当前世界环境 www.a-i-l-s-a.com 当前世界环境 en - us 大气污染物远距离迁移和土地利用变化对喜马拉雅生态系统的威胁 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/threats-to-himalayan-ecosystem-due-to-long-range-transport-of-air-pollutants-and-land-use-changes/ 24-04-2019 2019-05-20 Umesh Kulshrestha 第14卷第1期

Dear Readers I am glad to present before you the April 2019 issue of the journal. I thank all the reviewers, editors and the journal office for their cooperation in the timely publication of the issue. This issue includes diversified articles covering emerging research topics. The theme of this editorial is the threats to the Himalayan Ecosystem which is threatened by expanding local anthropogenic activities and transported pollution. The energy and food needs of mankind have significant i

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植物维持凉爽环境和有氧条件的自然过程 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/natural-processes-of-plants-to-maintain-a-cool-environment-and-aerobic-conditions/ 25-04-2019 2019-05-21 Sarwoko Mangkoedihardjo 第14卷第1期


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公民科学作为环境科学家和自然保护管理者的工具 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/citizen-science-as-a-tool-for-environmental-scientists-and-conservation-managers/ 01-05-2019 2019-05-28 丽贝卡·乔丹 第14卷第1期


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大气活性氮研究综述:南亚视角 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/an-overview-of-atmospheric-reactive-nitrogen-research--south-asian-perspective/ 06-04-2019 2019-05-24 Moh Naseem, Umesh Kulshrestha 第14卷第1期

Introduction In spite of frequent and significant alterations in the past, the earth&rsquo;s environment has been amazingly constant for the past ten thousand years.1,2 This period is known as Holocene. In the Holocene&nbsp;epoch, nature driven the environmental change, by virtue of that regular temperature, biogeochemical flow, and freshwater availability, all confined within a comparatively narrow range, which allowed human development. But ever since the industrial revolution, the


前所未有的Nr增加正在引起富营养化、臭氧消耗和气候变化等环境问题。过量的Nr生成还会导致植物和人类健康状况不佳、土壤酸化、地下水污染等。南亚地区人口约占世界的四分之一,土地面积仅占全球陆地总面积的4.9%,却消耗了全球60%的肥料养分。印度是合成pro的最大消费国。 基于MIKE 11nam模型的降雨径流模拟 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/rainfall-runoff-modeling-using-mike-11-nam-model/ 26-04-2019 2019-05-22 Pushpendra Kumar, A.K. Lohani, A.K. Nema 第14卷第1期

Introduction While modelling the rainfall-runoff process of a basin it is to be noted that this process is highly nonlinear and time-varying. Such properties of this hydrological process indicate that it is always a challenging task to describe it by simple models. In reality, the response of a catchment show high temporal variability throughout the year and this variability depends on rainfall pattern (both temporal and spatial), evaporation, catchment characteristics and many other hydrolog


流域规划和管理主要基于对流域径流的准确评估和预测。各种研究人员不断努力,通过开发各种模型来准确评估降水产生的径流。在本文中,概念水文MIKE 11 NAM方法被用于开发印度恰蒂斯加尔邦Seonath河流域arpassub -流域的径流模拟模型。NAM模型已使用

西北喜马拉雅山脉中山水质时空变化评价——水质指数法 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/assessment-of-spatial-and-temporal-variation-of-water-quality-in-mid-hills-of-north-west-himalayas--a-water-quality-index-approach/ 2019-05-09 Ajay Singh, Satish Bhardwaj 第14卷第1期

Introduction Water, the most precious resource of the planet earth assumes vital importance for sustainable environmental health in the present century because of its persistent exploitation across the globe. The deterioration of groundwater and surface water quality is alarmingly high.1 Typically water gets contaminated by various factors such as the population explosion, rapid urbanization and agricultural development, which are continuously contributing to the degradation of the water sour


今天,由于城市化、工业化、交通等原因导致饮用水质量下降,全球饮用水质量已成为一个环境问题。索兰是一个快速发展的地区和工业中心,最近面临着水传播腹泻病的爆发。因此,本研究在季风和季风后季节对疾病负担地区的水质进行了评估。水源pH值在6.92 ~ 7.43之间,wa

生物塑料andndash;石化塑料的环保替代品 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/bioplastics--ndash--an-eco-friendly-alternative-to-petrochemical-plastics/ 2019-05-06 2019-05-31 M. Muthusamy, Sivakumar prasasivam 第14卷第1期

