当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 生物炭在农业领域的应用对太阳能任务和气候变化目标可能是致命的 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/biochar-application-in-agricultural-fields-may-be-fatal-for-solar-energy-mission-and-climate-change-targets/ 18-12-2020 2021-01-01 Umesh Kulshrestha 第15卷,第3期

Dear Readers I hope you are safe and doing well during COVID-19 pandemic. In spite of challenges, the authors have very enthusiastically contributed highly relevant papers as included in this issue of Current World Environment. I thank all the contributors for their sincere efforts made to enable its timely publication. In this issue, we have papers on environmental pollution, pollution remediation, water purification, COVID-19 impacts, post COVID-19 scenario of environmental education, mon

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模式与交易:改善社区参与环境科学研究的策略 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/models-and-trades--strategies-to-improve-community-engaged-research-in-the-environmental-sciences/ 25-12-2020 2021-01-01 丽贝卡·乔丹 第15卷,第3期

Efforts to meet the needs of a growing global population while ensuring ample resources for future generations are at the heart of sustainable development. The defining challenges of the 21st-century involve a complex set of interconnected social, economic, and environmental factors. Innovation in education and research will be essential in helping society address these challenges. To do so requires individuals working collaboratively across science, technology, and engineering as well as wi

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各种活性炭和灰分在水净化技术中的研究与应用综述 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/study-and-application-of-various-activated-carbons-and-ash-used-in-water-purification-techniques--a-review/ 04-12-2020 2021-01-01 Ajinkya Telgote, Satish Patil 第15卷,第3期

Introduction To keep all living things alive on the earth, the amount of water in the human body always has to be kept balanced and adequatewhich is 55% to 78% in range.1 Sitting men and women under normal conditions needed 2.9 and 2.2 litres of water every day for enough hydration.2 Similarly, the separate advice has also been made for the stage of child, pregnancy, and lactation. Women and children at high temperatures may require up to 4.5 litres of water every day.3 World Health Organiz


利用水生植物改善水质的研究进展 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/a-review-of-water-quality-improvement-with-the-help-of-aquatic-macrophytes/ 10-12-2020 2021-01-01 哈维·帕特尔,苏米塔·萨胡 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Environmental degradation is caused because of urbanization, industrialization, and high population growth. Due to the high pollution rates and their effects on various environs, many developed countries decided to modify environmental policies and decrease pollution rates and their effects.1 &ldquo;The direct discharge of water from any industrial or domestic source is called Wastewater&rdquo;.2 Various environmental difficulties, which related to pollution are create


由于人口的高速增长、城市化和工业化,水体中的金属元素迅速增加。具有高密度和高原子量的金属是不可降解的,它们存在于各种环境中,有可能进入食物链或食物网。重金属污染由于其毒性,已成为世界上危害最大的污染物。因此,减少或消除水污染是至关重要的。Utili < / p > . . 以造纸工业废水为重点的主要离子的季节变化和空间分布研究——以泰伦加纳州锡尔普尔造纸厂为例 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/study-on-seasonal-variations-and-spatial-distribution-of-major-ions-with-focus-on-paper-industry-effluents---a-case-study-of-sirpur-paper-mills--spm--telangana/ 14-12-2020 2021-01-01 哈瑞阿格雷 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Water is a prime resource, its effective use and management are considered very important for the future demands of the increasing population. The quality and quantity of water is of much value specifically in the rural areas. The quality of water is characterized by various physico-chemical parameters influenced by many natural and anthropogenic factors like weathering, sources of water, type of pollution, seasonal fluctuations, etc. causing a diverse change. A tremendous chan


本论文研究了地下水质量的季节变化(季风前&(季风后),重点是锡尔普尔-卡哈兹纳格尔地区的造纸工业废水。利用surfer软件在季风前和季风后收集的24个站点的样本的空间分布,可以深入了解重要参数,如pH, EC, TDS, BOD, COD, DO, Ca+, Mg2+, Na+, F, Cl-, NO3,- SO42-和TH显著高于规定的可接受和允许水平

