Dear Readers I am pleased to present before you this issue of Current World Environment. I thank all the contributors of this issue. It is timely completed with the all support from the reviewers, authors and the office staff. This issue has a variety of papers covering atmospheric ammonia, water quality, zero waste method of sustainability, remote sensing use in environmental monitoring and air quality etc. Air pollution and poor urban air quality have been the major concerns of everyone
..Introduction Clothing is an integral part of human society. It not only maintains the basic need of protecting humans from outside environment to maintain essential conditions for survival but also a means of expressing identity, wealth, power etc. In addition, clothing has been an important commodity traded globally over centuries.1 Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression in clothing at a particular time. Earlier, most of the clothing was made to order according to the requirements of t
。Introduction Rapid urbanisation has increased energy and food demands of humans which significantly affected the N cycle in the past few decades. Inert N2 gas is converted to its reactive forms through anthropogenic processes e.g. fossil fuel combustion, fertiliser manufacturing, sewage treatment, biomass burning etc. According to several studies, increase in reactive nitrogen can cause imbalance in the nitrogen cycle,1 soil acidification,2 loss of biodiversity,3-4 eutrophication of ecosystem
。Introduction Ficus semicordata -Ham. ex Sm. (syn. Ficus cunia Buch.-Ham. ex Roxb.) is a multipurpose tree species belonging to the family Moraceae commonly known as Drooping fig, which is a small to medium sized tree up to 15 m tall, with an uneven crown. The leaf blade is frequently elliptic to lance-shaped and leaf margin is entire or coarsely toothed.1 F. semicordata usually evergreen tree. Sometimes leafless in the dry season.2 Flowering occurs between in the month of May-June.
..野生可食植物在当地居民食物匮乏时发挥着重要的补充作用。半无花果通常被称为下垂的无花果。植物部分用于药用目的。它是喜马拉雅地区常见的农林业树木,生长在海拔750至1500米之间。本研究在连续2年的时间里,对Kumaun - Himalaya Nainital地区(Nainital district) 3个地点的半种子(F. semicordata)种子和果实成熟和发芽的准确时间进行了测定。
Introduction A stream is a watercourse of all sizes having a specific course, in which minerals and nutrients (inorganic and organic matter) are essential parts, flow along the longitudinal gradient from the head to mouth. Streams located in the Western Himalaya play a significant role ecologically (vast biodiversity), economically (hydroelectric and fishery potential), and socially (sacred religiously to adjoining inhabitants). Hill streams have some unique features such as swift water curre
..Binwa是喜马偕尔邦西喜马拉雅地区的一条多年生山溪。在本次调查中,根据海拔差异选择了Kharli(S1)、Baijnath (S2)、Chobin附近(S3)和Triveni (S4) 4个观测点,并对1年(2011年3月- 2012年2月)的水样进行了理化和生物学参数分析。水温、水流、溶解氧、浊度、T.D.S、电导率、总硬度、磷酸盐、nitr
。Introduction In recent past, groundwater has become a foremost source of fresh water in India as evidenced by 61% of net irrigation and 60% of the irrigated crop production by ground water in the country in addition to 80% of the rural, and 50% of the urban and industrial requirements in India.1 Hence, the increased dependency of ground water and unobstructed withdrawal of ground water for irrigation purpose in arid and semi-arid regions in India has utterly curtailed the aquifers during the
..Introduction Approximately 27 million rural population rely on biomass for cooking.1 Fuelwood, Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) and biomass wastes are being used for community cooking. Traditional fuels being used, release hazardous smoke. Use of traditional inefficient biomass burning cookstove causes poor air quality, affecting human health, deteriorating forest eco system, global warming and climate change. According to WHO, 1.5 million people die annually worldwide due to indoor air pollution.2
..大量传统燃料如煤、木材和液化石油气被用于社区烹饪,导致温室气体排放。浓缩型抛物面碟可产生高达350-4000C的温度,因此,适合烹饪用途。太阳能蒸煮系统每天可为50 - 25000人烹饪食物。介绍了在不同机构安装的一些太阳能蒸汽蒸煮系统。考虑到这一点,一个可供1500名学生使用的太阳能蒸汽烹饪系统正在建设中
。Introduction Water pollution is the key reason of various water-borne diseases all over the world, predominantly in the developing countries. Polluted water influences the life of present generation as well as it affects the upcoming generations because of its continuing effects.1 In India around 60% population is not accessible to safe drinking water. Especially in India the incidence of birth defects, cancers and diseases related to skin, lungs, brain, kidneys and liver are several
..由于尕噶尔河水的污染,尕噶尔河流域居民正面临着各种水传播疾病。本研究对嘎格尔河水质进行了检测和分析。为加强这项工作,还进行了一次健康调查。结果无疑验证了嘎嘎河水质不适合水生生物生存,不适合生活用水。低溶解氧水平和其他检查参数都清楚地表明这一点。obse < / p > . .