Introduction Plastics are used in varied applications and have become an integral part of our society. The global cumulative production of plastics for the past 13 years is half the plastics produced from 1950 onwards.1 The global plastic production is also expected to increase in the future. The increasing rate of global plastic consumption for the next 20 years is anticipated to reach the production levels of more than 600 metric tonnes.2 It is an undeniable reality that our mother earth is


塑料有多种用途,已成为我们日常生活中必不可少的一部分。在过去的半个世纪里,塑料的使用量增加了20倍,预计在未来的20年里还会再翻一番。据全球估计,每年约生产3.3亿吨塑料。塑料的生产、使用和处置成为一个持久的、潜在的环境公害。塑料的不当处理最终进入了我们的环境,导致了污染。 印度奥里萨邦沿海地区渔民生计对气候变化的脆弱性评估 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/an-assessment-of-vulnerability-of-fishers-livelihood-to-climate-change-in-coastal-odisha--india/ 2019-03-23 2019-05-09 Sambit Priyadarshi , S. Ojha , Arpita Sharma 第14卷第1期

Introduction Experts opine climate change adversely impacts multiple sectors challenging the livelihood and food security of high natural resource-dependent communities, especially fishing communities and fishery-based livelihoods.1 Marine fishery is susceptible to a wide range of climate change implications, which range from ecological impacts, like loss of coastal wetlands, coral bleaching, increased acidification of oceanic water, changes in freshwater inflow,2 to human side impacts, such


在印度东海岸的奥里萨邦进行了一项研究,目的是评估渔业和农业的脆弱性。生计对气候变化的影响。选择该州作为研究对象,是因为它被认为是受气候变化影响最严重的州之一。我们采访了来自Balasore和Ganjam两个地区的120名渔民,通过考虑他们对气候变化的暴露程度、敏感性和适应能力来评估他们生计的脆弱性。composi < / p > . . 用多元线性回归分析拉贾斯坦邦降水降尺度 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/downscaling-of-precipitation-using-multiple-linear-regression-over-rajasthan-state/ 2019-05-09 2019-05-27 Poonam Mahla , A.K. Lohani, V. K. Chandola, Aradhana Thakur, C.D. Mishra, Aparajita Singh 第14卷第1期

Introduction The natural as well as socioeconomic variability of state Rajasthan which includes water resource management, agriculture, forestry, tourism etc. are highly influenced by a key component of hydrological cycle i.e. precipitation. Therefore, it is necessitated for predicting future precipitation change since it is an input for climate impact model to assess the consequences of global change in the climate. GCMs under climate input model often found inadequate due to the limited dep



环境影响评价与环境管理计划:以印度古吉拉特邦克奇为例 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/environmental-impact-assessment-and-environmental-management-plan--a-case-study-of-kachchh--gujarat--india/ 2019-04-02 2019-05-09 Hiren Soni, V. Kumar, Pankaj Joshi 第14卷第1期

Background Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) alludes to the monitoring of the effects liable to emerge from a noteworthy task (or other activity) essentially influencing the normal and man-made condition.1 The official evaluation of the feasible impacts of a proposed strategy, program or venture on the earth; options in contrast to the proposition; and measures to be received to ensure nature.2 EIA is a procedure for advising chiefs of the potential ecological results of improvement optio


本案例研究概述了印度古吉拉特邦Kachchh的Deendyal (Kandla)港口信托公司(DPT)和古吉拉特邦矿产开发公司(GMDC)褐煤矿山的环境影响评估(EIA)和环境管理工厂(EMP)过程的一些值得注意的特点。这些关键观点包括任务描述、选项、检查、地球的描述、开放合作、生物物理影响、社会影响、摇摆本质、总体影响评估、观察和介绍,等等。 1958-2017年古吉拉特邦中部阿南德地区近60年降水格局变化研究 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/a-study-of-change-in-rainfall-pattern-in-anand--middle-gujarat--in-the-last-60-years--1958-2017-/ 03-05-2019 2019-05-27 Kapil Mandloi, G.J. Kamani, S.S. Chinchorkar 第14卷第1期

Introduction India&rsquo;s economy is dependent on the agricultural production, which in turn is dependent one of the monsoon rainfall and its distribution. The year to year fluctuation in rainfall as well as the fluctuation within the monsoon season governs the crop growth, development and yield. Earlier studies on rainfall probability in India have been carried by many workers (Singh et al., 2009; IMD, 2010 and Halikatti et al., 2010). Rainfall, the main driver of the hydrological cycle