美人蕉和菖蒲垂直流人工湿地对混合生活污水中重金属的植物修复作用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/phytoremediation-of-heavy-metals-from-mixed-domestic-sewage-through-vertical--flow-constructed-wetland-planted-with-canna-indica-and-acorus-calamus/ 2020-11-13 2021-01-01 Mahesh Barya, Deepak Gupta, Reetika Shukla, Tarun Thakur, Virendra Mishra 第15卷,第3期

Introduction&nbsp; Heavy metal contamination of water resources has become a serious concern throughout the world. Heavy metals (HMs) may pose a threat to the environment because of their highly toxic and persistent nature.1 Effluents from household and industrial units are directly discharged into sewerage or drainage system thus, contaminating surface and groundwater. This mixture of domestic and industrial effluents containing HMs is highly complex in nature 2 and reaches sewage treatm



控制条件下含盐含水层蓄水采收率试验研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/recovery-efficiency-of-an-aquifer-storage-and-recovery--asr--experiment-from-saline-aquifer-under-controlled-conditions/ 30-10-2020 2021-01-01 Abhishek Kaushal, Gopal Krishan, Govind Pandey 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Groundwater, a precious dynamic renewable natural resource of earth, is essential for the sustenance of the human life and plays an important role in economic and social progress of a region. During last 4-5 decades ever increasing demands and climate change impacts not only affected availability of this resource in terms of quality and quantity1,2 but also led to variability in space and time.2 Salinity and its intrusion in the fresh water aquifers is the most common groundwat


目前的工作是在研究所开发的实验模型中进行的,沙子作为原型人工含水层,并被高盐水饱和,电导率(EC)等于8500微S/cm。在盐水中注入已知量的平均EC = 467.50 µS/cm,温度= 25oC的淡水,在a

中以固定的时间间隔1、1.5、2、2.5、3、3.5、4、4、8 24、48、72、96、120、144、168 h提取。
<div>下喜马拉雅地区两种相邻树种赤松和红松的水分关系</div> //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/water-relations-of-two-adjacently-growing-tree-species-shorea-robusta-gaertn-and-pinus-roxburbhii-sarg-in-the-lower-himalayanr-region/ 2020-11-18 2021-01-01 Ashish Tewari 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Of the myriad environmental factors influencing distribution and growth of woody plants, water is of paramount importance and is usually the most limiting throughout the world. This situation exists even though global supplies of water are immense. However, the interaction of air circulation patterns, topography, temperature and edaphic factor result in uneven distribution and availability of moisture. Drought is amongst the most important climatic events which can severely imp


测定了两种相邻生长树种赤松(Shorea robusta Gaertn)和刺梨松(Pinus roxburghii Sarg)的水势(黎明前和正午)、水势组分(满胀和零胀时渗透势、相对含水量)、土壤水势和叶片电导率。海拔1370米。林分开阔,红杉树密度为212棵/ha,刺梨密度为141棵/ha。在

小农适应气候变化的驱动因素、障碍和成功因素——以越南太原省为例 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/drivers--barriers-and-success-factors-in-climate-change-adaptation-for-smallholder-farmers--a-case-study-in-thai-nguyen-province--vietnam/ 2020-12-04 2021-01-01 Tuan Ha, Tuyet Truong, Huong Hoang, Bac Ho 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Climate change is emerging as one of the most serious challenges humanity has ever facedin this century1-5. Changes of climate factors such as increase in temperature, in rainfall pattern or rise of atmospheric carbon dioxide are closely linked to agricultural sector which is highly prone to weather and climatic conditions6-9. Hence, agriculture is deemed to be one of the economic activities that would be most influenced by climate change10. Therefore,adaptation initiatives


