Dear Readers, In a way the spread of COVID-19 has forced the globe to halt all outdoor manmade activities for the longest period in the memories of the present population of this planet. This lockdown will probably be be marked in history forever. Nevertheless, this shutdown is a rejuvenation of the Earth, environment and human health systems. Despite the sudden changes to the daily behaviour of humans, our surrounding ecological systems are enjoying holistic and positive changes. This is a k
…Introduction Air quality standards The issue of air quality in the National Capital Region (NCR) Delhi is a matter of public concern. Poor air quality has various harmful effects on the environment and human health causing smog, acid rain, reduced visibility and increasing premature deaths, asthma attacks and chronic respiratory illness.1,2,3 In general, poor air quality of Delhi is due to high concentrations of the PM2.5 and PM10 which have been reported violating the limits of N
…Introduction Over the years, rivers are progressively subjected to environmental stress caused by human intervention.1 Water quality of a river is being carved up by several interrelated factors, which are subjected local and temporal variations in addition to discharge.2 As a result of increased anthropogenic pressure including pollution, large-scale damming, sand mining etc., the natural self purification capacity of rivers becomes restricted to a minimal level.3 Excessive loading of nutrie
..环境指标和污染指数是评价湿地生态系统水质的指标。因此,本研究的重点是建立水质和阐明印度西南海岸喀拉拉邦卡拉马纳河(KR)的污染状况。卡拉马纳河流域;KRB (n = 6;L= 68公里,A=695平方公里),是Thiruvananthapuram市家庭和饮用水的主要水源。基利河(n= 5;L= 24 km, A= 102 km2), KR的最大支流携带重
。Introduction The construction industries play an important role in country development. Generally, construction workers perform their activities in open sky, various weather conditions as well as unsafe workplaces. That is why the construction workers around the world face various occupational injuries.1 Tahir et al.,2 depicted that, construction sectors as industry having the capability of making different risks and perils to agents with the capacity of bringing about injur
…Introduction Floodplains are one of the most important and fertile ecosystems of the earth. These are depositional smooth features created by the river along its course (Wooldridge and Morgan 1959; Wolman and Leopold 1970; Gregory and Willing 1973) characterized by periodical overflow of river and wet and dry spells. Regular floods are an important characteristic of the floodplains which deposit a layer of fertile soil. Several great ancient civilizations of the world developed in the floodpl
..Introduction Plastic materials are used almost everywhere from ordinary polythene bag to biomedical fields. Although plastic is a major environmental pollutant1 in the environment. Petroleum derived plastics accumulation2 is a major cause of pollution for the environment and its adverse effect destroying the balance in the eco system. So it is a novel approach to produce plastic using microbes and bioplastic3 is the answer of this problem. These biopolymers can break down into biomass, water
。Introduction In Nigeria, the poor structure and framework for the utilization of gas deposits associated with crude oil drilling has led to the continuous flaring of reusable gases (Ajugwo, 2013; Ifenkwe et al., 2018) and the consequent loss of foreign exchange earnings to the country. Following the presence of numerous gas flaring stacks at Imiringi community, some of the most affected environmental aspects include the surrounding vegetation, agricultural farm lands and the overall health o
..Introduction To meet the increasing demand of the population, massive exploitation of environmental resources has taken place in the recent times and is ongoing every day. Threats to environment from the progressive deterioration of the biosphere have emerged as one of the primary issues of the recent times. Various human induced activities have direct and indirect impacts on the environment. Stone crushing and quarrying is one of such activity. Though socioeconomically stone crushing and qua
Introduction Basra is the largest city in southern Iraq and the third-largest city in Iraq in terms of area and population density, with a population of about 2.5 million according to estimates in 2014. It is the administrative and political Centre of the province of Basra, which is the economic capital of Iraq, and also Iraq's main port. It is located in the far south of Iraq on the west bank of the Shatt Al-Arab River. The Shatt Al-Arab consists of the confluence of the Tigris and
的物理和化学特性来检查其水质。Introduction Sanitation is directly related to public health and a variety of health related facilities are provided by the government to the society but basically public health is associated with sanitation. In general, sanitation is the responsibility of local bodies like Nagar Nigam, Nagar Palika Parishad and Nagar Panchayat at urban level and Gram Panchayat and Jila Panchayat at rural level. Though these bodies are responsible for multiple services like education, registration of birth/
..Introduction The algal blooms produced by cyanobacteria have shading effect on the lower layers, resulting in more respiratory activities below the surface and suffocation of fauna.1,2 Some freshwater algae e.g. Microcystics, Chlorella, Trichodesmus and Phormidium are harmful as they produce biomass which generate bad smell, causing de-oxidation and damage to aquatic life.3 The excessive growth of some species microalgae especially those of Microcysticsa nd Lyngbya lead to anoxia (lack of oxy
。Introduction Untreated and semi-treated effluents from tanneries and other industries are often discharging in to the environment, particularly in developing countries. Farmers’ are ignorance about the hidden toxicity of such heavily polluted discharges and their subsequent negative impacts has led to its continued use in cultivation of cereals, vegetables and others economically important plants.1 The discharge from various sub-processes in tanneries like bathing, pickling, tanning
。Introduction Human induced perturbances and hydrological conditions such as amount of precipitation, water loss due to high heat inducers can modify the physical and chemical characteristics such as soil salinity, nutrient availability, pH, sediment properties and degree of substrate anoxia. These changes in physico - chemical environment have direct impact on the biotic component of the water body. The ecological parameter of such water bodies may provide clues for understanding the key rela
..通过水坝建设、河流管理工程等人为活动,间接地通过流域景观的开发和干扰,特别是废水排放和森林砍伐,日益威胁到全世界淡水系统的环境完整性。为了获取“Ropar Weland”的月度和季节变化,于2015年10月至2017年9月在
对各种理化参数进行了研究。Introduction Indian power generation is in majority dependent on coal-based thermal power station. The coal combustion products produced every year is around 112MT (million tons) in India and it exceeds 225 MT by 2017[Singh, 2012]. Impact assessment of fly ash on environmental are very complex and detailed research is important and analysis of the side-effects on plants and soil is need of the hour. Sustainable agriculture needs careful use of any organic amendments to improve the fertility
的影响。Introduction Environmental pollution and energy shortages have become the major sectors restricting progress and economical development of the country.1–4 Some researchers have explored nowadays various solar applications for simultaneous solar fuel cells and photocatalysis using iron-graphene oxide-titanium phosphate,5 photocatalysis with cadmium sulphide,6 transition metals doped CuO for heterojunction solar cells,7 carbon nanotubes on cobalt-iron-silica electrocatalysis.8 Active