Introduction Planting indigenous tree species and mixing with several other species significantly improve the conservation of biodiversity. Numerous scientific publications are offered the justification for biodiversity conservation (Frankham et al., 2002; Pregernig, 2006). The number of ecological niches in an ecosystem can be increased by growing a higher number and diversity of tree species. This has been sequentially enhanced the associated species such as understory plants (Kanowaski et
。Introduction Rivers are a perennial source of water for drinking, domestic purposes, irrigation, electricity generation, etc. Presently, most of the water resources are being polluted mainly by population explosion, urbanization, industrialization and other anthropogenic activities. Subsequently the entry of industrial wastes, effluents, sewage, pesticides from agricultural run-off and other contaminants into the water bodies both from point and non-point sources of pollution, deteriorating t
pH值升高趋势。Introduction In the past few years, a significant enhancement in the process of prevention and management of air pollution was seen, instead of this advancement, air pollution has continued to be foremost environmental health vulnerability to humans. In many third world countries, the intensity of air pollution goes beyond the maximum boundary as set by the guidelines of the World Health Organization.1 Due to the rapid urbanization and industrialization, air pollution has become the foremost
..恶劣的空气是当今大多数城市中心的主要问题之一,西里古里也不例外。为评价西里古里市的空气质量,采用超标系数法(EF)对污染物的年平均浓度进行评价。NO2, SO2, PM2.5和PM10是对城市构成严重威胁的主要污染物。应用EF法发现PM2.5值介于中~高
之间。Introduction Evapotranspiration is defined as the loss of surface water from field and water bodies in the form of both evaporation and transpiration. Studies has revealed the underground freshwater storage is quickly getting exhausted.1 Also due to different types of contamination, like Arsenic and other heavy metals, the natural salinity and pH are getting altered.2 Due to the high salinity content, the evaporation rate is getting influenced and it is causing a change in the hydrological cy
采取了一种高贵的方法…Introduction Water is considered as most essential and important natural resources for human beings, animals and plants. It is difficult to imagine an environment without water. Man can live only three or four days without water. The available total water quantity remains constant globally and is sufficient to meet demands of world living beings, its quality and improper management poses concerns of water crises. Although our planet has nearly 71 per cent of water, only 3 per cent of it is fr
..饮用水质量评估是通过选择喜马偕尔邦索兰县三个街区的九所政府高中进行的。对水样的物理、化学、生物等水质参数进行了分析。温度、pH、EC、TDS、温度、BOD、COD等水质参数为18.3 ~ 21.2℃、6.95 ~ 7.13、0.24 ~ 0.51 mg -1、107.90 ~ 194.02 mg -1、0.69 ~ 2.26 mg -1、56.50 ~ 119.75 mg -1;< / p > . .
Introduction The challenges of agricultural development today are not only to meet food needs, but also must be more environmentally friendly. Food demand is expected to continue to increase with an increasing population.1,2 The increasing need for food both from food crops, horticulture, plantations, andanimal husbandry spurs productivity in the agricultural sector which triggers an increase in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the agricultural sector.3–5 In Indonesia, the agricult
..本文旨在确定区域政策(RAD GRK)和人口对印度尼西亚陆地农业(粮食作物、园艺和种植园)环境库兹涅茨曲线(EKC)假设下温室气体减排的影响。本研究采用省级面板数据,采用GMM系统方法进行处理。本研究的结论证明了印尼陆地农业部门EKC假说的发生,拐点为Rp. 44,201,600 /
。Introduction Uttarakhand state is highly enriched with its vegetation including wild edible fruits due to its varied eco-geographical and eco-climatic conditions (Saklani et al; 2011). Central Himalaya is an important source of wild edible fruit species. These wild edible fruits species grow abundantly across an altitudinal gradient of Himalaya and the majority of them bear fruits during summer (Maikhuri et al; 2009). Wild edible plants refer to species that are harvested or collected from th
..本论文的目的是观察喜马拉雅地区喜玛拉雅叶猴(Presbytis entellus)食用的一些野生可食性果实种类及其再生情况。野生可食用水果不仅是补充食物的来源,具有营养均衡的饮食、药物、牛饲料和燃料,而且还具有该地区农村人口的创收潜力。研究了喜马拉雅叶猴(Presbytis entellus)的饮食
。Introduction The discovery of residues of xenobiotic compounds in tissues of fish and other aquatic organisms since the early 1960s caused increased attention of the scientific fraternity towards their bioaccumulation in living organisms. It is possible to predict what happens to such substances in the environment by comparing the extent to which they accumulate in living systems in comparison with the medium in which they exist. It is also possible to determine and compare the extent of conc
..本工作旨在了解多氯联苯(PCBs) PCB 126和PCB 169在Puntius ticto鱼组织中的生物积累动力学和生物浓度因子(BCF)。采用连续进料系统进行研究。鱼类组织中的生物浓度已经用一级摄取模型进行了总结。鱼连续暴露于多氯联苯30天,这一暴露被用来计算BCF的稳定状态。鳃组织
..Introduction Soil is a crucial element of several terrestrial ecosystems by itself, it hosts enormous biodiversity, both in terms of species abundance and functionality. The soil is a biological medium for plant growth (Ghorade, 2013). It is crucial fact that water covers approximately 71% of total surface of Earth and about 3% of water is fresh. Out of these approximately 3% of water, 2.5% water is available in Antarctica in the solid form i.e. ice (Bhadra et al., 2014). Water plays an impe
..本研究的目的是研究Gautala保护区15个地点土壤理化参数的季节变化。土壤是由最重要的自然因素组成的,它是由环境中存在的岩石风化而形成的。本次调查是为了研究2017-18年Gautala保护区森林土壤的物理化学参数,分为三个季节间隔,即雨季、冬季和夏季。s < / p > . .