本文旨在通过确定越南太原省当地农民农业生产中最具潜力的适应性措施,并分析气候变化适应(CCA)的关键驱动因素、障碍和成功因素,确定地方政府和推广服务的适当方法和干预措施。该研究于2019年10月进行–2020年4月,在Thai Nguyen和两个有92名小农和相关利益攸关方的选定公社。 季风影响下孟加拉湾地区ENSO与风浪气候的遥相关 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/teleconnection-between-enso-and-wind-wave-climate-under-the-influence-of-monsoon-in-the-bay-of-bengal-region/ 01-12-2020 2021-01-01 Mourani Sinha, Amitava Jana 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Random waves generated on the ocean surface play important role in local and global climate changes through various atmosphere-ocean interactions. Prediction of wind-wave parameter along the coasts during extreme conditions is of paramount importance. The concept of significant wave1 is introduced to describe wind-waves quantitatively in terms of the average wave height and the average wave period. Considering a wave spectrum, 33% of the waves which are maximum are averaged. Th



汞毒理学效应导致的金属诱导糖尿病风险:环境威胁的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/metal-induced-risk-of-diabetes-mellitus-due-to-toxicological-effects-of-mercury--influence-of-environmental-threats/ 2020-11-17 2021-01-01 Srikanta Guria 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Mercury is an environmental pollutant which produces health hazard (Marx, 2002; Ratcliffe et al., 1996). Its application is found in agriculture as fungicide, in medicine as topical antiseptic, disinfectant as well as amalgam fillings in dentistry (ATSDR, 1999). Patients with Minamata disease (methylmercury poisoning) in Japan showed incidence of diabetes mellitus (DM) (Takeuchi and Eto, 1997; Uchino et al., 1995). The study of Shigenaga (1976) showed that repeated treatment o



基于标准化降水指数的气象干旱分析</p> //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/meteorological-drought-analysis-using-standardized-precipitation-index/ 2021-01-01 Parthsarthi Pandya, Rohit Kumarkhaniya, Ravina Parmar, Piyush Ajani 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Inappropriate agroecosystem management and frequent droughts have made the drylands increasingly susceptible and prone to rapid degradation.1 Drought is an extreme hydrological event relates to not only rainfall amount but also its intensity, duration, frequency as well as distribution. The parameters like temperature, evaporation, wind speed, relative humidity, etc. also play important role in drought occurrence. Drought can be categorized based on its impact in four basic ap


干旱是一种自然灾害,在严重程度、持续时间、面积范围和影响方面难以量化。利用标准化降水指数(SPI)对印度古吉拉特邦朱纳加德的气象干旱进行了评价,并对其与花生和棉花产量的相关性进行了评价。SPI计算了8个时段,包括每月(6 - 8月),3个月(6 - 8月和7 - 9月)和6个月(6 - 11月)ti

印度南部制革工人职业性皮肤病患病率及其易感因素 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/prevalence-of-occupational-skin-diseases-and-its-predisposing-factors-in-leather-tanning-workers-of-southern-india/ 2020-11-16 2021-01-01 Panjakumar Karunamoorthy, Rajesh Mani, Beerappa Ravichandran, Dhananjayan Venugopal, Mala Ambikapathy, Shridhar Kondhalkar 第15卷,第3期

Introduction The leather tanning industry holds a prominent place in the Indian economy, providing job to 4.42 million people, mostly of lower socio-economic status. Women workers occupy 30% in this sector, among the states Tamil Nadu, the southern part of India holds the major leather production centers. The state of Tamil Nadu is accountable for 60-70% of leather production in India.1Tannery industries are the most toxic in the world owing to intensive chemical usage.The tanning industrie