对长时间降雨记录的分析提供了降雨模式和变率的信息。研究了1958—2017年(60 a)的逐月长期降水资料。此外,降雨研究是理解气候变化的本质和行为的最大工具。在本研究中,研究了1958-2017年降雨量、最大降雨强度和雨天的趋势。长期数据分析60年(1958-2017)的年度数据表明,有一个迹象

清扫活动对马来西亚清真寺主要祈祷大厅生物污染物和颗粒物水平的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/effects-of-hoovering-activities-on-biological-contaminants-and-particulate-matter-levels-in-main-prayer-halls-of-malaysian-mosques/ 2019-03-06 2019-05-11 Nur Rasli, Nor Ramli, Mohd Ismail, Syabiha Shith, Noor Md Yusof, Nazatul Zainordin, Maher El-Bayoumi, Amni Mohamad Nazir 第14卷第1期

Introduction Problems with indoor air quality are important risk factors of human health in low-, middle and high-income countries.1,2 The concentrations of certain pollutants in indoor air may be 2 to 5 times and occasionally more than 100 times higher than those in outdoor air.3,4 An indoor environment has numerous emission sources, such as materials, temperature, humidity, ventilation, air exchange between outdoor and indoor environments, human activities,5, 6&nbsp;topography, micro-en



偶像浸泡活动对卡纳塔克邦班加罗尔城市湖泊水质的影响 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/effect-of-idol-immersion-activities-on-the-water-quality-of-urban-lakes-in-bengaluru--karnataka/ 2019-03-18 2019-05-09 Bisweswar Gorain, Srijita Paul 第14卷第1期

Introduction Urban lakes are inland aquatic systems supporting ecosystem through biodiversity sustenance and acts as a source of water in lean season. Recently, urban lakes are in the merge of extinction due to encroachments, siltation as well as eutrophication from domestic and industrial effluents.1 The lakes in Bengaluru are also facing similar problems as indicated by satellite images and information available with Survey of India.1,2 These are subjected to varying degrees of degradation



市售的窗口堆肥样品和私人制备的容器堆肥样品的化学成分的比较评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/comparative-evaluation-of-chemical-composition-of-commercially-available-windrow-compost-sample-and-privately-prepared-in-vessel-compost-samples/ 2019-04-22 2019-05-20 Syeda Fatima, Mohammad Chaudhary, Syeda Batool 第14卷第1期

Introduction In agrarian countries like Pakistan, the amount of organic waste in solid waste is up to 75%. Most of the organic waste is dumped into dumping site without any segregation.1 Considering the lower economic status of Pakistan&rsquo;s farming community, high capital investment often leads to lower quantity application. These are the reasons why the application of organic soil inputs even over a period of years has not been able to regenerate healthy soil to attain sustainable pr



喜玛拉雅山西北部Shiwalik山麓西尔萨河水灌溉适宜性评价 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/suitability-assessment-of-sirsa-river-water-for-irrigation-in-shiwalik-foothills-of-north-western-himalaya/ 26-04-2019 2019-05-22 S.K. Bhardwaj, R. Sharma, R.K. Aggarwal 第14卷第1期

Introduction Rivers are a much-valued feature of the natural ecosystem as these perform numerous vital functions. However, owing to its indiscriminate utilization due to the population explosion and various developmental activities, this vital resource is now under tremendous pressure. Additionally, a meeting of diverse water necessities for irrigation, human and industrial consumption has become a challenge. Further, the rapidly expanding industrialization and urbanization have also exhauste



利用遗传算法对位于叙利亚拉塔基亚省的光伏系统进行MPPT分析 //www.a-i-l-s-a.com/index.php/vol14no1/mppt-for-photovoltaic-system-located-in-latakia-province---syria-by-using-genetic-algorithm/ 2019-05-03 2019-05-22 哈桑·肯吉拉维,卡洛·马克迪西,伊萨姆·胡萨莫,哈桑·阿赫卢 第14卷第1期

Introduction Renewable energy is not only an alternative clean and environmentally friendly source of energy, but rather it is a real need especially during large scale crisis due to the possibility of its local control and operation. Photovoltaic (PV) systems, among other renewable and new energy sources, can be considered as the most available renewable source in Syria. However, maximum harvested energy due to the nonlinearity in PV module characteristics of PV system is not fixed, but r

