the life cycle. Water resources are used for irrigation for agricultural output in addition to drinking and other domestic tasks.1 For human society and well-being, riverine systems provide a variety


研究了国道、国道和连接公路沿线地表水源水质的空间和季节变化。利用2018年和2019年季风前、季风期和季风后季节收集的水样估计了水的物理化学性质。计算水质参数(pH、EC、浊度、TDS、BOD、COD、Cl-、NO3-、重金属)。pH (6.91 ~ 7.35), EC (0.17 ~ 0.

印度拉贾斯坦邦Rajsamand地区大理石矿区地下水水质评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/ground-water-quality-assessment-of-marble-mining-areas-in-rajsamand-district--rajasthan--india/ 09-07-2021 2021-09-06 Kamod Rathore, Suraj Singh 第16卷第2期

Introduction Excavation of the mineral carried out by the two major ways that is sub surface mining (Open cast) and underground mining method. In both of the methods ground water play an important role because, due to mining geological pattern of the rocks changes that leads to change in hydrology of the particular region and ultimately it leads to water pollution or change in water quality &amp; quantity. There is no question mark that ground water is the important source for survival


本研究代表了拉贾斯坦邦Rajasamand地区大理石开采和加工单位对地下水质量的影响。为了这项工作,从采矿中心的周边地区收集了各种水样,这些水样涵盖了拉贾斯坦邦、阿梅特、比姆、德奥加尔、哈诺、昆布尔加尔和拉贾斯坦邦的railmangrao地区。分析样品的各种理化参数,如电导率(EC), pH,总硬度(TH),溶解

环境的顶峰与保护措施——兼论可再生能源对地球的贡献 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/an-investigation-into-the-pinnacle-of-environment-and-measures-to-protect-it-with-special-reference-to-renewable-energy-as-a-benison-for-our-planet/ 03-05-2021 2021-09-06 Hanumant Chouhan博士 第16卷第2期

Introduction Individuals are specifically bound to the ecosystem. However, there seems to be no discrimination that the world is influenced by human behavior. Indeed, climate warming has a substantial impact on biodiversity. There has also been a persistent increase in global warming over the past 140 years, and now has a direct influence on a vast range of factors connected with the atmosphere. As a result of the start of industrialization, CO2 and methane are being injected into the atmos



城市洪水对道路连通性的影响——综述与系统文献计量分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/impacts-of-urban-floods-on-road-connectivity---a-review-and-systematic-bibliometric-analysis/ 31-07-2021 2021-09-06 Ashok Kadaverugu, Kasi Gorthi, Nageshwar Chintala 第16卷第2期

Introduction Floods occur in urban areas even due to low-intensity rainfall due to low infiltration capacity and high run-off generation in the cities.1 The changes in land use due to increased urbanization have modified the hydrological behavior of the cities, thereby generating a quick run-off with less peak flow time. 2-4 Due to insufficient stormwater conveyance and lack of adequate green and blue infrastructure in the urban centers, the cities have become highly vulnerable to floods, 1


曲度指数与洪水可持续性的关系——以印度马哈拉施特拉邦莫纳河为例 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/linkages-between-sinuosity-index-and-flood-sustainability--a-study-of-morna-river--maharashtra---india/ 28-08-2021 2021-09-06 Nilesh Susware, Jagdish Sapkale, Vinaya Susware, Shubham Gavhane 第16卷第2期

Introduction Flooding is an imperative problem in Kolhapur region of Maharashtra. Most of the river basins and low-lying areas have facing unpredictable flood events due to heavy rainfall and human intervention. Heavy rainfall during the monsoon season in this region results in huge runoff and seasonal tributaries of the rivers. Rainfall-runoff is the primary mechanism of floods at the foothills and lower elevations1. The settlement and agricultural areas are highly damaged due to river act


汛期河道形态变化对河道弯曲度指数有影响。河流的曲度等特征也决定了河道中洪水的强度。由于降雨的变化,最近的洪水损失有所增加;与此同时,可持续发展也带来了这些问题。对河道变化和河岸进行了评价和认识的尝试研究。 人为生态变化与病毒外溢——综述 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/anthropogenic-ecological-changes-and-spill-over-of-viruses---a-review/ 09-07-2021 2021-09-06 Monica Mahajan, Khushboo Bhardwaj 第16卷第2期

Introduction In this world of rapid globalization, the essential issues that is far more important for humans have been losing sight of. One is the importance of preserving the environment and our bio-diversity.1 With increased spillover of infectious diseases from wildlife to humans, there is loss of biodiversity at a disturbing rate.2 Researchers have concluded that biodiversity protects ecosystems against infectious diseases.3 Loss of species can be dangerous for the spread of pandemics.


生物多样性保护生态系统免受传染病侵害。人类与野生动物接触的增加造成了严重影响的疾病,如SARS、新型冠状病毒、尼帕病毒、埃博拉热等。人类活动,如狩猎、耕作、人类侵占、野生动物贸易、引进国内物种、丛林狩猎、道路建设、采矿和人类与野生动物接触率的增加,导致生物多样性大幅下降,并增加了生物溢出的风险。 雅鲁藏布江水系水生巨型动物恒河海豚(Platanista Gangetica)</em>现状 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/current-status-of-the-endangered-ganges-river-dolphin--platanista-gangetica---the-aquatic-megafauna-in-the-brahmaputra-river-system/ 12-08-2021 2021-09-06 Bobita Bordoloi, Samujjal sahara 第16卷第2期

Introduction The Ganges River Dolphin (Platanista gangetica) , the most charismatic 1 freshwater cetacean species inhabiting the rivers of India, Bangladesh, and Nepal 2, 3.William Roxburgh first described it in 18013. In Assam (India), it inhabits both the Brahmaputra and Barak &nbsp;watercourse systems 3. The species is commonly known as &lsquo;Hihu&rsquo; in Assamese is categorised as an endangered species by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List


恒河海豚(Platanista gangetica)是生活在印度、孟加拉国和尼泊尔河流中最具魅力的水生物种。它是一种濒危物种,出现在印度阿萨姆邦的布拉马普特拉河和巴拉克河系统中。在雅鲁藏布江水系中,出现的 &;主要在雅鲁藏布江的干流、坎鲁普地区的库尔斯河和拉金普尔地区的苏班西里河得到证实。海豚栖息在

依米林吉河沉积物中多环芳烃(PAHs)分布趋势及来源诊断 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/distribution-trends-and-source-diagnosis-of-polycyclic-aromatic-hydrocarbons--pahs--in-sediments-of-imiringi-river/ 10-05-2021 2021-09-06 Ayobami Aigberua, Enetimi Seiyaboh 第16卷第2期

Introduction With around 240,000 barrels of crude oil being spilled across the Niger Delta on annual basis1, the water bodies of coastal communities within most of Nigeria&rsquo;s offshore oil and gas installations are often faced with a myriad of environmental and infrastructure-damaging occurrences stemming from associated activities such as crude oil transport and spillage via corroded surface or under-water pipelines, boating emissions, oil bunkering, refuse dumping, industrial effl



生物技术在植物修复中的潜力 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol16no2/potential-of-biotechnology-in-phytoremediation/ 06-04-2021 2021-09-06 Misbah Khan, Javid Mir 第16卷第2期

Introduction The exploitation of plants, either directly or indirectly to mitigate the contamination of natural resources like soil and groundwater and improve their quality is called phytoremediation. It is found to be a perfect approach and an acceptable way to address the ever-increasing problem of environmental contamination. The accumulation of toxic substances in the soil is a global problem and the development of plant-based technologies exploiting the strategies of biotechnology is