印度卡纳塔克邦Chikkamagaluru地区西高止山脉咖啡种植园的水和土壤质量 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/water-and-soil-quality-of-coffee-plantations-in-the-western-ghats-region--chikkamagaluru-district--karnataka--india/ 21-12-2020 2021-01-01 Lingayya Raghavendra, Melally Venkatesha 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Water and soil qualities are the two main factors in agriculture activities that play a significant role in agronomy growth and yield.1 Studies on ecology and agronomy are focused on the water and soil as they are significant in maintaining human health and ecosystem.2 Without access to quality water and soil, it is impossible to make sustainable agriculture and life.3 Contamination arising from agricultural activities results in water and soil pollution. 4 Increased food deman



旺岗加亚盆地降水时空格局评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/spatiotemporal-pattern-assessment-of-precipitation-for-the-wainganga-sub-basin/ 30-11-2020 2021-01-01 Aradhana Thakur, Prabhash Mishra, A Nema, Souranshu Sahoo 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Fluctuations in the occurrence of superfluous weather and climate phenomena can have an unfortunate effect on the local weather situation and are responsible for an unreasonably large stint of climate-related risk.1 The fluctuations are primarily expressed in terms of changes in the environment, economy, water resources, agricultural activities, industrial production, and human lives. Rainfall is considered as a leading meteorological variable that has a direct relationship wit


降水是水文系统的主要组成部分,对水资源的规划和管理具有重要影响。目前的研究主要关注的是降水模式随时间的变化。本研究试图利用Mann-Kendall检验(MK检验)和Sen's斜率估计的趋势幅度来解释65年(1951-2015)的降水趋势。印度气象部门(IMD) 0.25º的每日网格数据

北印度洋热带气旋频率和强度的季节性特征和趋势 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/seasonal-nature-and-trends-of-tropical-cyclone-frequency-and-intensity-over-the-north-indian-ocean/ 2020-11-17 2021-01-01 Abhisek Pal, Soumendu Chatterjee 第15卷,第3期

Introduction TCs are the rotating atmospheric vortices which develop over the tropical oceanic environments. They are one of the most dangerous climatic phenomena on the earth which cause an enormous amount of loss of lives and property every year by producing high-velocity winds, oceanic surges, and a huge amount of rainfall. Generally, they have a diameter of about 500 to 1000 km extending up to the tropopause. About 15% of the world population are living at risk from tropical cyclones1.


北印度洋(NIO)地区热带气旋(TC)发生具有显著的时空变异性。与季风前(3 - 5月)和季风后(10 - 12月)季节相比,季风期(6 - 9月)TC的发生明显受到抑制,特别是在强气旋风暴(SCS)频率方面。与阿拉伯海(AS)相比,孟加拉湾(BoB)的TC频率较高,但强度较低。 Nisargruna沼气厂有机肥化学与微生物学分析及其作为生物肥料载体材料的应用 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/chemical-and-microbiological-analysis-of-organic-manure-of-nisargruna-biogas-plant-and-its-applications-as-carrier-materials-for-biofertilizers/ 24-11-2020 2021-01-01 Shubhada Nayak, Sharad Kale 第15卷,第3期

Introduction The primary component of the food chain, i.e., plants invest an enormous amount of solar energy to support all life forms on earth. Every living creature is dependent on plants for their survival, either directly or indirectly. The perfection of natural processes is evident from the biogeochemical life cycles that occur sustainably. In order to balance the exploitation of resources obtained from nature and maintain continuity in life, it is necessary that we recycle the element


利用nisargruna沼气厂是一种将可生物降解的废弃物循环利用到 有机肥料、甲烷、二氧化碳和水等有价值的产品。在本研究中,分析了五种不同的Nisargruna沼气厂获得的粪便的特征性质。这些性质包括它们的化学组成(碳、氢、氮、硫和宏/微量营养素)、持水量、重金属浓度和c