Introduction The biota of aquatic systems affects directly or indirectly human beings. Among all the freshwater aquatic biota, zooplankton is able to reflect the physical and chemical parameters as well as secondary productivity potential of aquatic systems.1 Zooplankton provides several advantages as indicators of environmental quality in lotic and lentic water bodies.2 Zooplankton distribution shows wide spatio-temporal variations because of the various limnological factors on individual sp
..Introduction A greater part of the natural aquatic environment is faced with the risk of a shrinking genetic base and biodiversity due to the haphazard use of pesticides.1 Pesticides have been used for centuries in agriculture for increased food production by destroying undesirable bugs and to control disease vectors.2 Pesticides that reach the water frame can accumulate in fish and molluscs which might be dangerous to humans whilst ingested.3 Fishes are vulnerable to toxic substances and t
..农药及其元素的广泛传播和毒性严重影响了水生环境,并对相关生物产生了负面影响。本研究通过对马拉硫磷和印楝油单独及联合使用对淡水鱼(Oreochromis mossambicus)的影响,结合生物化学和组织病理学研究,探讨其对肝脏、肾脏等不同靶器官的影响。值< / p > . .
Introduction Water plays a crucial role in boosting the world economy. The fresh water used by humans which is used for agriculture is approximately 70%. Fishing in salt and freshwater bodies is the primary source of food in many parts of the world. Most of the long distance trade of commodities (oil and natural gas) as well as the manufactured products are transported by the boats through rivers, seas, lakes and the canals. In the industries and homes large quantities of ice, water and steam
..这项工作的目的是发现Dejla Dewda水库物理化学性质的季节变化。本调查于2016年11月至2017年12月期间对其理化特性进行了研究和分析。从3个采样站采集水样,分析了水温、透明度、碱度、氯化物、硫酸盐、硝酸盐、磷酸盐、总溶解固体(TDS)、生物氧dema
等水体理化参数的变化情况。Introduction Natural capital embraces the living and nonliving components of ecosystems that contribute to the generation of goods and services for people but excludes human beings and articles made by them. Natural capital refers to the natural environment around us that provides the goods and services to sustain life on this globe.1,2,3,4,&5 It includes soil, air, water, plant and animal biomass, forests, fish populations, mineral deposits, etc. Natural capital stock can be classifi
的严重威胁。Introduction Evaluation of LULC change is an essential aspect of planning and management activities. Information on LULC change is significant for the preparation and execution of land management. Change Detection is an important procedure and necessary for updating LULC for management of the land environment. The significance of this study area as Patna is the capital city of Bihar situated along the confluence of River Ganges. The City Patna (PMC) is a fast-growing city and emerging trade
..土地利用/土地覆盖变化评价是城乡发展的重要方面。本文研究了印度恒河平原中部巴特那市政公司(Patna Municipal Corporation, PMC)地区环境脆弱区土地利用价值(LULC)方面的变化。我们提供遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术来划定研究区域的土地利用利用类型,包括水体、农田、休耕地、荒地、建设用地和植被。LULC映射
..Introduction Sun-bathing or basking is a behaviour seen in birds for many kinds of reasons (Kennedy, 1969).Thermoregulation phenomenon is observed in a wide variety of avian species including large falconiformes, King Vulture (Sacoramphus papa), White-backed vulture (Gyps africanus), Indian King vulture (Sarcogyps calvus) and Bald eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus); various species of Psittaciformes, Piciformes, Coracciformes, Columbiformes, Ciconiiformes, Corvidae and passerine birds. The ther
..长嘴秃鹰是温血动物,它们通过太阳辐射调节体温。体温调节行为对生物的生存和适应性起着重要的作用。它还在清除外生动物,清洁身体和羽毛,消除沙粒,翅膀灵活性方面发挥重要作用,并且在长途飞行中也有帮助。冬季记录的最大温度调节时间为(680±95.65),最小温度调节时间为(516.07 ±68.66) s,
。Introduction A vertebrate has notochord during its embryonic development which is replaced by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column or backbone in adults. The subphylum Vertebrata comprises seven classes of living animals namely Cyclostomata, Chondrichthyes, Osteichthyes, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves and Mammalia. First four are popularly known as Anamniota and last three as Amniota (Verma and Praksh, 2020a). The angiosperms are well developed and highly evolved group of plants in which there
2种。Introduction The approach of Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) for the preparation of land use land cover (LULC) mapping is an essential aspect of planning and development activities for land resource management. The study City Patna (PMC) is a fast developing city and emerging economic epicentre in Bihar. The population of the city (PMC) is growing day by day, and rapid migration from the different parts of the Bihar resulted from rapid urbanization.1 So, these p