旁遮普水资源可利用性与利用研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/a-study-of-availability-and-utilization-of-water-resources-in-punjab/ 2020-11-30 2021-01-01 B Sidhu , Rakesh Sharda , Sandeep Singh 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Water plays a crucial role in the creation of everything we produce. While it is renewable, there is only a finite amount of it, and there are no substitutes. The competition for this finite and vulnerable resource is continuously expanding, and so is the demand for it. Today the potential water scarcity, mainly population-driven, is the concern of everyone due to increasing water demands and their consequent effect on our food and energy production. Climate change can alter an



Prayagraj:空气污染概况和政策建议 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/prayagraj--air-pollution-profile-and-policy-recommendations/ 01-12-2020 2021-01-01 Sugandh Choudhary 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Air pollution affects each one of us irrespective of gender, age income status and geographical location. Cardiovascular and respiratory disease fuels death from lung cancer1, ischemic stroke2, asthma3 causing erosion of quality of life. Air pollutants move deep into our respiratory system and gets absorbed into our blood circulation impairing our brain, heart and lungs.As per WHO&rsquo;s newsletter4 9 out of 10 people breath air loaded with high pollutant level.&ldquo;


空气污染是仅次于世界的第五大风险因素& nash;广泛的死亡率。不断增长的人口规模通过需求渠道喂养工业活动,伴随着快速城市化和化石燃料燃烧的车辆污染对清洁空气构成严重威胁。在Prayagraj市正在研究的一些主要空气污染物是二氧化氮(NO2)、颗粒物(PM10)和二氧化硫(SO2)。城市地区的污染概况,即Rambagh, Johnstonganj,

COVID-19大流行导致的封锁改善了整体空气质量:来自印度西孟加拉邦西里古里都会区的一项基于证据的研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/lockdown-due-to-covid-19-pandemic-improves-overall-air-quality--an-evidence-based-study-from-siliguri-metropolitan--west-bengal--india/ 15-12-2020 2021-01-01 Subham Roy, Nimai Singha, Nishikanta Majumdar, Barsha Roy 第15卷,第3期

Introduction World health organization declared an outbreak of pandemic due to SARS-COV-2 virus on 11th March 2020 and named the contagious diseases as COVID-19 due to thirteen-fold increases in the number of cases in China, with 114 countries affected and 4291 deaths1. &quot;2019 Novel Coronavirus&quot; or COVID-19 is not a new virus that causing the pandemic situation, earlier the same group of Corona viruses (CoV) known as Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003 and the


Covid - 19环境警钟 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/covid-19-the-environmental-wake-up-call/ 2020-09-29 2021-01-01 Banshaikupar Mawlong 第15卷,第3期

Introduction The year is 2020. A year that will be etched in the annals of modern history for a long period of time. Caught in its own cobweb of self-destruction and apathy, the whole world was thrown upside down, not by any dictator or war but the terror caused by the microscopic, invisible, non-living enemy, the novel coronavirus, codenamed COVID-19 by the World Health Organization. In the blink of an eye, the world changed. The world economy is collapsing and our work-life balance is distu


印度马哈拉施特拉邦Ahmednagar地区Sangamner小湖泊理化参数研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/study-of-physiochemical-parameters-of-small-lakes-in-sangamner--ahmednagar-district-of-maharashtra-state--india/ 2020-12-10 2021-01-01 Rupendra Bhagde, Dnyaneshwar Deshmukh, Shreyas Pansambal, Manish Bhoye 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Lakes are very useful aquatic resources. Lake water can be used for various purposes such as agriculture, aquaculture, livestock rearing and for various domestic use also. Review of literature reveals that several workers have carried out the work related to the physicochemical parameters of lakes in relation to various aspects in India and abroad. Water Quality of Pariyej lake in Gujarat was found poor and not safe for human consumption due to the low Water Quality Index.1 Pol


水资源对生命的存在至关重要。Ahmednagar地区Sangamner Taluka高原地区淡水资源有限。因此,需要可持续利用水资源,特别是湖泊。理化分析是了解水质的必要手段。[amp;nbsp;]本研究旨在通过评估高原地区小湖泊的理化参数,监测其可持续利用的水质[/p]。 卡纳塔克邦巴拉里地区Tungabhadra海峡上游热带鱼类研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/studies-on-tropics-of-fish-along-upper-tungabhadra-channel--ballari-district--karnataka/ 2020-10-23 2021-01-01 答:Kulkarni 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Riverine fishery plays an important role in supporting livelihoods for millions than lacustrine fisheries. It is particularly important to the rural population accounting for direct and subsidiary employment.1&nbsp;The riverine fishery resources in India are immense as large numbers of productive rivers are present. Geotropically the wealth of stream fishes appears to be influenced by both the abiotic and the biotic factors.2 Research on feeding behavior of freshwater fis

.. 肠道分析是了解鱼类摄食模式的工具,是渔业管理的一个重要方面。它还为理解水生食物网中的营养相互作用、调查最常被吃掉的猎物或确定不同食物类型对鱼类营养的相对重要性提供了基础。本研究对采自Tungabhadra上游灌溉渠

Covid - 19封锁对新兴教育环境的未来挑战 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/future-challenges-for-emerging-educational-environment-due-to-covid-19-lockdown/ 14-12-2020 2021-01-01 摩尼辛格 第15卷,第3期

Introduction The impact of Covid-19 is unprecedented and global, unlike the earlier crises which disrupted education in individual countries or regions. According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), more than 90 per cent of the world&rsquo;s students or 1.57 billion learners across 190 countries have been affected by the closures from pre-primary to higher education levels.1,2 As a result, the students are temporarily forced to &lsquo;sc

克里希纳三角洲地区红树林物种及特征的高光谱遥感制图 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/hyper-spectral-remote-sensing-for-mapping-species-and-characteristics-of-mangroves-in-krishna-delta-region/ 01-12-2020 2021-01-01 Jemima Undrajavarapu, M. Sekhar 第15卷,第3期

Introduction The flora and fauna of mangroves are pretty dynamic in nature and constitute evergreen type of varied life forms. Mangroves of Krishna delta are dominated by partial submerged selerophytic species which are taxonomically unrelated and consists of a group of salt tolerant species that occur in intertidal estuarine region, sheltered coast line and creeks. Mangroves from nesting grounds for turtles, helps in soil formation by trapping debris. The mangroves of Godavari delta are


红树林在全球范围内分为东部和西部两类,其中40%分布在亚洲沿海地区。已知的最大的红树林分布在印度尼西亚、巴西、印度和孟加拉国的桑德班斯。Odum 1971在他的研究中提到红树林作为幼鱼资源,形成最有价值的生物量。在安得拉邦,红树林集中在克里希纳和戈达瓦里三角洲,这增加了一个健康的生态系统。在监测自然和变化方面的广泛研究

季风期和后季风期Achankovil河中游浮游植物多样性评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/assessment-of-phytoplankton-diversityin-midstream-of-achankovil-river-during-monsoon-and-post-monsoon-seasons/ 11-12-2020 2021-01-01 Meera Krishnan, Praveen T, streejai R, streeja Thankappan 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Algae belong to the kingdom of Protista and the size varies from the microscopic to macroscopic. Algae are diverse inlife forms andarefound almost everywhere on the earth and it play a key role in the balancing of the ecosystem. Algaearethe primary producers in aquatic ecosystem and have prime role in the food web. They have an important role in maintaining the equilibrium between living organisms and abiotic factors.1 Phytoplankton plays a key role in aquatic environment and g



印度卡纳塔克邦昆达普拉红树林土壤理化分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/physico-chemical-analysis-of-mangrove-soil--kundapura--karnataka--india/ 18-11-2020 2021-01-01 Vijaya K.M, Vijaya Kumara 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Mangroves are tropical plants which grow along the tropical coastlines of the world. They are found growing along shallow sheltered coasts. Mangroves are responsible for several economic as well as ecological services1. Mangroves are the most productive and biologically important ecosystems of the world, as they offer ecological balance, goods and offerings to humans; performs an essential position in nature with the aid of using nurturing ecological, safety and social servi


本研究旨在确定红树林土壤样品物理化学特征的周期性变化。土壤样本是在昆达普拉红树林地区的四个不同的地方收集的,分三个季节,季风、季风前和季风后。土壤分析涉及各种变量,如总氮、磷、钾、pH和电导率。土壤pH值为3.84 ~ 6.66。电导率从0.02

低成本吸附剂固定床吸附Cr+6的响应面优化 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/response-surface-optimization-of-fixed-bed-adsorption-of-cr-6-onto-low-cost-adsorbent/ 2020-11-18 2021-01-01 M Padmaja, R Bhavani 第15卷,第3期

Introduction Tannery effluents are rampant as the most noteworthy pollutants among every industrial waste generating vast amounts of Chromium. For example, in India alone, around 2000&ndash;3000 tons of Cr+6 escapes into the water environment every year from tanneries. The permissible Chromium suggested is 2 mg/l, whereas it is extending in the range of 2000 and 5000 mg/l in the wastewaters [1]. The elevated concentrations of Chromium may cause many toxic, mutagenic and carcinogenic



基于AHP和gis的印度东北部COVID-19风险区划 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/ahp-and-gis-based-risk-zonation-of-covid-19-in-north-east-india/ 05-12-2020 2021-01-01 Ranjit Mahato, Dhoni Bushi, Gibji Nimasow 第15卷,第3期

Introduction The World Health Organization (WHO) country office has been informed about the pneumonia cases of unknown etiology detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province of China on 31st December 20191. Unexpectedly, it spread to different regions of China as well as other countries across the world, despite China&rsquo;s considerable efforts to restrain the infection within Hubei2. Later, the epidemic was recognized as novel coronavirus of 2019 or SARS-CoV-2 resulting in the disease COVID

2019年12月31日,中国湖北省武汉市报告了一种新型病毒,后来被确认为SARS-COV-2 (COVID-19)。由于该病毒具有高度的人际传染性,它在很短的时间内就在世界范围内传播。自2020年3月24日印度东北部报告首例病例以来,到2020年6月11日确诊病例总数达到4633例。在这项工作中,尝试使用分析

比哈尔邦贾梅区地下水污染危险区的地理空间评价与识别——以铀和氟浓度为例 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/geospatial-groundwater-quality-assessment-and-identification-of-polluted-risky-regions-in-jamui-district-of-bihar-with-special-reference-to-uranium-and-fluoride-concentration/ 2021-01-01 Subhash Singh, Palash Dutta 第15卷,第3期


地下水是满足社区用水需求的重要来源。利用地理信息系统(GIS)绘制空间污染特征,识别出嘉美区3098 km2的潜在污染风险区域。它位于24023& 0;15& quo;30, 25008,,,”,北纬85049’30”, 86038,, 00,”,东经形成恒河盆地的Phalgu-Kiul次盆地的一部分。W < / p > . . 印度奥兰加巴德坎河人为活动环境影响评价及概念恢复策略 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol15no3/environmental-impact-assessment-of-anthropogenic-activities-and-conceptual-restoration-strategy-for-kham-river-in-aurangabad--india/ 2020-12-23 2021-01-01 Vedant Karhade, Amol Kamble, Shraddha Vangujare, Prasanna Wadgaonkar, Ganesh Gadekar, Jagdish Godihal 第15卷,第3期

Intoduction Rivers represent as one of the key aspect of the urban spaces 1,2 as they ones served as the foundation for defining the human settlements, yet the urbanisation has degraded their ecosystem and aesthetics, often to the level that they no longer serve to the society from which the human settlements developed 3. From historical time cities have sprung up along the rivers due to availability of water, yet urbanization had adversely affected the urban rivers by the increase in the i


